heh, grat. I would have bought off you but I've already snatched 1 from exchange. You can never go wrong with opening a connie. Set the 2266 bridge then sail away in the sunset...
ok, to understand my angle: I fly an intel sheshar. I love big ships, I love ships with immense firepower, I love ships with huge HP pool, I love pets, the more the merrier. With chronos: it's zen. You need the pack tho. It's big, has HP, has tac consoles, has magic damage with temporal seatings(!) plural. Has hangar for 2…
then you're SOL. That's the best ship in the cash shop. Maybe try the JH carrier. But seriously, chronos is the best ship zen can buy. Next step is a promo ship. Good luck grinding EC, you will need it.
you have 5 free slots on your account. Make sure at least 1 of them is human fed tac. (as much as saddens me to write this down) Next, make sure you make a jem'hadar. Level him first to 65. Next, buy elite starter pack. Next, ... no next step. This game is almost like a sandbox, you define your own goals.
yeah, I'm envious of black desert online because they can have so many pets out, it's ridiculous. TBH I want to be the cat lady of sto. I want an army of cats (and dogs) follow me around. Dinos and tribbles can come too. It will be glorious.
let it go. Macos is deprecating opengl meaning only metal from now on. Wine does not support metal. Also macos is dropping support for 32 bit apps. Wine is 32 bit. STO is 32 bit. Bringing STO to mac would be a huge investment now that Cryptic is using dx10. (tho they have the expertise because they have xbox and ps4…
Should have played it not eaten it. Also play the game, don't consume it. Don't be a glutton. Anyways, Andre really underestimates the power of featured episodes.
tru dat, tho you can skip up to lvl50 only. It would have been freaking cool to level with delta and gamma missions. Still kardassians will do it just fine.
well, this is an MMO so you're expected to like those. Anyways a DISCO toon + the starter pack feels like you're watching Discovery... I really, really love it. (it's a shame that the old missions are so buggy that you need a bug spray for it lol.)
cancel the Picard show! We need a proper klingon show. Cryptic won't touch klingons unless we get a full length TV series solely on klingons. (Also we need a proper romulan show with Tom Hardy or Eric Bana whichever signs first.)
noobs need to l2p. They just need to pay attention. Even in WOW you're just lead around in Ah, bank and trainers and not how to beat ragnaros or whatever their current endgame raid is (stopped payin attention at Molten core). Anyways in STO at lvl10 you're given a ship and lead to the shipyard. At lvl11 you're given a full…
yeah, this got me thinking, you "sacrifice" yourself queuing for CCA and the system puts 9 random dudes beside you who get 2x marks, 2x elite marks and 2x dil. And you will "only" have the very good feeling of making those dudes' day. (lol...) Anyways, I think this will be the new endgame. Cryptic will tailor everything…
This is not about dil, this is about marks. I think we can kiss goodbye to new marks in red alerts. From now on only random dungeons will give out the newest marks. Blizzard implemented daily dungeons 10 years ago. I think it was high time we got them in STO.
The best defense is a good offense. This is especially true for this game. You need to slot DPS increasing skills everywhere. Or debuffs at the very least. And yeah, I recently leveled a cardassian toon from zero to hero. And while yes, it had unlimited resource available for her it was a piece of cake. This is a TRIBBLE…
Always do every reputations on every toons you have. You can never know. For example, I'm left handed so I bought the lukari wrist apparatus for all my toons because using it feels more natural for me. Tho I use iconian armor set because I like its visuals best.