Couldn't they just copy what they did in TNG, Voyager, and DS9? Make a mission where you have to board a ship to help a crew trapped in their own holodeck, only the safeties are off and there is a malfunction preventing the hollo deck from being turned off. I'm actually pretty surprised we havent seen a mission like this…
Gornar as a social zone could work, but they would have to give us a reason to go there. It would have to be similar to Kobali Prime or new romulas with a ground battlezone and replayable missions
Maybe like a holodeck/Photonic lock box or some kind of event where you could get Captain Protons ship or Satan's Robot as a Boff. You could also tie it into the Voyager episodes with the Hirogen, like where they take over Voyager or when the Hirogen need help hunting the Photonics they created episide titled "Flesh and…
A science raider. 4-2 weapon layout similar to a BOP or Kazon Heavy Raider, raider flanking bonus and a secondary deflector. A cloak and some intel seating would be cool too
Weapons aren't really that big of a deal your flow capacitor based science abilities are what is going to do the damage to the shields as well as target subsystem (shields)
It's simple I don't have a (T6)science vessell for my Rom and KDF characters and I want one. I have an escort and cruisers and don't want or need another. Plus science can bypass shields with exotic damage or target shields or subsystem power levels
I highly doubt it, the Borg ships are just way to big and awkward. Though I guess they could give us a probe or a smaller version of the Borg Type O3,unless they want to design a cooperative ship from scratch
The "grand prize ships" aka the good ones, when opening a box you have a 1 in 250 chance so going through only 20 boxes Im not surprised you didnt get what you wanted
I'm in the same boat, really just gonna roll with my Dyson ship and hope dearly the winter event includes a real science ship or a T6 Science vessel is released for the KDF
@jonsills Given the idea of a hydrogen engine. You might be right as I said I'm not an engineer, it just seems like they are trying to reinvent the wheel to me. As for the accidents I disagree the accident stopped at the green light is the very first result if you search "self driven car accidents". Furthermore the self…
Aren't the self driving cars kind of stupid and cause accidents. IE trying to merge into 70 mile an hour traffic at 30mph and getting side swiped from behind by a driver unprepared for someone merging so slowly or stopping in an intersection with a green light and then getting rear ended. I get that in both of these…
This is way different than what everyone else is saying, but I think it would be cool if they went way back to the Eugenics Wars. There are alot of rather vague references to that time period throughout Star Trek, yet no real details. They should go back and elaborate on Khan and the other Augments rise to power and…