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Missing Uniform Options



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    skirts are in but still no mirror universe for female this is disappointing. 2 weeks since headstart and still no mirror universe when they have been on NPC's for that time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    They added a skirt, but no TOS female top, no Mirror universe female outfit.

    But they did add Hip boots for females, so not a total loss. At least its a small step forward...

    edit: Oh and also all badges look like they are available, regardless of top.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cross82 wrote:
    MU was not worth the price for me. I all ready put a lot of money into this game as is like alone 200 more for outfits.

    Well, there are people who actually got the CO Lifetime sub for CO, though judging by various forum explosions it was maybe four or five people besides me ;) That does not in any way mean that Cryptic shouldn't have had the uniforms ready to go at launch, of course.
    fluhi wrote: »
    skirts are in but still no mirror universe for female this is disappointing. 2 weeks since headstart and still no mirror universe when they have been on NPC's for that time.

    *groan* lovely.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I am jummping right now with anger, when you submit a ticket for the missing Mirror universe outfit for female, the answer is : It is working as intended, only male have the option !!

    WTF ?!
    i am patient, I can wait, but now I want a correct answer !
    someone at Cryptic dare to explain this ???
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    MU options only for males? That sounds like BS to me, considering that there's NPCs in the Treasure Trading Station that are wearing the full getup (midriff-baring top, skirt, sash).

    edit: I would wager that the GM that replied to the ticket is misinformed. from the original dev post:
    • Skirts missing for TOS and Mirror Universe Sets
    This is a known issue. These will be remedied in game soon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    magitek wrote: »
    MU options only for males? That sounds like BS to me, considering that there's NPCs in the Treasure Trading Station that are wearing the full getup (midriff-baring top, skirt, sash).

    edit: I would wager that the GM that replied to the ticket is misinformed. from the original dev post:

    sadly that qoute doesn't say anything about the tops for MU, that is probly the next piece they need to get working on as people did pay alot of money for that expecting a least the bare minimum for a costume of both male and female and was a big incentive towards quite a few people buying lifer status in CO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Good news: TOS Skirts are in. Go-go boots (or a version thereof) are in.

    Bad news: Still no TOS female blouse. Did the boys in graphics never watch the show? The woman's dress did NOT have the same neckline as the men's. The illusion is inaccurate and therefore no illusion at all. This is NOT a TOS uniform.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm extremely po'd about them not fixing the MU Costumes. We paid for them 6 months ago as part of our commitment to Champions Online. So, I guess it's more important to give something they pre-ordered 1st then? This was part of my deciding factor on picking up Champions Online Lifetime subscription. This would be considered FRAUD by any and all standards. We PAID for services not rendered.

    I so wish I'd have never spent all the money on Champions. But I took a leap of faith on promises Cryptic made about their games and content to follow. I guess most of them were built on lies and misdirection in the hopes people would fall for them and they would make money.

    MU better be FIXED in the next patch.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I am disgusted by Cryptic's attempt to delay delivering a product we paid for in advance by telling us that it is 'working as intended'.

    When we subscribed for champions online we were not told the costume was for male characters only. The female costume exists and is visible on NPCs in the game, so it isn't a content rating issue.

    Cryptic need to find whoever it is is sabotaging female costumes in this game and fire them - today.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The patchnotes for the next patch say the skirts will be in place.

    I'm going to make several predictions, I hope I am wrong on each of these:

    Compare this illustration to the male TOS uniform. Note the scoop neck top. Also note how it's a dress, not a shirt with a skirt.

    What I am expecting is that it will be the male shirt we currently have with a seperate skirt for a three piece outfit, not a two piece as it should be. Those pieces being Shirt, Skirt, and Boots. As opposed to Dress and Boots.

    The gogo boots will not be availible.

    Hose will not be availible when wearing a skirt. People wearing skirts must therefor "go bohemian".

    Mirror Universe uniforms will either not be in place or they will likewise have missing pieces

    Can I call it or what? Is it sad that I can be this accurate?

    Prediction 1: Wrong neckline on shirt. Check
    Prediction 2: No seemless transition from top to shirt (Two Piece, not One Piece). Check
    Prediction 2: No gogo boots. Check (none of the boots are gogo, the "knee high" are not gogo but rather thigh high)
    Prediction 3: No hose. Check
    Prediction 4: No Mirror Universe Uniform or missing pieces. Check

    Something I was reluctant to write down in my predictions but turned out to be true was the lack of the flap panel on the front of the skirt.

    I do however thank Cryptic for at least getting SOME skirts in place. Just they need to add a new top with the proper neckline and make the shirt seamlessly integrate into the skirt. Also, Mirror Universe uniforms need to be integrated.

    Also, while it's good that the TNG movie badge is now availible on all uniforms (it would seem on my end anyway), I would like to criticize the toy like size of the TNG Movie Badge. It's entirely too large and looks like a toy designed for children under the age of 3. That is to say the badge is definitely not a choking hazard.

    To Cryptic: While it's nice that you've got the fire trucks on the scene and are trying to put out the fire, you need to aim for the base of the fire. The base of the fire is the inaccuracy of the uniform. I don't think anyone's going to complain if you can't make a TOS era captain's uniform with the precise shade of green velure, nor are many going to complain at the lack of velure as a material you can use. However, there needs to be more effort in the accuracy department.

    Remember, these are Trekkies we're dealing with here. These people grade each other on home made costumes and props. When DS9 went back in time to TOS era, I personally expected them to horribly mutilate the uniforms, but instead I was struck in awe at how precise they got everything. I mean, the only problem I could see with it was that the materials they used in DS9 were obviously of a higher grade than what they used on TOS, but still they pulled the look off perfectly.

    To put this fire out, you have to aim for the base of the fire. The base is accuracy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    T-Hawk wrote:
    Cryptic need to find whoever it is is sabotaging female costumes in this game and fire them - today.

    Tinfoil hat time. What's happening here is not a matter of malice. This game went from concept to release in about a year's time. Noone does that. Ever... And we're seeing why. It's like what happened with either the RMS Titanic or her sister ship, the RMS Olympic. This all factors in to a bit of conspiracy theory I heard once how it wasn't the Titanic that sank but rather the Olympic repainted with the Titanic's name because the Olympic's back was broken and the insurance company wouldn't cover it. So the theory goes that they disgused the Olympic as the Titanic and deliberately sank that to get the insurance money. Then the Titanic served as the Olympic all those years following. Not saying I buy into it, but it would make an interesting movie.

    Anyway, back on topic, I'm not 100% certain of the details, but basically the repairs and refits to the Olympic to get her back in the water and masquerading as the Titanic were so hastily done that the boilers set the ship on fire when she was being put through her paces to prove that the "Titanic" was sea worthy. Although it wasn't the Titanic, it was the Olympic. At any rate, even if this wasn't the case, there is evidence that the Titanic (assuming it really was the Titanic) was in fact on fire at the time. So either they hastily repaired the Olympic and she got set on fire by shoddy repairs to the boilets. Or it was the Titanic that was on fire.

    Anyway, what I'm getting at here is that there's no conspiracy, not incompetence (on Cryptic's fault, rather Atari for pushing it out the door so early, or White Star Line in the case of the Titanic/Olympic thing). It's not malice either. What we have is fires on multiple decks due to the game being rushed out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If it turns out that the MU uniforms are male-only, why? Every other uniform set in the game works for both sexes, and Cryptic's been working feverishly to get the TOS uniforms to work with both. "MU uniforms need testing like TOS uniforms did, and we're working on it" is a perfectly acceptable answer.

    edit: @Metallurgist, I agree that there's no conspiracy, but that doesn't mean I won't keep my tinfoil hat at the ready. After all, MU uniforms for females could magically appear in the C-store tomorrow, and then that hat would really come in handy! :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    skirts and long hair would be nice cryptic please get them in game for both genders
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Tyvm for fixing this Cryptic! Ive been giving you alot of grief regarding this, ty for listening and fixing it! ;)

    After todays patch:

    Female character and female BOs can equip skirts and knee-high boots! :) yay!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Still no female mirror universe uniform options unfortunatly.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    yes, more long hair options would be a very nice addition. How about an eye patch?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    More female and male long hair options would be very nice idd.

    Loose long hair plz, curly and straight. We have more than enough ponytail option, but only 1 loose long hair atm...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Skirts are nice and all BUT WHERE ARE THE FEMALE GLOVE OPTIONS?
    They've been missing since beta!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Can I call it or what? Is it sad that I can be this accurate?

    Prediction 1: Wrong neckline on shirt. Check
    Prediction 2: No seemless transition from top to shirt (Two Piece, not One Piece). Check
    Prediction 2: No gogo boots. Check (none of the boots are gogo, the "knee high" are not gogo but rather thigh high)
    Prediction 3: No hose. Check
    Prediction 4: No Mirror Universe Uniform or missing pieces. Check

    Something I was reluctant to write down in my predictions but turned out to be true was the lack of the flap panel on the front of the skirt.

    I do however thank Cryptic for at least getting SOME skirts in place. Just they need to add a new top with the proper neckline and make the shirt seamlessly integrate into the skirt. Also, Mirror Universe uniforms need to be integrated.

    Also, while it's good that the TNG movie badge is now availible on all uniforms (it would seem on my end anyway), I would like to criticize the toy like size of the TNG Movie Badge. It's entirely too large and looks like a toy designed for children under the age of 3. That is to say the badge is definitely not a choking hazard.

    To Cryptic: While it's nice that you've got the fire trucks on the scene and are trying to put out the fire, you need to aim for the base of the fire. The base of the fire is the inaccuracy of the uniform. I don't think anyone's going to complain if you can't make a TOS era captain's uniform with the precise shade of green velure, nor are many going to complain at the lack of velure as a material you can use. However, there needs to be more effort in the accuracy department.

    Remember, these are Trekkies we're dealing with here. These people grade each other on home made costumes and props. When DS9 went back in time to TOS era, I personally expected them to horribly mutilate the uniforms, but instead I was struck in awe at how precise they got everything. I mean, the only problem I could see with it was that the materials they used in DS9 were obviously of a higher grade than what they used on TOS, but still they pulled the look off perfectly.

    To put this fire out, you have to aim for the base of the fire. The base is accuracy.

    As great as it is they finally got the skirts in, I had fears this was all they were going to do as well. Clearly the TOS female uniform is NOT simply a male top with a matching colored skirt. It is a mini DRESS, i.e. a ONE piece complete with swooping neckline, and flap on skirt. Knee high black gogo boots with black hose. I guess what they gave us is close enough and better than nothing, but did have hopes with them getting that one correct. Also, with the addition of just a skirt, makes one wonder why it took 11 days to even get that? But please, give us STANDARD boots as an option. No wacky combat boots or boots with straps or buckles, or armor plates. SIMPLE knee high boots with heels.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Hey, stop posting your star trek TRIBBLE in here. Its nice that you get to blow your load over all those nice uniforms, but there are children in here too you know!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If I'd known the TOS uniforms included skirts I'd have gotten that preorder. Will they be available in the cryptic store at some point?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If I'd known the TOS uniforms included skirts I'd have gotten that preorder. Will they be available in the cryptic store at some point?

    No, they won't. However, it's not a preorder. Go to Steam, Stardock, Atari, Direct2Drive, anywhere that you can get the "Digital Deluxe Edition"... It's not preorder, it's just a specific edition of the game :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Got online at 5:30 pacific time and The Skirts are IN! along with thigh high boots (even tho tos should really be gogo boots)

    I don't get the mirror (never played champions) so don't know if those are in - but I assume they are too!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    We're still missing a female TOS uniform.

    But I can use the (generic) skirt that we got today. The new boot options too.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I still don't see a skirt option for my bridge officers. :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Mirai wrote: »
    We're still missing a female TOS uniform.

    But I can use the (generic) skirt that we got today. The new boot options too.

    I'm pretty sure the thigh boots and mini-skirt and the tos shirt - are the female TOS uniform
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm pretty sure the thigh boots and mini-skirt and the tos shirt - are the female TOS uniform

    As far as the game is concerned, the shirt and skirt are the female TOS uniform. As far as TOS goes, no, they're clearly quite different.

    (Thigh hight boots? What? No, they're not TOS uniform parts, unless you're talking about the mirror universe.)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Mirai wrote: »
    As far as the game is concerned, the shirt and skirt are the female TOS uniform. As far as TOS goes, no, they're clearly quite different.

    (Thigh hight boots? What? No, they're not TOS uniform parts, unless you're talking about the mirror universe.)

    Ah ok so you were intending to state dissatisfaction since they are not "cannon"
    A low cut top would be nice - but I can live with the top that matches the guys just fine. If you don't want to use the thigh boots - the "soft boots" do look pretty much correct for the gogo boots from TOS (except flat not heels)

    I personally love the new options (I'm a mix and match kind of girl) and choose to be happy now :D

    The skirt also looks really cute with the WoK top - and does double duty then since Uhura did wear a short skirt with her wok top that matched the guys wok top.

    Now if I'd only ever even heard of COL and gotten so involved to as have a lifetime - then I would have those mirror universe ones ... rats! LOL
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ah ok so you were intending to state dissatisfaction since they are not "cannon"
    A low cut top would be nice - but I can live with the top that matches the guys just fine. If you don't want to use the thigh boots - the "soft boots" do look pretty much correct for the gogo boots from TOS (except flat not heels)

    I personally love the new options (I'm a mix and match kind of girl) and choose to be happy now :D

    The skirt also looks really cute with the WoK top - and does double duty then since Uhura did wear a short skirt with her wok top that matched the guys wok top.

    Now if I'd only ever even heard of COL and gotten so involved to as have a lifetime - then I would have those mirror universe ones ... rats! LOL

    Well, yes. The advertisements clearly stated TOS uniforms (including the miniskirts). These... aren't. And regardless, the skirt hugs the buttocks in a weird and physics-defying way.

    Plus, no female mirror uni yet... some CS responses indicate not ever, which is just about making me pop a blood vessel.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Got online at 5:30 pacific time and The Skirts are IN! along with thigh high boots (even tho tos should really be gogo boots)

    I don't get the mirror (never played champions) so don't know if those are in - but I assume they are too!

    No female MU set yet. At least the skirts are in.
This discussion has been closed.