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The Bridge of Death: Goonfleet Imprisons 2 GMs!



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    How hysterical that the Goons were run off EVE, after Steven Conover proclaimed they never would be, and now they are here.

    If youve ever seen a Goonfleet youtube video of their "gatherings" well, lets just say Jenny Craig would make a fortune off these guys.

    since you pubbie idiots don't seem to get it: both being mmos set in space aside, i don't think maybe more than 10% of us have ever played eve. your sick burns about goonfleet are accurate but kind of irrelevant.

    edit: free arus
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    since you pubbie idiots don't seem to get it: both being mmos set in space aside, i don't think maybe more than 10% of us have ever played eve. your sick burns about goonfleet are accurate but kind of irrelevant.

    edit: free arus

    Quoting for truth. Goons are in every mmo, it's not like there's a singular roving band that moves from game to game.

    Also if any of you think the eve guys were run off from the game itself they weren't, they just changed names and don't hold space. Even without playing eve I am aware of this http://evemaps.dotlan.net/alliance/SOLODRAKBANSOLODRAKBANSO

    Free Arus
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    LOL..I'm back playing eve now, but I saw this posted on EVE-O forums..good show goons :) wish I could've been there..
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Lethargic wrote:
    I asked this of the other person that claimed to have been there, so I'm going to do the same for you (this isn't an attack, just an honest question):

    Did you report it?
    If so, what action(s) was taken if any?
    What were you told by the GMs, if anything?

    If you didn't report the incident, why not?
    No. I did not report it. My ISP kicked out, disconnecting me, and wiping all the information in the chat box.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    No, I was asking because you keep using words like "sport" and "dignity" about an internet spaceship game and then inferring a bunch of crazy delusional real life stuff from it...

    How about if we have a game consisting of 64 squares and we put little carved representations of people on it? Could sport and dignity perhaps apply there?

    You've got a whole virtual world here, folks. You can use it to victimize others because, oh, you're just so put upon in real life. Or you can use it to imagine, even create, a world that's better than the one you come from (you know, a world with things like sport and dignity and honor in it, all that stuff that a lot of these imaginary folk we're playing seem to profess).

    If you want things like sport and dignity and honor in your life (which aren't exactly abundant in the real world), then start where it is easy -- in a game.

    Aw, TRIBBLE it. It's just a friggin' game, right? It's more fun to hurt the losers who forget that there's real-life ***-holes behind those uniforms.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You said this:
    Shrqansh wrote: »
    How about if we have a game consisting of 64 squares and we put little carved representations of people on it? Could sport and dignity perhaps apply there?

    You've got a whole virtual world here, folks. You can use it to victimize others because, oh, you're just so put upon in real life. Or you can use it to imagine, even create, a world that's better than the one you come from (you know, a world with things like sport and dignity and honor in it, all that stuff that a lot of these imaginary folk we're playing seem to profess).

    If you want things like sport and dignity and honor in your life (which aren't exactly abundant in the real world), then start where it is easy -- in a game.

    Aw, TRIBBLE it. It's just a friggin' game, right? It's more fun to hurt the losers who forget that there's real-life ***-holes behind those uniforms.

    And all I saw was:
    Shrqansh wrote:
    QQ. You offend my e-honor

    If you want your magical happy carebear sandbox where the big mean goons can't get you, single player games are probably your best bet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Just wanted to pop in here and say Free Arus.

    who is this arus? why should we free him, and from who should we free him?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lbuckius wrote: »
    who is this arus? why should we free him, and from who should we free him?

    posting yeoman arus has been unjustly imprisoned and should be freed. please petition your GMs for the freedom of arus
    Shrqansh wrote: »
    You can use it to victimize others.

    i'm glad you approve, thanks
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If you want your magical happy carebear sandbox...

    Hardly that I ever expect these issues to end, and hardly that sport and dignity and honor imply not having strong enemies or it all turning into a carebear paradise.
    where the big mean goons can't get you

    I see it more as creating a line in the sand as to where the big mean goons are and identifying them for what they are.
    single player games are probably your best bet.

    But why? This is where the battle for human hearts is, and, by that I mean things like forming and holding a fleet -- how does one do that without referencing things like sport and dignity and honor, at least as to how these might apply amongst its own members?

    A question, too --

    Why does a discussion about points always devolve into it being a supposed QQ-session? None of this has the slightest bearing on what my heart is supposedly doing. Nor do I recall being offended. AND e-honor? How about just honor (as it may apply to anything)? Or perhaps you could show me where e-honor is written into the computer code.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ARGGGH MY STAR TREK HONOR HAS BEEN VIOLATED *smashes cheeto bag and throws it out the window*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i'm glad you approve, thanks

    Hey, I never said I was a dictator. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    My personal experience with Goons in any game is that they are all griefers to some extent.

    I only watched a few seconds of that footage and read some of the replies and description and basically all I could figure out was that for 2 hours they purposely ruined gameplay for people around SOL. That is griefing and it should be retaliated with some form of punishment by the GM's.

    Im not suggesting banning or whatever but there should be some form of punishment because this is blatent griefing and not punishing here will just pave the way for more griefers. My only thought is that because so many joined in together that Cryptic will just ignore it in fear they will lose that many subs.

    I dunno, either way they should be punished and prevented from doing this again. Im sure they wouldnt like it if they went on a raid only to have someone ninja their loot and make the whole hours work worthless. Then again they probably have this all the time in their raids...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ARGGGH MY STAR TREK HONOR HAS BEEN VIOLATED *smashes cheeto bag and throws it out the window*

    Honor is honor, isn't it? Think chessboard. Think of any game or sport that isn't meant to devolve into player (outside the rules) anarchy.

    You want to imagine that the concept of honor is diminished because it takes place in Star Trek (which is to say between us via the medium of Star Trek)? Sorry, I failed to get that memo.

    Trash the character I play if you want (as in "Ooooh. I've violated your e-Honor"), but honor itself goes beyond that and yes, for those who want to go that route, can be represented in the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    actually the concept of honor is diminished because i am not a ginormous nerd who cares about "honor" in internet spaceship video games that are already very poorly balanced and often devoid of content. sorry dude
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    sparkeh86 wrote: »
    I only watched a few seconds of that footage and read some of the replies and description and basically all I could figure out was that for 2 hours they purposely ruined gameplay for people around SOL. That is griefing and it should be retaliated with some form of punishment by the GM's.

    Let's try an analogy, even though mapping something happening in a video game to something happening in the real world is, well, stupid. But whatever, here we go.

    You and I are standing face to face at school. I say "I am going to punch you now" and pull my fist back. Do you:

    A) Step to the side so my fist never touches you
    B) Stand still, get a bloody nose and call a teacher over

    This is like the whole blowing up at sol bit. If you see a ship starting to explode, get the hell away from it. If you choose not to, well, don't complain later.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    sparkeh86 wrote: »
    My personal experience with Goons in any game is that they are all griefers to some extent.

    I only watched a few seconds of that footage and read some of the replies and description and basically all I could figure out was that for 2 hours they purposely ruined gameplay for people around SOL. That is griefing and it should be retaliated with some form of punishment by the GM's.

    Should but wont. The GMs are pandering to the Goons. Talk about lowest common denominator.
    Though at this point its likely they are just trying to keep as many subs as possible lol
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    If youve ever seen a Goonfleet youtube video of their "gatherings" well, lets just say Jenny Craig would make a fortune off these guys.

    Have you ever seen a Star Trek convention? How about a LAN party or Comic-con? I think you're gonna have to do better to insult the goons than just calling them fat. You're on a message board for a STAR TREK MMO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Godholio wrote: »
    Have you ever seen a Star Trek convention? How about a LAN party or Comic-con? I think you're gonna have to do better to insult the goons than just calling them fat. You're on a message board for a STAR TREK MMO.

    Now there's an iceburn. :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Shrqansh wrote: »
    Honor is honor, isn't it? Think chessboard. Think of any game or sport that isn't meant to devolve into player (outside the rules) anarchy.

    You want to imagine that the concept of honor is diminished because it takes place in Star Trek (which is to say between us via the medium of Star Trek)? Sorry, I failed to get that memo.

    Trash the character I play if you want (as in "Ooooh. I've violated your e-Honor"), but honor itself goes beyond that and yes, for those who want to go that route, can be represented in the game.

    Why don't you apply this to real life, where it CAN make a difference, rather than a virtual world where nobody knows you, or cares who you are? I'm probably coming off as a jerk (I wanted to use stronger language, but people are getting in trouble for random things in here), but seriously...your priorities are F***ED.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Shrqansh wrote: »
    Honor is honor, isn't it? Think chessboard. Think of any game or sport that isn't meant to devolve into player (outside the rules) anarchy.

    You want to imagine that the concept of honor is diminished because it takes place in Star Trek (which is to say between us via the medium of Star Trek)? Sorry, I failed to get that memo.

    Trash the character I play if you want (as in "Ooooh. I've violated your e-Honor"), but honor itself goes beyond that and yes, for those who want to go that route, can be represented in the game.

    I wouldn't even bother with that. The internet is full of people who don't care, ever wonder what true anarchy would be here it is on the internet.

    Only thing is in reality you can squash the bugs that keep annoying you, on the internet you just have to accept them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    sasladem wrote: »
    I wouldn't even bother with that. The internet is full of people who don't care, ever wonder what true anarchy would be here it is on the internet.

    Only thing is in reality you can squash the bugs that keep annoying you, on the internet you just have to accept them.

    I think you just proved the point that everyone is a psychopath and only societal pressure keeps us in line in the real world. :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ryllynyth wrote: »
    I think you just proved the point that everyone is a psychopath and only societal pressure keeps us in line in the real world. :eek:

    not social pressure, the threat of retaliation.

    Given the opportunity to harass someone, without them retaliating a person will do it. That's why people don't do it IRL, cause they WILL be retaliated against.

    Ona related note, it is also the reason people act like complete dicks to customer service reps at the customer service counter or at checkout.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    omg it happened again.

    this time i got an invite to a klingon bridge, i though it was a battleground que popping, but there are a bunch of feds on a KLINGON SHIP. and they are killing klangons... omg not again.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kyias wrote: »
    not social pressure, the threat of retaliation.

    Given the opportunity to harass someone, without them retaliating a person will do it. That's why people don't do it IRL, cause they WILL be retaliated against.

    Ona related note, it is also the reason people act like complete dicks to customer service reps at the customer service counter or at checkout.

    I almost put retaliation, decided to be a bit more moderate.

    Having worked behind a counter it's very, very obvious that people as a whole are just barely under control.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I was invited by a Klingon character named Darth Vader on the I.K.S. Death Star... I figured it was to show off if he was able to make a character looking like Darth Vader....

    But no, upon beaming there, over 20 feds assaulted me and several other KDF player over and over again...

    I finished my " Its a good way to die " Ground " Mission in 3 minutes...

    But logging off and on does not fix it, and I havent been able to get to the door yet...

    So Im stuck there, waiting for the GM /stuck command to reply to me...been over 30 minutes...

    If anyone thinks it funny, please come to my place, and try laughing while I repeatedly kick you in the balls...with no chance of you to get up and walk away or stop this madness...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    CptRoch wrote: »
    I was invited by a Klingon character named Darth Vader on the I.K.S. Death Star... I figured it was to show off if he was able to make a character looking like Darth Vader....

    But no, upon beaming there, over 20 feds assaulted me and several other KDF player over and over again...

    I finished my " Its a good way to die " Ground " Mission in 3 minutes...

    But logging off and on does not fix it, and I havent been able to get to the door yet...

    So Im stuck there, waiting for the GM /stuck command to reply to me...been over 30 minutes...

    If anyone thinks it funny, please come to my place, and try laughing while I repeatedly kick you in the balls...with no chance of you to get up and walk away or stop this madness...

    u can leave by going to the door
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    CptRoch wrote: »
    I was invited by a Klingon character named Darth Vader on the I.K.S. Death Star... I figured it was to show off if he was able to make a character looking like Darth Vader....

    But no, upon beaming there, over 20 feds assaulted me and several other KDF player over and over again...

    I finished my " Its a good way to die " Ground " Mission in 3 minutes...

    But logging off and on does not fix it, and I havent been able to get to the door yet...

    So Im stuck there, waiting for the GM /stuck command to reply to me...been over 30 minutes...

    If anyone thinks it funny, please come to my place, and try laughing while I repeatedly kick you in the balls...with no chance of you to get up and walk away or stop this madness...

    If I come over will you tell me I've been very bad and I deserve this so much while you kick me in the balls?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    omg it happened again.

    this time i got an invite to a klingon bridge, i though it was a battleground que popping, but there are a bunch of feds on a KLINGON SHIP. and they are killing klangons... omg not again.

    No offense but thats just dumb
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    u can leave by going to the door

    Excellent point. Rebuttal?
    CptRoch wrote: »
    I havent been able to get to the door yet...

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    CptRoch wrote: »
    I was invited by a Klingon character named Darth Vader on the I.K.S. Death Star... I figured it was to show off if he was able to make a character looking like Darth Vader....

    But no, upon beaming there, over 20 feds assaulted me and several other KDF player over and over again...

    I finished my " Its a good way to die " Ground " Mission in 3 minutes...

    But logging off and on does not fix it, and I havent been able to get to the door yet...

    So Im stuck there, waiting for the GM /stuck command to reply to me...been over 30 minutes...

    If anyone thinks it funny, please come to my place, and try laughing while I repeatedly kick you in the balls...with no chance of you to get up and walk away or stop this madness...

    Do like the devs say an "change instance"
    Hm... I remember hearing in OB that some of the devs were former EVE players. Wonder if one of them went by the name Mittani
This discussion has been closed.