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dStahl Talks Voyager



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    tikonovtikonov Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Poor Kazon taking a beating in the poll :D

    they have such pretty ships too ! http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100123113158/memoryalpha/en/images/5/5e/USS_Voyager_confronts_Kazon.jpg
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    oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    vorlonkane wrote: »
    STO should now be considered cannon, in my opinion. It is as popular among die hard Star Trek fans as any of the series or movies were. The plots and storylines follow directly from cannon sources, even from the JJ Abrams movies (not really cannon to the prime universe except events that took place in the prime universe before the alt timeline/universe was created.) Of course, events from the JJ Abrams movies in the alternate timeline will be cannon to that timeline (but now I'm digressing). Anyway, I strongly encourage those who hold the keys to the star trek legacy to integrate STO into star trek cannon.

    If u consider half of the Federation and Klingon fleets in the game now made up of foreign alien ships like the Jem'hadar, Breen, Cardassian ships etc. and Romulan faction is now lapdogs to the federation and klingon factions, sure... called it in ur view ''Cannon'' all u want.

    only reason ''die hard Star Trek fans'' plays this game cause it have a ''Star Trek'' name to it, right now many of us old STO players don't like the direction this game going now. not to mention alot of issues have still not been dealt with since day 1... instead of improving modes like pvp, Cryptic gone to the way of throwing alot of alien ships to factions thats not to suppose have them, which should have been kept to use for potential playable factions for an example the Dominion or the Cardassians.
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    mikeyborgmikeyborg Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think Dstahl forgot they have Transwarp Gates and Quantum Slipstream drives in the game for the Fed and KDF. /shrug

    As for me, I like Voyager but not that much. I went with the Krenim, their weapons in "The Year of Hell" episode were pretty impressive.
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    evvyboievvyboi Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Even if it were an event, being flung far out into the delta quadrant and having to do a number of tasks prior to returning would be an interesting adventure, seeing Admiral Janeway in position somewhere, even if just to give missions from a desk somewhere in the alpha quadrant would be a decent tribute, I haven't been laying long on STO but I did notice Commander (Naomi?) Wildman on K7 and wonder a lot about where other Voyager characters could possibly be found if that wsn't just a coincidence. I would love to recreate some similar battle scenes from Voyager in a long range science vessel. Look forward to seeing what you come up with. Keep up the good work.
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    generalkrasgeneralkras Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You know there's one thing I've always wanted to peek back in on from Voyager. And also something that was hard to reconcile for me given that in STO thanks to Borg tech and MAKO tech etc. we're going at Warp 20+, I wonder what happened to the spawn Janeway and Paris had after they Warp 10 "evolved" into amphibian things. Granted they've only been kicking around that planet they were left on for what would be thirty seven years by game time but still. Be interesting to see if anything came of that.
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    oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    Az, the Hobus supernova destroyed ch'Rihan in the Prime timeline. This inspired the conflict between Nero and Spock, which spawned the Alt timeline.

    And the Voyager novels are non-canon; the writers of the game (which is also non-canon) are free to use or discard whatever elements of those novels they like. I understand an entire line of novels, the Typhon's Pact series (IIRC), has been rendered outmoded by this game.

    In fact, none of the novels count as more than "soft canon"; as has been noted repeatedly in a number of locations, the only canon for Star Trek is what has appeared on film either in one of the five television series or one of the first eleven movies (the rest of the movies, proceeding along the Alt timeline, are none of our concern in game terms). Heck, even the animated series is only soft canon, although we have seen the Caitians introduced from there (and the Ferasans, because Larry Niven was under the gun when his first script was rejected by NBC and he had to cannibalize one of his Known Universe stories to make "The Slaver Weapon", but when the game came around he wouldn't let them use the Kzinti).

    What is "canon" or not is not restricted to what appears on film. That is a common misconception.

    Any information that comes from valid source material outside of the shows/films is also considered "canon".

    And there are indications that the Animated Series is once again considered canon.
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    juraraptorjuraraptor Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Only recently did I join STO because I feared to get disapointed from a game that has to pay off its investments and thus will hardly be able to keep in line with canon (let alone for all the unrealistic hundreds or even thousands of casualties in space or ground missions every day...) Anyway, it is a fascinating game based on an equally fascinating fictional history and I will keep playing it.

    In order to contribute to the enhancement of the game, I would like to remind you that at the end of VOY two of the most antagonistic minor races had been the Devore and the Vaadwaur. The former had an established empire, the latter started their expansion (again) and both had some characteristics in common resembling the Romulans in the pre STO era. The same could be said for the much more strange Hiearchy but, unfortunately, there may be not enough information to render any major fictional continuation realistic.

    On the other hand I would be enthusiastic to see the Voth after 4 decades of internal struggle in search of the truth concerning their roots finally claiming the earth as their own home. This could make for a diplomatic mission including espionage, trade (e.g. fossils) and fights to name but a few.

    After all, four decades have elapsed foming a future that certainly have altered even the delta quadrant.
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    idobraidobra Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thats a pretty tough poll..

    Also, I was kinda hoping for the Vaadwaur, but theyre not included in the poll:(
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    ccmurphyccmurphy Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Now the only loop hole I have seen up to this point is From
    Star Trek: First Contact
    Picard and crew head back in time to fight a rouge Borg Sphere and help fix the Phoenix with Zefram Cochrane's help, however in our new timeline dose that still happen or is there any small changes to this?

    Some story's may follow the original timeline closely but with variations, where other story's may happen that never happened in the original timeline that's how STO works.

    Spoiler for Enterprise

    if you look at enterprise in season 2 i think they address, first contact with finding the remains of a borg sphere at the north pole. the borg reawaken, assimilates the research team, salvage there tech, what they cant salvage they destroy and leave earth. enterprise chases them, and they distroy there own ship. saving the first official encounter with the borg for the ncc 1701 d. the rest is just my opinion, but the tech that is recovered from the nx 01 could have been under lock and key by section 31 or another intelligence agency readying for the day that the threat returns.

    you are right about the multiple time lines, just think of the multiple universe theory, "for every action we make are time line is split and make another universe were things my slightly alter." (Paraphrasing) so by just taking that into account, it is possible that the federation developed the stable slipstream drive we see in the full circle books, by the time of the Hobus supernova, and the destruction of Romulus and Remus. heck we have the Vesta in the game, and it was primarily designed as the test bed for the slipstream technology.

    As i always say the future is not written in stone, only sand, it can be changed at any time.
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    vorlonkane wrote: »
    STO should now be considered cannon, in my opinion. It is as popular among die hard Star Trek fans as any of the series or movies were. The plots and storylines follow directly from cannon sources, even from the JJ Abrams movies (not really cannon to the prime universe except events that took place in the prime universe before the alt timeline/universe was created.) Of course, events from the JJ Abrams movies in the alternate timeline will be cannon to that timeline (but now I'm digressing). Anyway, I strongly encourage those who hold the keys to the star trek legacy to integrate STO into star trek cannon.

    LOL!! :D
    If u consider half of the Federation and Klingon fleets in the game now made up of foreign alien ships like the Jem'hadar, Breen, Cardassian ships etc. and Romulan faction is now lapdogs to the federation and klingon factions, sure... called it in ur view ''Cannon'' all u want.

    only reason ''die hard Star Trek fans'' plays this game cause it have a ''Star Trek'' name to it, right now many of us old STO players don't like the direction this game going now. not to mention alot of issues have still not been dealt with since day 1... instead of improving modes like pvp, Cryptic gone to the way of throwing alot of alien ships to factions thats not to suppose have them, which should have been kept to use for potential playable factions for an example the Dominion or the Cardassians.

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    blagormblagorm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    IMO, Adding Borg to F2P is Sick For Lifetimers...

    ALSO, I Was Wondering If Lifetimers/Z-Store can Have A Costume Unlock For All Their Characters f Borg Implants and Scopes.

    1: NO EXCUSES.... Gorn CAN Have Them As Well As Cats

    2: It makes Sense

    3: No Trait Add On/Passiv Add On Needed W/ Implants

    4: OR You can allow All Races To be Liberated Borg.... Your Choice... I Think Making the Costume Unlock is MUCH CHEAPER To Do :D

    5: Reason Why? Not All Borg Are Human, Klingon, and Romulan. I Would Like More Diveristy There. We Paid 300$ AT LEAST Make It Count!
    R'tolves Will Spread Thier Peace and Will Prevail Over the Hostiles Who Dare Hurt Such A Isolationist Consitutional Monarchy!
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    mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    entitlement issue aside since cryptic never pay attention to that anyway.

    I still wonder what type of tech would transport a ship back and forth in over half a galaxy?
    cant use space stations to launch a vessel ftl speed and beyond that of conventional warp and transwarp abilities because that would be ripping off mass effect and eve online.
    cant use naturally occuring subspace nodes, thats freespace.
    cant use 3 or 4 powerful generators to go into another realm as babylon 5 had that and freespace as well as stargate sg1 albeit powered by a blackhole both sides.
    traditional wormhole making using a magnetic field around a planet to ship is farscape and plenty of others i cant think of.

    hopefully something original. it is after all startrek and the federation like the borg have been known to adapt their tech and understanding very quickly to come up with something creative. maybe a device that would teleport a ship instantly from one place to another in the galaxy using to two fixed navigational beacons? but then again it reeks of sc2's protoss blink ability and starship travel.

    so again wondering what travel method is used :P.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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    davevalentinedavevalentine Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Give us the "Real" Voyager Bridge, not that abomination that was released as a bridge pack.
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    bozzy88bozzy88 Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    rob2485 wrote: »
    Then in a future story Captain Janeway and Admiral Janeway have a battle with the borg to get voyager home. The borg queen dies yet again although she should have been killed on April 4th 2063.

    April 5th 2063, they arrived at Earth on April 4th, the day before First Contact, but the Queen was not killed till after the 1st Human Warp Flight ;)
    We've just received word from the fleet, they've engaged the Borg!
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    camryboycamryboy Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    DStahl Talks Voyager right?

    Its not that hard to figure a way into the Delta Quadrant, all you have to do is use the Transwarp hubs like you do fro Gamma Orions Sector Block, hell How do you think the Hirogin got to the Alpha Quadrant in the first place, guys you already have them all over the Alpha Quadrant, My Guess is that you took this Technology from the Borg in the first place to modify it for the Fediration use anyway. you already have them at the fleet Starbases and at New Romulus, Its not hard to Figure how to get our ships to the Delta. Thanks for your attention, and yes I have been playing since Beta.
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    imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    If u consider half of the Federation and Klingon fleets in the game now made up of foreign alien ships like the Jem'hadar, Breen, Cardassian ships etc. and Romulan faction is now lapdogs to the federation and klingon factions, sure... called it in ur view ''Cannon'' all u want.

    only reason ''die hard Star Trek fans'' plays this game cause it have a ''Star Trek'' name to it, right now many of us old STO players don't like the direction this game going now. not to mention alot of issues have still not been dealt with since day 1... instead of improving modes like pvp, Cryptic gone to the way of throwing alot of alien ships to factions thats not to suppose have them, which should have been kept to use for potential playable factions for an example the Dominion or the Cardassians.

    The ships have nothing to do with canon. Any time a game is considered canon it is the stories alone, without regard for player choices. (There are a good number of Star Wars games that serve as examples, as they were all, perhaps not currently but at least at one time, considered canon)
    You know there's one thing I've always wanted to peek back in on from Voyager. And also something that was hard to reconcile for me given that in STO thanks to Borg tech and MAKO tech etc. we're going at Warp 20+, I wonder what happened to the spawn Janeway and Paris had after they Warp 10 "evolved" into amphibian things. Granted they've only been kicking around that planet they were left on for what would be thirty seven years by game time but still. Be interesting to see if anything came of that.

    lol Ahhh, Threshold. Widely considered to be the worst episode in franchise history...I wouldn't mind if they didn't follow that one up, as I'd rather see that episode ret-con'd lol!
    reyan01 wrote: »
    They weren't even their own ships - they stole them!

    You took the words out of my mouth! I'm hoping that when we get to the Delta Quadrant we will find that the Trabe have re-taken their ships and territory back and the Kazon's are mostly extinct! lol

    Regarding the Vaaduar, I think they didn't make the list because they're already coming!

    Regarding the many posts regarding how we're going to get there, some scientist will come up with an outstanding way to stabilize the Barzan Wormhole and BAM! Here we are in the Delta Quadrant.
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
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    lazarus51166lazarus51166 Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Its not that hard to figure a way into the Delta Quadrant, all you have to do is use the Transwarp hubs like you do fro Gamma Orions Sector Block, hell How do you think the Hirogin got to the Alpha Quadrant in the first place, guys you already have them all over the Alpha Quadrant, My Guess is that you took this Technology from the Borg in the first place to modify it for the Fediration use anyway. you already have them at the fleet Starbases and at New Romulus, Its not hard to Figure how to get our ships to the Delta. Thanks for your attention, and yes I have been playing since Beta.

    No. The hirogen are nomadic, they simply traveled to the alpha quadrant over time.
    Kirk is born and his farther is still alive/The Romulan home world is not destroyed - Original universe

    Kirk is born and his father dies/The Romulan Home world is Destroyed by a Super Nova - Alt Universe - This is the Universe we are currently playing in STO I think.

    What? STO isn't set it any alternate timeline. you've got it mixed up. Romulus was not destroyed in the alternate timeline where kirks father died. It was destroyed in this one, which led to nero and spock going back and creating the encounter where kirks father was killed. its been made very clear that this is the same timeline of the tv shows and the original movies
    if remember there was a race in voyager that looked like sontarens from Dr Who

    or fat coneheads
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    raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    rob2485 wrote: »
    Funny thing about time paradoxes it's like Captain Picard said in All Good Things "Will, it's like the chicken and the egg."

    Captain Janeway also said something along the lines of effect can precede cause.

    The story goes that the Enterprise E came to the aide of the fleet at sector 001. The Borg cube was destroyed because Picard knew exactly how to destroy it due to his assimilation into the collective 6 years before.

    The sphere launched from the cube and created a temporal vortex, they went back to th eday before first contact and assimilated earth. Basically they stopped the federation from existing in the first place.

    Next, the Enterprise scanned and saw 9billion on earth, all borg. They went back to repair the damage. Destroyed the sphere, and then they had to beam to Montana where the phoenix was.

    The throttle assembly and warp plasma conduit was damaged plus the crew that was suppsoed to fly on the warp ship was killed in the attack. They fixed the phoenix and engaged warp speed long enough for the Vulcans to see it.

    There by fixing the timeline and restoring history.

    Then in a future story Captain Janeway and Admiral Janeway have a battle with the borg to get voyager home. The borg queen dies yet again although she should have been killed on April 4th 2063.

    I think they left it out but there was mention that in that timeline the borg lived in the delta quandrant and they were trying to buil dan interplexing beacon on the Enterprise deflector dish. It's safe to assume that the queen Janeway faced later was that queen of the borg, but they never wrote everything as it would make the series boring and too long.
    bozzy88 wrote: »
    April 5th 2063, they arrived at Earth on April 4th, the day before First Contact, but the Queen was not killed till after the 1st Human Warp Flight ;)

    The Borg Queen herself is explained in some of the Soft Canon material as actually being sort of a Cyborg OS for the Collective. I would encourage you both to look up The Borg's 'Royal Protocol' though yes, it is Soft Canon but it explains why this abomination just does not die. (FYI: In my Head canon...my Liberated Borg BOff is an interrupted Queen in production from the Vega Colony Incident).
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
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    crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I don't care who they are, as long as I don't have to see or hear from any of the TV crew of Voyager. If they force one of them on me as a BO that I can't get rid of, it will be the last straw.
    STO Forum member since before February 2010.
    STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
    I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
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    nikodas#4667 nikodas Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I didn't read all 45 pages before posting this, so please forgive me if this has been said already.

    Star Trek Voyager, Season 5, Episode 20. I bring this up because you directly mentioned the Vidiians twice, and even have a picture of them in the blog.

    In the episode I mentioned, Think Tank by title, the "Captain" of the Think Tank, Kurros, mentions the Vidiians. He notes the payment they received when they helped cure the Phage. Please keep that in mind if you plan to add the Vidiians to the game.
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    linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    vorlonkane wrote: »
    STO should now be considered cannon, in my opinion. It is as popular among die hard Star Trek fans as any of the series or movies were. The plots and storylines follow directly from cannon sources, even from the JJ Abrams movies (not really cannon to the prime universe except events that took place in the prime universe before the alt timeline/universe was created.) Of course, events from the JJ Abrams movies in the alternate timeline will be cannon to that timeline (but now I'm digressing). Anyway, I strongly encourage those who hold the keys to the star trek legacy to integrate STO into star trek cannon.
    Even though Star Trek: Online uses elements from the core canon, the game should stand as an independent entity. Star Trek's television series and movies should remain as core cannon. Video games, novels, and comic books should be considered as expanded universe canon, which has no baring on what happens in core canon.

    When it comes to JJ Abrams' Trek, I consider it to be a mirror universe. According to what I have been reading, JJ Abrams' Trek will only be around for another one to two films. JJ Trek is going to end up like Star Trek: The Animated Series. After it has brought new fans into the franchise, Paramount and CBS will use JJ Trek to loop back to the prime universe. All this stuff will lead to a Star Trek television series, which will be based upon the original timeline. CBS Television is protecting their investment very closely.

    People need to remember that Star Trek is a science-fiction franchise. Once the next television series arrives, the original timeline will move forward without a hiccup. Within the main Star Trek timeline, the events that take place in the mirror universe (JJ Trek) will have no influence.
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    podsixpodsix Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    A good point well made, but just to point out that STO is running on a different timeline to the books, like the new Star Trek Movies we are currently in that timeline are we not?

    Meaning the voyager Story's from the books are no longer valid in this timeline. If that makes any sense to people.

    We are in a way running story's independent from the movies the timeline we are in splits off from the point when Kirk was born and Nemo stepped into the picture, everything before that point actually happened well not the literal sense in the story.

    Zefram Cochrane invented Warp travel - Both Universes

    NX Enterprise has its trip around space - Both Universes
    (However following the Enterprise series it occurs to me that timeline may have also been changed from its own original timeline, anyone that has seen the series may have also noticed this)

    Kirk is born and his farther is still alive/The Romulan home world is not destroyed - Original universe

    Kirk is born and his father dies/The Romulan Home world is Destroyed by a Super Nova - Alt Universe - This is the Universe we are currently playing in STO I think.

    Now the only loop hole I have seen up to this point is From
    Star Trek: First Contact
    Picard and crew head back in time to fight a rouge Borg Sphere and help fix the Phoenix with Zefram Cochrane's help, however in our new timeline dose that still happen or is there any small changes to this?

    Some story's may follow the original timeline closely but with variations, where other story's may happen that never happened in the original timeline that's how STO works.

    Let me clear up a couple of misconceptions in your post.

    the "prime universe" is the one where Kirk was William Shatner, and it's the same universe where Spock was Leonard Nimoy. So TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, all happened in the "prime universe".

    In the 2009 "Star Trek" film, Spock (Leonard Nimoy) recounts the tale of his final mission in the prime universe. A strange explosion threatens to destroy Romulus. Spock gets in his ship and tries to stop it with experimental "Red Matter". But he's late. Romulus is destroyed, and so is Remus. The Romulan Empire is devastated by having it's heart and homeworld, and seat of power ripped out. An angry, vengeful Romulan named Nero decides to take it upon himself, to travel back in time and take his revenge on Vulcan and Earth.

    In the process of Nero attempting to travel in time, however, he creates a skewed alternate reality. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) follows Nero into that parallel universe, and it is in that parallel universe where the new films take place. It is in that second universe that Vulcan is destroyed.

    Star Trek Online takes place in the universe that Spock (Leonard Nimoy) left. We have a planet Vulcan, because in our timeline, Nero never destroyed it. We have a destroyed Romulus, which is why we spend so much time in our story arcs dealing with the separate factions of what remains of their empire.

    Nero and Spock came from OUR universe.. but what they did 'in the past'.. they did in another reality that doesn't affect us.

    From a technical standpoint, we're living in CBS's universe. CBS owns the rights to TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise. The new movies take place in Paramount's universe.

    Their claims to copyright come from the movies that were made when Paramount owned the Star Trek franchise.. but CBS owns the actual CONTENT, Paramount just has access to the trademarks (my understanding is that they are limited to trademarks from ST 1-6, at that). While they're legally allowed to make movies with a ship named "Enterprise" with characters named "Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Khan" and with races named "Romulan" and "Klingon" etc, they're not able to pull on the characters from other series like "Picard, Janeway, Sisko" and so on, without working out a deal with CBS.

    This is also why we're unlikely to ever see any content from the Paramount universe in STO. Because STO is licensed to Perfect World (nee Cryptic Studios) from CBS.. and CBS can't grant the rights to use designs and story content from the Paramount films, beyond that which was already mutually agreed by both parties (aka, the "Romulus Event").
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    capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    calgaoth wrote: »
    I didn't read all 45 pages before posting this, so please forgive me if this has been said already.

    Star Trek Voyager, Season 5, Episode 20. I bring this up because you directly mentioned the Vidiians twice, and even have a picture of them in the blog.

    In the episode I mentioned, Think Tank by title, the "Captain" of the Think Tank, Kurros, mentions the Vidiians. He notes the payment they received when they helped cure the Phage. Please keep that in mind if you plan to add the Vidiians to the game.

    Except that the Think Tank were shown to be untrustworthy and manipulative; so why would you believe their claim?
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    trek1968trek1968 Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    To me, the krenim would be too much the "god-like"/unbeatable race. I would prefer to see something more liek the Kazon or....hey....the Talaxians would be kewl! :cool:
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    maarkeanmaarkean Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Kazon . They were incredibly stupid. But that's why I picked them. I would love to blow up hundreds of their ships and mow down countless minions.
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    cuatelacuatela Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    In order from most to least favorite:

    1. The Krenim
    2. The Devore
    3. The Vidiian
    4. The Malon
    5. The Hierarchy
    6. The Kazon

This discussion has been closed.