What I miss about the old ESD is the cadets saluting you when you speak to them. I still hope they could move that part or the NPCs into a class room down on the academy one day. As for the past ESDs, I was hoping they would use that interior for maybe a Vulcan or Andor space dock. Heck give Tellar Prime a space dock!…
I was hoping they would transfer over that class of cadets from the old ESD. You know where you used to get fan service from them when you advanced in rank? If they could put that into a room on the academy that would be cool.
well theoretically one could say Section 31 started out semi-legitimate sometime they messed up badly enough they had to go into hiding I would say creating a super AI that was going to erase organic life would qualify STO seems to allude to them returning to semi-legitimacy please it's an Apple watch! :wink:
only if they fix the autofill on the duty officer one I keep getting autofills with DOffs that are not qualified just because they are a "higher" quality
I was able to login briefly tonight. However there was major lagging & disconnects from server. Now this same message is showing up when attempting to re-login. This is a SERVER side issue as I have recently just changed ISPs.
NO time suit! That is against the temporal prime directive! I would be fine with a fleet Krenim project that gets you a time suit replica statue. No one asked for Enterprise uniforms? It's easy to do too since they are so similar to Discovery's. Oh and it is about time we get relevant shuttle bridges! It is really odd…
I've had this on New Romulus for a while. Turning on Lighting 2.0 seems to fix it. It is as if they are trying to force players to use that crappy lighting system. Oh and whenever I change something on graphics settings Lighting 2.0 mysteriously turns itself on.
I thought something was way off. I'm missing lots of FX too. I was on New Romulus when the Staging Area bug alert went off but I could see no swarms at all.