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dStahl Talks Voyager



  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    starswordc wrote: »
    Leave the freaking Krenim alone. I hate time travel on general principles because it always makes my head hurt. There are no exceptions apart from Doctor Who, and then only because the show is goofy enough already that I can accept it basically runs on nonsensoleum.
    Well, to me that was the best aspect of the Krenim. They did NOT have the ability to actually travel through time. the weapon ship used various other methods of manipulating the timeline.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • shocknuttzshocknuttz Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ive got a great idea. cant remember the name of the species but they're the evoled dinosaurs from earth. my idea is since Voyager had payed thier visit more of them became curious about earth as word about earth spread. the curious ones "player" can spend the entire leveling period trying to reach earth. and of course one they did end game content can kick in. just my 2 cents
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Unfortunately, it would seem that the Krenim have this in the bag.

    And I say unfortunately because, frankly, they were simply not that interesting. All we really saw of them was ONE crew flying ONE special weapon-ship with the ability to manipulate time. And yes, I realise that we saw other Krenim ships; they were victims of the timeline changes too and were so nondescript that they were quickly forgotten.

    Not to mention the fact that I'd wager that a lot of the votes for the Krenim were placed by people who think that they're going to get to fly a Krenim time-weapon ship*

    * They might, it's not impossible and for all I know, it's a future lock-box candidate; but there is NO WAY IN HELL that it would be able to do what we saw the 'prototype' in "Year of Hell" do.
    Not to mention the fact that the prototype and everything having to do with it was erased from the timeline by the reset button at the end of the episode. (You see why I keep saying I despise time travel or anything remotely similar to time travel? **** Berman.)
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • alikainalikain Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    After reading through all the pages on this thread, i see that not a lot of people like voyager. purely based on Janeway, but most of you turn to forget that, any captain would have done the same thing she did. if i recall correctly the caretaker did ask Janeway for help after he brought them to the delta quadrant. Anyway getting off topic here since this isn't about Voyager show but rather, which of these societies would we most like to encounter.

    Firstly; Let me ask a question of my own. why would the Federation, KDF or even Romulan Republic want to go to the delta quadrant.

    I can understand why the Fed would, but can not understand why the other two. i say this because as most have stated Neelix could asked the Fed.

    Another possibility is the 37's. The 17th episode of season two for those of you who haven't watch voyager. The crew discovers the morse code S.O.S. Amelia Earhart, Fred Moonan and the rest who were dubbed the 37s by their descendants. who were abducted by the Briori ad later revolted and took control of the Briori technology. They were highly advance that when Janeway saw their cities she commented that it had a resemblance to Federation worlds.

    Secondly; most of you seem to think that after all the positive and negatives that voyager had crossing through the quadrant, will still even exists.

    Let start by looking at them one by one.

    Kazon Sects
    what is preventing the kazon sects from united and pulling all the resources they have and take more to advance themselves after what voyager did. after all once upon a time they just did that when Jal Sankur united the sects to overthrow the trabe. I can see them a achieving great things, which could intend get the borg to notice them.

    Now the krenim after the destruction of the weapon ship, who is to say that the krenim even survived. they were after all at war with just about everyone of their neighbours even the Zahl.

    Devore Imperium
    This guys were to xenophobic and had especially harbor a deep mistrust of telepaths that it wouldn't even surprise me if all the telepath races decided to go to war with them. Or perhaps, they society could have gone on a reform which will welcome the very thing they hated the most.

    The Malon
    not a lot to say about them, only that they were an economically-motivated species. although technologically advanced, they lack the means to recycle antimatter waste which made the waste export industry much higher profit. who is to say that, the same thing can not happen to the recycle tech that Janeway gave. i can see recycle as another business venture for them to make profit just like the way a ferengi would conduct business.

    The Hierarchy
    we don't even know what their true name for their species are. since they are highly adept in the skills of espionage and remote surveillance and only attack for resources. i can see them getting bolder and bolder for them to even go beyond their territory. they could be come a threat for other species in the region.

    The Vidiian
    Since the Kurros claimed that his group had cured the phage; they are medical advanced even more than the federation. after all they were once peaceful, cultured race of scientist and explorers much like the federation before the phage struck. i can't see why they couldnt do so again. but than again, as many have stated they could have be a side-effect from the cure or the think-tank, could have an agenda of it own.

    I know this is a long post but, to sum it up. i think cryptic you need to hold of the DQ till you guys can sort the storylines in Alpha quadrant, Beta and Gamma quadrant before heading to the Delta Quadrant. we still have the Fed and KDF war which haven't be resolve, let alone the iconian storyline. Anyway since we are all wondering if or how should we get to the DQ, well the Dyson sphere could be the way to the DQ, since it is under the control of the voth am sure they have a means to enter both quadrant from where the sphere is.
    "You ask why we give our ships computer normal emotions. Do you really want a warship incapable of loyalty?"
  • primalironprimaliron Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    alikain wrote: »
    Firstly; Let me ask a question of my own. why would the Federation, KDF or even Romulan Republic want to go to the delta quadrant.

    I can understand why the Fed would, but can not understand why the other two. i say this because as most have stated Neelix could asked the Fed.

    The primary reason I consider for all three entering the DQ is to take the fight to the Borg. We do not know how much of the DQ the Borg have assimilated but it is a source of raw resources that the Borg can tap into. For all we know the Borg incursions in known space are merely a distraction while they build an ever more formidable base.

    The Klingons specifically have reverted to the old ways, which means conquest. Anything they see that is available for conquest will be targeted.

    The Federation will need to keep pace with the Klingons rate of expansion, or risk losing a war of attrition.

    The Romulans have the least reason to go, but may participate in missions with their allies. New resources are going to be the most likely motivator.
    alikain wrote: »
    Secondly; most of you seem to think that after all the positive and negatives that voyager had crossing through the quadrant, will still even exists.

    There is very little to go on in regards to what has happened since Voyager, the DQ was a very tumultuous place so there is a lot of potential for change. The developers will have to flesh out a lot as I stated in my previous post. It would behoove them to entwine the A/BQ stories and the DQ in order to make the stories more relevant to the greater Star Trek universe.
  • sarvour0sarvour0 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    loading159 wrote: »
    A game where my ship and crew is put in some random area in the delta quadrent and has to find its way home? maybe not appealing to some but this actually sounds like fun to me, just as long as it does not take 7 years, maybe a week or a few days or some certain amount of in game play time.

    I would prefer another faction with the same quality, or better, just like the Romulans.
    Getting all these new player ships is great, but lately it is getting out of hand a little. I see more fed captains flying captured enemy ships than actual fed ships. at this rate it would be easier to take the fed / kdf/rom put them all together, and call it one big faction and just let everyone buy anything they want. feds can be explorers, kdf can be the warriors, roms can be the spies.

    Lets see more factions with there own specific ships rather than introducing a new species and handing their ships out to the fed/kdf/rom. could even make it a 500 or 1000 zen option to switch factions to get more people into other factions.

    I'll put out an idea i've had for a while now. In numerous non-canon licensed stories & games as well as several Episodes (canon) there have been groups using ships made by/for other factions, obtained through a variety of ways. Klingons gave Romulans Battle Cruisers equipped with Disruptors and Warp Drives. Kirk and Dukat captured Klingon BoPs. A Ferengi outfit bought decommissioned BoPs. Starfleet captured a Jem'Hadar ship and used it as long as they could. DS9 itself was a Cardassian station operated jointly by Bajoran Militia & Starfleet.

    My proposal is this: Let FED Captains buy any 1 KDF ship in the C-Store and KDF Captains can buy any 1 FED ship. RRF can likewise buy 1 non-ally ship. This way it doesn't get silly/out of hand.

    Alternately, my original idea which was a special Mission to capture an enemy vessel (selescted from the standard lineup rather than the c-store). The Captured vessel would be required for related/linked missions, and available for any/all missions.
    [SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards[/SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards
    =A=Commodore Joshua Daniel Sarvour, S.C.E.
    U.S.S. AKAGI NX-93347, Enterprise-class Battle Cruiser =A= U.S.S. T'KORA'S WRATH NX-110047, Odyssey-class Battle Cruiser

    "There Ain't No Grave, Can Hold My Body Down..."

    PS - I fully support a T6 Nova, fixing the Nova skins. I am also rooting for a T6 Science Cruiser, that can use Nova/Rhode Island skins.
    T6 Nova/Rhode Island, T6 Oberth & T6 Constellation are needed. Also needed a T6 Science Cruiser, that can wear any Science or Cruiser skin.
  • aniax01aniax01 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The Krenim Technology and characteristics can be quite worth exploring. They specialize in Temporal Science, if I'm not wrong. Still, there's only about 1 or 2 episodes about them although some things could be made up.
  • robotkadavrobotkadav Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    if i could vote two, i would choose the hierarchy and the krenim. The hierarchy guys look distinct and were in some of my favourite episodes, so i voted for them.

    Close second would be the krenim, i just love temporal stuff, they had great potential, too bad they messed up year of hell... (why didn't they stretch it for at least a quarter of a season, and in the end they just punched the reset button, undoing everything... seriously?)
  • cers001cers001 Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    since were getting voyager can we have the compreasion rifle and the two pronged gun?
    CVN-65 U.S.S. Enterprise - A ship so badass it survived John McCain.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Why on earth (and known Federation space) Voyager?
    Trek at its worst...

    I understand people possibly wanting to go to the Delta Quadrant (as if the Alpha and Beta Q. wheren't still big enough).
    STOs Alpha and Beta Quadrant are still just a small fracture of what could be done by cryptic.

    TBH Voyager is the last Trek series i like. Heck even Enterprise was better IMO, at least there where some likable people on the ship, not just some bootlickers as in Voy.
    I don't want to come to archer's defense (enterprise had many flaws) but they just didn't know how to handle things, Janeway DID.
    And still she behaved unpredictable, and contrived patronizing and i just dislike her as a person. I don't want to start about the rest of the crew.
    Voyager is the best example of bad casting in a TV show IMO.

    What Aliens should i choose?
    The Kazon - Cheap Klingons rip offs?
    The Vidiian - i never liked them, i find the whole premise implausible
    The Krenim - Not again time ships and time weapons
    The Malon - are you serious?
    The Hierarchy - not really a threat i would take for serious, really. TBH i always though they where Malons. :o
    The Devore - Telepath xenophobes, how original...

    I don't know, none of them have left a mark IMO or look at least interesting.
    ... and to be honest i don't care about them.
    so i choose none.

    Let's redo the last poll.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    alikain wrote: »
    Secondly; most of you seem to think that after all the positive and negatives that voyager had crossing through the quadrant, will still even exists.

    Let start by looking at them one by one.

    And given the Borg don't suck anymore, it's entirely possible they've expanded and assimilated a number of them. Although not the Kazon, of course, because even the Borg think they're morons.

    Hey, maybe that's why they're dangerous again: the Borg ate the Krenim! (Please?)
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • sparcehvsparcehv Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Another possibility of reaching the DQ is with an coaxial Warp Drive from "VOY: "Vis ? Vis" and give it a cool down for a 24 hours or so.

    Furthermore, after the events of "VOY: "year of hell" the Krenim are nothing more then a "normal" space race. On the other hand, what if the time ship still existed then where is Q and the continuum? Can`t image the continuum would allow time changes that big.

    I would opt for the Vediians. The phage has mutated and sick Vidiians have been expelled to colonies where they now have taken up arms and threaten the region of space.

    And the thing which is bugging me most are the haters of the Voyager show. IMHO I think this is the best show ever. A small diverse crew working together becoming a family instead (example) of TNG which had a crew of a 1000 people and also families on board. But the entire ship was operated by a dozen people who happened to be all single. C`mon on!

    See season 4 of Voyager or particular episodes like "Mortal Coil" and Real Life". Those are the stories that make Star Trek. Not the Star Wars Space shots and shooting vessels.
    But that`s just me....
    Captain of the federation starship U.S.S. Iridium.

    In the end.... we`re all Ferengi!
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I can already see the next Lockbox containing Malon ships being able to outgun a GCS, lol.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • usscapitalusscapital Member Posts: 985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    yreodred wrote: »
    I can already see the next Lockbox containing Malon ships being able to outgun a GCS, lol.

    they might as well scrap the GCS in it's current state , please cryptic fix/redo the galaxy class to at least match the ent c layout

  • alikainalikain Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Seriously we shouldn't have the krenim. Cryptic shouldn't have even brought the time ships into the game yet. You could have made a whole expansion base on Temporal war. This way you could have all the Species like the krenim Involve with this war. What a waste of ships in lockboxes.

    @yreodred; you can Definitely be sure of it the the malon Freighters in lockboxes are going to be powerful than the Galaxy class. I mean what ship in the lockboxes aren't powerful than that.

    @sparechv; I forgot about the coaxial drive. If I recall correctly it fold the fabric of space right. Dam it voyager was indeed the best Star Trek show ever. We get to see a lot of new tech every time. We could use such as Experimental drive for the trip to delta quadrant, which than fail upon arrival at our Destination.
    "You ask why we give our ships computer normal emotions. Do you really want a warship incapable of loyalty?"
  • xapocalypseponyxxapocalypseponyx Member Posts: 577 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I suppose this train has left the station. No turning back now. Just seems there is so much more that could be done, so much that is still left undone in the areas we have now, without tapping the farthest reaches of the galaxy, just yet.
  • borrowedtuneborrowedtune Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Where is the "none of the above" option?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Firstly; Let me ask a question of my own. why would the Federation, KDF or even Romulan Republic want to go to the delta quadrant.
    Well the Orions hold some influence in the KDF high council now. It's no longer Klingons only. With this in mind, it's entirely possible that the KDF wants to look for trade opportunities. After all, the high council would have to be stupid not to want to trade with a race that thinks Beryllium is a precious metal. :D

    Anyways, At the end of Year of Hell, the Krenim still had the tech to make the weapon ship, they just hadn't used it. Another thing that points to a strong Imperium is that, after the Year of Hell was erased, the Krenim were seen using the same model of warship that nearly destroyed Voyager with those time shifted torpedoes. Do they have those weapons still? We don't know for sure, but it's entirely possible that they do. One thing to consider is that the powerful Imperium that hunted Voyager for a YEAR accross however many lightyears was a 98% restoration of the original timeline before the weapon ship was first used. It's possible they were somewhat more powerful, but if it really was a 98% restoration, not much.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    alikain wrote: »
    Seriously we shouldn't have the krenim. Cryptic shouldn't have even brought the time ships into the game yet. You could have made a whole expansion base on Temporal war. This way you could have all the Species like the krenim Involve with this war. What a waste of ships in lockboxes.

    @yreodred; you can Definitely be sure of it the the malon Freighters in lockboxes are going to be powerful than the Galaxy class. I mean what ship in the lockboxes aren't powerful than that.
    I am afraid of that day.
    I think that would be the line i stop paying ANYTHING for this game ever again.
    But on the other hand i am afraid Cryptic would do even that, if they think ppl will pay for it. (and they will)
    Sometimes i think most people would fly a steaming pile of dung if it had a better BOFF/Wepons layout than previous ships.

    It's already hard to be a GCS fan in STO, but to see that every other ship (no matter how insignificant in "real" trek) can outgun it, is just frustrating and annoying TBH.
    STO isn't fun to play.
    Cryptics devs should finally do something about it!
    Sorry for being Off Topic.

    I agree the Krenim would just repeat the time machine theme we already had with the Wells Class and mirror Wells.

    Iwish there where one too. :confused:
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • mattack13mattack13 Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Voyager was a show I watched the first season of and then lost track of when I went away to college and didn't have a TV in my dorm room. I did watch it all the way through the past couple of years, and I have to say, for all the flack people give it, I really enjoyed it. Like all trek shows, the early seasons were a bit uneven and then it really got moving about halfway through. Once they hit Borg space it was on, IMHO.

    Though it seems clear they won't win the poll, I would like to see the Vidiian. They are grotesque (wearing dead skin masks, are you kidding me???), scary (guns that extract organs? what could be worse?), and desperate. They also touch on one of Voyagers key themes, that of sticking to your principles versus doing what must be done to survive in an amoral universe. A cultured society made butchers by disease.

    The Krenim episode was great as well, I almost feel like that was Voyager: The Motion Picture. They would be my number 2 pick. What would really be hot is if they made some feature episodes featuring the voice acting of the dad from "That '70s Show"... he was fantastic in that role. Complicated and deeply wounded.

    The Malon would be an odd pick, but after watching those spatial charges they fired in action (I rewatched some episodes to remind me of what I was voting for), I am a bit intrigued there. Different than both mines and torpedoes. Maybe a weapon that fires a full spread style AoE at a single target. And obviously some radiation leaking madness.

    Randomly, I'd love to get some Xindi down the line, once Voyager/Delta quadrant material has been added.
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited August 2013
    I dont know about everyone else but going back and rehashing the same species that voyager came into contact with and nothing new seems kinda boring. Voyager was like a car on a highway, they didnt see a whole lot. Kinda like driving across country on I80 which I have done 4 times. you see a few things along the way but theres a whole lot just off your path that you dont see.

    I would prefer something completely new and unique to STO, maybe have the khazon but have them like an annoyance for you and the main enemy is a species that moved into their space and is effing them up and doesnt exactly like you either. After 30 years allot can happen and space is vast.

    Some of the others in that list could use something fresh, maybe an advanced species Voyager missed thats at war with a species they did come across and the player makes contact under friendly terms and an alliance is struck allowing the federation to put a forward base there and you help them in the war.

    Just rehashing Voyager... Dull and boring.
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • leeandrew80leeandrew80 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Are you ever going to give us a more tactical Intrepid class? I would gladly pay 50 dollars for that. I am so happy the upcoming content is going to be "more Voyager", it was my most favorite Trek show. But so far the sci version of the Intrepid class has simply been.... lame. :-)
  • kortaagkortaag Member Posts: 525
    edited August 2013
    I have no idea why Krenim is so wanted. We already have temporal related ships and it's not bad to have more per se but still.. The Devore were way cooler.. In case anybody forgot about them you can see their ships at the end of the clip:


    As you can tell they were highly militaristic and that means fun. I don't want a babylon-five looking temporal ship that would probably only have a scimitar-like weapon anyway.
    May good management be with you.
  • protocloneprotoclone Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Maybe this thought isn't new, but think about it.

    The Kazon are unwanted by the Borg, so that makes them the perfect soldier to fight the Borg. The Kazon could hire themselves out as mercs that excel at taking out the Borg...as long as they have the ability/tech to. Well, if they don't have the means someone else might and could equip the Kazon with the ability to deal with the Borg threat and contract them out. This gives the Kazon a reason to be in the game and hell, even gives them a story arc to explore.
  • xiaoping88xiaoping88 Member Posts: 1,493 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    protoclone wrote: »
    Maybe this thought isn't new, but think about it.

    The Kazon are unwanted by the Borg, so that makes them the perfect soldier to fight the Borg. The Kazon could hire themselves out as mercs that excel at taking out the Borg...as long as they have the ability/tech to. Well, if they don't have the means someone else might and could equip the Kazon with the ability to deal with the Borg threat and contract them out. This gives the Kazon a reason to be in the game and hell, even gives them a story arc to explore.

    A flawed idea. The Kazon are not wanted by the Borg because they do not offer enough biological and technological traits to make them worthy for assimilation.
    If you equip them to fight the Borg, the Borg will categorize them as threat, kill them and assimilate the technology.
    The Kazon can do nothing others could not do better on that field.
    Reality is an illusion.
    The universe is a hologram.
    Buy gold!
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    protoclone wrote: »
    Maybe this thought isn't new, but think about it.

    The Kazon are unwanted by the Borg, so that makes them the perfect soldier to fight the Borg. The Kazon could hire themselves out as mercs that excel at taking out the Borg...as long as they have the ability/tech to. Well, if they don't have the means someone else might and could equip the Kazon with the ability to deal with the Borg threat and contract them out. This gives the Kazon a reason to be in the game and hell, even gives them a story arc to explore.
    The Kazon are unwanted by the Borg because they're such complete idiots that assimilating them would weaken the Borg Collective. Their tech base isn't much to look at either: their ships are demonstrably inferior to AQ vessels, and Borg tech is supposedly better than AQ. In the pilot Voyager and an outdated courier vessel held off multiple Kazon ships with relative ease, even after they brought in what they considered a battleship. (Granted, taking that one out required the Val Jean to ram it, but if it can be destroyed by ramming from a comparatively tiny ship moving not that fast, it's not very tough.)

    I can see the Klingons, or maybe more likely the Romulans, duping them into becoming disposable cannon fodder, though.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • sarvour0sarvour0 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    primaliron wrote: »
    This thread is now so long forgive me if I repeat ideas already mentioned. They are included for completeness. That being said... incoming wall o' text.

    1. Getting to the DQ:

    a. My favorite idea is that we essentially reverse the events of "Endgame" (VOY) by taking over parts of the Borg transwarp network. There were six hubs before the episode, and more may have been constructed after. This propels the conflict against the Borg forward within the story while opening the Delta Quadrant up. In my opinion this is best executed as a pre-launch episode where players take over a new Borg conduit, or a new transwarp gate is constructed to stabilize an opening from one of the Alpha Quadrant exits from the network. Either way players can defend new construction or take over old and then perhaps take over relay stations to access the DQ. This will put the Borg on the defensive and escalate the conflict, and both Feds and Klingons will need to gather DQ resources to keep the pressure on. Both factions may arrive together via Task Force Omega cooperation or separately, but the result likely would be the same.

    b. In the episode "The Nth Degree" (THG) Barclay encounters an alien probe and temporarily gains the technical knowledge of the Cytherian civilization. While he loses this knowledge by the end of the episode, sensor readings of the event remain and the Cytherians share (somewhat unspecified) knowledge with the Enterprise which Picard muses "will take our scholars decades to examine." While introducing the full capacity to travel halfway across the galaxy immediately is not necessary, knowledge gained from this event may allow a number of advances in travel technology especially since it is not warp-based. (credit to my fleet buddy Josh for reminding me of the Cytherians)

    c. In possible conjunction with the above idea or separately the subspace corridors used by the Vaadwaur in the episode "Dragon's Teeth" (VOY) are a consideration. While they may not extend into known space, it is possible. The Vaadwaur may not have explored the entirety of this network, and as a natural phenomena it may have altered over time.

    d. The wormhole in "Eye of the Needle" (VOY) was stable and could potentially be tinkered wit. It's exit was in Romulan space which would be accessible to both factions now. Said wormhole was also temporally out of touch at both ends, but that could also be a plot point worthy of an episode.

    e. The wormhole in "The Price" (TNG) and "False Profits" (VOY) was destabilized during the latter episode, but may have been re-stabilized (intentionally or naturally) by the current time. Discovery of the natural phenomenon or attempts to tame the wormhole may make a decent story.

    f. Similar to my suggestion with the Borg, an Iconian gateway could be utilized. They are already in game and again you can conjoin the stories to some extent, allowing for that increased level of depth.

    2. New Factions:

    I think the concept of a new faction in the Delta Quadrant is ultimately self-defeating. The Romulans are not a fully separate faction so what species in the DQ merits such a presence? Why make a totally separate and segregated experience? I think it may be far more practical from a design perspective to make the DQ in play for the Federation and Klingons for the following reasons:

    a. The Borg conflict needs some movement story-wise. Even if my first idea is not used to access the Delta Quadrant, the fight needs to go to them at some point. This would escalate the conflict in the story and provide payoff to players for previous efforts.

    b. The DQ is a fractured place ripe for conquest by the Klingons and thus forcing the Federation to follow suit (via diplomacy of course). Again they will need more resources to bring the fight to the Borg.

    c. Since none of the DQ powers really have a deep and multi-racial cast, one would have to be created, and that requires a lot of effort to create a faction that will never have the depth of story that the Federation or Klingons have.

    d. Incorporation of DQ races could still include new leveling content, and also provide a simple concept to fuel the story "How do these people end up with whichever side?" Said content may also be available in part to Federation and Klingon players to provide more varied leveling content or simply more episodes to complete.

    The above ideas all revolve around convergence. Writing a story about a race that appears in one or two episodes (few appear in more than that) is going to be a lot easier when they interact with the more well-known aspects of the Star Trek franchise. Tying it all together to create a larger plot web will deepen the experience.

    3. Various ideas for the inclusion of DQ races in no particular order:

    a. Borg: The most powerful force within the DQ for certain. Their threat should loom overhead, but not always be directly mentioned. They can be used to motivate various actions by other races within the story. Shoehorning them in is a mistake to avoid though as they should not be the one and only motivation for all things. Like any "villain" they need to be used delicately.

    b. Undine: They may still retain a presence in the DQ and may also be an excellent source of action. They may find themselves conflicted in wanting to use other races against the Borg, but not have those races come out too strong to defeat. Walking that tightrope may lead to interesting plot developments.

    c. Vaadwaur: While not used in more than one episode this race has story potential. Their surviving members were last seen fleeing into their underspace and in search of rebuilding their empire. As the scientist Gedrin states, both versions of their history as conquerors and explorers is true, and they may also provide more nuanced options for players whether they become playable or as NPCs.

    d. Krenim: As the polls indicate people want them in-game. While a lot of this may be due to the want of a temporal ship that no longer exists in the story, it does not mean they cannot be more than that. Their Chroniton torpedo tech is already in the game and regardless of the temporal ship's erasure from history, it does not mean they are done meddling with temporal technology. Their use of such tech may bnring them into conflict with not only the players but the Tholians and could lead to mirror universe DQ content, which could prove interesting.

    e. Talaxians: The Talaxian colony where Neelix ended up may provide a contact point for the federation if they travel to the DQ. They would make excellent candidates for Federation members of course and I suspect that is appealing to a number of players.

    f. Vidiians: While the Phage was cured with a rather oblique comment in a later episode "Think Tank" (VOY), This may be an available plot point. The Phage was a very devastating disease that had a huge psychological effect for over two millennia and any cure to the disease likely involved genetic changes to the species which may have had unforseen side effects. The Think Tank liked solving problems but was notoriously amoral and may have failed to mention side effects which may also have provided another interesting problem to solve.

    g. Kazon: While they did not work out too well in the show I find them a quite suitable candidate for Klingon conquest. They would have to be "convinced" by conquest I imagine, but would also fit right in once subdued. They also subjugate or raid other species, and may be a central part of Klingon conquest in the DQ if that plot point is used.

    h. Voth: The Voth are slaves to doctrine where Voyager leaves off, but they may have undergone cultural changes by this point. Indeed they are possibly ripe for a civil war between fundamentalists and more progressive elements. Progressives may have cause to join the Federation while Fundamentalists remain hostile to all and particularly Humans.

    i. Hirogen: Frankly the Hirogen offer little unless they undergo some cultural changes. They do have some similarities to the Klingons in that they may find working with the Empire offers the chance to test their skills and Klingons have great respect for hunting skills. On the other hand they may find Klingons the best prey. Hirogen society is fractured and decentralized so both may be true at the same time.

    j. Devore: The Devore have little material to draw on. Their tech level is closer to the Federation but their hatred of telepaths makes them poor candidates to join either faction. They may be capable of prosecuting a crusade against telepaths especially if the Undine are revealed to be working among them. This could make them allies at times and enemies at others.

    k. Ocampa: Since they have few if any holdings within the source material they are likely best used as a minor story species. Some may choose to live among the Federation but they may also be conquered by the Klingons, though they would not likely flourish under them. They may find themselves in the crosshairs of the Devore, or entwined in the psychic meddling of the Undine. Those on their home world may serve as a contested point if the Kazon join the Klingons and the Ocampa become Federation allies. Those cared for by Suspiria may have rejoined or at least reconnected with their home world.

    l. The Dominion: As a major power within a neighboring quadrant, they too may wish to expand into the DQ. They may be conquering, they may be exploring, or both. The Gamma Quadrant would sensibly have more than just the one wormhole and it is possible they have access to one that goes to the DQ. Caution may be needed though as the Dominion represents in my opinion the most viable power to become another faction. It is also sensible that Borg threaten them as well. Jem'Hadar might make poor drones though unless the Borg can compensate for Ketracel addiction.

    m. Last but not least... Liberated DQ Borg/Remnants of Unimatrix Zero: The only vastly multi-racial and potentially in-depth source for a new faction other than the Dominion. Again it could bring old content together with new, and also allow contact with the current factions via the transwarp network. If not included as a faction they certainly would be a result of the Feds and Klingons arriving in the DQ. There are many possibilities here and frankly many of them need not be mentioned, because this is the one potential faction that has significant source material.


    n. Hierarchy and Malon: I forgot about them within a post where they appear on a poll, which I think reflects their ranking in most people's memories. The Malon are only known through their waste disposal specialists which while an important part of their existence, doesn't exactly tell us much about the rest of who they are. The Hierarchy is basically a comically overly complicated bureaucracy, It may be amusing to conquer them as Klingons and put them to work scrubbing conduits.

    # 546 Primaliron talks Voyager
    This Post. I Like It!
    This post is both one of the most intelligent and one of the best i've ever seen for this or any Forum! My Hat is off to you, Sir!

    So many good points i don't have the time to explore them all... ;)
    So i'll be brief.

    I'm sure the Krenim/other race(s) are not going to be introduced as a playable faction but rather as a strictly NPC race/faction, to thwart and/or be courted by the factions both playable and not from the AQ & BQ. New BOffs & doffs no doubt. There is plenty to explore with each of these races (except Kazon IMHO). As for Krenim ships i'm certain the Temporal Weapon Ship is OFF the list of playable ships, period. It IS a prime Big Bad, like the Command Ships of Unimatrix 0047. Any of the other ships from "Year of Hell" are good candidates for a playable ship or 2. Or perhaps a Faction-neutral Temporal Cruiser made by one timeline's Krenim Imperium to combat a new Weapon Ship that threatens their existance.

    Again, Many Thanks to Primaliron! And thank you to Cryptic and PWE for including us in the decision-making process!
    [SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards[/SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards
    =A=Commodore Joshua Daniel Sarvour, S.C.E.
    U.S.S. AKAGI NX-93347, Enterprise-class Battle Cruiser =A= U.S.S. T'KORA'S WRATH NX-110047, Odyssey-class Battle Cruiser

    "There Ain't No Grave, Can Hold My Body Down..."

    PS - I fully support a T6 Nova, fixing the Nova skins. I am also rooting for a T6 Science Cruiser, that can use Nova/Rhode Island skins.
    T6 Nova/Rhode Island, T6 Oberth & T6 Constellation are needed. Also needed a T6 Science Cruiser, that can wear any Science or Cruiser skin.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Agreed. Looking at that clip, it alone provides so much that can be done in their territory alone: evading, stealth, more stories with telepathic characters.

    And for the Nth time the Krenim DON'T HAVE such technology at the moment.
    The Krenim don't have what? Annorax built the weapon ship 2 centuries before it was destroyed by Janeway. What sort of terrifying technological advances might they have made since then?

    Sure, in the 2170s they were at war with the Rilnar and Annorax thought they were doomed, but how did history play out? Well, at the end of Year of Hell, the war was apparently still raging. TWO CENTURIES later. The Krenim obviously had considerable tech at their disposal even without the weapon ship.

    Another curious thing is found in the episode Infinite Regress. In that ep, 7 starts manifesting personalities of other individuals that had been assimilated. One of them was a Krenim scientist who was an expert in temporal physics. This suggests that Annorax's knowledge was not unique amongst the Krenim, just his weapon ship design.

    Could other Krenim have built similarly devastating weapons? for that matter.... WHICH Krenim designed the time phased torpedos? Apparently not Annorax.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • jhoraenjhoraen Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Well, as I see it, I think they should open up both the Gamma and Delta quadrants. For the Gamma Quadrant, they could open up exploration based solely on the events at the end of DS9, with the Dominion having lost the war. With a non-aggression pact between the AQ and the Dominion, exploration would be unhindered, and accessible thru the Bajoran wormhole. For the Delta quadrant, existing technology (slipstream, transwarp conduits, etc.) are more than capable in getting us there in reasonable amounts of time. A storyline there being an expansion of the current Borg incursions, making it a necessity to stop those incursion at the source. And additional DQ race interactions stemming from that storyline and further exploration.

    I would also like to see a playable Borg race/faction. Perhaps stemming from the group of disconnected BORG (The Cooperative) that Chakotay encountered when he was badly injured, OR from Unimatrix Zero, or possibly even from the group that HUGH eventually led. But it would seem, shipwise, that The Cooperative and Hugh's group would be the only ones viable, since Unimatrix Zero would need to use current Borg vessels, as where the Coop and Hugh's group would have had to design and make their own.

    AS for possible changes in ships, I would love to see modular ship designs, in order to further customize looks. Perhaps something similar to the really of Star Trek: Starship Creator! Just a thought.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    yeah but it doesn't really matter WHEN he built it because the changes that he was making to various cultures, planets etc where done when the ship existed in its own time bubble essentially. So really its as if it was never built...
    You're missing the point. Krenim technology was quite advanced even without the weapon ship. The point I was making is that the Krenim were technologically advanced enough to build the weapon ship in 2170. It's almost 2 and a half centuries later. How advanced are they now?
    My character Tsin'xing
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