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Missing Uniform Options



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If Cryptic says "Ok, we're working on it. But it'll take 6 months because it's a cosmetic thing and we want to get the bulk of the real problems out of the way" that would be good enough for me. I'm not an impatient, whiney little entitled child. I simply want what I paid for, even if it has to be late. It is simply the "working as intended" ticket responses I keep getting that has me upset.

    This is how I feel. I understand that there have been more pressing issues at launch time than a single female uniform for a small portion of the games overall population. If a representative from Cryptic would just confirm that we are going to get female MU uniforms at some point in time, I'd be perfectly happy.

    I hope I haven't come across as entitled or whiny. When they offered the CO lifetime subs, I waffled for a bit. I had just broken up with another superhero MMO and I didn't know if I was ready for that type of commitment so soon after the split. I liked what I saw in the beta but worried that I would eventually get bored with it. There were two things that influenced my final decision to get the lifetime sub, one was the extra character slots (confirmed alt-oholic here) and the other was the nifty Star Trek Online perks that were included. Yes, I have a lifetime sub and I never have to pay for Champions again and that's great, but I can't help but be disappointed that I can't have MU outfits for my girl toons (aka all of my toons).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Then you've failed at reading comprehension. The MU uniforms were supposed to be availible at release. They weren't, not even for males were they availible *at release*. However, they were availible for males shortly after.

    If someone pays for something and it's supposed to be available at a specific date and it's not, then the company is responsible, not the person paying the money for it.

    Also, you said suckers get taken. Are you wearing a tin foil hat? That's a paranoid statement right there. Crypic is not some shady peddler trying to sell you a Rolex for pennies on the dollar down in the L.A. Garment District. They're a registered corporation that has to abide by the Federal Trade Commission's regulations. The FTC does not abide by the old Latin adage "caveat emptor."

    Also, the people who bought the CO Lifetime Subs bought more than a CO Lifetime Subscription. You're basically saying "You bought a BigMac combo meal, you got a Big Mac and fries. So what if you they only filled your drink half way? You got 100% of what you paid for." Sorry, but that logic does not work. There is a list of items. Show me one person who thinks that they got everything that was advertised. Just one.

    Lastly, back to the reading comprehension. Personally, I only want exactly what I paid for, don't want it now, I just want it period. However, Cryptic has put their foot down and pretty much said "we don't care if it's not accurate, this is exactly what we're giving you and nothing more". I personally stopped being reasonable when Cryptic stopped being reasonable. Basicaly, say it's a narrow hallway and Cryptic's coming through. I'll step aside politely and let them pass. But the moment they shove me aside is the moment I stop stepping aside.

    What I want is a proper TOS uniform, not a sweatshirt with a badge slapped on it and a skirt that's made from a pair of size 50 sweat pants with the legs cut open and stitched together. I'm sorry but that's not a TOS uniform. It's a horrible, short notice, 5 minute Halloween costume with no thought that went into it whatsoever. Anyone can just go to Google Images, punch in "TOS Female Uniform" and get very consistent image results that look like each other but not like STO's female uniform.

    I also want a complete MU uniform. So I can put both my male and female crew in one as well as my female characters. Otherwise I see no point. One does not have a crew consisting of more than one uniform. That makes no sense. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to have a bridge crew with mixed uniforms that aren't even from the same era, let alone time line.

    If Cryptic says "Ok, we're working on it. But it'll take 6 months because it's a cosmetic thing and we want to get the bulk of the real problems out of the way" that would be good enough for me. I'm not an impatient, whiney little entitled child. I simply want what I paid for, even if it has to be late. It is simply the "working as intended" ticket responses I keep getting that has me upset. Unless the TOS uniform is made to look more accurate and the MU uniform is made availible to females as well, then what they gave us is of less value than what was advertised. That alone is fraud. If they're unwilling to make an effort, then I'm unwilling to accept the fraud knowing that it happened to thousands of other people.

    If it was just me that got ripped off, I wouldn't be upset. I'd be disappointed. I'd leave the game and never buy another Cryptic game ever again. But I wouldn't be vocal about it. I'd simply quietly leave. But that's not the case. I'm not the only person Cryptic has slapped with this nonsense.

    I can't agree with you more. The sad part is when they finally added the STO uniform (which I didn't purchase the DDE), they gave them the MU Thigh-high boots and not the correct ones they should have gotten. I don't ever remember any female officers walking around in go-go boots, other then the Mirror Universe ones. Plus, there were Multiple Mirror Universes, not just the original STO one. TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise all had an Alternate MU. I personally would love to have the outfit T'Pal wore in the Enterprise MU, but that's just me.

    What Cryptic promised and we paid for, is NOT what they delivered. If this is all they are giving us, why does the very 1st Cryptic post on this thread list MU Skirts? They have not updated it or removed it, so one is to expect them to fix this ASAP.


    • Wrath of Khan Uniform Missing
    This issue has also been resolved now! If you do not see your Wrath of Khan Uniform in-game, please log out and back in. If it is still missing from the character creator/tailor, please enter a support ticket.

    • Collector's Edition TNG/DS9 Uniforms Missing
    This issue has also been resolved now! If you do not see your uniforms in-game, please log out and back in. If it is still missing from the character creator/tailor, please enter a support ticket.

    • Skirts missing for TOS and Mirror Universe Sets
    This is a known issue. These will be remedied in game soon.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    WOWrefugee wrote:
    I feel constrained to point out that I paid extra for TOS uniforms, not TOSlike uniforms. TOS uniforms, not reminiscent-of-TOS uniforms.

    TOS uniforms for men and women, not TOS men's uniforms that the women can also wear.

    OK we finally got skirts. Yes, they are mini-skirts, no, they are not TOS skirts.

    The women still don't have female-style asymmetrical neckline TOS uniforms.

    Neither sex has the proper boots yet.

    We now have thigh-high boots, and those did appear in TOS, but never on the regular crew. Only the mirror universe TOS crew wore those. I like those though, and would like to keep them.

    The TOS uniform for men looks quite nice, and I am pleased with it. I am also relieved that I can finally dress my BOs in the TOS uniform. I don't have TOS-style boots for men or women, yet.

    The TOS boot was a soft leather, close fitting, pointed-toe, nearly knee-high boot with a 2 inch heel. Both women and men had a bit of a heel, kind of like "cowboy" boots, but snug fitting and plain black.


    Note the neckline, note the boots.

    Those are excellent observations about Female TOS uniforms. It's too bad someone at CBS can't step in to correct this. There should have been collaboration with CBS to make sure all uniforms from all Trek Series were completely accurate just like the Starship skins are completely accurate.

    I know the artists worked hard on the miniskirt (thanks we appreciate the effort) but its not a TOS miniskirt at all. It's just a regular skirt that's designed to be paired with any uniform shirt. Customization is great and it does look nice with most shirts. However, Cryptic needs to understand their responsibility with this IP. It's not like cosmetic pieces in any other MMO...

    Any uniforms from the TV series need to be as accurate as the Starships from the TV series. The TOS skirt should be made a generic skirt that is available to anyone. I consider the Female TOS uniform still undone.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I add my voice to ask an official answer about the subject, I can wait for female MU uniform, there are bigger fishes to catch right now... but a statement about the fact there WILL be a female uniform and an idea of how many time we will have to wait will be fine for me...

    Come on Cryptic ! the MU uniform thingy is the first perk of the game you sold to us and it s not ready 6 months after you sold it ???
    And ok, the guy working on it is working hard but... one guy ??? I hope you have more people to work on contents and we will have not to wait 6 months for pieces of new things to see or places to go because there will be a lots of troubles here... :(
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    kalanye wrote: »
    And ok, the guy working on it is working hard but... one guy ??? I hope you have more people to work on contents and we will have not to wait 6 months for pieces of new things to see or places to go because there will be a lots of troubles here... :(
    Well I am very sorry for that poor lonely character artist and I appreciate his work ethics. Cryptic should have hired a few more, especially if they write "awesome character customization" in their profile

    I would really appreciate it if they gave us real TOS uniforms, neckline, flaps, tights, boots and everything. It doesn't have to be done now.

    IMO their backing off with the MU uniforms is a joke (especially if you sum up all the money that CO/STO lifetimers have payed), but it's better to say "we can't do it" than "you will get what you want" and deliver something totally different.

    The sad thing is, that from a corporate standpoint it makes total sense. The money is payed, they won't get anything more from Lifetime subscribers (except from the C-Store, but I don't think a lot of these people will buy there anything after the preorder items mess...)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The sad thing is, that from a corporate standpoint it makes total sense. The money is payed, they won't get anything more from Lifetime subscribers (except from the C-Store, but I don't think a lot of these people will buy there anything after the preorder items mess...)

    From a corporate standpoint, it does not make any sense at all. They won't get any more money from lifetimers on future games EITHER. Lifetimers are loyal customers. They provide the cash infusion needed to keep a game on its feet for the few year or so. In the mean time, lifetimers draw friends in. If you make a habbit of punching lifetimers in the stomach, they'll be more likely to blow huge wads of cash on games made by OTHER companies.

    Many corporations wonder where the consumer loyalty has gone. It went where the loyalty to the consumer has gone. Down the drain. Of course, recent studies have actually shown that corporations frequently make decisions contrary to their own best interests. Apparently they don't teach decision making or critical thinking in business school anymore.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rip-Wire wrote:
    The sad part is when they finally added the STO uniform (which I didn't purchase the DDE), they gave them the MU Thigh-high boots and not the correct ones they should have gotten. I don't ever remember any female officers walking around in go-go boots, other then the Mirror Universe ones.

    Just a fashion nitpick: In the late 1960's - early 1970's a "go-go boot" was calf-length, low-heel, and usually white. (It did not mean thigh-high then.) They were typcially worn with mini-skirts and they were the very basis for for the TOS female crew attire.

    An accurate female TOS needs to include black go-go boots. The ankle-length boots are too low, the knee-length boots are too high and have those awful shin-guards. The thigh-high boots are way off and should be relegated to Mirror Universe uniforms as you noted.

    -The top should be a one-piece mini-dress, not a skirt and top.
    -In TOS the dress should have an asymmetrical boat collar, not a crew collar.
    -The crew collar belongs to the new Start Trek movie, but those dresses had short sleeves.
    -The finishing touch to complete a proper TOS ensemble is big hair: long or beehive.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm not sure if this has been brought up, but there's a coloring issue with the female Borg bridge officer. It seems there is some sort of link between one of the colors selection boxes on the tunic and the primary color on the pants. If you change one it changes the color of the other.

    As far as I've seen, this problem only shows up on the female Borg bridge officer. It may (and probably does) also exist on female Borg players, but I haven't checked that.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Combadge wrote:
    I'm not sure if this has been brought up, but there's a coloring issue with the female Borg bridge officer. It seems there is some sort of link between one of the colors selection boxes on the tunic and the primary color on the pants. If you change one it changes the color of the other.

    As far as I've seen, this problem only shows up on the female Borg bridge officer. It may (and probably does) also exist on female Borg players, but I haven't checked that.

    Wrong thread.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It's been 2 weeks and still no response from anyone at Cryptic. All I got was an in game ticket saying this is a matter for Billing and not an in-game bug. So, as we are shoved from department to department like they are currently doing, are we or are we not going to be getting what we paid for? 1 Male top with a Sash does not equal anything close to being a MU Outfit. Its just like paying for a Prom Tux, and only getting the top half and not the pants and shoes that go with it and the seller says, that's it, nothing else. How would you feel as you paid for the WHOLE outfit?

    Cryptic needs to answer this post with the TRUTH.

    Is there really only ONE character artist working on everything character wise, as the Dev posted awhile back when they finally got skirts into the game? And why was this not addressed 6 MONTHS ago in development, when we who made the CO Lifetime purchases PAID for these outfits. They should have been in game at RELEASE, just like the terms of the purchase said they would be, not an after thought like they are now.

    Or is Cryptic hoping all the CO Lifers quit STO, so they never have to give us the MU outfit?

    Fraud is Fraud and we have NEVER received what we paid for. And as some posters claim, this was a BONUS to the CO Lifetime Sub and we are entitled to nothing. However, the truth is, it was a PART of it and we paid for EVERY little bit of it. We paid for the Lifetime Sub, we paid for the EXTRA Character slots, we paid for the Closed Beta invite, and we paid for the MU Outfits. So are we entitled to what we paid for? Hell yes we are.

    If you can not understand why we are mad about this, you have no reason to be bashing us for asking for what we paid for.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rip-Wire wrote:
    It's been 2 weeks and still no response from anyone at Cryptic. All I got was an in game ticket saying this is a matter for Billing and not an in-game bug. So, as we are shoved from department to department like they are currently doing, are we or are we not going to be getting what we paid for? 1 Male top with a Sash does not equal anything close to being a MU Outfit. Its just like paying for a Prom Tux, and only getting the top half and not the pants and shoes that go with it and the seller says, that's it, nothing else. How would you feel as you paid for the WHOLE outfit?

    Cryptic needs to answer this post with the TRUTH.

    Is there really only ONE character artist working on everything character wise, as the Dev posted awhile back when they finally got skirts into the game? And why was this not addressed 6 MONTHS ago in development, when we who made the CO Lifetime purchases PAID for these outfits. They should have been in game at RELEASE, just like the terms of the purchase said they would be, not an after thought like they are now.

    Or is Cryptic hoping all the CO Lifers quit STO, so they never have to give us the MU outfit?

    Fraud is Fraud and we have NEVER received what we paid for. And as some posters claim, this was a BONUS to the CO Lifetime Sub and we are entitled to nothing. However, the truth is, it was a PART of it and we paid for EVERY little bit of it. We paid for the Lifetime Sub, we paid for the EXTRA Character slots, we paid for the Closed Beta invite, and we paid for the MU Outfits. So are we entitled to what we paid for? Hell yes we are.

    If you can not understand why we are mad about this, you have no reason to be bashing us for asking for what we paid for.

    I'm with you man, i PAID for TOS uniforms and all i got was Spock's Shirt and a skirt ported from CO.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nekollx wrote: »
    I'm with you man, i PAID for TOS uniforms and all i got was Spock's Shirt and a skirt ported from CO.

    Actually, the CO skirts hang much better in the back.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is what the female TOS uniform should look like:

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    In case this hasnt been mentioned. The TNG uniforms are missing the Fleet Admiral rank pin option. All that shows up is a grey blank collar.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Jotunblod wrote:

    Very good image, even if it isn't from TOS. Never knew that T'Pol ever has worn a TOS uniform...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Very good image, even if it isn't from TOS. Never knew that T'Pol ever has worn a TOS uniform...

    T'Pol from the mirror universe. Anything more would be a terrible spoiler for the two-parter, which IMO is Enterprise's best.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    So anyway, spoke to my lawyer at length yesterday about the Mirror Universe uniforms. He said that while what's happened is infact despicable, possibly even deliberately deceptive, and I quote
    The advertisement said "Uniform" not "Uniforms." This means that you can only expect one uniform. Whether that's one uniform for both genders or just one uniform for one gender is up to Cryptic's interpretation."

    Ok, so basically, Cryptic has no legal obligation to give us female MU uniforms. They may however have a financial obligation. That is if they lose credibility with the players, their next game may not sell so well.

    Ok, now, I also showed him the game, showed him the female TOS uniforms and about two dozen reference photos from around the net. He thinks that Cryptic may have infact failed to deliver the TOS uniform. He may be willing to take the case as a class action but he needs to do more research. I told him to hold off on that. (He's on retainer, if I have him do research he'll take it out of the retainer... He's freaking expensive, $500 an hour... Thankfully he agreed to meet me for lunch because he's a friend and that's when I showed him the stuff so it didn't come out of the retainer.) It's only been a few days since they hit us with the skirts. Cryptic's shown that it's slow to communicate. A few days can seem like an eternity in the gaming industry, but it's still a few days.

    So yeah, I'd like to hear if Cryptic has any intention of fixing the TOS uniform further. As well, I'd like to direct everyone who wants the mirror universe uniform to be carried over to females to go over to the other thread that was started specifically for the MU uniform and post there. This way, Cryptic can get a more accurate estimation of how important this particualr issue is to those of us to whom it applies.

    Like it or not we (the CO Lifetimers playing STO) are a minority among the players. So we need to go where our voice will be loudest. That is a thread specifically for petitioning for this specific thing.

    Also, if Cryptic is reading this: Many of us feel seriously burned by this. The fact that female Mirror Universe uniforms actually exist in-game is a slap in the face when we're told that there's no intention on making it carry over to females.

    I understand that maybe the reason you don't want to make it available for females is that maybe females who actually want to dress up in mini skirts and belly shirts are few and far between. But rest assured there are a lot of guys who want to see their female Bridge Officers dressed up like that. In addition, unless you make an all male crew (which is really going too far, seeing as how females have always been crew members on MU ships) then you cannot make an MU crew.

    One last thing. I'd like to request a Terran Empire emblem to slap on the ship. Since it's not part of a uniform, just stick it in the C-Store. Afterall, a lot of MU NPCs use regular Starfleet uniforms. Or at least the "enlisted men and women" do.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i have to say, we should really get to see the Wesley Crusher rainbow shirt.

    Wait wait wait... you're really willing to hire a lawyer... for as u said, $500 an hour, to try suing a major computer company... because they dont have a couple of uniforms? including a uniform, to help u get yourself off in your computer chair while staring at your digital alien bridge officers wearing mini skirts, in a video game? i hope someone else finds this as rediculous as i do.

    but my rainbow shirt statement... yeah id be willing to hire a lawyer for that one...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    So anyway, spoke to my lawyer at length yesterday about the Mirror Universe uniforms. He said that while what's happened is infact despicable, possibly even deliberately deceptive, and I quote

    Ok, so basically, Cryptic has no legal obligation to give us female MU uniforms. They may however have a financial obligation. That is if they lose credibility with the players, their next game may not sell so well.

    Ok, now, I also showed him the game, showed him the female TOS uniforms and about two dozen reference photos from around the net. He thinks that Cryptic may have infact failed to deliver the TOS uniform. He may be willing to take the case as a class action but he needs to do more research. I told him to hold off on that. (He's on retainer, if I have him do research he'll take it out of the retainer... He's freaking expensive, $500 an hour... Thankfully he agreed to meet me for lunch because he's a friend and that's when I showed him the stuff so it didn't come out of the retainer.) It's only been a few days since they hit us with the skirts. Cryptic's shown that it's slow to communicate. A few days can seem like an eternity in the gaming industry, but it's still a few days.

    So yeah, I'd like to hear if Cryptic has any intention of fixing the TOS uniform further. As well, I'd like to direct everyone who wants the mirror universe uniform to be carried over to females to go over to the other thread that was started specifically for the MU uniform and post there. This way, Cryptic can get a more accurate estimation of how important this particualr issue is to those of us to whom it applies.

    Like it or not we (the CO Lifetimers playing STO) are a minority among the players. So we need to go where our voice will be loudest. That is a thread specifically for petitioning for this specific thing.

    Also, if Cryptic is reading this: Many of us feel seriously burned by this. The fact that female Mirror Universe uniforms actually exist in-game is a slap in the face when we're told that there's no intention on making it carry over to females.

    I understand that maybe the reason you don't want to make it available for females is that maybe females who actually want to dress up in mini skirts and belly shirts are few and far between. But rest assured there are a lot of guys who want to see their female Bridge Officers dressed up like that. In addition, unless you make an all male crew (which is really going too far, seeing as how females have always been crew members on MU ships) then you cannot make an MU crew.

    One last thing. I'd like to request a Terran Empire emblem to slap on the ship. Since it's not part of a uniform, just stick it in the C-Store. Afterall, a lot of MU NPCs use regular Starfleet uniforms. Or at least the "enlisted men and women" do.

    I had considered seeking legal advise about this too, but saw you had already begun the procedure so I didn't bother. The claim about the MU Uniform, that it doesn't say Uniform(s) is still very iffy. They were not specific enough to say Male Only Uniform, which in turn lies the problem. If they had said Uniforms, we would consider that 2 uniforms for both Male and Female, unless otherwise noted.

    Add on top of that an Official Post that started this thread to begin with which included the words by Stormshade
    Hi everyone,

    We've seen lots of questions about missing uniform options here on the forums. To let you know what we're currently looking into and working towards a resolution on, we wanted to give you some updates. Additionally, please, if you have any other uniform issues that aren't seen below, please post them here so that we can find them easily.



    • Wrath of Khan Uniform Missing
    This issue has also been resolved now! If you do not see your Wrath of Khan Uniform in-game, please log out and back in. If it is still missing from the character creator/tailor, please enter a support ticket.

    • Collector's Edition TNG/DS9 Uniforms Missing
    This issue has also been resolved now! If you do not see your uniforms in-game, please log out and back in. If it is still missing from the character creator/tailor, please enter a support ticket.

    • Skirts missing for TOS and Mirror Universe Sets
    This is a known issue. These will be remedied in game soon.

    • Bridge Officers unable to wear special costume sets
    This is a known issue, and will be fixed in game soon.

    • Missing DS9 Pants
    DS9 and TNG pants are identical, only the tops change, so please use the TNG pants to complete your DS9 look.

    The Line about Skirts missing from TOS and Mirror Universe Sets confirms that there "IS" a Female version of this uniform and that its bugged. So when are they going to fix it since they rushed out the TOS version for people who only paid for the game 2 weeks ago?

    Cryptic has no grounds for not including the female MU outfit and using the excuse that it is for Male only, is invalid and a contract breaker. Which in turn should enable all CO Lifetime Subscribers a full refund as we paid for something we did not receive.

    If Cryptic never intended to include a female version of this outfit, it needed to be posted 6 months ago in the terms of the CO Lifetime Subscription. The advertising was deceptive and as I see it, by not including the outfit that we paid for is Fraud and we are due a full refund of purchase price.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I shall await to see if the rest of the customization catches up with it's other side. As it is now, options are missing from one gender to the other. It needs to be fixed. Just like Champions Online all over again...

    ...guess I should have expected that... :rolleyes: ...being that it took them a long time to learn from that experience. One would think it would be corrected in their future products.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I shall await to see if the rest of the customization catches up with it's other side. As it is now, options are missing from one gender to the other. It needs to be fixed. Just like Champions Online all over again...

    ...guess I should have expected that... :rolleyes: ...being that it took them a long time to learn from that experience. One would think it would be corrected in their future products.

    those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it...to repeat it...to repeat it...to repeat it...to repeat it...to repeat it...to repeat it...to repeat it...to repeat it...to repeat uh what were we talking about again?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I just wanted to show some examples of the TOS micro skirt:

    From DS9

    From TOS - does not get more micro!

    Uhura sporting it - nuff said.

    This is what we should have...not that frumpy thing that was recently added.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    they seemed to have removed all references to "mini skirt" but are ARE STILL specifeclally mentioning 3 costumes.

    and i even took screenshots to prove it

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nekollx wrote: »
    they seemed to have removed all references to "mini skirt" but are ARE STILL specifeclally mentioning 3 costumes.

    and i even took screenshots to prove it


    Gotta give Cryptic the benefit of the doubt on this; the only page which ever actually mentioned miniskirts was this one, and it still does.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    magitek wrote: »
    Gotta give Cryptic the benefit of the doubt on this; the only page which ever actually mentioned miniskirts was this one, and it still does.

    add to screen grabs

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    At this point I've requested a refund of my CO lifetime subscription. We were sold a product that would include the Mirror Universe outfit at release, they did not mention it would be just for men only, and wouldnt look anything like the Mirror Universe Outfits we've seen in the TV shows. They didnt say available a few months after release, as we'll be too busy fixing bugs to worry about a few uniforms. Its been 2 weeks and still no Mirror Universe outfit for women, I'd say they failed to deliver on what was promised, and all CO lifetime subscribers are due a refund, I suggest you ask for one.

    Now getting a refund on the Digital Deluxe version of STO might be a more difficult argument as they did provide a TOS like shirt and a skirt, though they look nothing like the original show, It might be a harder argument, but you should still ask for a refund.

    I enjoy CO and STO and would rather not give up my lifetime subscription, but at this point demanding a refund and not renewing my account seem like the only ways to get some attention to this.

    next step class action law suit? I hope not.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    CyberNova wrote:
    At this point I've requested a refund of my CO lifetime subscription. We were sold a product that would include the Mirror Universe outfit at release, they did not mention it would be just for men only, and wouldnt look anything like the Mirror Universe Outfits we've seen in the TV shows. They didnt say available a few months after release, as we'll be too busy fixing bugs to worry about a few uniforms. Its been 2 weeks and still no Mirror Universe outfit for women, I'd say they failed to deliver on what was promised, and all CO lifetime subscribers are due a refund, I suggest you ask for one.

    Now getting a refund on the Digital Deluxe version of STO might be a more difficult argument as they did provide a TOS like shirt and a skirt, though they look nothing like the original show, It might be a harder argument, but you should still ask for a refund.

    I enjoy CO and STO and would rather not give up my lifetime subscription, but at this point demanding a refund and not renewing my account seem like the only ways to get some attention to this.

    next step class action law suit? I hope not.

    the skirt looks like a tos dress how now. You can't really use the shirt in a argument as its a port of the men **** so you have to look at the skirt provided.

    And it looks NOTHING like a STO skirt.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nekollx wrote: »
    the skirt looks like a tos dress how now. You can't really use the shirt in a argument as its a port of the men **** so you have to look at the skirt provided.

    And it looks NOTHING like a STO skirt.

    Ok change that to..

    "almost, but not quite, entirely unlike a TOS skirt";)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Missing: *FEMALE* Mirror universe tops.

    These would be midriff tops, as seen here, approximately mid way down:


    Also, will there be an addition of the TOS Mirror Universe knee-high boots for men, as well as the sleeveless Kirk shirt? (see above link, mid way down).

    Lastly, a MU Terran Empire logo unlock for the simple TOS shirt would finish the TOS MU set out.

    (I don't suppose we CO lifers will ever get ISS designations and Terran Empire fleet logos so we can show off our dedication in space too, will we?)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nekollx wrote: »
    the skirt looks like a tos dress how now. You can't really use the shirt in a argument as its a port of the men **** so you have to look at the skirt provided.

    And it looks NOTHING like a STO skirt.

    Just a link to my little pic in this thread, too, just for reference:

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