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PvP for solo players

lykumlykum Member Posts: 382
edited May 2013 in PvP Gameplay
we know STO caters mostly to groups and group strategies in PvP and STO in general. However there's a lot of people I see (including me) with no fleet and no apparent strat towards this greoup-centric play. whether their anti-fleet or just waiting for the right opportunity to fleet, their still not playing to the games overall design.

is there anyway or ideas to include the lone-wolfs in PvP? maybe create a separate PvP area for solo players only. fleets might abuse this by all soloing up at the same time to keep abusing the STO weak. is there anyway to solve this issue as well?

should be catering to both, it's possible, but almost taboo in STO. why???
Lyndon Brewer: 20% chance to capture enemy ship for 60 seconds on successful use of boarding party.

cause sometimes its party time!
Post edited by lykum on


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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lykum wrote: »
    we know STO caters mostly to groups and group strategies in PvP and STO in general. However there's a lot of people I see (including me) with no fleet and no apparent strat towards this greoup-centric play. whether their anti-fleet or just waiting for the right opportunity to fleet, their still not playing to the games overall design.

    is there anyway or ideas to include the lone-wolfs in PvP? maybe create a separate PvP area for solo players only. fleets might abuse this by all soloing up at the same time to keep abusing the STO weak. is there anyway to solve this issue as well?

    should be catering to both, it's possible, but almost taboo in STO. why???

    Um, create a 1v1 challenge match or look for teams in Organized PvP?
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Opvp channel link is still a sticky threat up at the top of this section.

    There are times of day it can be a bit quite. In general though at busy times there is lots of people in Opvp willing to team for a few matches. Or create challange matches. Or just talk about things pvp.

    If your not in a pvp or pve fleet at all. That's a great place to talk to people that are just like you or in fleets.

    If all you really want to do is pug pvp matchs, running into the odd team is just whats going to happen. I have seen some great Pugmade teams come together off of the opvp channel that have been very effective teams for a handful of games.

    If your not subbed jump on.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Um, create a 1v1 challenge match or look for teams in Organized PvP?

    This or learn to love PUGing.

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
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    darkfader1988darkfader1988 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lykum wrote: »
    we know STO caters mostly to groups and group strategies in PvP and STO in general. However there's a lot of people I see (including me) with no fleet and no apparent strat towards this greoup-centric play. whether their anti-fleet or just waiting for the right opportunity to fleet, their still not playing to the games overall design.

    is there anyway or ideas to include the lone-wolfs in PvP? maybe create a separate PvP area for solo players only. fleets might abuse this by all soloing up at the same time to keep abusing the STO weak. is there anyway to solve this issue as well?

    should be catering to both, it's possible, but almost taboo in STO. why???

    There are way more pug matches than premade matches overall,

    But if you really wanna stay solo,

    - 1v1
    - Just queue up in Cap and holds, mostly no premade there except hobos lol
    - Go into arena with a hit and run cloak ship, works very well both on kdf and fed side ;)

    Cheers :)
    MT - Sad Pandas
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    livinrtblivinrtb Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey there Lykum

    interesting post to say the least.

    I started my pvp adventures in much the same way you describe, the fleet i ran with at the time had very few people interested in pvp. My circle of friends was mainly my fleet and most stuck to the pve content pretty much.

    I Ran alot of random q's but was very discouraged, it just seemed the teams would always win or stomp tbe match. I even tried to reach out to a few of the players i thought where good, it met with much resistance or i was just givin por advice.

    Which brings me to Kerrat, the true territory of the Lone Wolf pvp heros where 1 player can make the difference in a battle. This is where i learnt the way of the pew, ducking alpha bops and Jemhadar attack ships knowing when to start a fight and when to finish one. The best pvp players in the game stalk kerrat and unlike random q's there is time to get feedback from others.

    The taboo u speak of is not really a taboo just that it would result in a lot of stalemate matchs facing 2 tanks against each other whould be a drag...Someone has to die....

    There is room for any type of player in sto pvp, but if u want to be a good player and gain respect heal your team mates and focus fire...

    Good Luck And Have Fun Out There...

    Its more likley for one of us to win the lotto, then for Cryptic to make a change to pvp...
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    maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lykum wrote: »
    we know STO caters mostly to groups and group strategies in PvP and STO in general.

    stopped reading it right here.

    this game does not cater to groups/group play or group strategies in general. pvp, yes if you enjoy highend pvp otherwise that too is a no.

    just my 2 cents.
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
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    seansamurai1seansamurai1 Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It would be nice to see queues for non premades.
    I'm sorry but this seems to be the only game in history where a casual player of PvP either has to 'jump through hoops' to get a game that doesn't require 10 matches against premades and getting stomped, it means you either have to do the boot camp or join the PVP channel, I've been to that PvP channel and frankly switched it off because it seemed at the time full of elitests uninterested in helping or bringing a virtual unknown in to the fold, hell, they couldn't even be bothered to say hi back after I said hi on entering the channel.
    I'm sorry but this is a game for all, so why should casual players be penalised for wanting a PvP to break the boredom of PvE/grinding but not having a big circle of 'friends' to help them?
    Are these players less entitled to have a good game that doesn't require them to just roll over and get stomped by a premade?

    Myself, I've done a fair bit of pugging with kinetic alien (and aliases), I've always found that going up against a premade just isn't fun, vice versa though I've done premades with him and a few others and its not fun going against a pug team, its too easy and almost pointless.

    The boot camp really doesn't appeal to me at all, I've trawled and researched my build, trialled it, adjusted it etc etc, the boot camp would essentially place me at the bottom so some of the more 'elite' players can be condescending because you got something wrong.
    I also don't like some of the 'tactics' being taught.
    Like warp plasma and theta radiation being used in mass, knowing full well its glitches graphically!

    It all boils down to an attitude from many that's along the lines of 'if you ain't in the boot camp or PvP channel, then you obviously aren't worthy to play PvP!'

    I understand it is a team game but simply put, not everyone has that pleasure. Does that make us any less worthy to have a good game?

    This is also one reason why PvP isn't that popular.
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    lykumlykum Member Posts: 382
    edited May 2013
    I've seen a lot in pvp. for instance that time the feds hit me with that target ally power and one of my 'allies' came in and alpha struck me to death. even if they're on the same team as you they'll still play towards letting the group they entered pvp with to win. just which team has more 'ally' players.

    not to mention you still get your dilithium if you lose!! that's exactly who no-one cares to win and a large part of what kills pvp!
    Lyndon Brewer: 20% chance to capture enemy ship for 60 seconds on successful use of boarding party.

    cause sometimes its party time!
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    maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It would be nice to see queues for non premades.
    I'm sorry but this seems to be the only game in history where a casual player of PvP either has to 'jump through hoops' to get a game that doesn't require 10 matches against premades and getting stomped, it means you either have to do the boot camp or join the PVP channel, I've been to that PvP channel and frankly switched it off because it seemed at the time full of elitests uninterested in helping or bringing a virtual unknown in to the fold, hell, they couldn't even be bothered to say hi back after I said hi on entering the channel.
    I'm sorry but this is a game for all, so why should casual players be penalised for wanting a PvP to break the boredom of PvE/grinding but not having a big circle of 'friends' to help them?
    Are these players less entitled to have a good game that doesn't require them to just roll over and get stomped by a premade?

    Myself, I've done a fair bit of pugging with kinetic alien (and aliases), I've always found that going up against a premade just isn't fun, vice versa though I've done premades with him and a few others and its not fun going against a pug team, its too easy and almost pointless.

    The boot camp really doesn't appeal to me at all, I've trawled and researched my build, trialled it, adjusted it etc etc, the boot camp would essentially place me at the bottom so some of the more 'elite' players can be condescending because you got something wrong.
    I also don't like some of the 'tactics' being taught.
    Like warp plasma and theta radiation being used in mass, knowing full well its glitches graphically!

    It all boils down to an attitude from many that's along the lines of 'if you ain't in the boot camp or PvP channel, then you obviously aren't worthy to play PvP!'

    I understand it is a team game but simply put, not everyone has that pleasure. Does that make us any less worthy to have a good game?

    This is also one reason why PvP isn't that popular.

    all of your arguments for "solo" que can easily be applied to keeping the que as it is.

    not all premades are out to kill you

    there are never enough premades on at the same time

    this is not the reason pvp is bad, this is the result of pvp being constantly neglected and force fed lies and broken promises about "pvp being a high priority and being taken care of next season" bs.

    people who suggest you join the boot camp or the organizedpvp channel mainly do, so you wont become fustrated and think youre alone in wanting to have fun.

    look around, there are plenty of people who want solo ques, why not create a team with them to go against others who dont want to face the "evil premades"

    or as its suggested, join the organizedpvp chat channel and/or bootcamp and have fun with pvp in its form, because quite frankly... it isnt going to change. if crypitc had intended to do anything about, they'd have done it by now/annouced very publicly that theyre going to do something.

    not just the (as i said above) "we want it to be better, we want to prioritize it, we promise stuff next season" line theyve fed over and over. thats all that they say publicly because they know anything else would be used against them....

    no im not bitter... im just sad that this game is the way it is.
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
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    livinrtblivinrtb Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It would be nice to see queues for non premades.
    I'm sorry but this seems to be the only game in history where a casual player of PvP either has to 'jump through hoops' to get a game that doesn't require 10 matches against premades and getting stomped, it means you either have to do the boot camp or join the PVP channel, I've been to that PvP channel and frankly switched it off because it seemed at the time full of elitests uninterested in helping or bringing a virtual unknown in to the fold, hell, they couldn't even be bothered to say hi back after I said hi on entering the channel.
    I'm sorry but this is a game for all, so why should casual players be penalised for wanting a PvP to break the boredom of PvE/grinding but not having a big circle of 'friends' to help them?
    Are these players less entitled to have a good game that doesn't require them to just roll over and get stomped by a premade?

    Myself, I've done a fair bit of pugging with kinetic alien (and aliases), I've always found that going up against a premade just isn't fun, vice versa though I've done premades with him and a few others and its not fun going against a pug team, its too easy and almost pointless.

    The boot camp really doesn't appeal to me at all, I've trawled and researched my build, trialled it, adjusted it etc etc, the boot camp would essentially place me at the bottom so some of the more 'elite' players can be condescending because you got something wrong.
    I also don't like some of the 'tactics' being taught.
    Like warp plasma and theta radiation being used in mass, knowing full well its glitches graphically!

    It all boils down to an attitude from many that's along the lines of 'if you ain't in the boot camp or PvP channel, then you obviously aren't worthy to play PvP!'

    I understand it is a team game but simply put, not everyone has that pleasure. Does that make us any less worthy to have a good game?

    This is also one reason why PvP isn't that popular.

    The PvP Community in sto is small...why because any interested in PvP have to come together...why because the game is so broken we are forced too...

    In November,2012
    A group from the PvP Community derived from exactly what u have posted here created the Boot Camp. The Boot Camp is made up of both experienced and new players, Our goal is to help those who like yourself have these concerns.I know from experience it is not nice getting waxed every time u enter the arena. Trust me Kinetic and the ~Apoc~ crew don't enjoy stomping random q's either but that is how Cryptic has chosen to run PvP or in better words
    Ruin PvP...

    I am confident in saying The PvP Community (Players) do 99% of the work when it comes to PvP in this game. With the exception of Cryptic the 1% who break mechanics forcing the PvP Community to come up with the fix. Not only that but we have to make are own matching system and when we do enter random q's we get spammed by hate mail called cheaters, exploiters and every other colorful name in the Klingon/Federation Dictionary this is not good for the image of our Fleets.

    Cryptic needs a matching system that is for sure...will it ever happen i hope so...Just my suggestion link it to our PvP Accolades 3 tiers 1st tier 0-100 players killed 2nd tier 100-200 kills 3rd tier over 200 player kills and make it work with each q FvK u would have to have 200 klingon players killed to be able to fight t3 PvP Klingons....OMFG i can't believe i just wasted my time giving Cryptic and idea that was a 1min waste of my life...
    But Ya Hate The Game Not The Player!!!
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    mavhaxmavhax Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I can't believe there are peeps that still take this game seriously enough to premade. :eek:
    Especially when /facerollin around the ques.
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    boootzboootz Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1v1 shuttle pit fights with hazards such as metreon gas, nebula and vortices ala the badlands :D
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    skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mavhax wrote: »
    I can't believe there are peeps that still take this game seriously enough to premade. :eek:
    Especially when /facerollin around the ques.

    I think people still queu up with premades simply because of the free Dil. If there's too few premades to fight each other may as well kill time getting free DIl. Besides, if they queued up alone they might run into another premade and find themselves saddled with some baddie pugs instead of their full team.

    Beyond that there's a possibility that the relatively highly specialized PvP team builds may not do so well queueing up solo in random pugs. This is just speculation, but the current cookie cutter setup (and by that I mean the setup so many premades seem to use of 2 or 3 scis in high end sci ships/carriers and 2 jemmy bugs/BoPs) seems to depend on very specialized builds and cross support and may not be suitable for pugland play where you can't depend on a team mate throwing sci teams or tac teams on you, much less healing you or buffing you. And who wants to spend cash on a respec token? Cash that won't go back to PvP development at all?

    My own take on it is that when I pug I'm already mentally prepared to simply shrug it off if a premade (or a premade trying really hard to not look like a premade) shows up to stomp the assorted group of yahoos that make up most of the pugs. Of course, the fact that a lot of puggers are just grinding for Dil makes it hard to get a good match even if the system manages to deliver a mostly even setup.

    Sometimes you see an ally's shields go down so fast you wonder if they simply divert all power to aux and let the other team rack up kills asap so they can get their DIl grinding done faster.
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    dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mavhax wrote: »
    I can't believe there are peeps that still take this game seriously enough to premade. :eek:
    Especially when /facerollin around the ques.

    Nah mav, premade pvp is serious bussiness. It is so serious that they do not want to fight each other, but rather queue against randoms :D
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mavhax wrote: »
    I can't believe there are peeps that still take this game seriously enough to premade. :eek:
    Especially when /facerollin around the ques.

    puging wile you know other talented folks are on, and making little pugmades is the sweet spot for gameplay anymore.
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    havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mavhax wrote: »
    I can't believe there are peeps that still take this game seriously enough to premade. :eek:
    Especially when /facerollin around the ques.

    Even worse part is how serious some people take themselves because of leet premade pew pew
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    devorasxdevorasx Member Posts: 693
    edited May 2013
    There are evil premades out to get me?

    Co-founder of The Spanish Inquisition TSI - Cause no one expects it!

    PaxOttomana: gawd mirror event is like fighting a tsi premade, they keep comin and comin!
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    lykumlykum Member Posts: 382
    edited May 2013
    Lol wife mentioned to me how complex this game looked even from her half-attention glances at the screen. I mean she plays the new Super Mario. says I rage too much, but it's also what I love about the game it is so confusing!

    thank you for direction into the boot camp thread, but if your build isn't in line with another build (lets say: engie nadion inversion III >>> tac cap'n tactical bortasqu autocannon) it is STILL defeating yourself via teamwork related issues which is an incredible advantage done properly.

    +1 gal 3 pack +11 orion sex slave
    Lyndon Brewer: 20% chance to capture enemy ship for 60 seconds on successful use of boarding party.

    cause sometimes its party time!
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    zarathos1978zarathos1978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wanna 1v1 - ask in the sector space for challenge. It usually works. Not always in the way you want to (I was cmdr., asked for cmdr. duel, got VA named "cmdr Shepard"), but it works. Or fly in Ker'rat. Really, it's a lot of fun to snipe Klings left and right.

    But then, I'm "low-level forever" and reroll my toons staying on cmdr and cpt levels (RA sometimes, rarely). Dunno if this would work on VA. Or if it will be that much fun.
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    pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    OPVP is a cesspool of sarcasm and vulgarity, it is no easier to find a team there then in ESD Zone, there is just as much misinformation there as in Zone, its the same career trolls there all day long, it may as well be a fleet channel. - but enough about OPVP.

    I dont always pvp with a fleet, and from some reason I still cant explain, I fair just as well without them as I do with them, in terms of win/loss and personal performance, the main difference is that certain compositions of my fleet will crush random pugs into the ground so badly that it isnt fun at all.

    For solo play, you have to think a bit differently, maybe even use different skills, and certainly get some keybinds for team messages like target calling, and maybe even critical skills.

    Target pinning is important, I usually pick the target out of the available tac's I want to pin based on : who they are, what fleet they are in, and the ship they fly based on my experience with them. Then I observe my pin target's target - and make sure that my efforts are alligned with theirs. I may even call targets for the other 3 people based on what I see my pin doing, hopefully to get more then 2 on the same agenda.

    Checking the scoreboard periodically might indicate a beter pin target to follow, or better targets to call.

    When you are pugging, dont be afraid to take command with a target keybind, especially if no one else is doing it. - Just use common sense and be a good caller. Dont slug it out with a recluse for 2:30 minutes straight while their cooldowns come up over and over, know when and why you need to switch targets.
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    thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited May 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    OPVP is a cesspool of sarcasm and vulgarity, it is no easier to find a team there then in ESD Zone, there is just as much misinformation there as in Zone, its the same career trolls there all day long, it may as well be a fleet channel. - but enough

    ....and a snip////

    1. Did your balls ever drop?

    2. Do you sing acapella in a all4one cover band?

    3. Mommy protected you from those mean bullies by keeping you in the house didnt she..

    4. Fact: tougher skin makes you a better person, being a pansy makes you a pansy.

    I swear.

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    naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    OPVP is a cesspool of sarcasm and vulgarity...

    There's also a negative side.

    (Apologies to Hunter S. Thompson)
    [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
    [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
    Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sander233 wrote: »
    This or learn to love PUGing.

    PuG long enough and you can start to acquire a feel for players you recognize and adapt.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    OPVP is a cesspool of sarcasm and vulgarity, it is no easier to find a team there then in ESD Zone, there is just as much misinformation there as in Zone, its the same career trolls there all day long, it may as well be a fleet channel. - but enough about OPVP.

    Sure there's snark and joking, like any channel that's been populated by some of the same geeks for any length of time. But, I've never seen an actual request for help or advice met with anything other than a genuine response. And, funny you should specifically mention finding a team, because recently I've been in a few OPVP pugmades v. pugmades that were so good they made me start to rethink my longstanding avoidance of organized teams.

    As to the OP, this is still an MMO, so it's not really like the game should change to cater to solo play, IMO. We can adapt. People with erratic schedules or RL demands like kids or a spouse can't always meet the most critical element of a sustained team, which is a group of guys on the same timezone on a consistent basis. But you hang out, you start a friends list (by giving a good fight, saying gg, chatting somebody up, then adding them), and you pm people from your list when you log in. Pretty soon they'll start to pm you when you log in if they're running a team.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
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    edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The most annoying thing is when you pug and get in the team with people from different pvp fleets (who in theory know what they are doing ) which for some unknown reason have chat allergy when they see premades and dont even try to attack the same target ,stay in rage for heals .Its like a pug mentality to annoy the entire group.

    so yea ,if you want a quick (some pun intended) pvp before you go to work and dont have time to make pugmades from opvp 99,9999% chances are you will be there as target practice .Only way to fix this is to make more people play pvp thus reducing the chance to face a premade.
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