Basic idea that Dyson ships boff switching becomes the key thing behind a new type of ships. Something like a Dyson Cruiser that can move its one of its tactical boff slots up a rank and become the Dyson Dreadnought with a proton lance. Maybe a science/pilot/intel ship that can switch between a full pilot ship or a full intel ship (this might be a little broken)
Anyone else has any weird ship ideas?
My character Tsin'xing
Trying to think how would that work. I'm thinking something like protonic shielding. In cruiser mode it would be slower thanks to the protonic shielding but switching to science ship mode would release a burst of energy
But I do like the idea of more mode-shift starships.
The Obelisk should be able to shift into a dreadnought format (it's plenty huge enough; just have it maybe shift some of the lower parts around while calling in some drone parts to dock with it and giving it a more aggressive look), losing use of one hangar bay in exchange for 1-2 extra fore weapons, and trading the LtC Sci with the Lt Tac; becoming Lt Sci and LtC Tac while in dreadnought mode.
I also support the idea of a Dyson Cruiser that can shift to Dreadnought mode at the cost of some mobility.
A Ferasan escort carrier would be nice. Maybe to shake it up a little maybe give it non!hanger bay that let it warp in more ships to help it out. The pets would give out buffs like the trait Eyes of the swarm
Would have it be an upgraded Vo'Quv but the KDF can't turn down any science it can get
So the ships would basically have a boff layout like this: Com boff, two LtC boffs, and Lt uni... 4+3+3+2=12 boff powers I know T6s have 13 but with this ability switch 12 boffs might make it more balanced. If possible also switch the consoles layout, although a three pack(9 mega pack) with different console layouts might make it more attractive to the sales guys.
This would give the true to show flexibility that trek ships should have.
1) An Intel-freighter, with a tactical-science focus.
2) A Breen privateer destroyer.
3) Something Tzenkethi, anything.
4) A Promelian Battlecruiser (anyone remember that TNG episode? the introduction of Aceton assimilators, Season 3 "Booby Trap")
5) A ship of the Tkon Empire (lots of room for creativity there, since they were never described).
6) The Think Tank ship from Voyager.
A multirole ship that shifts between Destroyer, Cruiser, and Science Vessel forms. Can equip a secondary deflector, but status remains inactive outside of Science Vessel form. Also has a full set of 15 consoles, but only 11 are active at any time and change by form. Disabled consoles, like the disabled secondary deflector, will not provide any bonus or click-ability unless mode-shifted to make the consoles active.
The console provides the shifting function; similar to the Veteran ship console, but there are 3 modes to choose from. The console must be mounted in an always active console slot, and will never permit mounting into a slot that may be disabled when switching forms (meaning it will only ever mount into the 3 right-most console slots out of the 15 available).
The biggest element here is that the weapons, seats, AND active consoles change with the ship. The tradeoff is weaker hull and shields per form compared to a proper ship of the line (example: Cruiser form is slightly weaker than an equivalent full-time cruiser). Because of this, there are no special abilities beyond mode shifting and the associated stat-changes with each mode.
General setup is for a Fleet level T6 version:
Fixed seats regardless of form: Lt Uni/Hybrid and Lt Uni.
Tac Form - Destroyer:
- Cmdr Tac, Lt Eng/Pilot, LtC Sci.
- 5 Tac consoles, 3 Sci consoles, and 3 Eng consoles are active.
- Secondary Deflector is inactive and Sensor Analysis unavailable.
- Weapons switch to 4/3 with the 4th Aft weapon being disabled while in this mode.
- Gains higher base weapon damage and speed.
Sci Form - Sci Vessel:
- Lt Tac/Intel, LtC Eng, Cmdr Sci.
- 3 Tac consoles, 5 Sci consoles, and 3 Eng consoles are active.
- 2ndary Deflector becomes active and Sensor Analysis becomes available.
- Weapons shift to 3/3 with 1 Fore and 1 Aft weapon being disabled while in this mode.
- Gains higher shield recovery rate and speed.
Eng Form - Cruiser (Default):
- LtC Tac, Cmdr Eng, Lt Sci/Command.
- 3 Tac consoles, 3 Sci consoles, and 5 Eng consoles are active.
- Secondary Deflector is inactive and Sensor Analysis unavailable.
- Weapons shift to 4/4 and gains Aggro boost and Shield durability cruiser auras.
- Gains higher hull repair rate and higher HP.
This idea serves 2 purposes; squeeze in an artificial Science ship into the KDF and Romulan sides and serve as a testbed for Cryptic, to see if they can manage a true dual-mode/multi-mode ship setup for the future; as another means to offset the limited amount of Boff and console layouts available without requiring another Tier jump.
Although I can visualize the consoles changing when it transforms. that'd probably be what makes the different hulls different.
My character Tsin'xing
Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
Yellow Science Vessel Submarine -> Next Year Risa, pretty please?
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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Instead of a secondary deflector, they have a Proton Tail Gun and a freed up 4th Fore weapon slot. When they shift from Destroyer to Raider mode, that Proton Tail Gun flips over or under the ship and becomes a 5th weapon.