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dStahl Talks Voyager



  • wzzupp549wzzupp549 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    out of the choices krenim are best, chance of a cool time traveling machine i think is why.

    vidiians, gross
    kazon, nobody liked them (i really did not like kazon eps)
    Malon, garbage ships?
    Hierarchy, cool but odd looking chracters, too odd, nothing really stood out about them
    Devore, not enough info to make them cool
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,511 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Kazon tech was substandard. As we saw, however, they were great at stealing from more technologically-advanced societies, then reverse-engineering the tech they stole and reproducing it. That's why I think that now, all these decades later, they might actually become worthy foes - imagine a Kazon ship stumbling across a derelict Borg craft, and stripping it of everything they could possible use. Now, years later, here comes a Federation scout, checking out space on this end of the transwarp hub, and they find a Borg-enhanced Kazon cruiser... :)

    (I'm still voting for a divided Vidiian society, with the Cured and the Flesh-cult, but I readily acknowledge that's probably just me.)
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The ships have nothing to do with canon. Any time a game is considered canon it is the stories alone, without regard for player choices. (There are a good number of Star Wars games that serve as examples, as they were all, perhaps not currently but at least at one time, considered canon)

    U damn str8 that ships have nothing to do with cannon, but still no excuse for a video game company to pollute foreign alien ship designs to major playable factions/subfactions which have ship designs they can expand on for an example on the Federation faction with more Caitian, Vulcan, Andorian, Bajoran etc, the Klingon faction with more Orion, Narssican, Gorn, or new Ferasan ships etc, and the Romulan subfaction with new Suliban ally ships, splinter Hirogen group ally or captured hirogen ships similar to the KDF got the Kar'fi carrier, so these factions don't feel like a big overgrown Dominion that is under a civil war.

    Jem'hadar ships should've had been saved for a potential Dominion faction as Cardassian ships for the Cardassian Union faction. i guess u just still waiting or keeping ur hopes high for a Borg lock box...

    Back to the ''Canon''... This is ''Star Trek'' not ''Star Wars'' or ''Babylon 5'' what George Lucas or JMS considers canon on their respective franchises is up to them.

    There have been alot of Star Trek games... Armada, Klingon Academy, Birth of the Federation, Starfleet Command, etc. all have their stories expanded from the ''canon''ST Canon universe which most if not all are considered ''Non-Canon'' by Paramount/CBS. There have been also alot of Star Trek novels with more story depth than STO which my i add that Cryptic bite off from and add it into STO with some minor changes, most of these Novel's are consider ''Non-Canon'' as well... i will also add that a few ships in STO like the Vesta class and the Luna class are from the Novel's.

    Just because STO may be built around ''Canon'' ST sources and expand unto it does not mean it make it ''Canon''... This game is nothing more than a non-canon expanded universe nothing more.
  • harugammaharugamma Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    vidiian's would be interesting as in the voyager episode think tank the members of the think tank claim to have cured the phage so its possible they may now be a peaceful race and could be a neutral encounter maybe rescue one of there ships or something
  • spiceborg001spiceborg001 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The Vaadwaur from Dragon's Teeth. Not sure if I spelled it right?
  • williamdellwilliamdell Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I personally want the Voth to be explored more, but given the choices, I would choose the Hierarchy since I found them interesting in their ways of espionage/surveillance. I'm not sure how powerful they would be, but I think with their advanced equipment they would be able to render cloaks useless and negate any surprise attack bonuses against them in that aspect. I'm not sure what else they would have for powers in their ships or even ground missions.
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  • jamartjamart Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Dirty stinking raiders. Plus they look like something from British sci-fi. Put them in so we can kill them.
  • edited August 2013
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  • edited August 2013
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  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,511 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    umm wrong , and wrong. The animated series and books for example have never been canon. Fanatics need to get off their high-horses and face that fact.
    I beg your pardon - I am a fanatic, which is why I'm so clear on what is and is not canon. And you are essentially correct, that was established back when Viacom still held the copyright - canon is what is seen on film. Books are not canon. The cartoon is not canon. The movies are, even STV and the relevant portions of the '09 movie.

    (Believe me, I'd love to disavow the fifth movie, but I'm not allowed to. It was filmed, therefore, whether I like it or not, it's part of the core canon.)
  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The last time someone asked a Voyager question we got stuck with single episode appearance Voth development. Do we really have to go through this again?
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • irminstanirminstan Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Please, please, please no Kazon... They sucked so bad, like some kind of lame Delta Quadrant wannabe Klingons. The Malon were boring too.
  • mcgugan88mcgugan88 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I vote for the Krenim they were more intereting than most of the races in the delta quadrant.
  • theroyalfamilytheroyalfamily Member Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I voted for Malon. If one of their garbage trucks can take on Voyager, imagine what an actual warship could do.
  • liochlioch Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think the Vidiians would be the most interesting story-wise as we could see how they have progressed. There are a lot of possible story arcs with them including a pre-existing internal faction split.

    The Krenim appearing, while interesting, could easily undo everything The Year of Hell represented. I know it sounds weird considering it was time wipe but it would annoy me if they were the antagonists again. However, if they somehow could approach the Feds in peace it could be interesting, but it could also leave the K & R excluded, which is a bad thing. I like the Krenim but I would wait another 100 years before reintroducing them.

    The Devore are the most likely to be encountered in direct conflict, but STO already has too many unresolved war storylines as it is.

    The others were so uninteresting or gimmicky (even the Kazon, sadly) as to be not worth mentioning.

    This poll is cute, but really the odds are good that this is just leading up to the Delta Quadrant being a new playground, so all of them will appear eventually so it is sort of moot.
  • awiggenawiggen Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I have to agree with this the Vaadwaur would make a great antagonist race. they would also be willing to work with the Iconians to get advanced tech allowing them to be tied into the existing storyline.
  • hrisvalarhrisvalar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The Krenim, with Annorax's little misadventure undone, should be relatively unimposing at this point. Technologically comparable to the Federation and KDF perhaps, with chroniton torpedoes that do nothing transphasics don't do more reliably. May be worth dropping by in passing, but I can't see a storyline for them to be at the center of unless you want to rehash the Year of Hell. (Hey, I found these unfinished schematics for a big honking timeship in this shoebox granddad left me. And I never did get to second base with Suzie at the prom. Hmmm.)

    The Devore's entire schtick seems to be about not tolerating telepaths in their space, which the Klingons wouldn't care about and the Federation'd be too busy worrying about the legal ramifications to intervene. I suppose you might have native Devore telepaths be mind-controllers and make their way onto a starbase, but there don't seem to be many way to go in-depth on the why (beyond the thusfar assumed blind bigotry) of the Devore.

    The Kazon are the Delta Quadrant's great disappointment, and can't be taken seriously as a threat. We've seen too much of them in Voyager to leave much room for surprises there. Generic big bad.

    The Hierarchy, however, might actually have some potential. Just cause all we've seen of them is a bunch of bowling pins that'll die of heart attacks if you chase them down half a corridor, doesn't necessarily mean the Hierarchy actually consists of only one species. It may encompass multiple, or many, all assigned their own role. It may be a Dominion deal. There may be a supercomputer involved. There may be an alien behind the curtain.

    The Vidiians I just don't care for. While they're enough of a threat to a lone ship, their civilization has to dedicate too many resources just to keeping its people alive to think they could actually be a threat on a large scale. Unless they did manage to cure themselves and they've decided they'd like to start an empire. Although, it would be a great point to tie in, if you can possibly get him, Schmullus.

    I actually like the Malon. Mainly cause they come with a built-in way to get our ships to the Delta Quadrant, and theirs to A/B. They may have found an as to yet undiscovered wormhole that they've been dumping their radioactive waste through. And it's started to clog up passing freighters' engines. (Still, you'd think the Malon'd save themselves a bunch of trouble and just find a nice black hole to dump their beforelast generation iPhones in.)
  • sarvour0sarvour0 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    jjumetley wrote: »
    The Kazon? Not a real threat.
    The Krenim? After the destruction of their ship - nothing interesting.
    The Malon? Nothing exciting about garbage scows.
    The Devore? They isolate themselves and I don't see a reason why we would want to go there.

    The Vidiian?
    The Hierarchy?
    Those two I would like to see. Vidiians are interesting because they have to take extreme measures just to survive. The Hierarchy seems to be a formidable opponent which we only got a glimpse of in Voyager.

    I went with Hierarchy but it was a tough choice between the two.

    While i certainly liked the majority of the Characters on Voyager, i could not say the same for the majority of the episodes and aliens. Of the races on the Poll the only ones i remembered were the Kazons; for how much i disliked them. I had to look up the others.

    While the Vidiian & The Hierarchy are fascinating choices i went with Krenim for the possibilities their tech opens up. The Vidiians are a sore plot point for me; since the Federation acquired the vast Fabrini Medical Database in the 2260s that the Doctor could have done more for them. The Hierarchy however have advanced sensors and cloaking devices wholly independent of romulan technology, and as such is something i would love to explore. Hierarchy ships aint a bad idea...

    I am very exited about the prospects of acquiring one or more Borg vessels! And exploring a Dyson Sphere! Xmas is comming early! I've wanted a Borg Cube since the begining! Any chance of the playable Soyuz, Constellation or NX-91001 classes finally arriving?
    [SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards[/SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards
    =A=Commodore Joshua Daniel Sarvour, S.C.E.
    U.S.S. AKAGI NX-93347, Enterprise-class Battle Cruiser =A= U.S.S. T'KORA'S WRATH NX-110047, Odyssey-class Battle Cruiser

    "There Ain't No Grave, Can Hold My Body Down..."

    PS - I fully support a T6 Nova, fixing the Nova skins. I am also rooting for a T6 Science Cruiser, that can use Nova/Rhode Island skins.
    T6 Nova/Rhode Island, T6 Oberth & T6 Constellation are needed. Also needed a T6 Science Cruiser, that can wear any Science or Cruiser skin.
  • neoprydeneopryde Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The idea of playing as the Borg really intrigues me more so than anything mentioned in the blog. I also look forward to hearing more about what happened to the Voyager crew. It was a great disappointment that the only thing we got from the canon was a brief appearance by Janeway after the show ended - and nothing more.
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Exactly. They'll eventually turn around and continue the prime universe like nothing happened. Which is what each series has done whenever they have done a mirror universe episode: they do it, then the next episode continues the prime universe unabated.

    Star Trek prime universe contains forty to fifty years of history, which cannot be replaced within a short period of time. Paramount and CBS television would be stupid to throw away all the money and effort that went into establishing Star Trek: Prime. According to what I read online, CBS is still getting millions of dollars in Star Trek: TOS merchandising. Who knows how much more they are making from all five series? We can only guess.

    Star Trek: Online is playing in a time period, which will eventually be fleshed out by a Star Trek: The Third Generation series. Even though Star Trek: Online has some good storytelling elements, the next prime series will override game canon. JJ Trek's mirror universe is a short lived advertising campaign, which is being used to get people ready for a new prime universe tv-series. Its just a matter of time.

    As for the implementation of the Voth, I like the character and environment designs. I just do not like the idea of Earth based dinos in space. When it comes to bringing the Krenim into Star Trek: Online, I think their society would be allied with the Federation. At the end of the Voyager episode "Year of Hell I & II", the Krenim seem to be a peaceful and relaxed society. I do not see the Krenim being used in a 'war on Earth' scenario. Since the time ship was never created, while Voyager moved through their sector space, the Krenim would not even know we existed.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,511 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Y'all just keep telling yourselves that. Because of course writers and producers just love trying to craft new stories in universes with literal centuries of canon, and legions of manic fans willing and eager to publicly castigate them for every single failure to observe said canon, not to mention the ones who insist their favorite non-canon sources must be considered as well...

    Meanwhile, rebooting the universe frees them of all that. New tales can be told that don't have to be run past a future-history exam before they can be filmed. And after all, who wants to write stories featuring something different?
  • fourxgamerfourxgamer Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I voted Devore for several reasons:

    Almost every first contact I made in this game, before we could get diplomacy xp with duty officer assignments, were with races running scared from the Devore Imperium. That's kind of impressive.

    Secondly, I too hate telepaths. I'd be wearing one of those helmets like Kevin Bacon had before Magneto put a coin through his head.

    The Kazon made me stop watching Voyager for about a year. Space oompa loompas that can fly star ships but can't make water is just wrong. I hate the Kazon about as much as Worf's bratty kid.

    Actually, I say forget Voyager. I dare Cryptic to write backgrounds for all the alien races they made for exploration clusters. Let's hear about the Boktians, Krimto, Widrabs, and Vito'd. I made my third character half Vito'd. Just think of the total artistic freedom you would have.
  • usscapitalusscapital Member Posts: 985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I am supprised that the krenim have so many votes tbh (fixed vote ?,ships already done ?) , they did not show more than a few ships including the timeship thing so why so much interest towards them ? .
    there is better race's from voyager that would have been the better choice :eek:

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    usscapital wrote: »
    I am supprised that the krenim have so many votes tbh (fixed vote ?,ships already done ?) , they did not show more than a few ships including the timeship thing so why so much interest towards them ? .
    there is better race's from voyager that would have been the better choice :eek:
    Nah, the Krenim were a really cool race concept and the Temporal weapon ship was awe inspiringly powerful. :D

    That being said, I voted Vidiian simply because I'd love to see where their story picks up from here.
    My character Tsin'xing
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  • captbuhawkcaptbuhawk Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    the Krenim would be so cool

    The Voth would be a much cooler beings to meet in game.
    story arc could be that a very large group of Voth want to meet with the Federation and Earth in particular, you could also have another group of Voth that want to stop this
  • azurerail1azurerail1 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ive seen a few Mentions about the Dyson Sphere. Are you considering putting that into sto?. That Episode should have been a Mini Series in Next gen, instead of one GREAT, but Short Episode. There is so much more i wanted to learn about Dyson Sphere:)

    As for Voy Races, The Krenim are a Fo that really made Voyager Awesome and i would love to face them off in a Temporal Battle.
  • raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think part of the reason why I voted Krenim is not for them to be a foe...but to be an ally of the Federation.

    In light of that, I also remodel my idea involving the Vaduwaar...make them allies to the Romulan Republic as both no longer have worlds to call home and both could try to work together.
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
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