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Post your worst STF experiance



  • exomatrixexomatrix Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd have to say that my "worst" experience in an STF was a few days ago on ISE. I was fortunate to join a fresh match, with no idlers in the team. We eradicated the borg cube and spheres without issue.

    The interesting part came immediately after. We had already clarified that we would focus on the left side first, along with the usual reminder of the "10% rule". While four of us proceeded to the left conduit, our fifth member flew obliviously to the right conduit.

    This fifth player immediately targeted the nearest Nanite Generator and proceeded to destroy it completely, triggering the Nanite Spheres, while the rest of us were still contending with the Borg Cube. This led to disarray as the Nanite Spheres, unopposed as our fifth player was subsequently destroyed by the untouched Borg Cube (he had decided to take the Nanite Generators out first).

    While all hope seemed lost, we were fortunate: our blundering fifth teammate had only fired at one Nanite Generator to destruction, and left all others untouched. The Nanite Spheres reached the right Conduit, but had no targets to heal. This meant that the objective was still within reach.

    Well, it was, until our fifth player fired an AoE torpedo at one of the Nanite Spheres, subsequently damaging a Nanite Generator, and triggering the repair beams of the Nanite Spheres...
  • theeishtmotheeishtmo Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    exomatrix wrote: »
    While all hope seemed lost, we were fortunate: our blundering fifth teammate had only fired at one Nanite Generator to destruction, and left all others untouched. The Nanite Spheres reached the right Conduit, but had no targets to heal. This meant that the objective was still within reach.

    Well, it was, until our fifth player fired an AoE torpedo at one of the Nanite Spheres, subsequently damaging a Nanite Generator, and triggering the repair beams of the Nanite Spheres...

    Wait, this is how that works? I always assumed it they immediately go for the transformer regardless. Makes me wonder if there are alternative ways to win other than the 10% rule. . .
    I know there is a method but all I see is madness.
  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    theeishtmo wrote: »
    Wait, this is how that works? I always assumed it they immediately go for the transformer regardless. Makes me wonder if there are alternative ways to win other than the 10% rule. . .

    you do not fail the optional until the nanites are actually healing. so if they didnt heal anything, then there is no lost optional. tho if they are around the transformer, you already lost the optional anyway, as even if you manage to not use any AoE attack, that would hurt the transformer, you will kill the nanites, and their warpcores will hurt it, so the ones alive, will just throw a heal, and the optional will be lost

    and yes, there is a more efficient way than 10%. destroy stuff as you go, and dont wait for nobody. it works well and fast

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • bondinibondini Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am beginning to really dislike ISN - Quite a few times now, 4 players have gone left and the 5th has gone right. This normally leads to the optional being failed very quickly.

    Most recently, the 4 of us managed to take down the left transformer quite quickly without it being healed (not that it mattered). When we head over to the right, we find it surrounded by probes and spheres with the loner circling high above shooting at the transformer even though 2 generators were still left.

    Smelled like a bot to me and I reported them as such ...
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    theeishtmo wrote: »
    Wait, this is how that works? I always assumed it they immediately go for the transformer regardless. Makes me wonder if there are alternative ways to win other than the 10% rule. . .

    Of course there's an alternative, kill everything quickly.
  • satanailofhwbgsatanailofhwbg Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I guess most of the more experienced players are waiting for the lag issue to be resolved. I personally haven't done a STF in the last 5 days.
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I guess most of the more experienced players are waiting for the lag issue to be resolved. I personally haven't done a STF in the last 5 days.

    Search the forums, you'll find plenty of ways to fix lag and stutter issues. I've not seen any in months.
  • nelly1956nelly1956 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I guess most of the more experienced players are waiting for the lag issue to be resolved. I personally haven't done a STF in the last 5 days.

    The more experienced players followed the guides in the forums long ago and fixed their lag issues.
  • qqqqiiqqqqii Member Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oddest one lately (in Khitomer normal pug): I zone in, I bank a bit left to engage the cube while taking up position near the gate, I open fire and get a few hits in... and then spontaneously warp out?..

    After which I have no leaver penalty in the queue, and when I try to rejoin or get a new one, it tells me I'm already in one. Didn't prevent me from getting into a Cure normal, either. Very funky, but it seems to be a one-time thing. Mildly irked.
  • qqqqiiqqqqii Member Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Not an STF as such, but nonetheless....

    Just finished the drop dead WORST instance of Vault Ensnared ever.

    First part: only three Reman ships rescued in the first part, and I rescued one of them single-handly in my Fleet Rhode Island.

    Second part: Obisek had to activate the 'last resort' Thalaron weapon as the Tholian's completed the Vault web.

    Third part: Only myself and someone in a low-DPS beam (though was at least single weapon type - Tetryon) Prometheus took on the flagship. Calls for assistance went ignored. The two of us weakened it significantly, but didn't manage to destroy it.

    The epitome of 'fail' and I was actually quite surprised that I semi-offended someone by commenting on what an awful mission it had been afterward. We received all of 11 Romulan marks for that mess - I wish I'd just bailed on it.

    That's horrendous. I haven't quite reached that depth, yet. Oddly, the one thing I do encounter a lot in Vault Ensnared is some twit sailing off to the corner of the map to roll Need on everything. Makes me want to curb-stomp their reproductive organs every time.
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Doing an Elite Khit space pug the other day, i elected to watch one side and let the other four work on the other.

    In between probe waves I usually take down the cubes in my fed escort since I have nothing better to do.

    I notice they are dying a bit, but I havent seen any probes from their side get to the gate.

    I get my side down to 20 percent left on the gateway and check to see how the others are doing. They havent let any probes escape, yet, but its been about 3 minutes and they are all loaded with injuries and BOTH of their cubes are up.


    Im thinking to myself, how did I get a whole side almost done by myself and these four are struggling, are they doing BOTH sides of that side at once?

    I knock my gateway out and go over to bail out their cube problem.

    I get both cubes killed and am engaging a sphere that just killed one of the engineering players.

    A probe makes it through.

    How in the bloody....

    At this point ive completed 75 percent of the instance virtually solo while these guys have been dying nonstop.

    I get RAGED ON by the guy thats probably died more times than every other player combined in this instance, that im the noob that let the spheres out too early, blah blah. (this is the same engineer i just watched get virtually one shotted by a sphere somehow)

    So this guy ragequits the instance leaving me, 2 other tacs and another engineer in the instance. We get the other side cleaned up and spawn donatra.

    We get Donatra down to 50 percent and one of the other tacs decides this is impossible because he keeps getting walloped by the AOE cone and warps out.

    So now its down to three.


    And we finally finish almost 10 minutes later.

    Besides ones that never got done due to quitters, this had to have been the worst PUG i have ever flown in. 1/10 on probes all because FOUR other people werent watching their side while I was killing their cubes... and ragequit on not once but twice. 45 min to an hour almost all told.


    (if anyone reading this remembers that fight, props to the two who stayed to finish. that was hell but we made it)
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
  • lhoygowlhoygow Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Well, ISE has certainly become more 'interesting' post-patch - those spheres are on steriods or something!

    Forget trying to use mines - those spheres shoot off all over the place and mines simply can't catch them anymore. And GWIII is absolutely useless against them (although was never that spectacular anyway).

    Super 'roids. When I finally got in yesterday did an ISE, 1st transformer went down and didn't really notice anything, but when we got to work on the 2nd one and the gens popped a nanite sphere came screaming out of the gate and made a beeline for the transformer. Luckily I had TBR and managed to push it out of the way and chalked it off to an aberration. Popped GW on the rest of the approaching spheres and much to my chagrin, they all just sped right on past it and were out of range of the GW before it could activate...wtf? Only saving grace was being in a pre-made team that had high dps, they got the gate blown before the group got in range.
  • dashrendar1138dashrendar1138 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Well, ISE has certainly become more 'interesting' post-patch - those spheres are on steriods or something!

    Forget trying to use mines - those spheres shoot off all over the place and mines simply can't catch them anymore. And GWIII is absolutely useless against them (although was never that spectacular anyway).

    Well that sucks. Can't say I'm surprised though that they would change something that makes sci powers useless though (again). Haven't has a chance to try it yet post-patch but if it's as bad as you say I hope it gets corrected.
    Join the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet
  • sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is just before something big blow up, I CTD, because I always(!) get CTD in STF. :(
  • satanailofhwbgsatanailofhwbg Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well that sucks. Can't say I'm surprised though that they would change something that makes sci powers useless though (again). Haven't has a chance to try it yet post-patch but if it's as bad as you say I hope it gets corrected.

    Well, I hope it doesn't get nerfed - I personally had a blast last night with the new borg behaviour. ISE is probably the most challenging of the old three at the moment. I got tired of shooting motionless slugs for more than an year now. As for the whiners - there is (Normal) difficulty.
    There were some thing needing a fix - I don't know if the "set focus" on a teammate is fixed with today's update - when I wanted to heal someone, I needed to invoke the command from the context menu (right click with the mouse on the person's avatar and choose it from there).

    As for the lag issue - how the @# should I know that PWE's ISP has an issue with it's DNS? Was it that hard for Brandon to tell us "Flush your DNS database and reset your router if you have one" instead of giving us TRIBBLE in a 10 page topic!? WTF!? Moreover, I've never had such an issue in my 15 mounts playtime with STO.
  • x0ligyx0ligy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Worst experience...

    Date: 23/05/13
    STF: Hive Onslaught
    1. Some players leave
    2. Respawn after death on the two main ships
    3. "We are under attack" (looks around for tribbles)
    4. BOOOOOM!!! Killed by lance by spawn point.

    Did get back to the ships in the end but, as the borg say it was "Futile!" There was only me and two other that died too often.
  • nithanathnithanath Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cure Ground Normal.
  • satanailofhwbgsatanailofhwbg Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Well, beyond healing, Sci has offically become next to useless in the STF's - crowd control abilities are absolutely worthless against the new and improved 'Spheres on Steriods'.

    Using my Vesta class, with 130 aux, MkXII [Purple] Embassay Particle Generator and full points to my character's Particle Generation skill.... and GWIII did absolutely NOTHING to them. Assaulting them with bad grammar would have been just as effective.

    Those who have been calling STO 'Escorts Online' are definitely on to something....

    You're spot on about that. I made my first tactical captain and I can say they really are OP in PvE, compared to a science one (I gave a thought really hard about why are there so many failed tactical captains). I really struggled to get over the 10k barier (more like 8-9k in ISE after the updates). Now I'm taking a Fleet Ha'feh and a plasma build on the romulan and that's it. Will take a while to go through the rep, but it will be a real beast in the end.
  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You're spot on about that. I made my first tactical captain and I can say they really are OP in PvE, compared to a science one (I gave a thought really hard about why are there so many failed tactical captains). I really struggled to get over the 10k barier (more like 8-9k in ISE after the updates). Now I'm taking a Fleet Ha'feh and a plasma build on the romulan and that's it. Will take a while to go through the rep, but it will be a real beast in the end.

    I would like to point out, he kinda said that the sci ships are less viable now. being a sci was less viable since forever now, as tacs rule for a long time now. making sci abilities useful, just means we might see more sci and engies in escorts :)

    your other point tho. I had a tac from way back, as my klink but I rly didnt do much testing on it. however now on my romulan, I really started to compare, and as I said on my fleet chat it feels like I am cheating. Gorn Minefield and SB24 are super easy to win, and in STFs I am already dealing the dmg I dealt in escorts with my sci (mind you the only thing I have over them is the leech, and I use adv fleet disruptors, but still uncommon consoles other than that, and random engines shields and deflectors... and I know gear doesnt matter, but I know from personal exp, that those upgrades will kick me way above the line)

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • satanailofhwbgsatanailofhwbg Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, in my mind a full sci setup is non-existent - I've tried various things on my Fleet Sol, and it just doesn't feel right - especially when there is no one in PuGs to kick as^2 (it was getting better in the weeks before the update). Hence, I always think of the only sci-scort option available and was actually very good until now. After the RoL, the Lt.Com slot is next to useless - the race is even more DPS-centered than before (I don't think anyone has thought it was possible to be more like that until 2 weeks ago). Sooooo...my Fleet Cerberus will stay at bay for the time being (I flew that one from before S7).
    That said, I was going to buy a cat carrier, but then the update happened - I'm soooo glad I held up and waited. Next thing was to shift all the 35 mil EC and 330k dil to my tac romulan. End of story.
  • ivannanukeivannanuke Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In Infected Elite I arrive to see 3 Andorians and 1 science ship, I am in a Fleet Mogai Retrofit with Fleet Plasma and Breen Set.

    After 1hour taking down generators and finally the gate with the option well and truley blown, we are on the tactical cube, and it seems I am the one in the wrong for my ship being low dps.

    I would like to point out that the 3 Andorian ships was using beams, fwd and aft. And the science ship was possibly firing turrets and one beam, and not using any debuffs that I could see.

    Yet in team channel I am the problem, and my ship is not properly fitted.

  • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Recently finished a Azure Nebula Rescue and someone was threatening to report me for leeching because I had waited for Tholian group to respawn instead of running around all the time.

    I tried to explain it being a strategy I sometimes use but he kept threatening to report me.

    Well the strategy worked we maxed out on the rewards for the mission.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was in one the other day with Two people, and i hate to say this but they were terrible. Right off the bat the two people who know what they're doing (myself and the tank) go to one side and start handling things. Shortly after they do the exact same thing on the exact same side....the fifth person just out right quit, so i realize they've left it completely unguarded on the Right side and the probes were almost at the game. I head over and start deal with that when one of the guys starts following me and to make it worse, the other two aren't even paying attention to the probes on the left now so i basically have to keep an eye on both sides(doable but annoying as a sci).

    I finally just flat out tell them i'm not doing it any more since i need to be doing more on the right and it would be too much once they started spawning more that two at a time. The second guy then gets the job of watching the probes as i begin working on the generators. For what ever reasons the other new guy spawns a cube and is quickly killed but then proceeded to ignore it all together including the probes being launched. Just goes to where the tank is and starts fighting the cube there leaving me to deal with the one i just spawned as well as the other side and the probes. Lucky for me after taking the cubes new guy one came over and decided to help with the probes...

    After that the mission began going as normal and we destroy the gates missing the optional, which is no big deal, but once we start fighting Donatra, i kid you not, they start just pulling up on her firing away.

    They just keep charging in and she just keeps cloaking and healing her shields. I even take the time to tell them they're just making it harder on themselves because of what they're doing, but no... They just keep trying to mount the scimitar with guns blazing, guns that weren't even that great because they're DPS was terrible. It takes nearly 20 minutes of them cloaking her to finally finish. The only reason i stayed was because i'd hit the point where no matter what i was going to finish, even if i was the only one left.

    At the end i took my sad little reward and flat out told them they were both terrible before tossing them on the ignore list and heading off. And they were, i'm sure they're not bad people, but at the same time they were the stereotypical noobs doing everything wrong to the point i was almost sure they were trolling except for the fact that they were still trying.

    I feel bad for telling them like that but still, elite STF's need more than just a little pew pew to win and they were just not ready yet.
  • greendragon527greendragon527 Member Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, I hope it doesn't get nerfed - I personally had a blast last night with the new borg behaviour. ISE is probably the most challenging of the old three at the moment. I got tired of shooting motionless slugs for more than an year now. As for the whiners - there is (Normal) difficulty.
    There were some thing needing a fix - I don't know if the "set focus" on a teammate is fixed with today's update - when I wanted to heal someone, I needed to invoke the command from the context menu (right click with the mouse on the person's avatar and choose it from there).

    As for the lag issue - how the @# should I know that PWE's ISP has an issue with it's DNS? Was it that hard for Brandon to tell us "Flush your DNS database and reset your router if you have one" instead of giving us TRIBBLE in a 10 page topic!? WTF!? Moreover, I've never had such an issue in my 15 mounts playtime with STO.

    To me it isn't challenging, its more annoying. They just kinda fly about randomly so that you have to run them down, but it doesn't make it more fun, because there isn't any strategy you can use to contain them, GW doesn't seem to help, although I've yet to try tractoring one at a time.
  • dessniperdessniper Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Conduit Elite.

    Some german player would blow one of the diodes not waiting until the others are down to 10%, and then run to the far corner and try to insult us in german. After we managed to clear the left side, here comes german boy again. And the same thing, takes down a diode and then runs to the corner and hides and back to the insults.
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To me it isn't challenging, its more annoying. They just kinda fly about randomly so that you have to run them down, but it doesn't make it more fun, because there isn't any strategy you can use to contain them, GW doesn't seem to help, although I've yet to try tractoring one at a time.

    Same feeling here.
    It's like having to sit through a chick flick and the only refreshments available are diet cola and vanilla ice cream.
    And no, they won't allow you to put the ice cream in the cola because they don't want you to.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To me it isn't challenging, its more annoying. They just kinda fly about randomly so that you have to run them down, but it doesn't make it more fun, because there isn't any strategy you can use to contain them, GW doesn't seem to help, although I've yet to try tractoring one at a time.


    The way it currently is, is simply utter TRIBBLE. As you've mentioned it isn't a challenge, but simply a major bug and annoyance. If anything it's gotten easier, as people who just charge ahead don't get focused down by the spheres anymore, as they're starting to run away the moment the get hit. It simply takes more time.

    Spheres flying out of bounds or getting stuck at the inaccessible spot below the starbase in ISE, making it impossible to complete the STF, are bu*****t.

    I'm all for ramping up difficulty. Give them plasma torps, more HP/shields, lower cooldown on tachyon beam or the ability to heal themselves, each other, the cubes or the gate and not through something that's definately bugged.
  • nagrom7nagrom7 Member Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did an ISE pug (shudder) run and after we took out the starting cube and spheres, 3 of the 5 members of my team proceeded to go directly to the gate and began shooting it. It did not stop until myself and the other team member both warped out.
    Harden up Princess
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  • coldicephoenixcoldicephoenix Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ferdzso0 wrote: »
    I would like to point out, he kinda said that the sci ships are less viable now. being a sci was less viable since forever now, as tacs rule for a long time now. making sci abilities useful, just means we might see more sci and engies in escorts :)

    your other point tho. I had a tac from way back, as my klink but I rly didnt do much testing on it. however now on my romulan, I really started to compare, and as I said on my fleet chat it feels like I am cheating. Gorn Minefield and SB24 are super easy to win, and in STFs I am already dealing the dmg I dealt in escorts with my sci (mind you the only thing I have over them is the leech, and I use adv fleet disruptors, but still uncommon consoles other than that, and random engines shields and deflectors... and I know gear doesnt matter, but I know from personal exp, that those upgrades will kick me way above the line)

    Sci needs buffs.. esp with cc for those steroid spheres.. My only saving grace these days on my sci capn are my purple Bird of preys (when they don't bug out!)

    We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!

    -Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
  • loverofwarsloverofwars Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    so queued up for cure ground elite first signs of this is going to be a bad stf a romulan why bad sign because there is no way you could have xi gear omega maco hg by now this early so we start the full head to toe maco suit guy starts using his adapted pulsewave like a rifle trying to go long range doing almost no damage and not using x targeting he couldn't kill a few drones near the transformer thing while he stood a good 12 15 distance from them shooting tickling their shields the fact hes a tactical officer should of been able to kill them in seconds.

    an engineer in the group was putting turrets all around and thats all phaser turret here and few over there which do almost no damage but so did he most the time he had to die to remodulate :D

    the romulan was using the rare romulan disruptor pistol from frozen mission reward he was truly hopeless at remodulating too he.

    another was a science officer i'm not sure what kit she used but never saw any powers being used no heals buffs debuffs tricorder scan nothing she actually was able to fight the borg better than the others at least she killed a few.

    me unable to be at the top node bottom node and turret at same time trying my best to carry them one person gave up the science girl this was at the first set of turrets and op with 11 mins to go when it hit 8 mins she left at 6 mins left on the op i left.

    reason why i say this isn't the worst it isn't belive me its just sad to see someone with the adapted pulsewave fail to kill a few drones or use x targeting for damage boost its such a true shame i have one my self as a science officer using it i was able to take the drones out in seconds compared to that guy i did count well kinda let the op time remaining count 30+seconds to kill two drones at least they aren't afkers i guess thats one good point :P
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