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Missing Uniform Options



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The only high horse here is yours. Twice you've attacked me for wanting to seek legal reparations over the fact that Cryptic has flat out said that they have no intention of giving us what we paid for.

    The class action I intend on filing will cover all things not delivered to the people who paid for them. If you don't want to take part in that, then that's your problem. Not ours. I'm out a total of $1200. I am not an isolated case. If you add together the price of everything that was paid for and not delivered, the total is likely in the millions. If you don't think that millions of dollars is worth fighting for, then you must have a lot more money than I do.

    At this point, I disagree. Cryptic has already dug in their heels and declared everything "working as intended." Either they are liars and it's not working as they intend, or everything is working as intended and they are thieves. Either way, I am no longer willing to be patient. Reasonable, yes. Patient, no.

    Also this is not just about the TOS uniform. It is about the Mirror Universe uniform, WOK uniform, bonuses promised and not delivered. Regardless of the bonus, things that were not delivered or not working as advertised but are "working as intended".

    I was not attacking you at all. What I was doing is pointing out is your odds of winning are really low, nothing more and nothing less. You felt you need to show you had money I just did the same back at you. By all rights you "attacked" me first when all I did was point a fact out. if you still feel the need to do this when heres a tip. Make sure you have A LOT and I mean A LOT of facts on paper and have proof that they said they was giving this item and did not get it, like i said i'm missing my Borg BOF.

    After you do all of that you need to sit down with your lawyer and run all the facts over with a combo to make sure they got no cracks. I know how the law works and thats part of why I aint going to waste time or money. I know for a fact they are going to have a ton of lawyers over looking all the same stuff as you are to cover them self's.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cross82 wrote:
    I was not attacking you at all. What I was doing is pointing out is your odds of winning are really low, nothing more and nothing less. You felt you need to show you had money I just did the same back at you. By all rights you "attacked" me first when all I did was point a fact out. if you still feel the need to do this when heres a tip. Make sure you have A LOT and I mean A LOT of facts on paper and have proof that they said they was giving this item and did not get it, like i said i'm missing my Borg BOF.

    After you do all of that you need to sit down with your lawyer and run all the facts over with a combo to make sure they got no cracks. I know how the law works and thats part of why I aint going to waste time or money. I know for a fact they are going to have a ton of lawyers over looking all the same stuff as you are to cover them self's.

    You know, you are wrong. This is a case of FRAUD, as they advertised a product in order to get you to purchase the Champs Lifetime Sub. We PAID for the Lifetime expecting access to STO Closed Beta and the MU outfit. This was my deciding factor for buying the Champs Lifetime Sub. So, not getting what I paid for is exactly that. We did not get what we paid for, simple as that, and a lawyer would agree with me. And like I said in another post, this would not be a big deal, if they only listed the Bonuses as - Exclusive Male Top and Sash MU Outfit for STO. If that is what they would have announced, I and I'm assuming many others would not have paid for the Lifetime Sub, and would have already cancelled our CO accounts.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Guardsmen wrote:
    I don't think legal action, actual or threatened, would do much more than rile up the people at Cryptic and lead them to dig in their heels, rather than correcting their error. So I will stick with my strategy of whining and nagging and trying to be helpful. :p

    =>How to design a TOS skirt

    ^ See devs? It has almost exactly the same silhouette and proportions as stuff that is already in the game! It isn't rocket science. Make this, and have the hotpants conditional upon selecting the TOS skant so you don't have people running around in shorts, and everyone is happy. Probably. At least on this issue.

    Excellent, just hope the devs bother to read this between the legal threats and the management have the incentive to have it implemented.

    The skirts are actually pretty good, but as others have said its probably a good idea for it to be a c-store item at some point.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    When my quarterly disbursements come in, I'm retaining a lawyer to look in to whether or not this is something worthy of a class action. The advertising for the CO Lifetime said "Mirror Universe Uniform" not "Male Mirror Universe Uniform". Consider that the uniform already exists in the game. And we're not going to get it? There is absolutely no way that the advertising could be interpreted as "male only". Therefore this is misleading advertising.

    You know what they call it when you advertise one thing and then give someone a produce of lesser value than advertised? Bait and switch.

    So yeah, I'm retaining a lawyer just as soon as the quarterly disbursements come in.

    It's not just that though. When I put a ticket in that the TOS Female uniform is just a male shirt with a skirt, they said it's "working as intended" meaning that they did not give us the TOS female uniform. They gave us something of lesser value.

    Definitely retaining a lawyer. I was willing to wait for months. But the moment they tell me "nope, not gonna fix it, we're stopping it right here" is the moment I stop being patient.

    Fix it or face class action, Cryptic.

    You have my support.

    Any reasonable person reading Cryptic's advertisement would have assumed they were offering full Mirror Universe uniforms, top and bottom, both male and female. Not just a partial male outfit.

    If they now say full uniforms aren't forthcoming, it's a very clear-cut case of misrepresentation, fraud, and deceptive trade practices. There are some very good laws that make this exact practice illegal.

    Furthermore, DDE purchasers got the distinctive female MU thigh-high boots and CO lifetime subs did not. That was not even part of their offer.

    Cryptic has basically 3 options:
    1. Implement complete male & female MU uniforms; or
    2. Provide a full refund to CO lifetime subscribers; or
    3. They will get sued.

    When a consumer prevails on a deceptive trade practice case, in my state they are entitled to treble damages. In other words, they would have to pony up three times the cost of what the consumer paid, plus court costs and attorney's fees. It's a huge risk for them to take over some artwork.

    It would also be a PR nightmare for them to get sued by their customers for something like this.

    It's really inconceivable they would not provide the MU uniforms as advertised, and also as their Community Service Rep, Stormshade promised they were working on in the forums, especially considering the artwork actually exists in game for NPC's.

    I can only believe whoever said we weren't getting full male & female MU uniforms was just some customer support reps who did not know what they were talking about.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It is distressing about not getting mirror universe options for females. While it wasn't the sole selling point in purchasing a lifetime CO subscription, it was one of the big reasons why I made the purchase. I bought it expecting to have a female mirror universe uniform available.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cross82 wrote:
    I was not attacking you at all. What I was doing is pointing out is your odds of winning are really low, nothing more and nothing less. You felt you need to show you had money I just did the same back at you. By all rights you "attacked" me first when all I did was point a fact out. if you still feel the need to do this when heres a tip. Make sure you have A LOT and I mean A LOT of facts on paper and have proof that they said they was giving this item and did not get it, like i said i'm missing my Borg BOF.

    After you do all of that you need to sit down with your lawyer and run all the facts over with a combo to make sure they got no cracks. I know how the law works and thats part of why I aint going to waste time or money. I know for a fact they are going to have a ton of lawyers over looking all the same stuff as you are to cover them self's.

    Thank you for your opinion, Your Honor, but I'll let a real judge decide whether Cryptic covered their butt enough.

    With your logic, no class action lawsuit would ever work because everyone running a corporation would always have all of their bases completely covered with iron clad law to back them up. This is clearly not the case. I refuse to take a defeatist attitude. I didn't make it to where I am in the world on a defeatist attitude. I made it to where I am by working hard and making sure that I always followed my end of all contracts to the letter.

    By my perspective Cryptic has not followed their end of the contracts. Words have meanings. Especially in the law. You advertise a thing, you deliver that thing. If you deliver an unreasonable facsimile of that thing and it is not what was implied by the advertising and you may end up having to refund the customers that you did not give what they paid for, or at least something of equal value. Value however in this case is a bit more subjective, as we are talking about specific features that were advertised. Features that there is no "supply" that is required to fulfill it.

    If I pay an artist to draw me a picture of the Eiffel Tower in Paris and he draws me a picture of Tokyo Tower in Tokyo, he did not deliver what I paid for. Yes, it looks similar, but it is not what I paid for and "supplies were not low" because he still had the capacity to draw a picture of an almost identical, but visually distinct tower. If he argues the point and says "No, this is the Eiffel Tower" and he does this with thousands of people who also paid him for a sketch of the Eiffel Tower, then he'd best cough up the Eiffel Tower sketches or he can be in a lot of hot water in a court room.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    They said Mirror Universe outfit. You assumed they meant for males and females.
    You have no case and would be laughed out of court, now quit clogging this thread with asinine threats of legal action so we can get the devs to listen to our requests and ideas.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Guardsmen wrote:

    I fully support this. Even if it was broken into a two garment item ("top" and "mini-skirt with tights") it would be a perfectly serviceable version of the skant. I'm not asking for perfection.. just some good faith effort. This would be an excellent fix to the problem, and would make me quite happy. (it can even be a lil longer skirt to soothe Cryptic's ESRB worries.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    They said Mirror Universe outfit. You assumed they meant for males and females.
    You have no case and would be laughed out of court, now quit clogging this thread with asinine threats of legal action so we can get the devs to listen to our requests and ideas.

    Correction, they said "Mirror Universe Uniform" they did not specify male, they did not even specify it would be only half of a male uniform. Words have specific meanings. They have omitted fraud. If you disagree, too bad. That's your problem. Come next financial quarter, I am starting a class action lawsuit and letting a judge decide. I'm not going to let you decide. You aren't a judge.

    It is in Cryptic's best interest to deliver precisely what they advertised to the letter. Oh, too late "available at the game's release". Oh but it's past then and it's not delivered. Fraud has already been committed, it cannot be uncommitted. However, I do not want to take this to court. I only want what I paid for. I want what thousands of us paid for to get what we paid for.

    They can deliver it or not. I would rather they did.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Correction, they said "Mirror Universe Uniform" they did not specify male, they did not even specify it would be only half of a male uniform. Words have specific meanings. They have omitted fraud. If you disagree, too bad. That's your problem. Come next financial quarter, I am starting a class action lawsuit and letting a judge decide. I'm not going to let you decide. You aren't a judge.

    It is in Cryptic's best interest to deliver precisely what they advertised to the letter.

    They didn't specify anything, that's your problem right there. Again, Cryptic said one thing, you assumed another. Their statement was vague, but you bought something based on that vague statement.
    Cryptic do not legally owe you a damn thing, you paid partly for an MU uniform and that's what you got, they did not promise what it'd be.

    That doesn't mean they don't morally owe you it, and the rest of us other things *cough*femaleGLOVES*cough* but enough with this lawyer TRIBBLE.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    They didn't specify anything, that's your problem right there. Again, Cryptic said one thing, you assumed another. Their statement was vague, but you bought something based on that vague statement.
    Cryptic do not legally owe you a damn thing, you paid partly for an MU uniform and that's what you got, they did not promise what it'd be.

    That doesn't mean they don't morally owe you it, and the rest of us other things *cough*femaleGLOVES*cough* but enough with this lawyer TRIBBLE.

    You're making legal judgements here. Are you a judge? If you're not a judge then please stop practicing law without a license. If Cryptic does not resolve the situation quickly, I will soon be retaining a lawyer for filing a class action lawsuit. There is nothing you and your armchair legal firm can do about that.

    A real judge will decide, not you. Now go away.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You're making legal judgements here. Are you a judge? If you're not a judge then please stop practicing law without a license. If Cryptic does not resolve the situation quickly, I will soon be retaining a lawyer for filing a class action lawsuit. There is nothing you and your armchair legal firm can do about that.

    I'm using common sense, which you clearly lack.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Koriel wrote: »
    Furthermore, DDE purchasers got the distinctive female MU thigh-high boots and CO lifetime subs did not. That was not even part of their offer.

    That's one thing I disagree with. If they were to do proper TOS Uniforms the knee-high boots are required for females. They are also required on Mirror Universe unforms for both males and females if they are to be done properly.

    So far Cryptic has shown us that they like to skimp on these details so they can maximize their resources & profits. I for one won't have it. Most players would not accept Starships with missing or incorrect cosmetic details. Cryptic needs to understand that player uniforms need to have the same high standards.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm using common sense, which you clearly lack.

    I have more than enough common sense.

    1: The purchases I made were influenced by what was implied in the wording used in the advertisement
    2: If they had specified "Male only" It would have greatly influenced my decision.
    3: They *did* specify that it would the Mirror Universe Uniform. They did not however say "an exclusive uniform". They specified "Mirror Universe Uniform" and that, my friend, has very specific meanings to a lot more people than just me.

    In addition, they specified TOS Uniform. However, the uniform we got for females in the TOS department is not a TOS uniform. It is an uneasonable facsimile of the uniform. If Cryptic is unwilling to correct the matter so that it is more in compliance with their own advertising, then I have no problem with that.

    Again, I will let a real judge make the decision, not you. If you wish to continue to make legal judgements, please go to law school, graduate, pass the bar exam, have a career that culminates in you being elected to the position of a judge over civil matters of this type. At which point I will listen. However, you are not a judge. You are exhibiting Dunning-Kruger Effect. That is you are incompetent in matters of the law and think yourself an expert. I am not so deluded. I will let a real judge decide.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    You exhibit signs of classic paranoia, I'd talk to a psychiatrist about that if I were you.

    ANYWAY can we get back on topic and not so much with the legal threats?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You exhibit signs of classic paranoia, I'd talk to a psychiatrist about that if I were you.

    ANYWAY can we get back on topic and not so much with the legal threats?

    Now you're practicing medicine without a license? Or is this just pop psychology?

    I am not exhibiting any signs of paranoia:

    I do not think that anyone is out to get me.
    I do not think that anyone is secret watching me.
    I do not think that anyone is working against me.

    I am not paranoid. I simply have not been given what I paid for and know that it is not an isolated case. If it were an isolated case, if it really were just me (that would be paranoia, if I were to say they're singling me out, but I'm not saying that), then I'd simply cancel my account and never buy another Cryptic game.

    However, there is nothing special about me or my case. Cryptic has done this to tens of thousands of people. I personally have spoken to two dozen people who have not gotten the proper TOS uniform or the female version of the Mirror Universe uniform. On top of that, them, like me, have had their tickets reporting it as a bug closed with the message from the GM saying "This feature is working as intended."

    You know what "working as intended" means right? Of course you do. It means they are not going to budge and feel that they have delivered what we paid for. However, I don't know one person who thinks that the MU uniforms are complete. Even those who play male characters lament the fact they are unable to wear the uniform because their female bridge officers cannot wear the uniform. One cannot have a Mirror Universe crew without the female counterpart.

    I will concede that they did not specify what is included in "Mirror Universe Uniform". What this means is that the uniform could be anything. It could be as simple as a female version of the same exact thing the females have. At which point, you would be correct, I would not have a legal leg to stand on as they did not specify "TOS Mirror Universe Uniform" simply "Mirror Universe Uniform".

    And to that end, I would be happy with a female version of the jacket. The belly shirt can be damned, I just want what I paid for. To that end, I expect at least a scoop neck top that more reasonably approximates the female TOS uniform. And there is absolutely no harm in expecting these things.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    And to that end, I would be happy with a female version of the jacket. The belly shirt can be damned, I just want what I paid for. To that end, I expect at least a scoop neck top that more reasonably approximates the female TOS uniform. And there is absolutely no harm in expecting these things.

    Don't forget that the MU Jacket has details missing also - Some Terran Decoration pins and a knife holster on the side would complete the look. I think the jacket and sash look great but they are also very plain without these details. Attention to detail is key.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i just saw a player wearing a dress from a pre order can the dresses be bought now if not i pre ordered my game and got no dress option can you please send my carracter a dress voucher so she can wear one to i know you have the abil to do it please id be very greatful please mail me in game if you can that would be the best gift a very ill person can get
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    They said Mirror Universe outfit. You assumed they meant for males and females.
    You have no case and would be laughed out of court, now quit clogging this thread with asinine threats of legal action so we can get the devs to listen to our requests and ideas.

    If reasonable people read the ad and "assumed" it meant male and female Mirror Universe uniforms, and the seller failed to disclose that it did not include male and female uniforms, they are inducing consumers into a transaction whom otherwise would not have entered had that information been disclosed. That practice is illegal and it's a cause of action for misrepresentation and deceptive trade practices.

    In simpler language, if a painter advertises he will paint the outside of your house, you assume he's going to paint all four sides and not just do half the house and call it done. If he tells you later his fee did not include the entire outside, then he's ripping you off. You can demand he finish the job, give you a refund, or otherwise you can sue his butt.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Now you're practicing medicine without a license? Or is this just pop psychology?

    And to that end, I would be happy with a female version of the jacket. The belly shirt can be damned, I just want what I paid for. To that end, I expect at least a scoop neck top that more reasonably approximates the female TOS uniform. And there is absolutely no harm in expecting these things.

    I think since the entire female outfit is already in game, belly shirt included, there's no reason for not giving it to us. Especially since they gave us the Mirror boots anyways instead of the correct TOS ones. They should also give us high boots for the male outfit, but I'll settle for them coming through on the Female one.

    And yes they need to complete the female TOS outfit properly with boots and top. Just silly that that wasn't done properly.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You exhibit signs of classic paranoia, I'd talk to a psychiatrist about that if I were you.

    ANYWAY can we get back on topic and not so much with the legal threats?

    The topic is missing uniform options which is what we are discussing.

    Exactly what are you ranting about?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Don't forget that the MU Jacket has details missing also - Some Terran Decoration pins and a knife holster on the side would complete the look. I think the jacket and sash look great but they are also very plain without these details. Attention to detail is key.

    It does come with a Terran Empire badge on the right breast. I can excuse the lack of medallions though - those probably have to be earned from conquering worlds and subduing aliens and whatnot. :cool:

    For what it's worth, I think the characters and uniforms look great and I compliment the artists. If the delay is simply they wish to do it right and make it look good, I can forgive them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Koriel wrote: »
    If the delay is simply they wish to do it right and make it look good, I can forgive them.

    I support this, but the thing is they're saying "working as intended" which means that's not the case. Better late than never, but at the moment they've basically said "never".
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The outfit, in its entirety, is already in-game and being worn by various NPC females, so I'm guessing it a tweaking and testing issue (like the TOS skirts). I hope we can get an official and public response to clear this issue up.

    Also, regarding the class action suit and fraud, it'd be rather difficult to defend against, at least as far as the uniforms are concerned. Even if the ad itself was non-specific, it is reasonable to expect that the uniforms would be for both sexes. Especially when you consider that all of the other bonus uniforms work for both sexes, and those blurbs were equally non-specific (except for the TOS outfits, which specified skirts).

    If you've got the motivation and the money, Metallurgist, go for it. Even if the lawyers end up taking everything (which they almost certainly will, considering the low individual value of the damages). People always laugh at such threats, since it's "just a game", and thus companies continue to get away with it. You'd be doing gamers everywhere a favor by actually bringing a suit forward.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    magitek wrote: »
    If you've got the motivation and the money, Metallurgist, go for it. Even if the lawyers end up taking everything (which they almost certainly will, considering the low individual value of the damages). People always laugh at such threats, since it's "just a game", and thus companies continue to get away with it. You'd be doing gamers everywhere a favor by actually bringing a suit forward.

    When a lawsuit has merit, a lawyer can take it on a contingency basis. In other words, they do not charge you to take the case, instead they take a one-third cut of the award. I do not think the damages would be low, they could amount to three times the cost of what every lifetime CO subscriber paid. That would probably be a couple of million dollars.

    That would likely never happen though, they would seek to settle it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Why do I have to pay credits for a Uniform change I should have gotten for free when I got my Bridge Officers?

    Now I think I shoud get:

    500 Skill Points

    500 Energy Credits

    This is only fair.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ArconasX wrote: »
    Why do I have to pay credits for a Uniform change I should have gotten for free when I got my Bridge Officers?

    Now I think I shoud get:

    500 Skill Points

    500 Energy Credits

    This is only fair.

    You get a free uniform change when you reach a new rank.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ArconasX wrote: »
    Why do I have to pay credits for a Uniform change I should have gotten for free when I got my Bridge Officers?

    Now I think I shoud get:

    500 Skill Points

    500 Energy Credits

    This is only fair.

    No, it isnt.

    Would you please explain why 500 Skill Points are in any way related to that Uniform? And further: What shall those say that have bought the joined Trill preorder? Now their preorder would be worth nothing and WE got two bonusses.

    This is ridiculious, and sorry for that, its TRIBBLE. you have to pay about 480 Energy Credits. I have now more than 50.000 of that. They are almost growing on trees.

    PLUS, what Koriel said: You get one free chance per new rank.

    I dont tink that you should demand anything like that. Because you really lost nothing with a little patience and waiting.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    No, it isnt.

    Would you please explain why 500 Skill Points are in any way related to that Uniform? And further: What shall those say that have bought the joined Trill preorder? Now their preorder would be worth nothing and WE got two bonusses.

    This is ridiculious, and sorry for that, its TRIBBLE. you have to pay about 480 Energy Credits. I have now more than 50.000 of that. They are almost growing on trees.

    PLUS, what Koriel said: You get one free chance per new rank.

    I dont tink that you should demand anything like that. Because you really lost nothing with a little patience and waiting.

    The 500 SP referred to is a preorder bonus that hasn't been properly delivered, I'm guessing.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ArconasX wrote: »
    I think I should get 500 skill points. We know the game can do that.

    I want that bonus as restitution for my late bonus.

    Those people already got their bonus, why not me.

    Give me 500 skill points and I’ll feel like I got some customer service.

    This is from an older post. Maybe he did not get those 500 extra skillpoints he has orered. But then it has nothing to do with this thread. If i read it properly he just want those 500 SP because he got his bonus "too late". And thats what im arguing about. If im wrong im willing to step back.
This discussion has been closed.