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The Bridge of Death: Goonfleet Imprisons 2 GMs!



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ignore is the best thing ever
    feels good man
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lol leave it to goons to get the first 100 page thread ive seen so far
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Im NOT on the Goon's side lol
    The GMs are though, and thats a bad thing. Im beginning to think either I was right and one of the devs is Mittani, OR theyre so panicked about having lost most of their subs, theyre pandering to the Goons becaus theyre a large group, not realizing they arent gonna resub

    Hey Milenko, you're getting too obvious with all this Mittani stuff. Half the posters in this thread probably figured out you're one of us already.

    I knew we should have had someone else be the sleeper troll. :mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ryllynyth wrote: »
    Hey Milenko, you're getting too obvious with all this Mittani stuff. Half the posters in this thread probably figured out you're one of us already.

    I knew we should have had someone else be the sleeper troll. :mad:

    whoops my bad guys
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Does the 1000th post still get the Del Taco codes for the shuttle?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This horrible thread needs a soundtrack... suggestions?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Mike doesn't wanna be my bro. :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Fluffdaddy wrote: »
    This horrible thread needs a soundtrack... suggestions?

    Hmmm. Crass - Do they Owe Us a Living?

    edit: damn. just missed it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Mine! Gimme!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    GWHayduke wrote:
    Mine! Gimme!

    Congratulations! Please report to my bridge for your prize!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    We finally have a 100+ page thread that isn't about catgirls! This is reason enough to condone our-I-mean-their actions.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Fluffdaddy wrote: »
    This horrible thread needs a soundtrack... suggestions?

    Britney Spears: Oops! I did it again...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Munin_Hoag wrote:
    Congratulations! Please report to my bridge for your prize!

    Yay, prizes!!

    wait a minute

    I'm really gonna GET the prize this time, right?

    Then Yay!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    GWHayduke wrote:
    Yay, prizes!!

    wait a minute

    I'm really gonna GET the prize this time, right?

    Then Yay!

    candy, yummy yummy bridge candy

    all you can eat
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    mike35 wrote: »
    They didn'thurt my feelings". It's called harassment. Look it up sometime. Pure and simple these guys even if they are "helping the devs" by finding issues are not helping the game community by acting like miscreants and turning people off to the game. If I can't type anythign resembling a curse in chat so as not to offend anyone, but someone can crouch over a downed female character and ask for sexual favors that is a huge disconnect. It is harassment and is not only against terms of service for the game but is just over the line. People don't come to play the game to be harassed. People don't come to be tricked into these types of situations. This isn't as simple as "don't go to anyone's bridge and you won't die!". That logic is about as sensible as don't drive your car off your driveway because someone might hit you. You are basically making the people who were harassed out to be the victims. Nice try though.

    I'm not making ANYBODY out to be victims. Nobody is losing anything but POTENTIALLY a minute of their life. Unless they're terrible at the game, in which case it might be best if they find another hobby. Maybe something outside?
    Honestly when it *first* happened I thought it was funny. I had a "what just happened?" moment and laughed. BUT when it became a mob mentality and they refused to let anyone leave that was too much. When someone made overt and rather rude sexual references that was WAY over the line. There are young people who play this game. it is not rated "M". Now you all seem to not only be defending your actions but laughing about them and mocking those of us who had an issue with it.

    I'm not in SD. I just think almost everyone complaining is a whining...well, I'll let you use your imagination to finish that sentence.
    The purpose of a game is to have fun. Your right to have fun ends where mine begins. If you use an exploit that is clearly not intended by the developers in order to have fun at the expense of others that is going too far. Having fun by ruining someone else's is not ok, no matter how you try to justify it.

    If running to the door or changing instances is too hard, then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you should play some games on a Leapfrog instead. Nobody can ruin your fun there.
    if I go to PVP and get ryuthlessly killed (which happens more than I care to admit actually!) I have no right to be upset if that happens. I knew what I was getting into. But using an exploit to pull a stunt like that is not ok.

    WHY WERE YOU ON SOMEONE ELSE'S BRIDGE THEN? YOU WENT THERE WILLINGLY! If you thought it was something else, then the lesson is to READ before you click a button. Learn the lesson and move on, welcome to life, get a helmet.
    Face the facts you guys are a bunch of people that for whatever reason find it fun to ruin the fun others are having. It's very easy to do this when you have a mob of people and are on the giving end. i wonder how funny you all would find it had the roles been reversed?

    Opinion!=fact. Your "fact" is nothing more than a perception biased by the fact that you did something dumb and got killed a few times in a game with no death penalty. Almost everyone there had fun. You didn't. Move along and don't go back. It's that simple.
    Nonetheless it's just another case of people who use the internet to act like tough guys behind the safety of your keyboards.

    This almost sounds like the internet version of "You wanna take this outside?"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    That was quite possibly one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Your logic is flawless "Godholio", if someone walks down the street at night and is mugged, it's their fault they were walking down the street? Last I checked the mugger would be at fault for that.

    I've said this before, and I'll probably have to say it again...making someone feel bad in a video game is not comparable to a real life crime. Do you really think SD members hang out in alleys waiting for potential victims when they're not ruing your immersion? If the answer is yes, kill yourself. If the answer is no, then why are you making such a comparison.

    Just to into a little more detail, what is anyone losing when they're mugged? Dignity, money, a phone, and anything else they've got that has real value.

    What is anyone losing on the Bridge of Death? [cricket]chirp chirp[/cricket] That's right, NOTHING! Except maybe a little bit of time.

    But to answer your question, yes it's their fault they were walking down the street. No it's not their fault they were mugged. Now if they got into the Free Candy van, then yeah they own a fair amount of responsibility in that case. Assuming the person is old enough to know better, at least. These people weren't ganked while flying through sector space, they ACCEPTED AN INVITATION from someone they didn't know. Fundamental differences, folks.
    I'm not going to "check threads" all over just to learn about some morons harrassing other players, I'm going to spend my time playing the game or doing something else, not reading through internet forums.

    Ok, continue making irrelevant references to other events you don't understand. I can't remember if it was that thread or this one where I hammered home the point of making credible posts vs making yourself look foolish.
    And for the record, I wasn't "fooled", I didn't accept the invite both times I received it.

    This may sound sarcastic, but it's not: GOOD! You're clearly one of the more intelligent people in this thread, even if we disagree.
    But I am aware of what went on, and I enjoy this game. It's in its infancy, but a lot of the groundwork and ideas are there for an awesome game. That said, it's not gonna get there without players being drawn in. New players do not likely even know what "the bridge" is all about, are unaware that they can be killed on a bridge (I didn't know bridges could be used like that at all until recently), and that such a thing as this could happen to them and keep them from playing for as long as their harrassers feel like keeping it up.

    How many people fall for the bridge invitation more than once? I only know of one person, and he's obviously a complete moron. Everyone else who joined multiple times did so because it was fun. If a noob falls for the trick, hey it's a learning point. He'll either enjoy it or he won't. If he enjoys it, then we just GAINED a player. If he doesn't, he probably won't accept that invite next time, and he'll be free to play the game as he sees fit. If he quits based on one event, then Cryptic should be happy with his $15 and let him wander back to WOW, where certainly nothing like this ever happens. Instead of comparing it to armed robbery or TRIBBLE (I think that was the other thread), you'd be better off comparing it to office pranks.
    Compound this with their attackers shouting things like "SUCK MY TRIBBLE LULZ" (which I'm sure violates terms of usage regardless), and you have a recipe to keep a lot of new players from wanting to bother. The attitude of "well they shouldn't be stupid enough to be exploited" is one I hope Cryptic doesn't echo, because it's not gonna be good for the game's lifespan.

    You haven't left zone chat? My God, no wonder your nerves are frayed. As soon as I found out I could basically ignore all the morons out there this game got SO much better. Seriously, you should disable zone chat. Leave team, maybe local, but turn off zone.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You all just have to compete with this thread:

    THEYRE at 108 already lol
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    TRIBBLE, I missed 1000. Oh well. Just out of curiosity, is the captain of the ship the only person that can use the captain's chair to return to tactical view, or can anyone do that?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    While playing Star Trek Online it is against the game policy to intentionally disrupt the game play of other players.
    While Playing Star Trek Online You May Not:

    * Block Mobs, Doors, Node, Etc (<- blocked exits from bridge)
    * Spam excessive effects
    * Interfere with player-run events
    * Interfere with player gatherings
    * Intentionally exploit game bugs (<- yeppers)
    * Utilize third-party programs to automate unattended game-play
    * Disobey instructions given by a Cryptic Game Master

    The exits from the bridge were not blocked. On occasion someone would put up a cover shield because they feared for their lives, but there was plenty of room still on the other side of it for people to escape, as many of the smarter people did, and pretty quickly.
    If inviting people to your bridge is a bug, I think Cryptic should let people know that, as I think it is listed as a "feature" currently.

    If anything, I think we should report the Klingons who got away for interfering with our player-run event/gathering. I was sad each and every time someone disappeared.

    But anyway, ban all goons, free arus, etc
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yeah you guys are so right. My fault that you guys broke no less than 5 of the rules you sign off on on the game agreement. You are so right that I took an invite that I thought was for social purposes not realizing it was just a bunch of losers witha mob mentality. You see, bndges are implemented at this point but NOT for the purpose in which you use them. It is at this point a social experience. I received an invite from Darth Vader. It sounded hilarious so I figured I'd check his character out. I've socialized with lots of people in MMOs before it's part of the intended purpose of a multi-player experience. Instead you guys use the bridge in a way that is currently not intended by the devs. There will be bridge combat eventually, but thus far the way you've used it is an exploit. You know it, we know it and the devs know it. The question is will they do anything about it.

    In respomse to Godholio, my game time is perhaps more limited than yours. I do get out and do other things. So yes, I would rather my game time not be tampered with by a bunch of losers measuring their e-peens. It's funny because the more I learn about the goons the more I feel sorry for them. These are essentially the guys in HS who got bullied and stuffed into lockers, so now they are getting back at the world the only way they know how. And yes Godholio what I said may seem like the internet version of taking it outside, but the fact remains the vast majority of these cyber-bullies would never act remotely like this if they were not behind the safety of a keyboard because they'd get their come upenance.

    The bottom line remains the same: I don't care what you do amongst yourselves or with willing participants. If people are having a great time with it, then focus on those people and leave the rest of us alone. We aren't interested in your type of "fun" nor are we interested in hearing innapropriate sexual comments (and folks wonder why some women refuse to be involved in gaming activities). And for the record the devs did not approve it. If you take what was said it was in reference to someone who willing went knowing what they were getting into and the GM checked that the person was ok with it before saying he approved.

    Having played MMOs since the advent of UO, I am thankful to have never run into you people before and it is my sincere hope I never will again. I know it kills you that some of us are still having fun with this game. Hopefully your one month trials will be up soon enough and you will find something else to do with your time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The rage in this thread is delicious.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    mike35 wrote: »
    In respomse to Godholio, my game time is perhaps more limited than yours. I do get out and do other things. So yes, I would rather my game time not be tampered with by a bunch of losers measuring their e-peens. It's funny because the more I learn about the goons the more I feel sorry for them. These are essentially the guys in HS who got bullied and stuffed into lockers, so now they are getting back at the world the only way they know how. And yes Godholio what I said may seem like the internet version of taking it outside, but the fact remains the vast majority of these cyber-bullies would never act remotely like this if they were not behind the safety of a keyboard because they'd get their come upenance.

    This is me IRL to a tee :cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    bluedustjm wrote: »
    The rage in this thread is delicious.

    You think that's rage? haha. You really are pathetic.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    mike35 wrote: »
    Yeah you guys are so right. My fault that you guys broke no less than 5 of the rules you sign off on on the game agreement. You are so right that I took an invite that I thought was for social purposes not realizing it was just a bunch of losers witha mob mentality. You see, bndges are implemented at this point but NOT for the purpose in which you use them. It is at this point a social experience. I received an invite from Darth Vader. It sounded hilarious so I figured I'd check his character out. I've socialized with lots of people in MMOs before it's part of the intended purpose of a multi-player experience. Instead you guys use the bridge in a way that is currently not intended by the devs. There will be bridge combat eventually, but thus far the way you've used it is an exploit. You know it, we know it and the devs know it. The question is will they do anything about it.

    In respomse to Godholio, my game time is perhaps more limited than yours. I do get out and do other things. So yes, I would rather my game time not be tampered with by a bunch of losers measuring their e-peens. It's funny because the more I learn about the goons the more I feel sorry for them. These are essentially the guys in HS who got bullied and stuffed into lockers, so now they are getting back at the world the only way they know how. And yes Godholio what I said may seem like the internet version of taking it outside, but the fact remains the vast majority of these cyber-bullies would never act remotely like this if they were not behind the safety of a keyboard because they'd get their come upenance.

    The bottom line remains the same: I don't care what you do amongst yourselves or with willing participants. If people are having a great time with it, then focus on those people and leave the rest of us alone. We aren't interested in your type of "fun" nor are we interested in hearing innapropriate sexual comments (and folks wonder why some women refuse to be involved in gaming activities). And for the record the devs did not approve it. If you take what was said it was in reference to someone who willing went knowing what they were getting into and the GM checked that the person was ok with it before saying he approved.

    Having played MMOs since the advent of UO, I am thankful to have never run into you people before and it is my sincere hope I never will again. I know it kills you that some of us are still having fun with this game. Hopefully your one month trials will be up soon enough and you will find something else to do with your time.

    actually this is pretty much the only reason i'm resubbing. I HOPE YOU JERK-O-TRONS AT "STARFLEET DENTAL" GET YOUR COME UPENANCE
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    wow this is funny....

    this is what happens when u make a game with so many restrictions.
    the gaps need to be coded shut....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    the levels of psychopathy in this thread are concerning. CONCERNING I TELL YOU
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    mike35 wrote: »
    Yeah you guys are so right. My fault that you guys broke no less than 5 of the rules you sign off on on the game agreement. You are so right that I took an invite that I thought was for social purposes not realizing it was just a bunch of losers witha mob mentality. You see, bndges are implemented at this point but NOT for the purpose in which you use them. It is at this point a social experience. I received an invite from Darth Vader. It sounded hilarious so I figured I'd check his character out. I've socialized with lots of people in MMOs before it's part of the intended purpose of a multi-player experience. Instead you guys use the bridge in a way that is currently not intended by the devs. There will be bridge combat eventually, but thus far the way you've used it is an exploit. You know it, we know it and the devs know it. The question is will they do anything about it.

    In respomse to Godholio, my game time is perhaps more limited than yours. I do get out and do other things. So yes, I would rather my game time not be tampered with by a bunch of losers measuring their e-peens. It's funny because the more I learn about the goons the more I feel sorry for them. These are essentially the guys in HS who got bullied and stuffed into lockers, so now they are getting back at the world the only way they know how. And yes Godholio what I said may seem like the internet version of taking it outside, but the fact remains the vast majority of these cyber-bullies would never act remotely like this if they were not behind the safety of a keyboard because they'd get their come upenance.

    The bottom line remains the same: I don't care what you do amongst yourselves or with willing participants. If people are having a great time with it, then focus on those people and leave the rest of us alone. We aren't interested in your type of "fun" nor are we interested in hearing innapropriate sexual comments (and folks wonder why some women refuse to be involved in gaming activities). And for the record the devs did not approve it. If you take what was said it was in reference to someone who willing went knowing what they were getting into and the GM checked that the person was ok with it before saying he approved.

    Having played MMOs since the advent of UO, I am thankful to have never run into you people before and it is my sincere hope I never will again. I know it kills you that some of us are still having fun with this game. Hopefully your one month trials will be up soon enough and you will find something else to do with your time.


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    actually this is pretty much the only reason i'm resubbing. I HOPE YOU JERK-O-TRONS AT "STARFLEET DENTAL" GET YOUR COME UPENANCE

    Aw I mispelled a word and you pointed it out. I am so sad now. The great part about this is now I am the one laughing. You guys really are a pathetic bunch of losers.:D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cylonus wrote: »
    the levels of psychopathy in this thread are concerning. CONCERNING I TELL YOU

    Chock hasn't posted in a while. I hope his talk with the police went okay!
This discussion has been closed.