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[Suggestion] Science Space Revamp

cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Changes to Science captain & Bridge Officer abilities-

Bridge Officer:

1. Tachyon Beam: No longer a drain ability. Tachyon Beam will disable shield balancing while it is active on target (counter: science team) and inflicts shield harmonics disruption which causes a disturbance in the ship's maneuverability (-turn rate).

Associated changes:

a- Duty Officer no longer debuffs turn rate. Instead the duty officer will increase the duration of tachyon beam.

b- Tachyon Beam moved to deflector main system & no longer shares timer with anomalies.

c- Tachyon Beam moved to Graviton stat.

2. Feedback Pulse: No longer 50% shield 50% hull. Reflected damage strikes target for full damage onto either shield or hull, whichever is in its way.

Associated changes:

a- Feedback Pulse now based off Subspace Decompiler stat. SubD now provides 100% of the damage output performance of the reflected % amount. AUX power increases the duration of the ability @100 = 20 seconds (max amount).

b- Feedback pulse now has threat generation capability based on threat control skill. If 0 points in threat control then 0 threat generated. If 9 in threat control then max threat generated per pulse.

This prevents the exploit of the ability by 'boost all damage types by X%' abilities.

3. Jam Sensors: Only damage inflicted by ship jamming target breaks the jam. Players inflicted by a Jam will see cease to detect target ship (either it will cloak on their end or a fuzzy/sparkly sphere 3km around the ship that is jamming will obscure it from view)

4. Scramble Sensors: Sensor stat increases the damage required for the scramble to break by 5x current amount. (really now it is silly, you scramble someone/something and in 1 shot the scramble breaks..even at III level ability).

5. Tractor Beam: Will now pull in target ship to 2km distance. Higher tier ability (tractor 2, 3) will cause a negative effect if the target ship and the person using the tractor beam depending on the difference between the mass of the ships.

Associated change:

a-System will check between user and target ship mass stat. up to = mass no change to above, but if the user is lighter in mass than its target the hull damage will be inflicted on user not on target.

Alternative: Instead of hull damage, a power drain to AUX and Engines could be the negative effect of tractoring a ship of larger or equal size than yourself and tractoring a ship smaller than yourself would inflict the drain on the target.

b- (EDIT: Added) Tractor beam ability will become a toggle so player can switch it off while it is in operation. Timer to re-use applies.

6. Charged Particle Burst: Removed as a Drain Ability. CPB will no longer damage ('drain') shields. Instead it will be a cone ability fired from 360 degrees (aka = to turrets firing cannon scatter volley) that will debuff stealth, debuff stealthsight and debuff defense rating by 'tagging' the ships in the cone with particles that allow targeting systems to track them better (duration: 15 second tag)

Associated change:

a- animation will be the same as the current burst only the particle splash will be seen in the cone area it is fired at.

7. Photonic Officer: Changed to provide a 'universal' buff to all systems. As part of the main computer, the Photonic Officer improves timers, all stats and all power levels by 2%, 5% and 10% (I, II and III). Duration of buff: 1 minute. Re-use timer : 2 minutes.

Associated change:

a- Ability available at Ensign through Commander level.

8. Gravity Well: No longer delivers damage to target. Gravity Well will have a very powerful pull-in effect and will, gradually and incrementally (aka 'per tick') debuff damage resists on both shields and hull.

Associated changes:

a- Counter to pull-in effect is no longer any 'hold immunity' ability. Counter is dampener skill stat and engine power level (@100 the tractor effect is zero'd out) or evasive maneuvers.

b- Counter to debuff effect is science team.

c- Gravimetric duty officers no longer proc multiple anomalies. Instead there will be two different gravimetric doffs: one increases pull-in effect, the other increased resist debuff effect. Max of 3 gravimetric doffs total (no matter what combination of the two is used).

9. Tyken's Rift: Increased duration and range of the drain effect. Duration increased to 20 seconds and range of the drain increased to 5km. The further from the rift the less the effect. No tractor effect or damage.

Associated change:

a- does not share timer with energy siphon but does share timer with gravity well.

This should make the rift more useful as a 'drain mine' area rather than a grav well that looks different and does little. Synergizes well with siphon and other power drain abilities.

10. Photonic Shockwave: No longer inflicts damage. Photonic Shockwave changed to a 90 degree forward arc 'wave' that knocks target back (5km max range), disabling their engines for 5 to 10 seconds (depending on subspace decompiler skill) and blinding their sensors for 10 seconds (equivalent to jam sensor but on a short timer).

11. Power Siphon: Drain power from ONE random subsystem and spread the energy gain to all of your subsystems. Aka, if 20 power drain from randomly chosen weapon subsystem then you get +5 power to all systems in your ship. Duration of drain increased to 30 seconds, re-use timer increased to 50 seconds. No longer shares timers with Tykens Rift.

Associated Changes:

a- counter to ability is polarize hull.

12. Tractor Beam Repulsors: Versions I, II and III will push the same number of targets as their tier. The greater the tier the farther the push and the faster it will repel. Aka, Repulsor I = pushes only 1 target (the one player has locked) from 5km to 8km. II = 2 targets from 5km out to 10km. III = 3 targets from 5km out to 12km.

13. Viral Matrix: Remains as is with the exception that higher tier viral matrix may only be countered by equal or higher tier science teams. If target is hit by viral matrix 3 then using science team 1 is not going to cleanse it.

14. Mask Energy Signature: Increase in stealth bonus based on countermeasure skill. Re-use timer lowered by high aux timer (in = way that carrier pets can be launched faster with high aux).

By doing these changes science ships can return to doing their job as crowd controllers and debuffers without the damage-causing abilities that are the constant source of its nerfs.

Let science do science WITH science. Let it not remain as a 'lite' version of a damage subtype.
Post edited by cmdrskyfaller on


  • cptapollocptapollo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    wow i'm actually impressed with u'r proposals, some testing would be needed but u can buff sci w/o actually touching on any other class like this.

    i would like to add:

    Sensor doff change from dmg debuff to 5-10 secs cooldown reduction / x% of half cooldown (just like deflector doff)

    Shield distribution Doff variant to affect transfer shield strenght (not power boost, but the shield ressit mby?)

    Tractor beams Doff increases duration instead of dmg/shield drain

    Subsytem targeting on SV cooldown reduction to 1min30secs or make it lv 2


    the counters u proposed seem to look miles better then what we have.

    Photonic officer u need to be careful, it can have unexpected bonuses to engi and tac, they dn't need another power/cd buff. instead make it so it increases gravity particle, sensor, decompiler... the higher the lv the more bonus. Call it a running those systems on afterburner for a bit, past their intended capacity. ofc it would need to be an adequate boost, worth of using.

    Viral needs something. with VM3 and decompiler u get a max 13 secs of a random subsytem crash (5secs on VM1 no decompiler), with a 1min cd?.
    so lets get creative 1 min cd, at lv 3 +decompiler u get ~20 secs duration. Instead of a subsystem crash make it take ~ 75energy out of a random subsystem per tick.
    Doffs? 10 sec reduced cd on Very rare (can only have 1), +x energy / tick (depending on rarity)(max 2 allowed).

    The particle bursts sounds amazing, but u need to see em in order to blast em, not manual targeting in sto. thus a Sensor revamp is needed. Right now u could't see a cloaked ship with max sensor skill + 4 sensor probes + sensor scan if it were parked on u'r hull. that needs to change.
  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Sounds good to me as someone who doesn't get behind the numbers much.

    If i as such can make a suggestion it would be splitting Photonic officer into three.
    Every department gets one that enhances those abilities.

    Emergency Tactical/Engineering/Science Hologram, each reducing only those department's cooldowns.

    Would add instant new power to the other departments and no cross-department buffs anymore.

    Make them start at ensign level and you finally get a power worth having in those dreaded 3rd ensign slots?
    Could make the Galaxy Class worth flying again.
  • cptapollocptapollo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    Tacs alrdy have it in "tactical initiative" reduces all Boffs skills cool downs by half -> more dps
    Engineers have it of some sorts "eps power tranfer" buffs all your energy -> better healing and ressitance

    Sci didn't rly have something like that thus Photonic officer. a mix of those like skyfaller thought. but it wouldn't rly be adequate.
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    You removed shield stripping? The only two good science abilities I use are tachyon beam and tractor beam with the DOff.

    This isn't a buff. its a NERF!
  • momawmomaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    You removed shield stripping? The only two good science abilities I use are tachyon beam and tractor beam with the DOff.

    This isn't a buff. its a NERF!

    I think the original poster is under the mistaken impression that most people play PVP. In an environment where the only way to realistically survive is to use tactical team to compensate for the utterly TRIBBLE damage vomited out by munchkinned gunboats, taking away the target's ability to focus their shields would be a serious game-changer. Also, charged particle burst debuffs target's defense? Nothing in PVE moves fast enough for this to matter.

    Science is not "support and debuff", and putting it into a position where you MUST have somebody hold your hand in order to be effective is just insulting. Let science kill the enemy with science.

    You know those crazy Romulans? They had a plan to destroy the Enterprise by setting up some weird feedback loop through an power transfer beam. When the Enterprise engaged their warp engines the reactor core would explode. A tiny, unarmed research ship came very close to taking out the flagship of the Federation with one sneaky little science trick.
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    You removed shield stripping? The only two good science abilities I use are tachyon beam and tractor beam with the DOff.

    This isn't a buff. its a NERF!

    The Doff from tractor beam still strips shields and prevents targets from turning and puts a heavy speed snare.. but it also pulls ships in to you... as long as you're as big or bigger than it. Admit it, its quite stupid for a shuttle to be snaring an Atrox with a tractor beam.

    If you're smaller and want to snare a larger ship.. be prepared to hit that hull heal over time. Its a counter-balance thing.
    momaw wrote: »
    I think the original poster is under the mistaken impression that most people play PVP. In an environment where the only way to realistically survive is to use tactical team to compensate for the utterly TRIBBLE damage vomited out by munchkinned gunboats, taking away the target's ability to focus their shields would be a serious game-changer. Also, charged particle burst debuffs target's defense? Nothing in PVE moves fast enough for this to matter.

    Science is not "support and debuff", and putting it into a position where you MUST have somebody hold your hand in order to be effective is just insulting. Let science kill the enemy with science.

    You know those crazy Romulans? They had a plan to destroy the Enterprise by setting up some weird feedback loop through an power transfer beam. When the Enterprise engaged their warp engines the reactor core would explode. A tiny, unarmed research ship came very close to taking out the flagship of the Federation with one sneaky little science trick.

    I think you misunderstand the effects of the proposed change.

    Tachyon beam preventing shield balancing also affects npcs in pve. Have you not noticed borg NPCs in elite stf balance their shields instantly during the opening 15 seconds? They make you go through their entire shield HP before the shield facing drops (they dont use shield balance after that..probably because they dont heal shields either).

    Rather than a drain which barely @ III tier takes out 25% of their total shield strength, this version of tachyon beam guarantees you will deal only with the shield HP facing your weapons (or team's) while the ability lasts.

    In PVP it is ideal for ships to counteract tactical team. Each tier of Tachyon beam gets progressively better so most non-science ships with access only to Tachyon Beam I the duration of the tachyon will be lower. Aka tac team lasts 10 seconds. Tachyon 1 = 4 secs shield balance disruption/turn rate, Tachyon 2 = 7 seconds, Tachyon 3 = 10 seconds.

    Note it takes a tier 3 ability to counter a tier 1 tactical ability.

    Damage wise... you severely understimate the gravity well resist debuff. It is long duration and affects shields and hull. It may not do damage any more but it significantly increases the damage your weapons and your team weapons put out...and crowd controls strongly at the same time.
  • boootzboootz Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Why is it you propose to take away ALL our damage skills? You would mangle our class worse than cryptic already has.

    I would do thusly.

    Photonic Shockwave 3 900% stronger than Photonic Shockwave 1 with 100% chance of subsystem disable on hull contact. And the area of effect Omni Directional with a range of 10k.

    Also I would make its damage type exotic and not buffed by Attack Pattern Alpha.

    I would make Gravity well 3 have 900% stronger pull, area of effect and damage than Gravity Well 1 and its damage type exotic, not buffed by Attack Pattern Alpha.

    Tykens 3 900% stronger drain, damage and Area Of Effect than Tykens 1. Damage type Exotic not buffed by APA.

    Energy leach 3 900% stronger than Energy leach 1.

    tachyon 3 900% stronger than tachyon 1 not buffed by APA.

    Viral Matrix 3 last 900% longer than Viral Matrix 1 with 20% chance of the subsystem disable effect jumping to another system on application of engineering team per level.

    I actually like your idea for Charged Particle Burst, Photonic Officer and the sensor skills. Have a cookie. I think they should scale 900% at 3 from 1 though.

    We have 3 fore and aft weapons, no skills that really boost damage and our ships tend to not have many tac consoles. The neutering of our skills is intolerable, especially since the cause of our emasculation is the OVER POWERED ability Attack Pattern Alpha. To propose to willfully consign our class to nothing but healing and trickery in a game where the ability to put out DPS is the single most important aspect of your character build in 95% of all situations is REDICULOUS.
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    boootz wrote: »
    Tykens 3 900% stronger drain, damage and Area Of Effect than Tykens 1. Damage type Exotic not buffed by APA.

    Ouch, my cruiser barely escapes them now with EPS power transfer, evasives and nadion inversion and once I am free of it my power levels are at 0 across the board so I need a few seconds to recover from it... it would destroy escorts and probably borg cubes aswell, I'm not calling for any nerfs to science we scientists (I play one) need some combat capability but lets not overkill all our enemies
    Viral Matrix: Remains as is with the exception that higher tier viral matrix may only be countered by equal or higher tier science teams. If target is hit by viral matrix 3 then using science team 1 is not going to cleanse it.

    This also, what you are proposing would give all my ships absolute hell, they all pack a science team 1 for countering any science debuffs now I could bring that up to 2 in order to sort most of these but only science ships (and oddys) can pack a sci team 3 and they can only do it with a science admiral in the chair so at least think about that before making things need sci/tac/eng team 3 to counter.

    By all means buff science, make science USEFUL but lets be reasonable and not make science overpowered like escorts
  • boootzboootz Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Notice I said 900% scale from i to iii.

    All you would have to do is figure what the reasonable maximum damage and effect to a character with 9 points in the resist skill is with 9 points in the attacking skill. Then scale it down for rank i from rank iii 900%.

    The purpose of doing this is to make Cmdr. level science skills worth having, boost science DPS to be actually worth a damn and to stop abuse of Lt. level skills by tacticals.
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Changes to Science captain & Bridge Officer abilities-

    Bridge Officer:

    1. Tachyon Beam: No longer a drain ability. Tachyon Beam will disable shield balancing while it is active on target (counter: science team) and inflicts shield harmonics disruption which causes a disturbance in the ship's maneuverability (-turn rate).

    Argh not liking the counter with Science Team, would rather transfer shield strength. I think a lot of players who know the game don't use science team, as it shares a cool down with engineering and tactical team.
    cptapollo wrote: »
    Tacs alrdy have it in "tactical initiative" reduces all Boffs skills cool downs by half -> more dps

    Actually I'm pretty sure it's only Tactical Bridge Officer abilities that receive the short cool down. I think it should be the same for a science but with only science abilities receiving the short cool down.

    But in whole I agree the Science needs a decent buff on it's abilities
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  • cptapollocptapollo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Argh not liking the counter with Science Team, would rather transfer shield strength. I think a lot of players who know the game don't use science team, as it shares a cool down with engineering and tactical team.

    i think thats the whole point, no more cruiser and escorts hard countering u'r every move with skills that have faster cycles and dn't conflict with antyhing else.
    Actually I'm pretty sure it's only Tactical Bridge Officer abilities that receive the short cool down. I think it should be the same for a science but with only science abilities receiving the short cool down.

    that makes sense, but photonic officer is a Boff skill not captain skill like initiative, any1 could slot it and skyfaller proposed a energy % increase on it. if it would be like a increase in science skills that would totaly work.

    also about the 900% increase from I to 3 ehm a lil much (for ex PSW has ~3k dmg at 1, at 3 it would be ~27k?, to much) but a 5x would be ok (15k every 40 secs on PSW would work, thats lower then a HY2 at evry 30secs)?

    as for removing dmg entirely. Sky was trying to avoid saying: "First no more sci skill buffs with AP" so he avoided direct dmg on any skill (GW, PSW...).
    but i guess 1 or 2 should still dmg u'r opponent but u could just mare how hard they hit rely only on aux and skill lvl.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Tachyon Beam: No longer a drain ability. Tachyon Beam will disable shield balancing while it is active on target (counter: science team) and inflicts shield harmonics disruption which causes a disturbance in the ship's maneuverability (-turn rate).

    Shield disruption and subsystem targeting beam weapon ability. How will this stack with existing SST abilities? How are shields remotely related to turn rate btw?
    Feedback Pulse: No longer 50% shield 50% hull. Reflected damage strikes target for full damage onto either shield or hull, whichever is in its way.

    FBP Pulse is already quiet capable. This would quiet frankly be simply over the top + BO? Also, why should a offensive SCI ability get the bonus defense of threat generation as well?
    Scramble Sensors: Sensor stat increases the damage required for the scramble to break by 5x current amount. (really now it is silly, you scramble someone/something and in 1 shot the scramble breaks..even at III level ability).

    Why? This will obviously lead to abuse.
    Tractor Beam: Will now pull in target ship to 2km distance. Higher tier ability (tractor 2, 3) will cause increasing hull damage if the target ship has engines running at more than 1/3rd impulse.

    Associated change: System will check between user and target ship mass stat. up to = mass no change to above, but if the user is lighter in mass than its target the hull damage will be inflicted on user not on target.

    I see what you did there. Escorts are the smallest ships (And I'm not interested in shuttles!) in the game currently, so...

    I wonder if the 2km range has anything to do with the effective range of all cruiser/ sci ships abilities?
    Charged Particle Burst: Removed as a Drain Ability. CPB will no longer damage ('drain') shields. Instead it will be a cone ability fired from 360 degrees (aka = to turrets firing cannon scatter volley) that will debuff stealth, debuff stealthsight and debuff defense rating by 'tagging' the ships in the cone with particles that allow targeting systems to track them better (duration: 15 second tag)

    So like a second SNB, only better?
    Photonic Officer: Changed to provide a 'universal' buff to all systems. As part of the main computer, the Photonic Officer improves timers, all stats and all power levels by 2%, 5% and 10% (I, II and III). Duration of buff: 1 minute. Re-use timer : 2 minutes.

    Why would anyone not use this..... seriously?
    Photonic Shockwave: No longer inflicts damage. Photonic Shockwave changed to a 90 degree forward arc 'wave' that knocks target back (5km max range), disabling their engines for 5 to 10 seconds (depending on subspace decompiler skill) and blinding their sensors for 10 seconds (equivalent to jam sensor but on a short timer).

    So you want a AMS console + VM LOL
    Tractor Beam Repulsors: Versions I, II and III will push the same number of targets as their tier. The greater the tier the farther the push and the faster it will repel. Aka, Repulsor I = pushes only 1 target (the one player has locked) from 5km to 8km. II = 2 targets from 5km out to 10km. III = 3 targets from 5km out to 12km.

    Again, everyone would use this as it would continually push other side out of range of effective weapon fire.
    Viral Matrix: Remains as is with the exception that higher tier viral matrix may only be countered by equal or higher tier science teams. If target is hit by viral matrix 3 then using science team 1 is not going to cleanse it.

    How is that possible for TAC flying escorts Ehr. SCI.III?
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    boootz wrote: »
    Why is it you propose to take away ALL our damage skills? You would mangle our class worse than cryptic already has.

    I would do thusly.

    Photonic Shockwave 3 900% stronger than Photonic Shockwave 1 with 100% chance of subsystem disable on hull contact. And the area of effect Omni Directional with a range of 10k.

    Also I would make its damage type exotic and not buffed by Attack Pattern Alpha.

    I would make Gravity well 3 have 900% stronger pull, area of effect and damage than Gravity Well 1 and its damage type exotic, not buffed by Attack Pattern Alpha.

    Tykens 3 900% stronger drain, damage and Area Of Effect than Tykens 1. Damage type Exotic not buffed by APA.

    Energy leach 3 900% stronger than Energy leach 1.

    tachyon 3 900% stronger than tachyon 1 not buffed by APA.

    Viral Matrix 3 last 900% longer than Viral Matrix 1 with 20% chance of the subsystem disable effect jumping to another system on application of engineering team per level.

    I actually like your idea for Charged Particle Burst, Photonic Officer and the sensor skills. Have a cookie. I think they should scale 900% at 3 from 1 though.

    We have 3 fore and aft weapons, no skills that really boost damage and our ships tend to not have many tac consoles. The neutering of our skills is intolerable, especially since the cause of our emasculation is the OVER POWERED ability Attack Pattern Alpha. To propose to willfully consign our class to nothing but healing and trickery in a game where the ability to put out DPS is the single most important aspect of your character build in 95% of all situations is REDICULOUS.

    You clearly don't PvP do you?
  • cptapollocptapollo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Shield disruption and subsystem targeting beam weapon ability. How will this stack with existing SST abilities? How are shields remotely related to turn rate btw?
    FBP Pulse is already quiet capable. This would quiet frankly be simply over the top + BO? Also, why should a offensive SCI ability get the bonus defense of threat generation as well?
    Why? This will obviously lead to abuse.
    I see what you did there. Escorts are the smallest ships (And I'm not interested in shuttles!) in the game currently, so...
    I wonder if the 2km range has anything to do with the effective range of all cruiser/ sci ships abilities?
    So like a second SNB, only better?
    Why would anyone not use this..... seriously?
    So you want a AMS console + VM LOL
    Again, everyone would use this as it would continually push other side out of range of effective weapon fire.
    How is that possible for TAC flying escorts Ehr. SCI.III?

    tac fan boy here with nothing productive to add.

    lets recap for u:

    Tachyon beam affects turn rate and no more shield distributing (manual or tac team). it stacks just fine with shield sst which only reduces the shield regen u get every 6 secs

    Feedback no boost proposed just that it doesn't split 50/50 anymore. it hits what it hits.

    Scramble sensors abused? 1 min cd and ~10-15 secs up time. how do u figure? because it wn't drop after 2 secs as it does now cuz some1 is shooting at u?

    Tractor beam instead of stopping beam as in how it is now. Well shocker, it would actually Tractor u... not to mention counters in dampeners, high engine power, evasive maneuvers, polarized hull and AP:O.

    Charged particle burst: resit debuff + stealth debuff. what does SNB (turn rate debuff and energy recharge debuff) have to do with burst?

    Photonic shockwave and officer u might have read the other post be4 blabing about em...

    Repulser are doing now what u'r saying. The proposal is to increase effectiveness while reducing targets affected.

    Viral matrix: right now the counter is any battery, emergency power to X, auxiliary to X. holly TRIBBLE no wonder no1 uses it anymore. if ST would be the only counter any1 can slot ST1/2 to counter VM1/2. if a player devotes his commander slot for VM3 why would u be able to neutralize it with an ensign slot skill that also buffs u at the same time and cycles faster??
    or mby u'r one of those ppl that think sci is the OP class that can kill u in 10 secs?
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Just because I do enjoy the merry-go round with the same person...
    cptapollo wrote: »
    Tachyon beam affects turn rate and no more shield distributing (manual or tac team). it stacks just fine with shield sst which only reduces the shield regen u get every 6 secs

    Tachyon Beam drains an enemy starship's shields. Period. Strap in turn rate modifier and you have something altogether different. I going to assume you don't know what you are talking about with "It stacks just fine..." Considering this a hypothetical discussion, I would love to know what you are basing you assumption that this abilities subsystem targeting buff will not adversively affect inherit sci SST or BOFF ability? There is no benchmark.
    In PVP it is ideal for ships to counteract tactical team. Each tier of Tachyon beam gets progressively better so most non-science ships with access only to Tachyon Beam I the duration of the tachyon will be lower. Aka tac team lasts 10 seconds. Tachyon 1 = 4 secs shield balance disruption/turn rate, Tachyon 2 = 7 seconds, Tachyon 3 = 10 seconds.

    Also, the OP has himself stated he wants a hard counter to TAC Team, so in essence this is much more:

    = shield debuff + turn rate debuff + ability debuff
    cptapollo wrote: »
    Feedback no boost proposed just that it doesn't split 50/50 anymore. it hits what it hits.

    So going from 50% to 100% is not a boost. Riiiight. And when used in conjnction wuth Beam Overload, you don't see a potentian OP ability evolving.

    And you failed to mention this. Thread generation...

    It is a Tactical class skill, granting passive Damage Resistance bonus, to help compensate for the additional incoming damage.....
    cptapollo wrote: »
    Scramble sensors abused? 1 min cd and ~10-15 secs up time. how do u figure? because it wn't drop after 2 secs as it does now cuz some1 is shooting at u?

    You weren't around during beta were you? If you were ... check the archives threads. There are hundreds.

    Quoting a base line 2 secs, for someone not skilled in sensors, or even running any Sensor consoles, is invalid.

    Also not sure what "wn't drop after 2 secs as it does now cuz some1 is shooting at u" has to do with Scramble Sensors. Perhaps you are thinking of Jam Sensors there?

    Science Team clears Scramble Sensors, but I'm sure using your VM methodology, you would propose that only equal tier SCI Teams clear that too..
    cptapollo wrote: »
    Tractor beam instead of stopping beam as in how it is now. Well shocker, it would actually Tractor u... not to mention counters in dampeners, high engine power, evasive maneuvers, polarized hull and AP:O.

    You must be confused. Tractor beam is not a stopping beam. Also half of the resistances are bugged.

    Also convienient how you left out the main issue I have with this viz. hull damage based on ship size; again a "double-bonus" for a SCI skill.
    cptapollo wrote: »
    Charged particle burst: resit debuff + stealth debuff. what does SNB (turn rate debuff and energy recharge debuff) have to do with burst?
    Charged Particle Burst: Removed as a Drain Ability. CPB will no longer damage ('drain') shields. Instead it will be a cone ability fired from 360 degrees (aka = to turrets firing cannon scatter volley) that will debuff stealth, debuff stealthsight and debuff defense rating by 'tagging' the ships in the cone with particles that allow targeting systems to track them better (duration: 15 second tag)

    Please represent what I quoted properly.

    SNB - "Subnucleonic Beam stuns the target's bridge crew, removing any currently applied buffs and slowing the recharge time of their abilities and weapon systems"

    How is it not the same?

    PS. This alone tells me everything "SNB (turn rate debuff and energy recharge debuff).."
    cptapollo wrote: »
    Photonic shockwave and officer u might have read the other post be4 blabing about em...

    Antimatter Spread
    PBAoE Placate, Confuse, Debuff Perception

    5k range

    -4,850 Perception for 8 sec
    +1 Confuse for 8 sec
    Placate for 8 sec
    Disables Area Map for 8 sec
    Photonic Shockwave: No longer inflicts damage. Photonic Shockwave changed to a 90 degree forward arc 'wave' that knocks target back (5km max range), disabling their engines for 5 to 10 seconds (depending on subspace decompiler skill) and blinding their sensors for 10 seconds (equivalent to jam sensor but on a short timer).

    Again ... Gosh. I don't need to read the other posts again, to know what you are suggestion.
    cptapollo wrote: »
    Viral matrix: right now the counter is any battery, emergency power to X, auxiliary to X. holly TRIBBLE no wonder no1 uses it anymore. is ST would be the only counter any1 can slot ST1/2 to counter VM1/2. if a player devotes his commander slot for VM3 why would u be able to neutralize it with an ensign slot skill that also buffs u at the same time and cycles faster??

    Every good sci build uses it. Reduce the efficiency of the counter. What was being suggested was an ability that had no counter.
  • cptapollocptapollo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Tachyon Beam drains an enemy starship's shields. Period. Strap in turn rate modifier and you have something altogether different. I going to assume you don't know what you are talking about with "It stacks just fine..." Considering this a hypothetical discussion, I would love to know what you are basing you assumption that this abilities subsystem targeting buff will not adversively affect inherit sci SST or BOFF ability? There is no benchmark.

    Also, the OP has himself stated he wants a hard counter to TAC Team, so in essence this is much more:
    = shield debuff + turn rate debuff + ability debuff

    first i was stating only the the proposed effects and they are not in adition to the current one. there would be no more shield drain.
    Also what alien logic are u using for it messing with SST? one would not alow u to move shield hit points from one facing to another the other one would just drain u'r power level. where's the "inherited effect"? It's not buffing anything.
    and gee wow, it counters a skill for 10 secs at lv3. There sure aren't dozens of examples of that in the game right? most of em used by... who?... that's right tacs! heavens forbid sci should have a counter to a tac skill.

    So going from 50% to 100% is not a boost. Riiiight. And when used in conjnction wuth Beam Overload, you don't see a potentian OP ability evolving.
    what is wrong with u'r rationalisation process? the dmg does not split period. it either hits the shield if it's up, or the hull? what's the problem? there is no boost!
    And you failed to mention this. Thread generation...
    It is a Tactical class skill, granting passive Damage Resistance bonus, to help compensate for the additional incoming damage.....

    that is not something i would personally add to it, given the fact it also raises the potential of agroing nearby enemies. more resist for more incoming dmg... a tradeoff in PvE but for PvP, yes that part should not be added.

    You weren't around during beta were you? If you were ... check the archives threads. There are hundreds.
    Quoting a base line 2 secs, for someone not skilled in sensors, or even running any Sensor consoles, is invalid.
    Science Team clears Scramble Sensors, but I'm sure using your VM methodology, you would propose that only equal tier SCI Teams clear that too..
    Disrupt sensores III: Scrambles sensors for 5 sec (base), with high aux u can get it past 10
    Science team 1: Removes science debuffs for 5 sec

    ow well my bad it's not 2 it's somewhere about 5 such a big difference! for a commander slot skill that's very efficient right? when compared to CRF3?
    Also not sure what "wn't drop after 2 secs as it does now cuz some1 is shooting at u" has to do with Scramble Sensors. Perhaps you are thinking of Jam Sensors there?

    yes we were, our mistake.... and for jam still the only dmg that should count should be the ones who used jam.

    You must be confused. Tractor beam is not a stopping beam. Also half of the resistances are bugged.

    yes resistance are, tho the 2 counters work just fine. And tractor implies pulling. the current version states "slows the target ship". Can u understand the difference? i dn't rly mind it either way.
    also what's ur problem with getting close? isn't that the best way for u to do dmg as well?
    Also convienient how you left out the main issue I have with this viz. hull damage based on ship size; again a "double-bonus" for a SCI skill.

    please dn't talk to me about double bonuses while u'r running in an escort. i know all about them 2.

    ship size shouldn't be an issue yes, though range should. the closer u get pulled, no matter what ship u'r in, the higher the dmg should be.
    Please represent what I quoted properly.
    SNB - "Subnucleonic Beam stuns the target's bridge crew, removing any currently applied buffs and slowing the recharge time of their abilities and weapon systems"
    How is it not the same?

    Yes and what does that have to do with burst ("will debuff stealth, debuff stealthsight and debuff defense rating")??? how is it the same thing in ur mind? one reduces stealth and resistance, the other increases cool downs and strips u'r buffs.

    Again ... Gosh. I don't need to read the other posts again, to know what you are suggestion.

    i meant more then just the first post smart TRIBBLE.
    Every good sci build uses it. Reduce the efficiency of the counter. What was being suggested was an ability that had no counter.

    as opposed to the current counter: ET? that can cycle every 15 secs? that removes even VM3? Hell VM3's effect doesn't last 15 secs, not gonna mention it's cool down. yes every good sci build should definitely use it...
    and no1 suggested an ability with no counter, the counter would be sci team.
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I'm glad to see this is fomenting a constructive debate.

    I'll reply to some comments made:

    Argh not liking the counter with Science Team, would rather transfer shield strength. I think a lot of players who know the game don't use science team, as it shares a cool down with engineering and tactical team.

    Transfer shield strength is not a debuff cleanser. Sci team is. If we use transfer shield strength to remove a debuff then it would make sci team nearly obsolete. Remember transfer shield strength only removes boarding parties when paired with a doff ability.

    ..which could be a nifty addition in the future. a doff that gives trnsf shield strength a chance to counter tachyon beam's shield disruption (but not turn rate) debuff.

    Actually I'm pretty sure it's only Tactical Bridge Officer abilities that receive the short cool down. I think it should be the same for a science but with only science abilities receiving the short cool down.

    But in whole I agree the Science needs a decent buff on it's abilities

    I agree. However the photonic officer is supposed to reduce timers on all abilities not just science. Timelord's suggestion has merit but it cannot be done through boff abilities. Think about it: if three more boff abilities were added (EmgSciHolo,EmgTacHolo,EmgOpsHolo) we end up with messing with the template variety.

    Instead, again, DOFFS could fill in that gap. Photonic Specialist duty officers could be added to make the photonic officer boost one type of skills rather than the others (aka, Photonic Specialist Science Doff would 'switch off' the generic 2% boost to all and replace it with a 4% boost (to use ensign level photonic officer ability as an example) only to science timers, stats and aux power.
    Shield disruption and subsystem targeting beam weapon ability. How will this stack with existing SST abilities? How are shields remotely related to turn rate btw?

    They dont stack. SST lowers power level of subsystem and has chance to knock out the system for a short time. Tachyon beam would only disrupts the shield balancing from tac team and affect ship turn rate.

    The turn rate debuff is already in the game through a duty officer and through a myriad of other abilities so it is not an issue. As a turn rate debuff it can be cleansed by a myriad of engineering, tactical and science abilities.

    Shields are a bubble around the ship. The ship flies pushing the bubble. If the bubble has trouble slipping through space it will slow the ship down in an analogy to friction.
    FBP Pulse is already quiet capable. This would quiet frankly be simply over the top + BO? Also, why should a offensive SCI ability get the bonus defense of threat generation as well?

    There is zero damage increase to the current feedback pulse damage. The only difference is it now will only strike whatever the pulse hits first..shield or hull for the full amount. Beam overload has nothing to do with this.

    In PVP now escorts literally kill themselves when firing on a ship with feedback pulse on...because the pulse bypasses the shield and puts 50% of the damage directly to hull. Its hilarious to watch jemhadar ships implode at 100% shields.

    For PVP its not very balanced. In PVE oth, it causes a problem vs NPC's which have paper thin shields but gargantuan hulls. Boss NPC's has massive shields and ludicrous hull HP. Feedback pulse in PVE hardly deals damage unless the shields are down.

    So, it make it functional and balanced in PVP and PVE simple remove the damage split. PVP makes ships not implode while at full shields and PVE allows the feedback player to damage the target shields for full feedback damage and then hull for full damage without the whole thing being diluted into useless damage.
    -scramble sensors-
    Why? This will obviously lead to abuse.

    Someone else already replied to this. FYI an area effect damage attack from a player hits for nearly 2500 dmg minimum (torp spread, cannon spread, fire at will) and the dmg amount the current scramble sensor 'breaks', even at max countermeasure skill, is around that damage range.

    Which makes the ability useless beyond the first tier. Pre-F2P the ability was abused because the damage needed to break was insanely high.. and it was cut down to the laughable amount it is now. A simple increase of 5x dmg makes it able to remain active long enough for the affected NPC ship to at least fire once at another NPC..not just get scrambled and lose the scramble in 0.005 seconds.

    In PVP the scramble sensor is resisted by sensor or countermeasure skill ( i forget which) and can be cleansed with sci team. In any case a ship under attack in pvp receives the 'break' damage even at 5x in a second or two.
    I see what you did there. Escorts are the smallest ships (And I'm not interested in shuttles!) in the game currently, so...

    I wonder if the 2km range has anything to do with the effective range of all cruiser/ sci ships abilities?

    Yes it does actually. Escorts tractoring escorts = OK. Escorts tractoring an Atrox = Not OK. Escorts have plenty of tractor immunity abilities at their disposal. AP Omega, Polarize Hull, etc. It has a range of 5km only. If you get tractored in by a sci ship or cruiser in an escort and you failed to include a counter to this then your escort will simply die.

    Also FYI, only a few science abilities have the 5km range limit and none of those aside from this proposed tractor deals actual damage.

    -charged particle burst-
    So like a second SNB, only better?

    SNB is completely different. Do at least make an effort to learn what SNB does before posting.
    Why would anyone not use this..... seriously?

    That is the current situation with photonic officer. The proposed change is much more versatile since it boosts stats, power levels and timers equally. non-science ships that generally dont have much use for sci abilities in the lt and ensign slots can make use of it.

    -photonic shockwave-
    So you want a AMS console + VM LOL

    Again, the proposed change is nothing remotely close to AMS and VM. Do at least make an effort to learn what AMS and VM do before posting.

    Again, everyone would use this as it would continually push other side out of range of effective weapon fire.

    Answered by an above poster perfectly.
    -viral matrix-
    How is that possible for TAC flying escorts Ehr. SCI.III?

    A lower science team would cut down the time the disable effect lasts or the number of systems that go down. It just wont cleanse the effect fully when hit by VM-III.

    Tachyon Beam drains an enemy starship's shields. Period. Strap in turn rate modifier and you have something altogether different. I going to assume you don't know what you are talking about with "It stacks just fine..." Considering this a hypothetical discussion, I would love to know what you are basing you assumption that this abilities subsystem targeting buff will not adversively affect inherit sci SST or BOFF ability? There is no benchmark.

    Also, the OP has himself stated he wants a hard counter to TAC Team, so in essence this is much more:

    = shield debuff + turn rate debuff + ability debuff

    It is not a shield debuff. It is a turn rate + shield balance counter. Tachyon beam as proposed does not debuff shield hitpoints or resist.

    So going from 50% to 100% is not a boost. Riiiight. And when used in conjnction wuth Beam Overload, you don't see a potentian OP ability evolving.

    Not really. Beam Overload now, if it strips the shield off the target in one hit (or if you use shield subsystem target 3) will simply allow the feedback to hit the hull.

    Thing is, people seem to fail to understan that right NOW the feedback pulse splits the damage 50/50 ONLY when there is a shield present were the feedback pulse hits. Aka if the target's rear shield is fully down and the rest are up and the feedback pulse NOW hits the rear hull the damage it inflicts is 100% not 50%. The modifier that triggers the split damage is shields.
    And you failed to mention this. Thread generation...

    It is a Tactical class skill, granting passive Damage Resistance bonus, to help compensate for the additional incoming damage.....

    Threat generation is directly tied to the threat control skill. Feedback pulse is often used by tank cruisers to aid in their retaining of aggro ... but it apparently does not generate hate (probably because the damage didnt come from the ship's weapons which SEEMS to be the only threat generating ability there is).

    My tank carrier with threat control 9 and using full weapon power, full energy specialization/targeting loses aggro from bosses when escorts pull high damage spike hits and it does not get it back until the escort dies. I literally cannot increase the dps since its already at max possible with 5 beams and 1 torp firing all I can at it. Thus I cannot in some ocassions hold the hate from exceptional escorts.

    Feedback pulse, with threat generation tied to my threat control skill would provide that.

    Also not sure what "wn't drop after 2 secs as it does now cuz some1 is shooting at u" has to do with Scramble Sensors. Perhaps you are thinking of Jam Sensors there?

    Science Team clears Scramble Sensors, but I'm sure using your VM methodology, you would propose that only equal tier SCI Teams clear that too..

    Scramble sensors now acts exactly like jam sensors in that incoming X amount of damage from any source removes the effect. In my proposal jam sensors would break only if the damage came from the person jamming (since its literally 1 ship jamming another so his one ship is not targetable whereas scramble universally messes up sensors so any incoming damage should be valid to break it).

    Of course the sci team should affect these abilities equally. A Jam 3 that the player tried to cleanse with science team 1 would only be reduced in duration or reduce the damage it needs to break. Sci team 2 would significantly lower it and sci 3 would completely clean it.

    You must be confused. Tractor beam is not a stopping beam. Also half of the resistances are bugged.

    Also convienient how you left out the main issue I have with this viz. hull damage based on ship size; again a "double-bonus" for a SCI skill.

    Dunno about you but if my escort tractors a tac cube.. it STOPS turning AND moving in any direction. Players that get tractored, because they have some resists, still move forward or back and have real big turn rate debuff.

    The resistances are not bugged. Tractor beam is bugged. It puts out too strong a movement debuff that the resists cannot counter.

    That is where the issue comes in. If they reduce it for PVP stat vs stat then the ability becomes way overpowered in PVE. If its adapted for PVE it becomes meh in PVP. Cryptic seems to have tried to compensate with an in-between which makes the PVP tractor resists not work so well even when maxed out.

    Linking ship mass to tractor hull damage and removing the resist vs tractor pull issue makes the ability functional for both PVE and PVP. PVP a player KNOWS it is unwise to tractor a cruiser with an escort... but he can do it if he decided the hull damage dot is worth it.

    But I understand your concern with hull damage. It is not set in stone.. how about a big power drain to AUX and Engines if the target is larger than you?

    (I forgot to add that tractor beam would be a toggle so you could turn it off. original post edited!)

    I also don't see how it is a double bonus for sci. The only ships they could tractor safely are other sci ships and escorts. Tractoring a cruiser or carrier would hurt sci ship.

    Cruisers and carriers get the best benefit from tractor beams ..and they should. They turn like bricks and getting inside 5km range of them should be *quite* dangerous.
    -SNB vs proposed particle burst-
    Every good sci build uses it. Reduce the efficiency of the counter. What was being suggested was an ability that had no counter.

    It does have a counter. SNB's debuffs is stealth, stealthsight and defense rating. It is a science ability hence science team cleanses the effect (scaled per tier). Defense rating is countered in multiple ways since the stat CAN be increased by attack patterns, speed settings and equipment.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    cptapollo wrote: »
    first i was stating only the the proposed effects and they are not in adition to the current one. there would be no more shield drain.

    Fair enough.
    cptapollo wrote: »
    Also what alien logic are u using for it messing with SST? one would not alow u to move shield hit points from one facing to another the other one would just drain u'r power level. where's the "inherited effect"? It's not buffing anything.

    I am talking about the mechanics of the game.

    So under the new system I have Tach.Beam I - III, Beam Target Shields/ Engines/ etc, and the inherit Science Sub System Targeting abilities & Sensor Analysis.

    So you would have a SCI ability, yes "buffing" a tactical/ sci Sub System Targeting ability, because they are not on a shared CD but are fulfilling a dual role of subsystem targeting. Or am I missing something.


    Old system:

    Tach. Beam > Shields

    Sub System Targeting > Shields.

    = 2x shields modifiers (for simplicity sake)


    New System:

    Tach. Beam > Shields + Turn Rate + Shield "Disruption"

    Sub System Targeting > Shields.

    = 2x shield modifiers + turn rate modifier + ability modifier = BUFF


    Also, TAC Teams are one of the ONLY defensive abilities an escort has. You would see that nullified?

    PS. I play all classes so stop impling that I am some diehard TAC fan. My main is a SCI, "QENG"

    What will the effects of this be on simple shield regen, e.g. SCI, TSS, ES, EptS?

    What are the counters?
    cptapollo wrote: »
    and gee wow, it counters a skill for 10 secs at lv3. There sure aren't dozens of examples of that in the game right? most of em used by... who?... that's right tacs! heavens forbid sci should have a counter to a tac skill.

    You do its called SNB, VM, Sensor Scan, and the list goes on.
    cptapollo wrote: »
    what is wrong with u'r rationalisation process? the dmg does not split period. it either hits the shield if it's up, or the hull? what's the problem? there is no boost!

    Clearly you need help with this.

    Definition. Boost: To raise or lift by pushing up from behind or below.

    50% to 100% irrespective of where, or in what that increase is applied; efficacy; DPS; DPH; whatever you want to call it.

    It increases the power of the ability. Having 100% against one of these (shields, hulls) and possibly against 3 ships for that matter, will affect PvP. Have you any idea what experienced players could do in arena with that output?

    cptapollo wrote: »
    ow well my bad it's not 2 it's somewhere about 5 such a big difference! for a commander slot skill that's very efficient right? when compared to CRF3?

    Whats your point? How long should it be? And fully specced for it, its +-10 sec. How long should an opposing side slaughter one another while you kick back and wait for it to cooldown?

    Please tell me you're not complaining about CRF3 now?
    cptapollo wrote: »
    yes we were, our mistake.... and for jam still the only dmg that should count should be the ones who used jam.

    I worry about people that speak in the third person about themselves.
    cptapollo wrote: »
    yes resistance are, tho the 2 counters work just fine. And tractor implies pulling. the current version states "slows the target ship". Can u understand the difference? i dn't rly mind it either way.
    also what's ur problem with getting close? isn't that the best way for u to do dmg as well?

    A PvPer wouldn't even ask such a question. PvP is about maneuverability. Speed and timing.

    What you are suggesting is worse than the current problem. It drags one backwards, or worse sideways into line of fire making it impossible to escape.

    Then once you are stuck at 2 km mark I can think of countless cruiser, science tricks to seal one's fate further.
    Again, this is a "double-bonus" attempt, because you are asking for TB to have the pull of gravity well and the damage to hull, but only if you are a cruiser, or science ship do you benefit.

    cptapollo wrote: »
    please dn't talk to me about double bonuses while u'r running in an escort. i know all about them 2.

    What double bonuses do individual TAC abilities have? Please don't tell me you are referring the the Attack Patterns. Science abilities have far greater multiple affects in their abilities.
    cptapollo wrote: »
    ship size shouldn't be an issue yes, though range should. the closer u get pulled, no matter what ship u'r in, the higher the dmg should be.

    Use GW III.
    cptapollo wrote: »
    Yes and what does that have to do with burst ("will debuff stealth, debuff stealthsight and debuff defense rating")??? how is it the same thing in ur mind? one reduces stealth and resistance, the other increases cool downs and strips u'r buffs.

    What part of the red do you not understand?

    Originally Posted by cmdrskyfaller
    Charged Particle Burst: Removed as a Drain Ability. CPB will no longer damage ('drain') shields. Instead it will be a cone ability fired from 360 degrees (aka = to turrets firing cannon scatter volley) that will debuff stealth, debuff stealthsight and debuff defense rating by 'tagging' the ships in the cone with particles that allow targeting systems to track them better (duration: 15 second tag)

    It is another form of SNB, it principle is precisely the same, slightly different. If you can't see that, then I can't help you.
    cptapollo wrote: »
    i meant more then just the first post smart TRIBBLE.

    Name calling now are we?
    cptapollo wrote: »
    as opposed to the current counter: ET? that can cycle every 15 secs? that removes even VM3? Hell VM3's effect doesn't last 15 secs, not gonna mention it's cool down. yes every good sci build should definitely use it...
    and no1 suggested an ability with no counter, the counter would be sci team.

    And as I said reduce the efficiency of the counter, but not the players ability to counter. Escorts and ever some cruisers do not have SCI III to counter VM I.
  • gstamo01gstamo01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Feedback Pulse shouldn't do any damage. What it should do is effect the weapon power output levels of the vessel(s) being affected by it. The stronger the energy weapon, the bigger the drop in weapon power of the attacking vessel.

    Limit the active ability per tier, but not the debuff effect time. This promotes balance in the skill as you won't be able to have two sets of the skill with one always active.

    T1 = 5 second
    T2 = 10 second
    T3 = 15 second

    Not only does this give the Science Vessel more survivability, but takes away the attack run punch of a charging escort.
    You know Cryptic has Jumped the Proverbial Shark when they introduced Tractor Pulling to Star Trek Online! :D
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I'm glad to see this is fomenting a constructive debate.

    I'll reply to some comments made:

    ... wall of text removed ...

    In your last post you also went to great lengths telling me how little I know about the game.

    Lets do get together sometime? I would love to show you how very little I do know about this game.
  • boootzboootz Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    You clearly don't PvP do you?

    I do a lot of pvp. At lvl 50 Sci doesn't do bupkis for damage in pvp. 1 escort specced and geared can melt a sci facing in about 2 seconds. We can keep it up for a few more using sci team, tss, epts, RSP to stay alive for a few more after that but we cannot kill the escort if they have any idea what they are doing.

    Most run max inertial dampners and have no problem flying away from tykens and gravity well. Most have polarize hull and apo to get away from tracters.

    Sci weapon dps is a joke compared to an escort and our sci powers that actually do damage have been nerfed into the ground.

    All we can do is debuff. That is wrong.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    boootz wrote: »
    I do a lot of pvp. At lvl 50 Sci doesn't do bupkis for damage in pvp. 1 escort specced and geared can melt a sci facing in about 2 seconds. We can keep it up for a few more using sci team, tss, epts, RSP to stay alive for a few more after that but we cannot kill the escort if they have any idea what they are doing.

    Most run max inertial dampners and have no problem flying away from tykens and gravity well. Most have polarize hull and apo to get away from tracters.

    Sci weapon dps is a joke compared to an escort and our sci powers that actually do damage have been nerfed into the ground.

    All we can do is debuff. That is wrong.

    I apologize there.

    I have been PvPing for nearly 1000 days now, and I just don't have that problem.
  • cptapollocptapollo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I am talking about the mechanics of the game.
    So under the new system I have Tach.Beam I - III, Beam Target Shields/ Engines/ etc, and the inherit Science Sub System Targeting abilities & Sensor Analysis.
    So you would have a SCI ability, yes "buffing" a tactical/ sci Sub System Targeting ability, because they are not on a shared CD but are fulfilling a dual role of subsystem targeting. Or am I missing something.
    What will the effects of this be on simple shield regen, e.g. SCI, TSS, ES, EptS?
    What are the counters?

    using SCI, TSS, ES, EptS wouldn't be affected by tachyon.
    You do (have counters) its called SNB, VM, Sensor Scan, and the list goes on.

    Plz, counters:
    AP:O for Tractor beams, GW
    ET to VM
    ST to disrupt sensors
    TT to Boarding party
    those are counters, hard ones,
    SNB counter for what? AP? CRF? BO? with a cycle time 4x longer? or mobilty... i thought that was hull hit points (says Cryptic)... which u have less in a SV then any other ship class.
    Sensor scan counter? that like saying HY is a counter. or go down fighting.
    Clearly you need help with this.
    Definition. Boost: To raise or lift by pushing up from behind or below.
    50% to 100% irrespective of where, or in what that increase is applied; efficacy; DPS; DPH; whatever you want to call it.
    It increases the power of the ability. Having 100% against one of these (shields, hulls) and possibly against 3 ships for that matter, will affect PvP. Have you any idea what experienced players could do in arena with that output?

    do u understand how FBP works now? were not talking about the % of the incoming dmg reflected.
    lets say u reflect X dmg. that hits the enemy X/2 to shield and X/2 to hull. the change proposed is for the X to hit like a normal weapon attack. if shield s up it only hits shield. it doesnt get split anymore.

    Whats your point? How long should it be? And fully specced for it, its +-10 sec. How long should an opposing side slaughter one another while you kick back and wait for it to cooldown?
    well it shouldn't be just 5 secs for a commander skill that has 1min cd. or it should be an AoE version of Jam.
    And whic player have u seen to shoot his team mates of he gets hit with it? he just lays back for a few secs. Jam 1 does more or less the same job. a few secs for the person hit to look for another target.
    Please tell me you're not complaining about CRF3 now?
    ofc not. i love it on my escort. But compare the boost and up time of it to commander sci skills? notice a difference?
    A PvPer wouldn't even ask such a question. PvP is about maneuverability. Speed and timing.

    NO that's what pvp is about for a tac. For a cruiser is healing, and wearing the opponent down . for a sci it's about being unconventional with debuffs and control.
    What you are suggesting is worse than the current problem. It drags one backwards, or worse sideways into line of fire making it impossible to escape.
    Then once you are stuck at 2 km mark I can think of countless cruiser, science tricks to seal one's fate further.
    Again, this is a "double-bonus" attempt, because you are asking for TB to have the pull of gravity well and the damage to hull, but only if you are a cruiser, or science ship do you benefit.
    wow u'r talking like it lasts forever. or like there's no counter. and which 2km ranged sci skill are u talking about that can instantly seal ones fate when used?
    What part of the red do you not understand?

    It is another form of SNB, it principle is precisely the same, slightly different. If you can't see that, then I can't help you.

    which ones are the same?
    defense rating - evasion in other terms, the chance of getting missed.
    stealth... i dn't think i have to...

    remove buffs - like dmg increases, resistance when hit, higher power lvls
    cd increase.. dn't think i have to.

    i must rly be missing it. which of those are so similar it makes em the same skill?

    And as I said reduce the efficiency of the counter, but not the players ability to counter. Escorts and ever some cruisers do not have SCI III to counter VM I.

    u might be referring to a SC1 vs VM3 situation in which case it would reduce the time VM is active.
    let say VM3 has 15 sec duration.
    SCT1 would reduce that by 5secs
    SCT2 by 10
    SCT3 by 15

    I see what you did there. Escorts are the smallest ships (And I'm not interested in shuttles!) in the game currently, so...

    I wonder if the 2km range has anything to do with the effective range of all cruiser/ sci ships abilities?
    Yes it does actually. Escorts tractoring escorts = OK. Escorts tractoring an Atrox = Not OK. Escorts have plenty of tractor immunity abilities at their disposal. AP Omega, Polarize Hull, etc. It has a range of 5km only. If you get tractored in by a sci ship or cruiser in an escort and you failed to include a counter to this then your escort will simply die.

    that actualy makes a lot of sense. i always found it funny tractoring cubes. that's a cool idea thinking of it like that.
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    gstamo01 wrote: »
    Feedback Pulse shouldn't do any damage. What it should do is effect the weapon power output levels of the vessel(s) being affected by it. The stronger the energy weapon, the bigger the drop in weapon power of the attacking vessel.

    Limit the active ability per tier, but not the debuff effect time. This promotes balance in the skill as you won't be able to have two sets of the skill with one always active.

    T1 = 5 second
    T2 = 10 second
    T3 = 15 second

    Not only does this give the Science Vessel more survivability, but takes away the attack run punch of a charging escort.

    That's a great idea. I like it. I'm all for removing damage output from science abilities and replacing it with darn good debuffs. :)

    The issue i see with this is that a single weapon battery would counter a tier 3 ability. The power drain would have to be similar to siphon/tyken drain in the aspect that the drained amount remains drained while the ability is active.

    For example, have every X amount of damage proc a power level debuff that is PERCENTAGE based...that lasts X seconds. Give it a max of say.. 10 procs. When added up, at tier 3 ability, the power level debuff would be 60% and lasts for 10 seconds each proc.

    That way a spike damage burst from an escort hurts does inflict damage on the first few hits but after that the debuff is high enough so that for 10 seconds the escort's damage is TRIBBLE.

    That way the continous damage from NPC ships, player cruisers and sci ships will also be affected. For tanks it is a great ability since it would debuff the target and benefit the entire team not just himself.
    Bravo! cmdrskyfaller Bravo!

    In your last post you also went to great lengths telling me how little I know about the game.

    You somehow managed to state two abilities which are clearly different do 'the same thing'. They don't. I said you should look up the information first.

    You said, in regard to charged particle burst and SNB:
    SNB - "Subnucleonic Beam stuns the target's bridge crew, removing any currently applied buffs and slowing the recharge time of their abilities and weapon systems"

    How is it not the same?

    Its apples and oranges. Stealthsight, stealth and defense rating (NOT resists as Capt Apollo has apparently misunderstood) being debuffed has nothing to do with:

    Removing applied debuffs.

    If anything a ship with boff-buffed defense rating (aka AP:omega) getting hit by particle burst get the defense rating DECREASED from its buffed state. It does not wipe the ability out.

    Though technically, AP:Omega 1 should be decreased in bonus by CPB:1 and zeroed out by CPB:2 because it would be fair. A LT CMDR level ability countering a LT cmdr level ability when both, as part of their effects, change defense rating in a % basis.

    Slowing the recharge time of their abilities and weapon systems

    CPB as proposed does nothing to timers or weapon systems. Unlike the current burst, this will not decloak a ship .. a decrease in stealth , if the stealthed ship happens to be inside the cone, may make it visible while still cloaked to ships with sensor skills and high aux (aka science ships or carriers). That way it does not reset the cloak upon impact but would instead require the player that 'sees' them to take a second or third set of actions to pull the ship out of cloak with another ability or weapon blast.

    I'm a B'rel owner and nothing sucks more than the instant decloak ability some stuff out there has. I'd much rather become visible for a little while but remain under cloak status and have the other person actually take the time to target me and do something to me than just click one button.

    How are these two abilities the same? I find it illogical.
    Lets do get together sometime. I would love to show you how very little I do know about this game....

    This is childish.

    I am talking about the mechanics of the game.

    So under the new system I have Tach.Beam I - III, Beam Target Shields/ Engines/ etc, and the inherit Science Sub System Targeting abilities & Sensor Analysis.

    So you would have a SCI ability, yes "buffing" a tactical/ sci Sub System Targeting ability, because they are not on a shared CD but are fulfilling a dual role of subsystem targeting. Or am I missing something.

    That is exactly right. The tachyon beam does interrupt shield balancing and a sci ship can use native subsystem attack on the shield to try and create and opening in the target's defenses.

    Remember the duration of each tachyon beam and the boff station they would be available at.

    An escort using ensign tier tachyon beam 1 receives the benefit of a relatively weak turn rate debuff and interrupts the shield balancing for about 4 seconds. In 4 seconds the escort's much higher damage output can clean the shield and hit hull.

    Do note the duration of the debuff can also be tied to AUX (which is probably a good balancing idea) so a high wep power escort running low aux would disrupt for very short time.

    Also of note, tachyon beam is a forward arc ability. Only escorts benefit from forward arc engagements.

    Cruisers,Carriers and Science ships would be using tachyon beam mostly in support or as a means to try and secure a torpedo hit to hull ..aka shield on one side of target is weak, point nose to it, lose the firepower from rear arc in the process, fire the tachyon, use forward arc weapons to bring the shield down as the torpedoes race in.

    Also remember the ability does not disrupt the victim's ability to heal the shields.. it just wont allow the victim to distribute the shields while the debuff is in effect.
    Old system:

    Tach. Beam > Shields

    Sub System Targeting > Shields.

    = 2x shields modifiers (for simplicity sake)

    New System:

    Tach. Beam > Shields + Turn Rate + Shield "Disruption"

    Sub System Targeting > Shields.

    = 2x shield modifiers + turn rate modifier + ability modifier = BUFF

    New system does not drain shields. It only prevents shield balancing and turn rate debuff.
    Sub system targeting ONLY > shields in tier 3 where it has a very high chance to disable. I've yet to ever see a shield disable with the native subsystem attack and have not yet seen a disable with the tier 2 attack. Tier 2 brings shields down through power drain only when combined with another power drain (aka siphon)... or if the target really runs low shield power.

    Also, TAC Teams are one of the ONLY defensive abilities an escort has. You would see that nullified?

    Absolutely. Just like charged particle burst 2 would nullify the defensive boost atk pattern omega 1 gives.

    and btw, defensive abilities (which i'll interpret as anything that helps you survive with a click without having to target the attacker(s) )- an escort has :

    atk omega = defense boost, tractor immunity
    LT Sci and LT Engineering stations each can provide defensive boosts.
    Polarize hull
    Aux to dampener
    Emg Pwr to Engines
    tractor repulsors (situational)
    reverse shield polarity

    are the primary ones. Escorts get a ton of choices but they must choose whether they want to be able to heal the damage and fight or be able to hit&run. You cant have both even if atk omega almost lets you because it bundles the entire hit&run package and lets you use the sci and lt stations to heal.
    What will the effects of this be on simple shield regen, e.g. SCI, TSS, ES, EptS?

    No effect. The healing and regeneration of the shield facings is not changed. Tachyon beam would not prevent healing, only shield distribution. If you're getting hit by a tachyon beam and your left shield is going down.. you can still do sci team and any shield heal/regen and it will heal.
    What are the counters?

    Sci team cleanses the turn rate debuff and heals the shield. Tiered of course, you cant expect sci team 1 to cleanse tachyon beam 3's full turn rate debuff nor its shield balance interrupt effect.

    IF tachyon 3 disrupts for 10 seconds and debuff turn by -50 then sci team 1 would lower the disrupt timer to 6 seconds and turn rate to -35 or something of the sort.... and it heals the affected shield.

    The 'victim' can also jam/scramble sensors to disrupt tachyon beam. It can do subsystem attack aux to disable aux power and turn off tachyon beam. It can use aux to dampeners and gain turn rate so he can rotate ship and thus not have just one shield slammed. It can use atk pattern omega to increase his turn rate and speed out of range of the tachyon. It can do emg power to engines or shields to get away or boost the affected shield.

    there's a ton of counters to it.
    -on tac team vs tachyon beam-
    You do its called SNB, VM, Sensor Scan, and the list goes on.

    SNB affects previously activated buffs only and is on a long timer It is also a captain ability not a boff ability. Viral Matrix affects random subsystems. Sensor scan does not affect shields in any way or form and it is also a captain ability not a boff ability.

    50% to 100% irrespective of where, or in what that increase is applied; efficacy; DPS; DPH; whatever you want to call it.

    It increases the power of the ability. Having 100% against one of these (shields, hulls) and possibly against 3 ships for that matter, will affect PvP. Have you any idea what experienced players could do in arena with that output?

    You tell me. Right now I activate feedback 3 and see most escorts around me firing AOE attacks kill or nearly kill themselves when their squishy little hulls take 50% of the monster damage they fire in return. They cant react to it and it is direct hull damage.

    Having their shields hit first for full damage (meaning no 50/50 split... the feedback 3 is limited to reflecting I think is 80% damage per shot before resists) will give the escort the notice that he is about to get his ticket punched by something and MOVE out of the way.

    By moving he presents a different shield to any remaining incoming feedback pulse and ceases to fire on the user of feedback pulse.

    I don't know about you but that seems a LOT more fair and balanced than escorts killing themselves with their own alpha+omega+emg to weps boosted monster guns being reflected to them up to 80% of that damage and 50% of that reflected damage bypassing their shields.

    'cause i tell you science ships and cruisers arent that worried about reflected damage. they can either take the hits (cruiser) or dont do that much energy damage to begin with (sci ships)

    PVE it would make the feedback useful against the NPC's.

    A PvPer wouldn't even ask such a question. PvP is about maneuverability. Speed and timing.

    If you're flying an escort sure. Cruisers and sci ships in pvp have other concerns.
    What you are suggesting is worse than the current problem. It drags one backwards, or worse sideways into line of fire making it impossible to escape.

    Not really. The tractor pushes you in like the grav well pull-in would. Aka you can still push your engines or evasive and snap out of the tractor if you can break the 5km distance.

    You also have polarize hull and attack pattern omega to be immune from tractor. You can use repulsors to push the tractoring ship out of range and cut the tractor. You can jam/scramble to break the lock. Every discipline has the means to break tractor and ALL ships have access to ALL at ensign and lt levels (except for omega).

    It is not 'impossible' to escape.
    Then once you are stuck at 2 km mark I can think of countless cruiser, science tricks to seal one's fate further.

    ...which is the sci role and the cruiser would count himself lucky the target ship has or is using none of the myriad of tractor-counter abilities that exist.
    Again, this is a "double-bonus" attempt, because you are asking for TB to have the pull of gravity well and the damage to hull, but only if you are a cruiser, or science ship do you benefit.

    Actually it would be a much stronger pull than gravity well if graviton skill has points spent on it.

    Escort can tractor escort with no penalty. Escort can tractor larger ships but at a risk..and that risk may be worth taking for the benefits of the tractor.
    What double bonuses do individual TAC abilities have? Please don't tell me you are referring the the Attack Patterns. Science abilities have far greater multiple affects in their abilities.

    Please do tell me what sci ability has the synergy of attack pattern omega.

    A lt cmdr ability that makes one immune to tractors, boosts turn rate, boosts defense, boosts speed, boosts damage output AND boosts damage RESISTANCE ...

    I know of no sci ability that would do the equivalent for science. Heck even if i triggered all available sci buffs that could be clicked and used simulatenously in a cmdr sci + lt cmdr sci + ensign sci boff station ship could i get something remotely close to it.
    Use GW III.

    GW tractor pull is nearly identical regardless of tier. Only the damage changes in any noticeable way.

    Back in the day pre-f2p yeah, they used to have very significant tractor strength differences. Now... its equally laughable to escape both with mere engine power.
    What part of the red do you not understand?
    debuff defense rating by 'tagging' the ships in the cone with particles that allow targeting systems to track them better (duration: 15 second tag)

    It is another form of SNB, it principle is precisely the same, slightly different. If you can't see that, then I can't help you.

    It doesn't make sense to call it another form of SNB. If anything, its more like attack pattern beta but affecting defense rating rather than resists.

    ...and hey, all ships can use it not just sci ships or sci captains. Ability is available at LT level.
    And as I said reduce the efficiency of the counter, but not the players ability to counter. Escorts and ever some cruisers do not have SCI III to counter VM I.

    There is a reduction in the efficiency of the counter. As stated earlier, sci team 1 does reduce the effectiveness of viral matrix but it does not cleanse it completely.

    Just like tac team 1 should not cleanse boarding party 3 but rather lower its duration time.

    Viral matrix can be countered by the abilities that re-activate the subsystems ..aka emg power to- abilities for example.

    The whole point of viral matrix is to make the other guy burn his abilities faster by forcing the shutdowns. If you have it cleaned out with 1 click by an ensign ability then it is a wasted skill and like it is currently, nobody uses it. Its not worth the lt cmdr or cmdr slot.
  • gstamo01gstamo01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    That's a great idea. I like it. I'm all for removing damage output from science abilities and replacing it with darn good debuffs. :)

    The issue i see with this is that a single weapon battery would counter a tier 3 ability. The power drain would have to be similar to siphon/tyken drain in the aspect that the drained amount remains drained while the ability is active.

    For example, have every X amount of damage proc a power level debuff that is PERCENTAGE based...that lasts X seconds. Give it a max of say.. 10 procs. When added up, at tier 3 ability, the power level debuff would be 60% and lasts for 10 seconds each proc.

    That way a spike damage burst from an escort hurts does inflict damage on the first few hits but after that the debuff is high enough so that for 10 seconds the escort's damage is TRIBBLE.

    That way the continous damage from NPC ships, player cruisers and sci ships will also be affected. For tanks it is a great ability since it would debuff the target and benefit the entire team not just himself.

    A battery would counter it yes, but the cooldown on a battery is longer (2 min) than the skill cooldown of Feedback Pulse (30sec). Besides, you must have a way to counter every ability in the game.

    The effects last longer than the active skill. Those 5-10-15 were active skill times. The debuff itself lasts the same amount of time across the board(15 seconds). There is no max stack counter on the ability. The more the attacker strikes the target with the active skill, the more power loss to weapons they would receive.

    This makes it a more crafty debuff skill and a 'think twice' defense against strafing runs on a science vessel without effecting the defense of the attacker.

    Not that any of this matters, as they won't give any of these ideas thought.
    You know Cryptic has Jumped the Proverbial Shark when they introduced Tractor Pulling to Star Trek Online! :D
  • cptapollocptapollo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    gstamo01 wrote: »
    A battery would counter it yes, but the cooldown on a battery is longer (2 min) than the skill cooldown of Feedback Pulse (30sec). Besides, you must have a way to counter every ability in the game.

    FBP has 1 min cd... EPtX or AtX are also counters that help.

    Besides, you must have a way to counter every ability in the game. [/QUOTE]

    and apply that thought to the FBP suggestion, it would make it a great counter to the insane Tac dmg buffs.
    By moving he presents a different shield to any remaining incoming feedback pulse and ceases to fire on the user of feedback pulse.

    also now when a tac sees u'r FBP online he just targets some1 else and will take idk 2-3k hull dmg in the process. As a debuff the effect would linger a bit, so he couldn't just switch targets with who knows how many staked buffs and just kill some1 else.
    'cause i tell you science ships and cruisers arent that worried about reflected damage. they can either take the hits (cruiser) or dont do that much energy damage to begin with (sci ships)

    yeah right there made the reflect dmg concept a well rounded one. even if u weren't taking insane dmg fom the enemy it still gave u a nice boots. changing it to energy would be ok if ALL heals depended heavily on aux. but they dn't. adding radiation dmg,quite a bit lower ofc then what the reflected would be, seems sensible? circuits shorting , vents popping, leaks and so on from the feedback effect?
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    cptapollo wrote: »
    yeah right there made the reflect dmg concept a well rounded one. even if u weren't taking insane dmg fom the enemy it still gave u a nice boots. changing it to energy would be ok if ALL heals depended heavily on aux. but they dn't. adding radiation dmg,quite a bit lower ofc then what the reflected would be, seems sensible? circuits shorting , vents popping, leaks and so on from the feedback effect?

    What about the concept of refraction.

    The primary player targeted, fired off FBP.

    Within a certain range the FB is reflected off onto allied ships, the strength which is determined by the distance to the vessel and the duration of the pulse. Bit like the KDF isometric charge.
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    cptapollo wrote: »
    also now when a tac sees u'r FBP online he just targets some1 else and will take idk 2-3k hull dmg in the process. As a debuff the effect would linger a bit, so he couldn't just switch targets with who knows how many staked buffs and just kill some1 else.

    It has been my experience that most escorts firing on my ship die from the feedback and cannot do anything to avoid it. Simple reason is they buff up their guns and fire cannon rapid fire.. the first volley takes a second or two to 'fly' to you (depending on range) which is when I trigger feedback.

    That, right there, secures the alpha strike the escort is hoping to cripple my shields and slam my hull with gets sent back to him.

    The feedback blue pulse flies back to him...and because of human nature, it takes him a second or two to realize what it is and decide on action.. react on it. However his guns are on autofire and still buffed. Almost always they cannot react before the second volley is fired.

    Considering a crappy equipment escort with buffed up cannons can take down a shield facing (~12k on my carrier) and severely damage hull (~60k hull) in the first two bursts ... well, thats 70k or so of damage reflected back at 80% (56k) and bypassing his shields hitting him for 50% its 28k damage. Resist on the escort could lower the damage by 6k at best.

    Its still 22k hull damage in 2 bursts that they usually have no way to avoid. Now consider escorts with GOOD equipment who know how to stack their gun buffs (I HAVE been 1-shotted in my carrier by some darn good escorts so I know they can pull over 90k damage in 2 volleys) and you see why the 'oh TRIBBLE hes got feedback on ill stop shooting him now and move to another target' tends to not be work very well.

    ...especially on the 5 tac console bug ships. They fire a volley and see the second half of their explosion from the death cam. Its that quick :D

    After a few deaths yeah they may wise up and try to wait for feedback to wear off... but a feedback tank can cycle two feedbacks just as he cycles his own attack buffs.

    yeah right there made the reflect dmg concept a well rounded one. even if u weren't taking insane dmg fom the enemy it still gave u a nice boots. changing it to energy would be ok if ALL heals depended heavily on aux. but they dn't. adding radiation dmg,quite a bit lower ofc then what the reflected would be, seems sensible? circuits shorting , vents popping, leaks and so on from the feedback effect?

    Im confused as to where this came from if its responding to the feedback pulse quote of mine. :confused:
    What about the concept of refraction.

    The primary player targeted by FBP fires off the ability.

    Within a certain range the FB is reflected off onto allied ships, the strength which is determined by the distance to the vessel and the duration of the pulse. Bit like the KDF isometric charge.

    That would make the feedback pulse way overpowered. The other ships would be getting hit by what may be huge damage amounts caused by someone else. Now imagine if its a carrier or some other ship that is usually ganked upon by multiple ships...and you get an absolutely insane damage output from the ability.

    Three ships firing on a carrier with this would mean each ship gets hit by damage being 'refracted' from his own ship and two others. That would be quite unbalancing.

    Or geez in STF..aggro a whole bunch of spheres and probably watch them die in 4 seconds as their combined damage whacks them all. :P
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