chuckle @ the 'do it how I feel you should do it or the game will die' threat style posts.
I say that because all us canon loving Trekkies have had to accept that this game looks like a Star Trek theme park when you fly around in it. But at the very least they could take their writting seriously since its so rare we actually GET story out of them, they have PLENTY of time to get it right and be plothole free. If they cant do that, get a new writer. If you want to RETAIN customers, keep the stories as a big draw. The average MMO fan comes in, shoots a few things, gets scammed by the lockboxes and leaves. STO makes a presence at Trek conventions. THOSEA people want story above all I assume, or they wouldnt be at a Trek convention. You want those few hundred people to spread positive word of mouth after they play the game. You want them telling their friends " Hey you gotta see whats going on in the Prime Universe in STO!" If the stories are more bizzare and plot hole filled than the books or JJ, it wont retain Trek fans who gobble up a good Trek story.
STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
I say that because all us canon loving Trekkies...etc, etc....
'chuckle' did it again.
sorry, don't mean to laugh.....heh....but you 'did'.
FWIW.... I think I can consider myself a Trekker, was born when ToS whas 'on air' and have been a part of it literaly my whole life, ( did you know true Trekkers thought 'Trekkie' as a derogatory term?...but that's another story ), and I like STO, I like the stories, I like the gameplay. and...I like ST canon and respect the people who brought the genre to life.... but I also have the sense to realize that it is just a fictional progressive genre, and the genre lives on due to the 'growth' of the story.
that is why I laugh at the hindering tendencies of the 'canon militia'.
and... I love the JJ movies, they are very entertaining, and it reignited my love of the original characters and made my love for ST that much stronger.
here's a quote from our beloved Gene for you:
" I would have thought that having reached this point it would be fun to go back to the years in which Kirk first got the Enterprise, and met these people. Nothing would please me more than to have Star Trek come back years in the future, and bright young people and new stars and so on really make it something, and have them say ' that's better than Roddenberrys '. I'd like that."
-Gene Roddenberry
Looking up Memory Alpha I see the books like to throw them around like they are no big deal. I call BS on that. Especially the one Kirk encounters in a book. The one Picard encountered should be the only one that existed. Cryptic, if you are going to make up your own tread VERY carefully with how you explain it. I really dont buy the theory that Sphere tech was easy to come by and all the cool species were building one back in the day. Your sphere needs an architect tie in to the one Picard encountered. If you dont tie it in, then thats just lazy writing. Just because the show writers were lazy, hold yourselves to a higher standard if you want this game to last many more years. You keep up the we dont give an eff style writing, game wont last much longer.
The books got rather excessive with them, but... Considering the scale of the galaxy and how small known space is, there's no reason there should only be one.
I'll just repeat some math I've done before, but the space occupied by the major Alpha/Beta quadrant factions shown in the shows, all the way out to the mysterious remote races like the Tholians, Breen, and Sheliak, encompasses a cylindrical slice of the galaxy less than 1500 light years accross (slightly wider than the thickness of the galactic plane).
This is 0.0000000000035% of the entire galaxy. Heck, it's only 0.000000000014% of one entire quadrant. Mathematically it might as well not exist.
There is one known Dyson Sphere in that rounding error called known space. If that's typical of the entire galaxy, there'd be tens of millions of them. But let's be really generous here: Assume there's only a one in a *billion* chance that a single Dyson Sphere exists in a chunk of the galaxy this large - it was six consecutive miracles that one even existed at all and unfathomably unbelievable that two Starships would stumble on its location at random.
Still, fetched that far, there's about 280 more expected in the rest of the galaxy.
So, yeah, the novels went overboard with numerous spheres crowded into that 0.0000000000035% slice of the galaxy. But the odds of more existing approach 1.
I say that because all us canon loving Trekkies have had to accept that this game looks like a Star Trek theme park when you fly around in it. But at the very least they could take their writting seriously since its so rare we actually GET story out of them, they have PLENTY of time to get it right and be plothole free. If they cant do that, get a new writer. If you want to RETAIN customers, keep the stories as a big draw. The average MMO fan comes in, shoots a few things, gets scammed by the lockboxes and leaves. STO makes a presence at Trek conventions. THOSEA people want story above all I assume, or they wouldnt be at a Trek convention. You want those few hundred people to spread positive word of mouth after they play the game. You want them telling their friends " Hey you gotta see whats going on in the Prime Universe in STO!" If the stories are more bizzare and plot hole filled than the books or JJ, it wont retain Trek fans who gobble up a good Trek story.
Like it or not, Cryptic's storyline is MORE internally consistent than the TV shows.....
Like it or not, Cryptic's storyline is MORE internally consistent than the TV shows.....
Seriously... the old shows are FULL of them.
It also has ZERO Star Trek soul. Gene would always ask, "But what is it about?" STOs stories are just stories. Somehow they and or Kestral are too afraid to broach any Star Trek worthy topics. I dont know that Gene would have greenlit any of STOs episodes. Can anyone tell me what Star Trek worthy topic any STO mission has had in it?
STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
They don't breach any worthy subjects? When we have missions about unilateral interventionism, mental conditioning, religious corruption, biotech and cybernetic ethics, controlling powers one doesn't understand, war profiteering, harassment under color of law, even the prosecution of an unnecessary war for personal glorification?
They don't breach any worthy subjects? When we have missions about unilateral interventionism, mental conditioning, religious corruption, biotech and cybernetic ethics, controlling powers one doesn't understand, war profiteering, harassment under color of law, even the prosecution of an unnecessary war for personal glorification?
Well it certainly never jumped out at me the way a real Trek episode would. Not that Im doubting those topics are in there, but care to play a matching game with your topics and a discription of said missions? For as many times as Ive played them they are all pretty forgettable.
STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Well it certainly never jumped out at me the way a real Trek episode would. Not that Im doubting those topics are in there, but care to play a matching game with your topics and a discription of said missions? For as many times as Ive played them they are all pretty forgettable.
unilateral interventionism: Preemptive Strike, and Divde et Empera (this one was really hamfisted about it)
Mental conditioning: Mind Game, another really blunt one. Also Installation 18
Religious corruption: Fire caves, not quite as hamfisted as Divide et Empera, but it tries.
Biotech ethics: The Ultimate Klingon (and its prequel missions)
Cybernetic ethics: Mind games again (artificial Borg drones), Sharien's Swords, The Return
Controlling powers one doesn't understand: Ground Zero, Doomsday Device, City on the Edge of Never, most of the story involving Iconian gates, and hinted to be turned around with a good guy doing this for either the FE next month or season 8 itself.
War profiteering: The Undying, War is Good For Business, Treasure Trading Station
Harassment under color of law: Treasure Trading Station (bit subtle here, but the implication of coercion is very clear)
War for glory: The entire Ambassador B'vat line, a good chunk of Hakeev's line, the mirror invasion line
Extra bonus I didn't list before:
Medical ethics: Cold Comfort, most of the Elachi line.
Means vs. ends: The Vault
If they didn't jump out at you, stop pressing F to speed through dialogs, because some of them are as hamfisted about it as season 1/2 TNG. B'vat's example has all the subtlety of a Bond villain drilling a hole through the moon. Which incidentally, he does in a double whammy of commanding power for the sake of power and perpetuating a war beyond its logical conclusion for some twisted sense of what it means to be a "real" Klingon.
unilateral interventionism: Preemptive Strike, and Divde et Empera (this one was really hamfisted about it)
Mental conditioning: Mind Game, another really blunt one. Also Installation 18
Religious corruption: Fire caves, not quite as hamfisted as Divide et Empera, but it tries.
Biotech ethics: The Ultimate Klingon (and its prequel missions)
Cybernetic ethics: Mind games again (artificial Borg drones), Sharien's Swords, The Return
Controlling powers one doesn't understand: Ground Zero, Doomsday Device, City on the Edge of Never, most of the story involving Iconian gates, and hinted to be turned around with a good guy doing this for either the FE next month or season 8 itself.
War profiteering: The Undying, War is Good For Business, Treasure Trading Station
Harassment under color of law: Treasure Trading Station (bit subtle here, but the implication of coercion is very clear)
War for glory: The entire Ambassador B'vat line, a good chunk of Hakeev's line, the mirror invasion line
Extra bonus I didn't list before:
Medical ethics: Cold Comfort, most of the Elachi line.
Means vs. ends: The Vault
If they didn't jump out at you, stop pressing F to speed through dialogs, because some of them are as hamfisted about it as season 1/2 TNG. B'vat's example has all the subtlety of a Bond villain drilling a hole through the moon. Which incidentally, he does in a double whammy of commanding power for the sake of power and perpetuating a war beyond its logical conclusion for some twisted sense of what it means to be a "real" Klingon.
Oh I read them all carefully when I first played them. And again when I leveled up my fourth and last Fed toon. I guess my real complaint is that all those issues are all old tried and true topics in many sci fi shows and shows in general. I want something that feels new that more relates to day. Where I walk away and say, Wow I hadnt thought of that that way before.
STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Well I am kind of glad its not the Dyson sphere from the show/book that thing was a little out of our league. Although its prob been a decade since I read the book I remember this one part clearly. There were "Intelligent beings" the size of elephants , with the speed of a chettah , and smarter than data. Yes really. Oh and a giant water dragon/serpent with jet engines on its wings. I am serious.
If anyone has not read the book I urge you strongly to get it , very vivid pictures it paints (i.e the planet inside the Sphere actually crashes into the wall of the sphere and "breaks" up)the way it was described sounded so cool when i read it
Wait. . . so we aren't "Real Trek" because we don't touch subjects the shows do, but then, when we do, those subjects are old hat, and you want something new and different (that the shows haven't covered)?
Wait. . . so we aren't "Real Trek" because we don't touch subjects the shows do, but then, when we do, those subjects are old hat, and you want something new and different (that the shows haven't covered)?
Did I read all of that right?
Hey, you forgot that we want pie with a side of cake. Don't listen to those folks that want cake with a side of pie. They're wrong!
Wait. . . so we aren't "Real Trek" because we don't touch subjects the shows do, but then, when we do, those subjects are old hat, and you want something new and different (that the shows haven't covered)?
Did I read all of that right?
If you start taking this stuff personally you just make yourself crazy. So best just not to.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Wait. . . so we aren't "Real Trek" because we don't touch subjects the shows do, but then, when we do, those subjects are old hat, and you want something new and different (that the shows haven't covered)?
Did I read all of that right?
Yes, yes you did. I've criticized Cryptic a lot (mostly over on the CO forums), but this criticism you just don't deserve.
009 is just moving the goalpost whenever he's shown that he's wrong.
I'm just happy for a new zone and new missions. I don't care if it's in a Dyson Sphere or in a Holodeck.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Wait. . . so we aren't "Real Trek" because we don't touch subjects the shows do, but then, when we do, those subjects are old hat, and you want something new and different (that the shows haven't covered)?
Did I read all of that right?
Because you don't pick the Subject "I" want, and you always pick what "you" want, and what I want matters and is real Trek in my eyes and what you want is not real Trek in my eyes
Trek is only Trek for what I like. What other fans like is not real Trek because it's not what I want it's my Show and this is what I like and if it's not what i want it's STUPID and you Suck at your Job, and you guys don't do anything right...unless it's something I want then you guys are great and Amazing and keep up the good work.;)
(this sums up Trek fans a pretty close minded bunch when it comes to Star Trek, but love to rub in people's faces about how ahead of it's time it was for being so open minded)
Trekkies just need someone to yell at. First it was Rick Berman And Brannon Braga, now it's JJ Abrams and Cryptic studio. Whoever the next saps that take on the IP will be the new next thing to destroy the franchise and so on and so on.
Lucky Gene died before the Internet became a thing because the fans would have ripped him to shreds. Now he is just a saint to some fans who did no wrong, and never took money, and did everything for free for the benefit of mankind, and would look down on STO instead of asking for his cut of the share. :cool:
Because you don't pick the Subject "I" want, and you always pick what "you" want, and what I want matters and is real Trek in my eyes and what you want is not real Trek in my eyes
Trek is only Trek for what I like. What other fans like is not real Trek because it's not what I want it's my Show and this is what I like and if it's not what i want it's STUPID and you Suck at your Job, and you guys don't do anything right...unless it's something I want then you guys are great and Amazing and keep up the good work.;).......
" NO KILL I " !!!!!!!!
Wait. . . so we aren't "Real Trek" because we don't touch subjects the shows do, but then, when we do, those subjects are old hat, and you want something new and different (that the shows haven't covered)?
Did I read all of that right?
I think what he's trying to say--and I could be completely wrong--is that STO should deliver more themes and broad concepts that are more spiritually in-line with the show, but not necessarily delivered in the same way. So, for example, he might want to see more story arcs dealing with what it means to be human--or even non-human.
Wait. . . so we aren't "Real Trek" because we don't touch subjects the shows do, but then, when we do, those subjects are old hat, and you want something new and different (that the shows haven't covered)?
Did I read all of that right?
Yes, it makes perfect sense really.
Just like J.J. Trek isn't "Real Trek" because it doesn't homage the original, but then, when it does, those subjects are old hat and people want something new and different (that the shows haven't covered)
Considering how STO delivers it by murder, death, kill as ST without the O usually avoided violence or at least tried too ...
This is the big issue I have ... we do have some non-combat missions but only the old Diplomatic missions are good, the Standoff is pretty good but sadly thats about it, even with Season 7 they changed one non-combat mission to a combat mission just so they would force players into filling a "hours logged in" quota.
There are several eps where it's not a fight to the death.... Most of them end up that way because, well.... For all the talk of being peaceful explorers, Kirk and Picard did plenty of fighting. Heck, go watch "A Taste of Armageddon".... Seriously... Kirk was dead serious about nuking those people from orbit. I probably would have too....
There are several eps where it's not a fight to the death.... Most of them end up that way because, well.... For all the talk of being peaceful explorers, Kirk and Picard did plenty of fighting. Heck, go watch "A Taste of Armageddon".... Seriously... Kirk was dead serious about nuking those people from orbit. I probably would have too....
Picard usually avoided fights, but honestly it went to the point of a character fault sometimes, as he regularly stood by hailing and hailing and not shooting while the ship is getting pounded to rubble by inferior attackers.
He was the only Star Trek captain to back down from a fight, though. Kirk would bluff his way out of a fight he couldn't shoot his way out of, and was just fine with shooting any other time. Sisko almost never shot to disable, arguably even crossing the line in For the Uniform when he destroyed a fleeing ship that posed no immediate threat to send a message to Eddington. Heck, Janeway had a habit of hanging around on a battlefield until somebody shot at her and then saying, "Well, it's our fight now! Fire twelve of our five remaining torpedoes!" And Archer, as incompetent as he usually was, pioneered the technobabble victory and bluffing one's way out of an unwinnable fight.
Talking about Picard always gives me a bit of a headache, because almost everything unique about TNG - families and civilians aboard, the excessive avoidance of violence, etc - was disliked by fans when it started, for being too much of a departure from what we know Starfleet was not long before. Now, everything that's remotely like the Starfleet we saw before or after is too much of a departure from the isolated example we saw in TNG.
I say that because all us canon loving Trekkies have had to accept that this game looks like a Star Trek theme park when you fly around in it. But at the very least they could take their writting seriously since its so rare we actually GET story out of them, they have PLENTY of time to get it right and be plothole free. If they cant do that, get a new writer. If you want to RETAIN customers, keep the stories as a big draw. The average MMO fan comes in, shoots a few things, gets scammed by the lockboxes and leaves. STO makes a presence at Trek conventions. THOSEA people want story above all I assume, or they wouldnt be at a Trek convention. You want those few hundred people to spread positive word of mouth after they play the game. You want them telling their friends " Hey you gotta see whats going on in the Prime Universe in STO!" If the stories are more bizzare and plot hole filled than the books or JJ, it wont retain Trek fans who gobble up a good Trek story.
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
'chuckle' did it again.
sorry, don't mean to laugh.....heh....but you 'did'.
FWIW.... I think I can consider myself a Trekker, was born when ToS whas 'on air' and have been a part of it literaly my whole life, ( did you know true Trekkers thought 'Trekkie' as a derogatory term?...but that's another story ), and I like STO, I like the stories, I like the gameplay. and...I like ST canon and respect the people who brought the genre to life.... but I also have the sense to realize that it is just a fictional progressive genre, and the genre lives on due to the 'growth' of the story.
that is why I laugh at the hindering tendencies of the 'canon militia'.
and... I love the JJ movies, they are very entertaining, and it reignited my love of the original characters and made my love for ST that much stronger.
here's a quote from our beloved Gene for you:
" I would have thought that having reached this point it would be fun to go back to the years in which Kirk first got the Enterprise, and met these people. Nothing would please me more than to have Star Trek come back years in the future, and bright young people and new stars and so on really make it something, and have them say ' that's better than Roddenberrys '. I'd like that."
-Gene Roddenberry
The books got rather excessive with them, but... Considering the scale of the galaxy and how small known space is, there's no reason there should only be one.
I'll just repeat some math I've done before, but the space occupied by the major Alpha/Beta quadrant factions shown in the shows, all the way out to the mysterious remote races like the Tholians, Breen, and Sheliak, encompasses a cylindrical slice of the galaxy less than 1500 light years accross (slightly wider than the thickness of the galactic plane).
This is 0.0000000000035% of the entire galaxy. Heck, it's only 0.000000000014% of one entire quadrant. Mathematically it might as well not exist.
There is one known Dyson Sphere in that rounding error called known space. If that's typical of the entire galaxy, there'd be tens of millions of them. But let's be really generous here: Assume there's only a one in a *billion* chance that a single Dyson Sphere exists in a chunk of the galaxy this large - it was six consecutive miracles that one even existed at all and unfathomably unbelievable that two Starships would stumble on its location at random.
Still, fetched that far, there's about 280 more expected in the rest of the galaxy.
So, yeah, the novels went overboard with numerous spheres crowded into that 0.0000000000035% slice of the galaxy. But the odds of more existing approach 1.
Seriously... the old shows are FULL of them.
My character Tsin'xing
It also has ZERO Star Trek soul. Gene would always ask, "But what is it about?" STOs stories are just stories. Somehow they and or Kestral are too afraid to broach any Star Trek worthy topics. I dont know that Gene would have greenlit any of STOs episodes. Can anyone tell me what Star Trek worthy topic any STO mission has had in it?
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
seems to me like an awful lot of the STO stories are direct homages to Star Trek TV episodes......
that screams a lot of 'soul' to me.
Well it certainly never jumped out at me the way a real Trek episode would. Not that Im doubting those topics are in there, but care to play a matching game with your topics and a discription of said missions? For as many times as Ive played them they are all pretty forgettable.
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
unilateral interventionism: Preemptive Strike, and Divde et Empera (this one was really hamfisted about it)
Mental conditioning: Mind Game, another really blunt one. Also Installation 18
Religious corruption: Fire caves, not quite as hamfisted as Divide et Empera, but it tries.
Biotech ethics: The Ultimate Klingon (and its prequel missions)
Cybernetic ethics: Mind games again (artificial Borg drones), Sharien's Swords, The Return
Controlling powers one doesn't understand: Ground Zero, Doomsday Device, City on the Edge of Never, most of the story involving Iconian gates, and hinted to be turned around with a good guy doing this for either the FE next month or season 8 itself.
War profiteering: The Undying, War is Good For Business, Treasure Trading Station
Harassment under color of law: Treasure Trading Station (bit subtle here, but the implication of coercion is very clear)
War for glory: The entire Ambassador B'vat line, a good chunk of Hakeev's line, the mirror invasion line
Extra bonus I didn't list before:
Medical ethics: Cold Comfort, most of the Elachi line.
Means vs. ends: The Vault
If they didn't jump out at you, stop pressing F to speed through dialogs, because some of them are as hamfisted about it as season 1/2 TNG. B'vat's example has all the subtlety of a Bond villain drilling a hole through the moon. Which incidentally, he does in a double whammy of commanding power for the sake of power and perpetuating a war beyond its logical conclusion for some twisted sense of what it means to be a "real" Klingon.
Oh I read them all carefully when I first played them. And again when I leveled up my fourth and last Fed toon. I guess my real complaint is that all those issues are all old tried and true topics in many sci fi shows and shows in general. I want something that feels new that more relates to day. Where I walk away and say, Wow I hadnt thought of that that way before.
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
If anyone has not read the book I urge you strongly to get it , very vivid pictures it paints (i.e the planet inside the Sphere actually crashes into the wall of the sphere and "breaks" up)the way it was described sounded so cool when i read it
Did I read all of that right?
Hey, you forgot that we want pie with a side of cake. Don't listen to those folks that want cake with a side of pie. They're wrong!
Yes, yes you did. I've criticized Cryptic a lot (mostly over on the CO forums), but this criticism you just don't deserve.
009 is just moving the goalpost whenever he's shown that he's wrong.
lets get back to geeking out on the whole dyson sphere concept ......
Because you don't pick the Subject "I" want, and you always pick what "you" want, and what I want matters and is real Trek in my eyes and what you want is not real Trek in my eyes
Trek is only Trek for what I like. What other fans like is not real Trek because it's not what I want it's my Show and this is what I like and if it's not what i want it's STUPID and you Suck at your Job, and you guys don't do anything right...unless it's something I want then you guys are great and Amazing and keep up the good work.;)
(this sums up Trek fans a pretty close minded bunch when it comes to Star Trek, but love to rub in people's faces about how ahead of it's time it was for being so open minded)
Trekkies just need someone to yell at. First it was Rick Berman And Brannon Braga, now it's JJ Abrams and Cryptic studio. Whoever the next saps that take on the IP will be the new next thing to destroy the franchise and so on and so on.
Lucky Gene died before the Internet became a thing because the fans would have ripped him to shreds. Now he is just a saint to some fans who did no wrong, and never took money, and did everything for free for the benefit of mankind, and would look down on STO instead of asking for his cut of the share. :cool:
" NO KILL I " !!!!!!!!
I kid.
I think what he's trying to say--and I could be completely wrong--is that STO should deliver more themes and broad concepts that are more spiritually in-line with the show, but not necessarily delivered in the same way. So, for example, he might want to see more story arcs dealing with what it means to be human--or even non-human.
Yes, it makes perfect sense really.
Just like J.J. Trek isn't "Real Trek" because it doesn't homage the original, but then, when it does, those subjects are old hat and people want something new and different (that the shows haven't covered)
See, perfect sense.
My character Tsin'xing
And the Diameter of 150m KM is?
Lets see. The diameter of Earths Orbit is...
47746482.9275686 Km roundabout
and we are zipping around the sun at 67,000 miles per hour, give or take ( or a little over 107 thousand kph ) ! WHEEEEE !!!!!!!
Picard usually avoided fights, but honestly it went to the point of a character fault sometimes, as he regularly stood by hailing and hailing and not shooting while the ship is getting pounded to rubble by inferior attackers.
He was the only Star Trek captain to back down from a fight, though. Kirk would bluff his way out of a fight he couldn't shoot his way out of, and was just fine with shooting any other time. Sisko almost never shot to disable, arguably even crossing the line in For the Uniform when he destroyed a fleeing ship that posed no immediate threat to send a message to Eddington. Heck, Janeway had a habit of hanging around on a battlefield until somebody shot at her and then saying, "Well, it's our fight now! Fire twelve of our five remaining torpedoes!" And Archer, as incompetent as he usually was, pioneered the technobabble victory and bluffing one's way out of an unwinnable fight.
Talking about Picard always gives me a bit of a headache, because almost everything unique about TNG - families and civilians aboard, the excessive avoidance of violence, etc - was disliked by fans when it started, for being too much of a departure from what we know Starfleet was not long before. Now, everything that's remotely like the Starfleet we saw before or after is too much of a departure from the isolated example we saw in TNG.