I stopped playing around three years ago and came back when I heard about the DS9 expansion. In that time, I missed all the T6 event ship with the exception of the 2018 summer vorgon ship. Currently, I'm making an exotic sci build and it's perma gimped because I can't complete the 4 piece chronometric calculations set which extends a big boost of exotic damage to thirty seconds. The fourth piece of the set the "krenim chronoton torpedo launcher" is locked behind the 2016 krenim science vessel anniversary ship along with the timeline stabilizer console.
Unfortunately, past event ships are nigh impossible to get. I opened around 600-700 phoenix boxes and no luck, from what I hear the odds of getting an epic token is a paltry 1/2000. I have no more reason to open anymore phoenix boxes as I have upgraded all my gear including alts to mk XV and used the tokens to get all the other stuff I wanted like cochran's shotgun. And, I still have around 300 tokens left...
I have some thoughts on how you can make obtaining the past event ships more realistic.
1. Sell the past free event ship on the zen store.
2. Add a "epic ship voucher" to the phoenix boxes for a price of around 200 uncommon tokens to buy it.
3. During a summer/winter/anniversary Event, allow us to choose which ship we want. Much like how getting the weekend event prize works.
4. Unbind the epic tokens so we can buy/sell them on the exchange.
Hopefully, getting past event ships can get reworked. Thanks for listening/reading, enjoy the rest of your day.
I have all the epic event ships, so this doesn't affect me.
I doubt the drop rate is 1/2000, it's more likely 1/500 - 1/1000, but I agree that the drop rate for epic tokens in Phoenix boxes is probably set too low to be helpful for anyone wanting them.
A fixed price of 750-1,000 uncommon tokens might make sense. 200 is way too low since Cryptic wants this to be a dil sink and this is a major prize like a lock box ship. (You'll get 1,000 uncommon from opening roughly 750 packs thanks to getting rare and very rare tokens.)
Im in the same boat as you currently, its been a while since i have been back. The last ship i got was the Breen Chel Grett Warship which im sure was the first. I thought they gave the option to get previous ships during the events? Was that removed or do i just have it wrong since its been a bit since i have played an event. My friend logged on the other day and one of his toons still had one of the winter events qued and was able to spend some lobi to buy the tokens to finish it out. I wouldnt mind something along the lines of what he was able to do. The ability to que one of the past events and be able to spend lobi on completing it at anytime would work for me.
Im in the same boat as you currently, its been a while since i have been back. The last ship i got was the Breen Chel Grett Warship which im sure was the first. I thought they gave the option to get previous ships during the events? Was that removed or do i just have it wrong since its been a bit since i have played an event. My friend logged on the other day and one of his toons still had one of the winter events qued and was able to spend some lobi to buy the tokens to finish it out. I wouldnt mind something along the lines of what he was able to do. The ability to que one of the past events and be able to spend lobi on completing it at anytime would work for me.
The winter when the Sarr Theln carrier was the prize they let you catch up on the older T5 breen ships, since then it has not been possible to start old projects. If you start a project in one year you can still finish it in a later year.
Im in the same boat as you currently, its been a while since i have been back. The last ship i got was the Breen Chel Grett Warship which im sure was the first. I thought they gave the option to get previous ships during the events? Was that removed or do i just have it wrong since its been a bit since i have played an event. My friend logged on the other day and one of his toons still had one of the winter events qued and was able to spend some lobi to buy the tokens to finish it out. I wouldnt mind something along the lines of what he was able to do. The ability to que one of the past events and be able to spend lobi on completing it at anytime would work for me.
The winter when the Sarr Theln carrier was the prize they let you catch up on the older T5 breen ships, since then it has not been possible to start old projects. If you start a project in one year you can still finish it in a later year.
Oh wow this sucks. This means i will never obtain ships i could use to help me advance my DPS. If they are going to do it this way then i believe they need to add all past event ships to the prize pack. I noticed there were no 2018 ships on top of some others. On top of that the fact they make it claimable on only one toon was a bit of a kick in the groin. These should unlock account wide. Unless you are lucky you are spending about what you would spend on a zen ship if not more and those are account claimable.
Im in the same boat as you currently, its been a while since i have been back. The last ship i got was the Breen Chel Grett Warship which im sure was the first. I thought they gave the option to get previous ships during the events? Was that removed or do i just have it wrong since its been a bit since i have played an event. My friend logged on the other day and one of his toons still had one of the winter events qued and was able to spend some lobi to buy the tokens to finish it out. I wouldnt mind something along the lines of what he was able to do. The ability to que one of the past events and be able to spend lobi on completing it at anytime would work for me.
The winter when the Sarr Theln carrier was the prize they let you catch up on the older T5 breen ships, since then it has not been possible to start old projects. If you start a project in one year you can still finish it in a later year.
Oh wow this sucks. This means i will never obtain ships i could use to help me advance my DPS. If they are going to do it this way then i believe they need to add all past event ships to the prize pack. I noticed there were no 2018 ships on top of some others. On top of that the fact they make it claimable on only one toon was a bit of a kick in the groin. These should unlock account wide. Unless you are lucky you are spending about what you would spend on a zen ship if not more and those are account claimable.
Cryptic wants you to earn your free event ship for free, by doing the event. Your groin is safe if you do that
Cryptic wants you to earn your free event ship for free, by doing the event. Your groin is safe if you do that
The fact that i missed all the past ones means its basically beaten to a pulp . Maybe one day they will add a catch up mechanic for them. Until then ill just keep crossing my fingers and hoping. Could used some of those neat carrier consoles right about now. Do the phoenix packs change per release (as in the ships they offer)?
Cryptic wants you to earn your free event ship for free, by doing the event. Your groin is safe if you do that
The fact that i missed all the past ones means its basically beaten to a pulp . Maybe one day they will add a catch up mechanic for them. Until then ill just keep crossing my fingers and hoping. Could used some of those neat carrier consoles right about now. Do the phoenix packs change per release (as in the ships they offer)?
They haven't removed any ships, and they do add new event ships eventually just not until something like a year later. They really want you to do the events instead of skipping them and saying "meh I'll get phoenix packs instead."
1. Sell the past free event ship on the zen store.
2. Add a "epic ship voucher" to the phoenix boxes for a price of around 200 uncommon tokens to buy it.
3. During a summer/winter/anniversary Event, allow us to choose which ship we want. Much like how getting the weekend event prize works.
4. Unbind the epic tokens so we can buy/sell them on the exchange.
There is also a fifth option of making the consoles/weapons available as separately obtainable prizes. However, inevitably we'll get into the discussion of account vs. character unlocks. (I'd leave traits tied to the ship itself)
Personally, I would prefer the option of selecting which ship we want during summer/winter/anniversary events - though limited to the specific event (summer ships at the summer event, anniversary ships from anniversary events). The question then becomes whether you could claim two or more ships during a single event. Since they are account unlocks, you'd just need to run the event on multiple alts, depending on how many ships you wanted.
With what restrictions would people be willing to live and for how long before people started to move the goal posts again? The point of the events was to reward folks who were around a the time and participated in the event. I'm not sure that this doesn't somehow reward newer players at the expense of those folks.
They've already rerun Delta recruitment long after the expansion hit so that folks could get those goodies. The Phoenix availability IS the concession to make the ships/gear available for folks who weren't around. They are expensive, but how much should they cost, given the intended reward schemes and playing incentives?
Ultimately, the question comes down to whether all items should be available to all players with enough time to grind or money to spend. All else falls into line if folks would be willing to drift even further toward pay-to-win since a player with enough cash could buy whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, without the availability restrictions. Of course, you could argue that Phoenix boxes already do that, but certainly at a much steeper price that most folks couldn't afford.
Tough call, as much as I want that snazzy Vorgon Xyfius ship and Krenim Science ship on all my alts.
I just think if a ship is part of an episode reward that we should be able to get that ship when we run the episode - like the Kobali Samsar Cruiser, the Dyson Science Destroyer, Obelisk, or Odyssey. I don't see the point in taking it away when they might contain set pieces that cannot be gotten in any other way.
The Kobali wasn't an episode reward, the episode just gave a bunch of tokens for the event. You needed to grind the event like always.
I would just be happy if they gave us a way to turn our outdated tokens into usable tokens for things like this. Even if it's a 5/1 trade rate, it's all too easy to stock pile marks that end up being useless. Given the want/demand for older ships and such, it really seems weird that they would limit those behind yet ANOTHER useless currency. More so, when it came to ships BEFORE the account unlocking.
I like that they've mentioned going for a more account based unlock system but for older ships and event stuffs, it would be nice to at least have SOME way of getting them, especially for new players.
Always find it funny when a game that sells stuff for real money does anything where if you miss it you are SOL.
They are missing a revenue stream for old stuff! They don't even have to make up anything new.
They should stick all the event ships/gear in the C-store, say... 12-18 months after the event. That way the people who were there for the event get a window of 'specialness' and those that missed out can get it later when 99% of the players that did the event have moved on to new ships/gear.
Always find it funny when a game that sells stuff for real money does anything where if you miss it you are SOL.
They are missing a revenue stream for old stuff! They don't even have to make up anything new.
They should stick all the event ships/gear in the C-store, say... 12-18 months after the event. That way the people who were there for the event get a window of 'specialness' and those that missed out can get it later when 99% of the players that did the event have moved on to new ships/gear.
Two possible reasons why they might not be foolish, I'm not claiming either is fact:
CBS says the ships can't go in the C-Store. They apparently care about making non-faction ships rare instead of easy to get.
Cryptic has made the determination that they make more money by driving players to log in and grind the events than they would by letting them make one-time purchases. If they get 10,000 people to log in and buy other things they could be making more than selling 50 ships in the C-Store.
I doubt the drop rate is 1/2000, it's more likely 1/500 - 1/1000,
it's 1/875, I blew 3.5 million dil on phoenix boxes and got 2 epic tokens. (hehe I have to many alts to upgrade.)
Over the course of three Phoenix this year, I've spent 4,640,000 dil and only got 2 epic and 1 UR - count yourself lucky and a favorite of the RNG gods - though I will note that I do it for the upgrades (1910 of them).
4. Unbind the epic tokens so we can buy/sell them on the exchange.
I agree with this in principle since it would encourage more people to open phoenix packs. I have everything in the epic and UR category so my Epic and UR tokens are just sitting around waiting to be used one day.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
4. Unbind the epic tokens so we can buy/sell them on the exchange.
I agree with this in principle since it would encourage more people to open phoenix packs. I have everything in the epic and UR category so my Epic and UR tokens are just sitting around waiting to be used one day.
That's true, I might never find a use for mine so I'd gladly trade for some EC towards a lock box ship. And Cryptic does announce Epic winners just like for lock boxes. Do it Cryptic!
I doubt the drop rate is 1/2000, it's more likely 1/500 - 1/1000, but I agree that the drop rate for epic tokens in Phoenix boxes is probably set too low to be helpful for anyone wanting them.
A fixed price of 750-1,000 uncommon tokens might make sense. 200 is way too low since Cryptic wants this to be a dil sink and this is a major prize like a lock box ship. (You'll get 1,000 uncommon from opening roughly 750 packs thanks to getting rare and very rare tokens.)
The winter when the Sarr Theln carrier was the prize they let you catch up on the older T5 breen ships, since then it has not been possible to start old projects. If you start a project in one year you can still finish it in a later year.
Oh wow this sucks. This means i will never obtain ships i could use to help me advance my DPS. If they are going to do it this way then i believe they need to add all past event ships to the prize pack. I noticed there were no 2018 ships on top of some others. On top of that the fact they make it claimable on only one toon was a bit of a kick in the groin. These should unlock account wide. Unless you are lucky you are spending about what you would spend on a zen ship if not more and those are account claimable.
Cryptic wants you to earn your free event ship for free, by doing the event. Your groin is safe if you do that
The fact that i missed all the past ones means its basically beaten to a pulp
"-Grind is good!" --Gordon Geko
Accolades checklist: https://bit.ly/FLUFFYS
They haven't removed any ships, and they do add new event ships eventually just not until something like a year later. They really want you to do the events instead of skipping them and saying "meh I'll get phoenix packs instead."
2. Add a "epic ship voucher" to the phoenix boxes for a price of around 200 uncommon tokens to buy it.
3. During a summer/winter/anniversary Event, allow us to choose which ship we want. Much like how getting the weekend event prize works.
4. Unbind the epic tokens so we can buy/sell them on the exchange.
There is also a fifth option of making the consoles/weapons available as separately obtainable prizes. However, inevitably we'll get into the discussion of account vs. character unlocks. (I'd leave traits tied to the ship itself)
Personally, I would prefer the option of selecting which ship we want during summer/winter/anniversary events - though limited to the specific event (summer ships at the summer event, anniversary ships from anniversary events). The question then becomes whether you could claim two or more ships during a single event. Since they are account unlocks, you'd just need to run the event on multiple alts, depending on how many ships you wanted.
With what restrictions would people be willing to live and for how long before people started to move the goal posts again? The point of the events was to reward folks who were around a the time and participated in the event. I'm not sure that this doesn't somehow reward newer players at the expense of those folks.
They've already rerun Delta recruitment long after the expansion hit so that folks could get those goodies. The Phoenix availability IS the concession to make the ships/gear available for folks who weren't around. They are expensive, but how much should they cost, given the intended reward schemes and playing incentives?
Ultimately, the question comes down to whether all items should be available to all players with enough time to grind or money to spend. All else falls into line if folks would be willing to drift even further toward pay-to-win since a player with enough cash could buy whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, without the availability restrictions. Of course, you could argue that Phoenix boxes already do that, but certainly at a much steeper price that most folks couldn't afford.
Tough call, as much as I want that snazzy Vorgon Xyfius ship and Krenim Science ship on all my alts.
The Kobali wasn't an episode reward, the episode just gave a bunch of tokens for the event. You needed to grind the event like always.
I like that they've mentioned going for a more account based unlock system but for older ships and event stuffs, it would be nice to at least have SOME way of getting them, especially for new players.
They are missing a revenue stream for old stuff! They don't even have to make up anything new.
They should stick all the event ships/gear in the C-store, say... 12-18 months after the event. That way the people who were there for the event get a window of 'specialness'
Two possible reasons why they might not be foolish, I'm not claiming either is fact:
CBS says the ships can't go in the C-Store. They apparently care about making non-faction ships rare instead of easy to get.
Cryptic has made the determination that they make more money by driving players to log in and grind the events than they would by letting them make one-time purchases. If they get 10,000 people to log in and buy other things they could be making more than selling 50 ships in the C-Store.
it's 1/875, I blew 3.5 million dil on phoenix boxes and got 2 epic tokens. (hehe I have to many alts to upgrade.)
Over the course of three Phoenix this year, I've spent 4,640,000 dil and only got 2 epic and 1 UR - count yourself lucky and a favorite of the RNG gods - though I will note that I do it for the upgrades (1910 of them).