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Post your worst STF experiance



  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    hikaru1024 wrote: »
    It's not unusual for me to get into an stf and have a noob argue with me that he knows what he's doing while doing the exact thing I told him he should not

    I tend to do that, if there is one guy who is very vocal about ordering people around. its fun to annoy them with stupid questions while doing something seemingly stupid. and in the end somehow we manage to get the optional, but ofc it is the others' hard work that brought it, because I am a noob ^^ except I deal 40-50% of the dmg of the whole round, but lets just say that is because they are typing and trying to prove I am doing it wrong

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    theodrim wrote: »
    Complains about other people not helping themselves, or knowing what to do in a game.

    Runs "a few hundred or better yet a few thousand STF's" and still doesn't understand "don't PuG".

    Continues to PuG, complains about it. Doesn't do anything to help others, even though it's been explained to him it's in his, unenlightened even, self-interest to do so.

    Still doesn't understand the irony of complaining about players who don't help themselves, while doing nothing to help himself.

    Lauging and giggling away at this.

    If you care to read more than one or two of the bad experiances in this thread you might soon realize that at least 75% of them are the result of people not knowning how to TURN THEIR CHAT SCREENS ON! So If you want to try to teach those guys anything, go for it. If you say you ARE teaching them, you are lying.

    Secondly, the so called organized groups such as out of ELITESTF are JUST AS CORRUPTED as an unorganized Pug. I do fleet pugs if I want a guaranteed win and even a few of those turn out bad.

    Third, Pugs are fun... Without Pugs, WE'D NOT HAVE THE FUN OF POSTING BAD STFs.

    Forth, If you don't want to read about bad STF's, there is pleanty more on the forums to read about. You might try one of the 'How to build your ship' threads.

    Have a wonderful day. :D
  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jake81499 wrote: »
    Lauging and giggling away at this.
    Secondly, the so called organized groups such as out of ELITESTF are JUST AS CORRUPTED as an unorganized Pug. I do fleet pugs if I want a guaranteed win and even a few of those turn out bad.

    what are you talking about? someone said on this forum that those players are really good. like publicelitestf is for those who know a bit less, and elitestf is for the really high dps players (atleast like above 2k or something, but they probably cheat)

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I would have to disagree. The people from PublicEliteSTF are some of the best PVE players I have seen - never once have I had an issue with them.

    Completely unrelated to STFs, but since there is no thread for this...

    I was in Crystalline Entity a few days ago. Note that CC is nowhere near as hard as the one last year... however, we failed it. Too many noobs warped out, and in the end, four people (3 cruisers and an escort) were not enough to overcome the Crystalline's heal rate. :( Worst part is, the Crystalline's health was at 15% before people started warping out.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ferdzso0 wrote: »
    what are you talking about? someone said on this forum that those players are really good. like publicelitestf is for those who know a bit less, and elitestf is for the really high dps players (atleast like above 2k or something, but they probably cheat)

    Sometimes you'll get a pretty good group out of ELITESTF and sometimes you won't. I'm still a member of both and I've seen it go both ways. But since, of all the STF's I enjoy the crud out of CSN, I haven't done much with the Elite groups in a while. I much rather do fleet if I'm doing anything Elite.

  • nelly1956nelly1956 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I just did a CE and the game crashed at 25%. I tried to reload and it wouldn't go. I had to reboot the computer. When I arrived back in the game it had just ended. I didn't get my loot.

    Darn it. :mad:
  • rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Worst experience?

    We started Khitomer vortex fantasitcally. The Tac cube died on a good speed. I use team chat to ask everybody where they were going: everybody went to kill of generators. Me, being in a Fleet Excelsior and in the full knowledge that my DPS can't possibly handle 2 gates at a time, spotted one of the 4 going afk. I stopped the probes of one gate while the other two vanished into the Vortex. Then, one of the team members shouted: "Why is nobody stopping probes?" and then he punched his ship back to Earth Spacedock. So we had 2 people on the gate and me on 4 probes, launching every ability I have to be able to stop 3 probes at a time. By this time, I sent out a plea of help in every chat I could think of, and then things got a little better. A friend of me found our match and warped his excellently-equipped Atrox in, relieving me of probe duty. I rushed to kill the first cube (the other 2 already had a stack of injuries from fighting it, while the cube didn't even had a dent in its shields) and solo that thing into oblivion. I destroy all generators and cubes, but keep the transformers intact to prevent more than 4 probes spawning at a time. Then one of the other players yells that we missed the optional because of probes coming through, set a course for Sol and left at warp 9. After a cruel slow battle we finally managed to kill off the gates, with 9 probes coming through the Vortex.

    Then came Donatra. Me and the Atrox knew to stay out of her cloaking border, but the 3rd guy (with already every possible injury to his guns he could have) went being a bag of skittles withing 30 centimeter of Donatra. She cloaked again and again, only decloaking to fire her big gun, which 9 out of 10 times killed that skittle escort (if he wasn't dead because of Donatra's forward guns already). The AFK'er then moved a meter of 20 to prevent the AFK disconnection and sat silent again. Ultimately I aborted combat, grabbed a Plasma Torpedo Launcher Mk X common that I gained from loot of a Tractor probe, and after another 10 minutes the plasma damaged finally caused Donatra's singularity core to overload and pop.

    The AFK'er went in, grabbed his loot and left the system. The skittle escort, having every possible injury he could have, flied at impulse 3 (all his ship could handle) towards his rewards. I grabbed mine, and so did the Atrox. And ofcourse: 60 marks, 1 processor and a useless console which I sold for 5000 ec.

    It took me a few days before flying into Infected again, only to spot the same Skittle escort who obviously didn't think he should have repaired his ship.

    Anybody having a more miserable story than this?
  • hikaru1024hikaru1024 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ferdzso0 wrote: »
    I tend to do that, if there is one guy who is very vocal about ordering people around. its fun to annoy them with stupid questions while doing something seemingly stupid. and in the end somehow we manage to get the optional, but ofc it is the others' hard work that brought it, because I am a noob ^^ except I deal 40-50% of the dmg of the whole round, but lets just say that is because they are typing and trying to prove I am doing it wrong

    You are thankfully not the kind of person I'm talking about. I've had noobs on cure space elite immediately attack a cube once its nanite probes are dead for instance and tell me that I'm wrong when I tell them that's going to kill us. Then the raptors spawn at the other two cubes, we aren't ready for it, and lose the kang.

    I've also seen more than one group of players on khitomer space elite completely ignore the probes on both sides. I'll typically pick one side up in this case and we'll lose the optional, so I tell them why. ... One occasion I was even told that the optional was 'too hard' - we wound up losing, period.

    I don't argue with people while fighting. If someone's going to argue with me that I'm wrong I clam up and just deal with it, and let them discover I'm right or prove me wrong. As you rightly point out, I don't have the time to do that AND fight.

    ... I certainly hope it was NOT you whom I met in a khitomer instance once that asked me about tanking while I was 1 manning a gate, probes transformer and a cube. My reply was short and unprintable.

    In any case, while I think a player doing what you describe would probably drive me crazy, I wouldn't talk to them while I was busy. So we'd win and things would sort themselves out. I'd probably at the end of the instance be deeply confused how we had won though.
  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    hikaru1024 wrote: »
    You are thankfully not the kind of person I'm talking about. I've had noobs on cure space elite immediately attack a cube once its nanite probes are dead for instance and tell me that I'm wrong when I tell them that's going to kill us. Then the raptors spawn at the other two cubes, we aren't ready for it, and lose the kang.

    I am exactly like that. except I know when to do it, so we would not loose (at most the optional, but that only through time, meaning that I am defending the kang from two sides of raptors, and the rest are doing TRIBBLE dps)
    hikaru1024 wrote: »
    In any case, while I think a player doing what you describe would probably drive me crazy, I wouldn't talk to them while I was busy. So we'd win and things would sort themselves out. I'd probably at the end of the instance be deeply confused how we had won though.

    yeah, typing is messing up your rythm and timers. in my case the same could be said about TS. tho I dunno why my old fleet did not like when they were yelling at me not understanding why I am doing something and I told them to "do not talk to me", or "I know what I am doing, dont tell me to do a stupid thing instead" :confused:

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • kharliskharlis Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The worst ones for me happen when at the start I ask "So, what's our plan" and NO ONE responds. Usually everyone flies off in a random direction shooting everything in sight. They defend nothing. The secondary fails and at least one jacka$$ decides to blame everybody (but not themselves) for that failure. Then the primary usually fails too.

    I don't mind failing the missions much, it is slightly irritating to invest time on losing.
    What I do mind is when the first (and sometimes only) communication from any of my teammates is to blame someone else.
  • satanailofhwbgsatanailofhwbg Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ferdzso0 wrote: »
    I am exactly like that. except I know when to do it, so we would not loose (at most the optional, but that only through time, meaning that I am defending the kang from two sides of raptors, and the rest are doing TRIBBLE dps)

    yeah, typing is messing up your rythm and timers. in my case the same could be said about TS. tho I dunno why my old fleet did not like when they were yelling at me not understanding why I am doing something and I told them to "do not talk to me", or "I know what I am doing, dont tell me to do a stupid thing instead" :confused:

    Sometimes, you need to be more...you know, diplomatic. :)

    I am often in the same situation. There's always someone typing "Who blew the cube, now we're finished!"....well, I'm most certainly not going to wait for "the ceiling to fall on my head" so that we can do rmlrml. Typing is a wasted time, if someone doesn't know how to do an elite mission, his/hers place isn't in one. And I'm really tired already to repeat that the "Stay at least 5km off her" rule doesn't work. Get as close as you can and punish her with CVS3-TT-TS3-EPtW3-APB or whatever you have! Makes life much easier.

    What's your opinion - can 2 men get the optionals with 30k+ sustained DPS? :D I finally managed to break through the 10k barrier in ISE without re-spec-ing.

    My primary way of doing STFs is PuG-ing. I rarely do fleet runs - did one the other night - 4 space eSTFs for 38 minutes, the time between the missions included. But my best times on each of the 3 STFs (learned not to pug Hive the hard way) have been done with pugs, and there's rarely been a single TAC captain in the teams. So....what we share here are the worst of the worst cases - there are many times more that are good ones. Generally you can tell by the end of the 1st minute whether the team is poor, good or really awesome.
    "Don't PuG" in not an answer - it takes all the fun away.

    P.S> I was watching Real vs Borrusia, so the post is a little fragmented :)
  • terlokiterloki Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Oh there are a few I could mention. Like the time that KASE was bugged and it took at least 30 minutes for what had been a very good team with good builds to kill the Scimitar.Though admittedly, I think this was more the game's fault at the time and the battle was truly epic, if mind-numbingly long (I don't know if that Kar'fi driver is reading this, but bless you for playing the bait!).

    Then there were some more recent shenanigans. Two in particular involved some idiot and/or griefer blowing the the nanite generators one at a time BEFORE the cube was dealt with on ISE. All the times I've lost CSE because the Kang was destroyed, once before the Raptors came out... .

    But the worst, oh the worst... . I don't know if it was malice, stupidity, or mental illness, but this was KASE again. There I am on the right side, alone with my Kamarag, handling the probes. I've taken out one nanite generator in my spare time to expedite things once the left gate was dealt with, since all four of my teammates were over there. Then one of them approaches and starts firing on the second generator. Okay, cool, I've got support now, so I join in. Then the cube warps in and that Kumari that had come to my "aid" bolts. So I'm left alone to deal with the cube AND the probes. Now, I'd say I'm an average to above-average player, but I can't tank a cube and take probe duty at the same time, not without blowing up a lot and letting probes through. So after a few minutes of repeated respawns and about two probes getting through (it was almost four, close, but I got them) I managed to kill the cube. Then Kumari-guy and a Vesta (or was it an Armitage?) blow the transformer, then go after the next two generators on my side and summon the cube, and proceed to ignore it for the go for the second transformer. Deja vu. More probes slip through, but we destroy the gate. MEANWHILE the left has made less progress than little ol' me and the deficient duo, still working on transformer number two (I remind you that through most of the match there were FOUR people on that side). Well, I go over there and help with the probes. I'm a probe kind of guy, I usually load out for crowd-control. Then they blow the transformer, and everyone else concentrates on the gate. So here I am with a swarm of probes to shoot down, being harassed by spheres AND a cube, and everyone else is doing nothing to help directly, mostly just exploding spectacularly against the gate while the cube and spheres take half-hearted pot-shots at them. This was the only time I ever lost Khitomer Accord, and I hope to whatever rules this universe that it's the LAST.
    Admiral Katrina Tokareva - U.S.S. Cosmos, Yorktown-class Star Cruiser
    Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird
    General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
  • cosmonaut12345cosmonaut12345 Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I have to say, I recently had a fabulous time in an STF with my fleet - I warned them ahead of time I had no idea what I was doing and that my ship wasn't optimized (I have all Mark XII gear, though some of it is purple), they wound up shouldering a lot of my weight, but we all seemed to have good fun. (At least I did!) I've spent enough time on the forums to know to keep an eye on chat and do what the more experienced people are telling me to do, and that all worked out quite well.

    I was impressed enough at how much damage that well-optimized ships can do that I think I may try doing the same myself, so that next time I can pull more of my own weight in an STF/fleet action - I don't want to keep presuming on their patience.

    So taking a minute to help a new person can pay off!
  • eardianmeardianm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I tried to run a CSE with friends this morning and we couldn't break 12:40 left on the optional. Just terrible, might as well go back to the queues
  • dichtbringerdichtbringer Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    eardianm wrote: »
    I tried to run a CSE with friends this morning and we couldn't break 12:40 left on the optional. Just terrible, might as well go back to the queues

    It's 12:46! :D

    What is not shown in my video is the large amount of attempts we needed to get that time, but you get some semblance of an idea by looking at my ACT screenshots. Every encounter a try^^ We aborted... a LOT

    P.S. Also the amount of beams we used in ISE is ok^^
    STO Voice Control Tutorial Video: WATCH
    ELITE STF SPEED RECORDS (time on optional remaining):
    S07: KASE: 12:54 | CSE: 13:20 | ISE: 12:38 All held personally, my POV
    LOR: KASE: 13:19 | CSE: 13:47 | ISE: 13:34 None held personally, other player's POV
    S08: coming soon
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kharlis wrote: »
    The worst ones for me happen when at the start I ask "So, what's our plan" and NO ONE responds.


    I get a big ol' kick out of people who say they teach everyone how to do STF's. It's called "YEA RIGHT!" :P

    I've flown right up in front of people's ships and said stuff like 'YOU NEED TO BE SHOOTING THE NANITES' and had no responce. :(

    By the way, I've seen a few of the people who have posted here in a few STF's. Some of them are actually as good as they say they are. :D

    And that's a good thing! :)
  • edited May 2013
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  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,017 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    deokkent wrote: »
    People TRIBBLE up eSTF on purpose, doing everything to make the team lose the optional or the mission. I'm not talking about AFKers or rainbow ships without a clue, it's those people that came straight from the ***hole club that want to make sure you feel sad/annoyed for the next 30min.

    ISE: high dps jem hadar heading straight to the nanite generator and blowing it before the cube that's hovering above the transformer, both sides. The ***hole pilot did that right after the patrols were taken care of.

    CSE: high dps ship blows up one upper probes on three sides, one after another spawning 3 Negh/raptors, which the captain quickly lures toward the kang.

    KASE: pilots blowing up 2 generators on all transformers, leaving the rest of the team to take care of it. These cubes somehow always manages to go after the pilots on probe duty, ugh.

    KAGE: once we get to the large room (where the nodes are), someone beams into the console room and randomly drops shields on every one of them before we even started clearing the place. I don't have to paint you the picture what happens next.

    IGE: trigger line sabotage. Trigger line tactic is a good strategy, which guarantees the optional for a team that's not used to elite ground missions. It's not absolute per se (much like the 10% rule in infected), but most teams try to follow it generally. It has an inherent weakness though, if teammates agree on the trigger line tactic, every one must follow it or the opt will fail. Sometimes you have that oddball, that's geared right for that matter, but completely refuses to teamwork and even mentions it in the chat. This captain ******* will cross every trigger line, will aggro everything in sight which results in the entire team being decimated because they're now scrambling to save the hostage and ignoring the danger in the room.

    CGE: I don't have a scenario for this one, because I have yet to see anyone sabotaging this one on purpose. Maybe because it's hard to do so or I've just been lucky.

    It's so TRIBBLE that I'm not making this stuff up.

    Sad fact of life, trollers indulge in other players' misery. I've seen my fair share of idiots, and it's so annoying.
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      Not my worst, but just surreal enough that I had to share.

      Hive Onslaught, normal, we make it to the Queen. Group is going a bit slow and one person is spending more time waiting to respawn than he survives between lives but not bad for a queue pug.

      Queen does her impulse burst thing then AMS, catching the whole team (except the guy who's always dead). Everyone stops shooting, except one guy in a rainbow beam escort just spraying FAW all over the place. Decent damage for the bad build, not enough to destroy anyone but enough to wipe out mines and fighters and leave a couple people with open shield arcs.

      I see this occasionally, people just not paying enough attention and doing a lot of unnecessary damage. They can really mess with a group, but because they're not paying attention they usually don't realize it's ME blowing them out of the sky instead of the queen. He's already under half health, so all it takes is the high yeild I already have queued up and he's gone.

      Couple seconds later, "Check your targets when you're AMS'ed Hevach, you killed me." He's not angry, mistakes happen, "Sorrys" and "nps" are exchanged, he's very reasonable about this whole situation, he wants to help me improve. He almost makes me feel a little bad for killing him.

      But that's why it's so surreal to me. If he noticed my torpedo and understands what had happened that allowed me to kill him, how did he not do the same for the psychedelic rainbow of death he was vomiting on everything except the queen?
    • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      deokkent wrote: »
      People TRIBBLE up eSTF on purpose, doing everything to make the team lose the optional or the mission. I'm not talking about AFKers or rainbow ships without a clue, it's those people that came straight from the ***hole club that want to make sure you feel sad/annoyed for the next 30min...

      CGE: I don't have a scenario for this one, because I have yet to see anyone sabotaging this one on purpose. Maybe because it's hard to do so or I've just been lucky.

      It's so TRIBBLE that I'm not making this stuff up.

      How about running at Armek before anyone else is ready, and spawning the shields? And doing this repeatedly, and not supporting the team and spawning cover shields around Armek?

      Oh, and rushing through the enemies throughout the map, and refusing to help complete the transformer Connect-The-Dots.

      Seen this happen - it IS possible, unfortunately.
      stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
      Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
      My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
    • morbius257morbius257 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      I had a lot of bad STFs since I started playing.But the worst from my point of view was actually my fault.HOSE with a low dps group,me in my Temporal sience Vessel (kdf side dont remember the name at the moment)Full temporal Warfarset and both Time Consoles.Wanted to give it a try.

      To kill the cubes took about 30 min.Both Unimatrix about 40 min.Still nobody left,nobody was complaining.Then we got to the Queen....took about 40 min to get her down to 10%.

      and then it happend...She nearly killed me.I was about 3 km away from her. I pressed temporal backstep and BAAM she was back at 100%!:eek:

      Nobody said a Word just everybody stopped moving.The only Tac Escort left instantly.

      We had no chance to win this anymore.I said about a million times "SORRY" and also bailed after only 2 where left.
      I didnt logt on for 2 day..that was so embarassing.

      (sry for my bad english and yeah first post^^)
    • edited May 2013
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    • morbius257morbius257 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      It does when u have both consoles.Against Donatra it is great u can shut down her big blast with the backstep by just sitting infront of her.Against the Queen..its not so good....

      omg I hope no troll reads this and wants to try it out...:confused:
    • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      Last night the last game I played which was Khitomer in Stasis (Elite) had someone with over 40 injuries on his character and he was wearing a EV Suit. No surprise the optional failed because of him. This is like the 4th or 5th time I have seen him in a Elite ground mission dragging the team down because of a bunch of injuries and using a crappy EV suit.
    • edited May 2013
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    • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      reyan01 wrote: »
      Hive Onslaught (Elite) - and another reminder of why I seldom bother with it.

      The team consisted of:

      Me, Sci using Vesta class
      A tac using an Aventine
      Another tac in a Defiant
      A Eng in a Fleet Sovereign
      Another sci using a Prometheus

      Didn't get off to a good start - the Defiant was a facepalm-worthy Rainbowbeam failboat, and he proceeded to fly off ahead of everyone else, spew Fire at Will & torpedo spread all over the place before the Borg treated it with their usual disdain and it exploded.

      The Fleet Sovereign, sadly, seemed to think that the Defiant had the right idea and torp-spread everything too. Received a pounding, but somehow didn't explode and instead limped away with pathetic hull and shield strength remaining. Treated the idiot to my Vesta's Fermion field and continued with my task of assisting the very competent Aventine in trying to manage the cubes.

      The Prometheus player was next to useless - flew in, fired his beams at the nearest cube, fired quantum torpeodes and cleared off out of range, returning at random intervals to do the same again. Judging by the fact that he 'wrong chatted' in teamchat twice, seemed like this idiot was too busy having a conversation to participate in the STF.

      Probably one of the most iritating HOSE instances ever - the tac cubes wound up sitting on top the the spawn point, and on one of the occasions that I was killed I respawned to find myself literally directly above a tac cube.

      Anyway, we somehow managed to despatch the tac cubes, and the two B'ger ships flew in and promptly caused the Defiant to explode again - by this time the player with the Defiant was on at least 70 second respawn, the player in the Fleet Sovereign, whilst at least having a single weapon type (Polaron) was doing worthless damage, though did seem to manage to stay in one piece most of the time, and the Prometheus was still being useless, so myself and the player in the Aventine agreed that there wasn't much point in trying to carry this particular fail-team and bailing would be preferable.

      It's a shame that so many instances of HOSE end like this - it seems to take forever for a queue to form a team and even when you do manage to get into a mission, it ends in failure all too often.

      Yeah that sounds pretty bad. Although perhaps raising the reward loot might solve the problem of low enrollment numbers, the increasing number of noob players with that incentive of getting higher rewards could be equally frustrating. There is the dilemma.
      I actually had people this one time do just that in a pug CGE team, except one was a sci and the other a bad eng with assault minigun. But they didn't sabotage anything, they were just total newbies, the sci one didn't even speak english; something we found out much later on. The eng quit, but at least he was listening to instructions. The other sci stuck with us, we had to use translate.google.com to communicate. It was an interesting mission to be honest, because we taught him how to heal effectively with the medic kit, gave him a bat'leth and taught him melee combos all that with the help of google translate. Why we went through all that trouble? Because he was the only sci and none of us could tank Armek (I know I know, very bad). At the end of the day, it was actually pretty awesome because we finished with flying colors with the newbie tanking/meleeing Armek like a boss, also being the only one who stayed alive while we were vaporized by orbital green fires of death. Newbie saved the day, we patted each other on the back picking up some much deserved loot. We're still friends to this day .
      I love it when that happens - the rare moment when noobs actually listen and are useful contributors to a mission.
      stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
      Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
      My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
    • nelly1956nelly1956 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      I was just now in an ISN. It was a PUG. I knew something was wrong when the two Klingons said 'lets mess with these blankedy blank feds.' They didn't do anything for the entry group. They both just sat there. The other two ships with me had rainbow beams. The first group took longer than it should. The whole time the Klingons were throwing insults.

      The entry group finally died and me and the other two flew left. The Klingons flew right and started the swarm over there. Then they both flew off about 40K away and continued the insults.

      On the left side we killed the small transformers then the other two with me went off chasing spheres. I tried and tried to tell them to kill the nanites spheres and probes so we could kill the main transformer but they didn't get it. Both of them together were too poorly DPS'd to kill anything and the whole time the Klingons were laughing and throwing insults our way.

      I never said anything to the Klingons and finally I just bailed out. It wasn't worth it.

    • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      Just had someone try to leech Khitomer Vortex (Elite) but the team let the mission fail so the leecher gets nothing. The leecher was their the entire time passing on drops and when I lured a Borg Cube to him he reversed his engines and was using heals to stay alive. I get so pissed off at people leeching but especially when they are their watching and doing nothing to help the team.
    • theodrimtheodrim Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      I just got out of one of my more...amusing...ESTF experiences. Not worst by any means, but definitely amusing.

      ISE, one of the players in the ESTF was...early and quite vocal...in his endorsement of the 10% rule. Which, would have been okay had the generators not been going down so fast people barely had time to switch targets. One of the generators went as the others were around 20%, and this chucklehead went ballistic in chat.

      I just did what I normally do -- EM, grav well and tractor the leading sphere, vent theta radiation and fire my bio-neural on my way back to the transformer. That buys enough time to down the transformer in all but the biggest CF's of ISE runs. In this run, I hadn't even gotten back to the transformer before it blew.

      In the meantime, the chucklehead in question flew over to the spheres in his fleet defiant...and somehow, despite the fact they were sitting in a cloud of theta radiation, a grav well, and disabled in the middle of it by my BNW, aggroed them all (and the gateway) and promptly exploded. Without killing one sphere.

      The other side was the same story. One of the generators went "early", I locked down the spheres, the chucklehead got himself killed, and the transformer still went down before the spheres even got close. Then he died twice more, once to the gateway and once to the tactical cube, despite that me and the Odyssey in the group were bouncing aggro. When the tactical cube went down, we somehow had somewhere between five and six minutes left on the optional timer.

      I said, "you're welcome for the heals and CC on the spheres :)" and this chucklehead completely lost it. Said I blew the generators early (I didn't), was shooting the wrong targets (I wasn't), wasted time messing with the spheres (true, but because the group had enough combined DPS the grav wells and theta radiation weren't even necessary), wasn't healing (I was, just not him), and almost cost us the optional (with over five minutes left at run's end). Then he left and put me on ignore.

      Ugh, stupid people.
      Somebody getting uppity about canon? No problem! Just take a deep breath, and repeat after me:

      Spock's Brain.
    • lekerolekero Member Posts: 4 Arc User
      edited May 2013
      STF, back several months or a year ago getting the optionals seemed impossible for me(I was a damn n00by at the time) but time passed, and several thousands of hours in stf later I can value my level to say I'm somekind of veteran.

      ISE now is for me the easier optional objective to get as everybody already knows how to handle things and so I believed there was no way to lose this optional ever again....god I was sooo wrong.

      This was no late than yesterday the drama happened, the ISE started smoothly and the tac cube went down quickly as usual but when it comes to the usual strategy they began to split up in each direction towards the two transformers: I was mostly surprised but the best is when they don't shoot the generators, prefer to shoot the spheres or the transformers without caring about the generators first.

      If I could, I may would've taken the aggro or something but...Damnit Jim, I'm a Bird of Prey not a Dreadnought !

      All my bad experiences in STF are mostly of the same level so I chose this one
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