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Post your worst STF experiance



  • saudaedarasaudaedara Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    After months of reading the (entertaining) horror stories from this thread, I thought it was time to share one of my own.

    I've recently started pugging STFs again since they aren't challenging anymore when I run with premades. When I do, I specifically slot in a TBR for the worst-case scenario, at a cost of making me a bit squishier. Normally, I never need to use it. Today however, I feel damn lucky for having it.

    ISE, warp in. Saw: 3 warbirds (1 DD, 1 Ha'apax & 1 smaller model I didn't recognize), 1 mirror escort, and myself in a FAC. Typed 'hello', and actually got a response from two of them! Okay, so I thought this was going to be alright.

    Until I looked at the mirror escort, with injuries of every shape and colour imaginable under his health bar! :eek: Then I thought 'This might not be good'.

    Killed the cube & the spheres, then went to the left, Fortunately everybody went to the left. UNfortunately, the DD started hitting one of the Generators while the rest of us were hitting the cube! Here I thought 'This DEFINITELY won't be good' :(

    The cube died 'somewhat' quickly; quicker than that warbird could kill the generator anyway. Immediately everybody started hitting random generators, and as expected, the generator that the DD was hitting blew first, with the others still above 30% each.

    Okay, fine, I activate fire at will to help kill the remaining generators, draw aggro from the two warping in spheres, before switching on evasive and charging into the nanite swarm with TBR turned on. The other 4 teammates had enough sense at least to hit the transformers while I was keeping the nanites at bay. They got to about 7km before the transformer blew. Or at least out of range of their heal.

    We then proceeded to mop up the spheres, with them running all over the place with their new EPtE. The Ha'apax went off and tried killing the cube before all the spheres died (he summarily exploded, I just feel fortunate he didn't hit the generators instead).

    This time everybody hit the cube instead of the generators first. Then subsequently everybody went off to shoot random generators again, and lo & behold, someone popped one early again...

    Well, rise & repeat with fire at will, evasive & TBR down those nanite's throats to keep them away. Again fortunately the transformer died quickly, before the nanites got close enough and AFTER I managed to crawl away from that Tac Cube's spawnpoint.

    By now we had about 7 mins left on the optional timer, and by the time we finished killing the spheres, the gate and the cube (which decided it didn't like me while the spheres were still flitting about, and the gate was still kicking me), there was about 1 min left on the clock for optional. Yay! :D

    Yes I know, this isn't actually all that nightmarish since we still got the optional, but it damn well could have been...

    Again, thank you TBR, even though I never normally use you and everybody seems to throw hate at you. Though admittedly most of that hate is piloting error.
  • notorycznynotoryczny Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    deokkent wrote: »
    Lol it's possible to shoot down the gate before taking down the right transformer, as long as you got the damage. It seems as though transformer stops healing the gate the moment it receives high enough damage. Not sure if it's a bug or what, call me crazy or what not but it's definitely possible. The tac cube and spheres will still warp in once you're done with the last transformer, but it's a matter of convenience really not having to deal with the gate then.

    It was also possible to tricobomb them before the Great Trico Nerf. Some people called the tactic "reversed ISE".
    May 2013, automatic permanent ban for mentioning gold-seller sites
    pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should.
    moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
  • theeishtmotheeishtmo Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just finished attempting Hive Onslaught Normal.

    Nothing wrong with the team. Cleared through the cubes and spheres and did decent damage on the first Unimatrix.

    Then the lances started firing. They did something, I think. Everytime a lance fired, someone died. Usually it would only happen once in a while, it wasn't much of a threat, but it was there. Now, if those lances charge, someone WILL die. Every time. Wiped 4 times before we gave up. The last two runs I got within a klick of the left Unimatrix before I was promptly lanced. Barely got off a shot.

    Given that this thing is hard enough, having those lances as a guaranteed kill makes it truly unplayable. Stay away kiddies.
    I know there is a method but all I see is madness.
  • brollydoggbrollydogg Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    to whom it may concern ive tried to earn zen just to be left waiting the worst experience was signing up for gamefly thru your earn zen page now ive never used game fly so I was a new member but I didn't receive any zen for it then gamefly took over a $100 dollars from me now I know that last part isn't the fault of perfect world but the lack of zenis like salt in the wound thanks for your time!!! oh and im still playing STO its a great game even if there are some bugs in the system still good luck with those!!!
  • coldicephoenixcoldicephoenix Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    OO oo ooo I've got one!

    KASE, one of the easiest elite pugs and it you wont believe the ways people find to TRIBBLE it up:
    3 Fed (2taac, 1eng), a tac romulan and me on my sci KDF with my Voquv. First cube goes down quickly, then 3 of the feds go to left. The romulan (in a mogai) and me proceed to the right.

    I get on probe duty on my side and the Romulan quickly melts the transformers and the elite cubes.. and all of a sudden a cube form the OTHER side wander towards me.. I somehow manage to take it down and the probes that spawn on my side. In the mean time, the feds on the opposite not only let the cube wander to my side, but also let 4 ****ing probes pass through the warp gateway!

    I manage to kill the cube and the Mogai-chap is screaming at the others for letting the cube wander AND for letting the probes pass through. In the ruckus I manage to die thanks to a stray torpedo. The mogai in the mean time has to now also deal with a SECOND cube from the other side!!!

    We finally manage to destroy the gates (7 probes have gone now). Now the fun part. For the remainder of the Donatra fight, the 3 feds died every half minute :P and it was up to me and the rommie to take down Donatra.. looongest fight ever.. If it wasn't was viral matrix. target engines and chorniton torps we would never have made the last fight!

    We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!

    -Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
  • hikaru1024hikaru1024 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well, I hope it doesn't get nerfed - I personally had a blast last night with the new borg behaviour. ISE is probably the most challenging of the old three at the moment. I got tired of shooting motionless slugs for more than an year now. As for the whiners - there is (Normal) difficulty.
    There were some thing needing a fix - I don't know if the "set focus" on a teammate is fixed with today's update - when I wanted to heal someone, I needed to invoke the command from the context menu (right click with the mouse on the person's avatar and choose it from there).

    As for the lag issue - how the @# should I know that PWE's ISP has an issue with it's DNS? Was it that hard for Brandon to tell us "Flush your DNS database and reset your router if you have one" instead of giving us TRIBBLE in a 10 page topic!? WTF!? Moreover, I've never had such an issue in my 15 mounts playtime with STO.

    Another way to select someone is to use the F1-F5 function keys on your keyboard. I've been working around that bug since LoR release using that. Anyway, I have to admit I didn't really notice the new NPC behavior with emergency power to engines (which is what the changed skill is that they're using, believe it or not!) until... Well. I got tractored by four spheres, all at the same time. Polarize hull was on cooldown, so I sighed, hit fire at will... and all four spheres promptly *RAN* in random directions - was truly not something I expected. For a fun time dump a gravity well on them too, I've seen them instantaneously flee out of it.

    EDIT: the AI very clearly has no understanding of what they're doing, they're just milling about at high speed in random directions. Which makes fighting borg entertaining at times.
  • admiralpaladinadmiralpaladin Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just did Azura Nebula before crash. Zone in. I call out North. While, I understand that there are different strategies to doing this mission, I was going with the split up and camp at the 4 corners one. During this run, I was informed that there is no north in space, that I am only doing 5% of all the work. (1/4 = 5% in some worlds math), and (my favorite) that I was flying a retro ship and welcome back to STO. I happen to fly a JHAS. While the run was a total win, the kid who stopped playing with himself for a few minutes to play STO made it a less than enjoyable run.
    Vice Admiral James "Paladin" Taggart
    Captain - U.S.S. Tiger's Claw
    TOS Veterans Fleet
  • delerouxdeleroux Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Azure Nebula Rescue.

    I can easily solo basically any spawn to rescue the ship in relatively short order, with the exception of Scimitars--I can still solo them, but it will take a bit longer. Meanwhile, it takes the other 4 members of my team the same time to kill a single BoP or Mogai spawn. God forbid they become capable of doing real damage so they can split up and attack more than one spawn at a time. And don't worry about exercising some degree of foresight--you go right on ahead and full impulse across the map to kill a BoP spawn that's already being destroyed even though your side of the map is about to have two more respawns right in front of your faces. To make matters worse, these idiots come to 'help' me with their TBR retardation, except all they succeed in doing is pushing the group of enemies out of my EWP which was killing and disabling them. Well done.

    The fact that people have such trouble with something as basic as PvE in this game is doing wonders for my faith in humanity.
  • coldicephoenixcoldicephoenix Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    deleroux wrote: »
    TBR retardation, .

    Dont even get me started on TBR!! In all my time in STFs I've seen it used right by only 1 person (a fed in a VA Rhode Island). Otherwise ach time someone with TBR either pushes them away from me just when I've aligned my perfect shot and out of weapons range or push probes *towards* the generators in ISE :mad:

    We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!

    -Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
  • captainfarstarcaptainfarstar Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My worst experience is trying to get Infected:Manus elite optional every day.

    People either can't just over cubes and end up in plasma or they trying to charge the captives and dying is the best way foward.

    Every time I PUG the final boss takes upwards of 20 mins due to people being bad players and having no coordination.

    It's not like ST:O is hard but the Manus is just a nightmare to PUG despite being the easiest instance in MMO history.
  • supergaminggeeksupergaminggeek Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thanks to the power of this thread, I knew to turn to PublicEliteSTF for help before starting my first STF.

    Unfortunately, the problem was that the whole team forgot to pick up the Starfleet guys that were nearly assimilated. Oops.
  • satanailofhwbgsatanailofhwbg Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Am I the only one changing my STF tactics from max DPS possible to less DPS and more CC capabilities (other than GW, which is almost useless at the moment)?
    On my main character, who runs Fleet HEC I retired the elite scorps in favour of advanced Danubes and on my romulan Fleet Ha'feh I converted the Lt.Com. uni station from tactical to science (PH1, TB2, TBR2)?

    And yes, I almost forgot: [WHINE] Too many clueless captains!!! [/WHINE]
  • badvaiobadvaio Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Picture the scene. It's around 4am UK time. I decided to do a quick infected elite before I went sleepy time.
    The team was myself in my fleet mogai, someone in a Galaxy dreadnaught, a mirror prometheus, a d'derix and someone else I can't remember.
    The match started out ok apart from an early blown generator. It happens so not much point in raging.

    We fought off the spheres, well I say we, 4 of us did, the d'derix had decided to attack the other cube and left us to it. We got there in the end.

    The other side was much easier so we started on the gate, 4 of us did, the d'derix had bailed. No matter, its still do able. So we carried on and got the gate down. Then the 3 of us that were left (we lost another one) attacked the cube.
    At this point we are down to myself, the dreadnaught and the prometheus. We did a moderate amount of damage then the prometheus disappeared.

    Between myself and the dreadnaught we died a lot but we got the cube down to around 10% until we both died and when we respawned the cube was back to 100%. It was now 5am and I was exhausted and annoyed at the cubes health.

    All I could do was apologise to the amazing dreadnaught captain who didn't give up and explain that I had to go and get some sleep, if the cube's health hadn't recovered we could have beaten it and I feel very bad for bailing but I had no choice.
  • fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I knew to turn to PublicEliteSTF

    those public STF channels aren't any better than your average Pug.
  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    those public STF channels aren't any better than your average Pug.

    well, atleast they eliminate the AFK factor most of the time ^^ tho I would appreciate an option to launch stfs without a group, to eliminate the stupidity of others completely

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ferdzso0 wrote: »
    to eliminate the stupidity of others completely

    Never gonna happen.

  • brandonicusbrandonicus Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Ive read through a lot of these and there have been quite a few STF experiences. I have a bunch that are non-STF, but to keep with the trend i will give you my Cure (elite) story. I started with F2P about a year ago and as soon as i leveled high enough i have been doing the STFs. I started on normal, learn the ropes and move to elite. So by the time i get there i am capable. I have also learned my role when flying my assault cruiser with my lvl 50 engineer. I hit as hard as i can but mostly i back up the ships doing the real DPS. As a matter of fact that is the moral of this story, i may not have bite but i know how to stay alive.

    Any way i PUG in and we jump right in. I never took the time to notice the other ships, i just hit my abilities, targeted the cube and started shooting. I realized it felt wrong when it took forever to drop the first cube and two spheres but i still wasn't taking the hint. Second cube went down and then there were folks who did not seem to know the 10% rule and we lost the optional almost right away. Now thats bad enough but i still did not notice the real issue. I fly around like a mad engineer hitting my group with engineering teams and extend shields and i think im doing ok but i cant seem to keep anyone alive long enough to do any real damage and it seems to take forever. I STILL DONT GET IT. Finally its over, i am wiped and totally disappointed and for some reason i notice it, we were all engineers. Now no disrespect. I love my engineer. But seriously you can not PUG a group full of them, you will never get the job done.
    "Risk is part of the game if you wanna sit in that chair."
  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jake81499 wrote: »
    Never gonna happen.



    I had so much fun yesterday with PESTF. there was some dude who was smashing another, for blowing up a gen in ISE when the others were 50% because thats not how things are done (mind you from what I can tell, optional was not lost either). the best part in that tho, is that there were ppl who pretty much supported him that this was a stupid thing to do... lol
    - there that was the worst experience of mine lately apart from the fact that I lag nowadays, and we missed the opt one time, as one dude went ahead destroying gens before the cube and my constant disconnects :)
    I love my engineer. But seriously you can not PUG a group full of them, you will never get the job done.

    O.o... but... I mean... you can... you know... science and eng... never mind, I dunno how to respond

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • coldicephoenixcoldicephoenix Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Now no disrespect. I love my engineer. But seriously you can not PUG a group full of them, you will never get the job done.
    I disagree. I've been in a similar situations but we did get the job done. Probably someone was slacking off in your isntance? (btw I fly the Fleet Vorcha on the engineer)
    Also been in some (on my Sci Voquv) where there was another Sci (Rhode) and rest engineers. No one died and we got the optional just in time. (like 2 sec on timer!)

    We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!

    -Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
  • mouertemouerte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I know do not pug yeah yeah but I did :P

    ISE got 2 afk leeches and 2 100% NOOB's not good lol'
    Yes and it all went to hell :eek: noobs did not know wth to do at all
    after the 2 afk leech idiot's :mad: got killed by spheres rooming the map they left and the 2 NOOBs shoot everything but what there was suppose to GOD damn it 100% FUBAR lol.
    So now I sit here with a 1h leave penalty.
  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    as the new routine of nukara, I pugged an azure.

    one guy goes afk (well atleast he did a stealth free of a BoP, and went afk after that), one does not even load in, and there are two others...

    now I went solo, as there is little point to do a trio while there are three ships to free. what I saw was, that I went for a 3 pointer, while the two other were suffering through a dreadful 2... they rly did suffer, not only did I free my 3 pointer, and another 2 pointer, while they were killing one, but one even died... DIED!!!! in azure, on a 2 point ship while there was another backing him up. DIED.........

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • ajma420ajma420 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    STF PUG on ISE

    Team: me in a Kar'fi, 2 Chimeras, a TS adapted destroyer, and a Odyssey - SPOILER ALERT - money cant buy skill or brains

    took 5 minutes to kill the cube and spheres in the beginning b/c three of my teammates (the chimeras and oddy a.k.a the three stooges) were circling the gate.

    once we killed the cube and spheres, the three stooges attacked the right side generators before killing the cube, while the TSAD and I were killing the left cube. I killed the cube then noticed what the stooges were doing and went to the right. the TSAD then killed a generator. meanwhile on the right, I single-handedly killed the cube and was working on the last two generators when the nanite spheres arrived. we lost the optional objective, but that was onlty the beginning. with the right side generators dead, i focused on the nanite spheres while the stooges fired at the transformer. TSAD came over to help with the spheres so we finally got the right finished.

    The left side went pretty much the same way and the gate and tac cube took forever. Total Elapsed time: 47min. definitely not worth 75 Omega marks, 960 dil, and an XII engine.
    Light Speed! - No, light speed is too slow. We need LUDICROUS SPEED!

    Ajma420 - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Federation
    Catherine The Great - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Empire
    Vladimir - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Rihannsu Empire
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    deokkent wrote: »
    Maybe it's just me, but that azure map is a complete waste of time even during bonus hour and premade team.

    See my forum signature below for a guide on how to do that mission most efficiently. It works great with PUGs who know what a chat box is.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • bublawekbublawek Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Looking forward to getting online and playing and finding the system down.

    And I always have a bad experience in the Federation Fleet Alert mission when somebody comes in with a tier one ship.
  • supergaminggeeksupergaminggeek Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    those public STF channels aren't any better than your average Pug.

    PublicEliteSTF has rarely failed an optional objective, be it Ground or Space.
  • fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    PublicEliteSTF has rarely failed an optional objective, be it Ground or Space.

    And you know that because you're present in every match that was arranged in that channel?

    Those public STF channels aren't any better than the PUG queues. As ferdzso0 correctly pointed out you get a lower amount of afk leechers, but that gets balanced out by the fact that it takes longer to arrange a group and that there is usually a bit of unnecessary discussion in the channel at the beginning of an STF.

    The only channels that set themselves apart from the public channels and the queues are some of the private, invite-only ones

    As far as PuGs are concerned, I really don't know what people are doing wrong to get such a high amount of bad groups. I've probably run STFs and Fleet events in the 4-digit numbers, most of them in PuGs and I've very, very rarely had them miss the optional and I've yet to see one fail completely. Especially in Space, even PuGs usually accomplish the optional with 5-6 minutes left on the clock.
  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The only channels that set themselves apart from the public channels and the queues are some of the private, invite-only ones

    and those are usually filled with elitists :)
    As far as PuGs are concerned, I really don't know what people are doing wrong to get such a high amount of bad groups. I've probably run STFs and Fleet events in the 4-digit numbers, most of them in PuGs and I've very, very rarely had them miss the optional and I've yet to see one fail completely. Especially in Space, even PuGs usually accomplish the optional with 5-6 minutes left on the clock.

    inability to carry, and playing on "how it feels". I have seen people with 1-2k DPS swearing, how good their new weapon/console/ship/tribble that they have bought from the store, and how it has helped the round we have finished, to finish it as fast as we did

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ferdzso0 wrote: »
    there that was the worst experience of mine lately apart from the fact that I lag nowadays, and we missed the opt one time, as one dude went ahead destroying gens before the cube and my constant disconnects :)

    It's summer! In this part of the country it only last a couple weeks. I'm out on my motorcycle 24/7, only coming home to go to work. Even the kids are out doing things!

    So STF's will be few and far between for a while.

    There I was.....

    Out on my bike in a PUG. (Group of unknown riders that I happened across while cruising into Colorado.)

    We crossed the border just outside of Baggs Wyoming and were headed to County Road 4.

    There's a long downhill straightaway just after the border followed by a somewhat sharp corner after County Road 4.

    We're traveling South.

    Four Oil Field Simi's pass us pulling mud hoppers going at VERY high speeds.

    We all see they are speeding and go to the move to the far right side of the road.

    We get to the curve after County Road 4.

    Here comes a 5th Simi.

    I would estimate his speed at 100 or more. (Ex Cop, I'm usually pretty close)

    I see the wheels on the inside of the corner lift off the ground. :eek:

    If he roles there is no escape for any of us.

    He makes it OK.

    One bikes stops so we all stop.

    He calls 911 and reports the 5 trucks.

    That's my STF experience for the week. :D


    There I was...

    On the way back home from the same ride as above...

    Just north of Denver on a side road.

    I'm in a Pug....

    We all come to a stop light.

    One bike with Apes falls over.

    He get's back on.

    Light turns green and he tries to go.

    He falls over again.

    He gets back on.

    He get's going and goes to the next light.

    It's green but he stops anyhow to admire the pretty green I guess.

    (That's what happens when drugs are legal.)


    There I was....

    A two person Pug yesterday.

    A friend and I are getting ready to ride.

    He wants to show off his Camero in the Garage.

    He says, 'It's been setting for months but it'll start right up.'

    He reaches into the window and turns the key....

    Off it goes in reverse and runs right through the garage door.

    I have pictures... LOL.

    There, Three PUG's all from this week.

    Such fun...
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Those are not STFs.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    PublicEliteSTF has rarely failed an optional objective, be it Ground or Space.
    I agree. After I signed up for the PublicEliteSTF channel, I managed to get all of my optionals completed. PublicEliteSTF is a great channel filled with a lot of friendly and helpful people.
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