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Missing Uniform Options



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I have to say, I'm getting really, really angry about this, considering I paid extra compared to everyone else for stuff that IS NOT IN GAME.

    We have been given no ETA, no explanation of what the bug is that is keeping it out.

    As a lawyer, I'm almost clinically interested to see what would happen if I sued Gamestop, Trymedia and Cryptic after the inevitably refused to give me a refund for failing to provide everything described.

    I am by no means suggesting it happen or saying I'd do so, I'm just curious to see how that would turn out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The Wrath of Khan Pants can't be black. Thats annoying ~.~
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I have to say, I'm getting really, really angry about this, considering I paid extra compared to everyone else for stuff that IS NOT IN GAME.

    We have been given no ETA, no explanation of what the bug is that is keeping it out.

    As a lawyer, I'm almost clinically interested to see what would happen if I sued Gamestop, Trymedia and Cryptic after the inevitably refused to give me a refund for failing to provide everything described.

    I am by no means suggesting it happen or saying I'd do so, I'm just curious to see how that would turn out.

    You would win $.35 or whatever the portion of the extra money for the bonus items that are missing is that the court decides is a fair percentage. It would be worth it though, even with five grand in legal fees, just to be able to depose the cryptic staff in person and actually get an effing reply for once.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Raethor wrote:
    The Wrath of Khan Pants can't be black. Thats annoying ~.~

    Mine are Black :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Have you ever heard the phrase "if you arn't helping, you are hindering." How about "if you arn't part of the solution, you are part of the problem."

    Seriously, do you think a dev is more likely to read this thread now that there are 28 (of 31) pages of useless posts? This thread is supposed to be a resource for the dev's to actually fix the problems we want fixed, but now they are going to have to sift through all of the imature "I want this game to be perfect NOW!" posts to try and find the constructive posts that will actually make the game better. I wonder how many mature, useful posts will be missed because of all you people throwing tantrums.

    If you don't have anything valuble to add, don't clutter up a thread with junk.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sqwibbs wrote: »
    Have you ever heard the phrase "if you arn't helping, you are hindering." How about "if you arn't part of the solution, you are part of the problem."

    Seriously, do you think a dev is more likely to read this thread now that there are 28 (of 31) pages of useless posts? This thread is supposed to be a resource for the dev's to actually fix the problems we want fixed, but now they are going to have to sift through all of the imature "I want this game to be perfect NOW!" posts to try and find the constructive posts that will actually make the game better. I wonder how many mature, useful posts will be missed because of all you people throwing tantrums.

    If you don't have anything valuble to add, don't clutter up a thread with junk.

    Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot.

    And, wtf, it's a thread about missing uniform options. There are no new missing uniform options beyond those listed already. What kind of breaking news are you expecting?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sqwibbs wrote: »
    If you don't have anything valuble to add, don't clutter up a thread with junk.

    Ironically, you mentioned nothing about the missing uniform options in your post, adding to the lack of value.

    Personally, I'm very surprised that there was no patch in the past couple days. But I have City of Heroes and The Sims 3 to mostly keep my attention off the STO uniform problems while I wait.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    NinetyNine wrote:
    You would win $.35 or whatever the portion of the extra money for the bonus items that are missing is that the court decides is a fair percentage. It would be worth it though, even with five grand in legal fees, just to be able to depose the cryptic staff in person and actually get an effing reply for once.

    Actually, in a class aciton lawsuit, I'd be the attorney, so Cryptic would have to refund that for everyone who bought it and I'd end up getting like 40% of the total, haha.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EvilGrizz wrote: »
    Mine are Black :p

    No, they're slightly dark gray. In fact, no uniform options in this game are really much more than dark gray. Your darkest colors are a dark gray, but the Khan pants are especially light when they should not be.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    GenTechJ wrote: »

    I won't quit over something like this because I still very much enjoy the game. But the quoted post pretty much sums up the point. I paid extra for the DDE, SPECIFICALLY for the complete TOS uniforms, skirts and all, for my captain AND my BO's, was promised we'd have them on the 2nd when the game went live, were major selling points of that particular edition, and now a week later are still not fully in game.

    Compensation of some kind would be nice, even if they do "eventually" get them put in. Especially considering the /powerhue "bug" was fixed a couple days after the game went live, and those threads got far more response from Cryptic as to info/ETA.


    /rant off

    anyone got screen shots that say feb 2nd and something that specifically mentions the skirts from the DDE, following the advice of my father, a retired journalist, I bringing this this issue to the notice of the LA Times.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    DarksunG wrote: »
    No, they're slightly dark gray. In fact, no uniform options in this game are really much more than dark gray. Your darkest colors are a dark gray, but the Khan pants are especially light when they should not be.

    that might be for the best, i can tell you from experience pure black doesn't work to well in CGI

    ive tired hundreds of different way to highlight Leon's armor but he always renders the same

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It sure would be nice to know when this is going to happen. Over halfway done leveling and havent been able to use any of my custom uniforms for my crew. Pretty disappointing.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Other game Companies TALK to their players... why cant Cryptic TALK to us ?!?!? .....

    I have a funny feeling they are stumbling around Drunk on a beach somewhere with our money.... GG Cryptic...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Actually, in a class aciton lawsuit, I'd be the attorney, so Cryptic would have to refund that for everyone who bought it and I'd end up getting like 40% of the total, haha.

    Now there's some fine Feregi thinking!
    nekollx wrote: »
    anyone got screen shots that say feb 2nd and something that specifically mentions the skirts from the DDE, following the advice of my father, a retired journalist, I bringing this this issue to the notice of the LA Times.

    Forum search by name for StormShade and "2nd" as the search word should probably turn something up.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EvilGrizz wrote: »
    Mine are Black :p

    How? When I use black on them, it makes them light gray. All of the colors look bleached on the TWOK pants.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Bathory wrote:
    Sorry, no slack should be given in this area.
    If they can't provide us with the uniforms then they should haven't charged us extra for them.

    Oh, by no means do I suggest that you shouldn't get what you paid for. I was only referring to my particular situation with the standard options of clothing which I believe will be coming forthwith. They should indeed provide those who paid extra with what they paid extra for.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Now there's some fine Feregi thinking!

    Forum search by name for StormShade and "2nd" as the search word should probably turn something up.

    tried that yesterday, no luck, my search fu is week need to invest more skill points in it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nekollx wrote: »
    anyone got screen shots that say feb 2nd and something that specifically mentions the skirts from the DDE, following the advice of my father, a retired journalist, I bringing this this issue to the notice of the LA Times.

    "TOS Uniform" implies skirt as no female in TOS wearing the uniform ever wore pants, only dresses actually. "Mirror Universe Uniform" is a little too nebulous because it doesn't say "TOS Mirror Universe Uniform" just "Mirror Universe Uniform". It would be unreasonable to demand a specific one. It could even end up being the Mirror Universe uniform from Mirror Archer's Enterprise, and that one involved pants.

    There is absolutely no wording that implies only the male TOS uniform. As such, if Cryptic were to make the claim that it's male only after the fact (and they have NOT made that claim) then it could be considered intentionally misleading advertising.

    However, a week isn't enough time before seeking legal reparations. It is possible that the reason is because if they released the skirts now, there would be no textures for the legs and torsos of species other than Human, Betazoid, Orion, etc with more or less just colored human skin.

    The game was rushed and it's obvious not all the content could be pushed out in time, I'm willing to wait. Frankly though, I am starting to get impatient... I just hit admiral on my liberated Borg character and want to make a tactical Trill who starts off in a skirt!

    What's the holdup? I know Cryptic claims that it's reading these threads. I know they probably are. But didn't Jackalope get on your cases for "designing from the ivory tower" a couple times already?

    Come down out of that ivory tower and give us a heads up! The villagers are starting to shop for torches and pitchforks, I'm not, but I'm also not going to get in their way.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    "TOS Uniform" implies skirt as no female in TOS wearing the uniform ever wore pants, only dresses actually. "Mirror Universe Uniform" is a little too nebulous because it doesn't say "TOS Mirror Universe Uniform" just "Mirror Universe Uniform". It would be unreasonable to demand a specific one. It could even end up being the Mirror Universe uniform from Mirror Archer's Enterprise, and that one involved pants.

    There is absolutely no wording that implies only the male TOS uniform. As such, if Cryptic were to make the claim that it's male only after the fact (and they have NOT made that claim) then it could be considered intentionally misleading advertising.

    However, a week isn't enough time before seeking legal reparations. It is possible that the reason is because if they released the skirts now, there would be no textures for the legs and torsos of species other than Human, Betazoid, Orion, etc with more or less just colored human skin.

    The game was rushed and it's obvious not all the content could be pushed out in time, I'm willing to wait. Frankly though, I am starting to get impatient... I just hit admiral on my liberated Borg character and want to make a tactical Trill who starts off in a skirt!

    What's the holdup? I know Cryptic claims that it's reading these threads. I know they probably are. But didn't Jackalope get on your cases for "designing from the ivory tower" a couple times already?

    Come down out of that ivory tower and give us a heads up! The villagers are starting to shop for torches and pitchforks, I'm not, but I'm also not going to get in their way.

    you mis understand, i'm not going to sue them, i'm going to air their dirty laundry and shady business practices into the national news

    the other guy is going to sue them
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nekollx wrote: »
    anyone got screen shots that say feb 2nd and something that specifically mentions the skirts from the DDE, following the advice of my father, a retired journalist, I bringing this this issue to the notice of the LA Times.

    First post of this thread, by StormShade. Reads (in part):
    StormShade wrote:
    • Skirts missing for TOS and Mirror Universe Sets
    This is a known issue. These will be remedied in game soon.

    Though it is from February 4, not 2.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is garbage. I understand that its a launch week and Cryptic is trying to iron out their bugs. But I can't log in three quarters of the day. And when I can log in I have to wait anywhere form five to thirty minutes in a queue. This is really frustrating, I'm a die hard Star Trek fan and you know we will accept almost any thing as long as Star Trek is pasted on it. But you guys are really close to loosing me, if you keep this up!!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wyldequinn wrote: »
    This is garbage. I understand that its a launch week and Cryptic is trying to iron out their bugs. But I can't log in three quarters of the day. And when I can log in I have to wait anywhere form five to thirty minutes in a queue. This is really frustrating, I'm a die hard Star Trek fan and you know we will accept almost any thing as long as Star Trek is pasted on it. But you guys are really close to loosing me, if you keep this up!!!

    Irrelevant post. This thread is about missing uniform, not login queue issues.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wyldequinn wrote: »
    This is garbage. I understand that its a launch week and Cryptic is trying to iron out their bugs. But I can't log in three quarters of the day. And when I can log in I have to wait anywhere form five to thirty minutes in a queue. This is really frustrating, I'm a die hard Star Trek fan and you know we will accept almost any thing as long as Star Trek is pasted on it. But you guys are really close to loosing me, if you keep this up!!!

    I'm not having that problem anymore, try lowering your graphic settings. Oh, and the queue is gone. Also, this is the wrong thread. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    MOUT wrote: »
    First post of this thread, by StormShade. Reads (in part):

    Though it is from February 4, not 2.

    no i'm looking for the post where he says they will be available feb 2nd
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I have a few things to say. To all of the people saying to be patient, time is running out. The game only comes with 30 days of playtime, after that you have to pay more, so time is an issue. Frankly, I didn't feel the game would be worth paying a subscription for, in the condition it's in now, but I was willing to buy the game to play for 30 days. The only reason I bought the deluxe digital edition was for the TOS uniforms. I am a huge fan of the original series and had wanted to role-play with my TOS female uniform. I have no desire to play the game without it. I don't think it's a novel or unreasonable idea to want to role-play in a mmorpg with the costume that I've already paid for.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nekollx wrote: »
    no i'm looking for the post where he says they will be available feb 2nd

    Oh, then to quote EMily Litella, "never mind."

    (Didn't read the whole thread and apparently too much context was cut in various quotes) :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Have Highlighted in yellow what is still missing.
    • Info On some Gold Editions Retailers sites clearly state You are to recieve DLC Card containing 5 in game costumes - Unless You count the normal ones, so far all I can see is DS-9 - The Movies - TNG - As TOS Uniform was from D2D that can't count. So seem to be missing 2 Uniforms from Gold Edition - The card with a scrape away Field only says DS-9 Uniform, weird since some web-site info says DLC card should have 5 in-game costumes. i have Print-Screened sites containing that info.
    • Like many others I'm still awaiting Your fix for the TOS Dress and high boots for female characters. Hope it's not just a min-skirt to add to the top shirt. As soon as that is fixed I can make my Female Captain. Not in the mood to start a character and LvL her up and then having to restart once the other uniform choices gets added. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Lord.Funk wrote:
    Have Highlighted in yellow what is still missing.
    • Info On All Gold Editions Retailers sites clearly state You are to recieve DLC Card containing 5 in game costumes - Unless You count the normal ones, so far all I can see is DS-9 - The Movies - TNG - As TOS Uniform was from D2D that can't count. So seem to be missing 2 Uniforms from Gold Edition - The card with a scrape away Field only says DS-9 Uniform, weird since all web-site info says DLC card should have 5 in-game costumes. i have Print-Screened all sites containing that info.
    • Like many others I'm still awaiting Your fix for the TOS Dress and high boots for female characters. Hope it's not just a min-skirt to add to the top shirt. As soon as that is fixed I can make my Female Captain. Not in the mood to start a charcater and LvL her up and then haveing to restart once the other uniform choices gets added. :)

    can you send me the screen shots i'm going to inform the La Times as per my father's suggestion
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nekollx wrote: »
    can you send me the screen shots i'm going to inform the La Times as per my father's suggestion

    Although I sence Your sarcasm and synisism. I don't really need to send You any Print-screens as info is still up on some sites.

    Here is one example:
    Webhallen wrote:
    Star Trek Online - Gold Edition inneh
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    "TOS Uniform" implies skirt as no female in TOS wearing the uniform ever wore pants, only dresses actually. "Mirror Universe Uniform" is a little too nebulous because it doesn't say "TOS Mirror Universe Uniform" just "Mirror Universe Uniform". It would be unreasonable to demand a specific one. It could even end up being the Mirror Universe uniform from Mirror Archer's Enterprise, and that one involved pants.

    There is absolutely no wording that implies only the male TOS uniform. As such, if Cryptic were to make the claim that it's male only after the fact (and they have NOT made that claim) then it could be considered intentionally misleading advertising.

    Actually the original Pre Order FAQ mentioned 'miniskirts' quite specifically as a selling point for the TOS uniforms in the DDE. With an Exclamation point even.

    TOS Costumes
    Players can clothe their Federation characters in the uniforms made famous by William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy in the classic Star Trek: The Original Series. Players can freely change the colors of the uniform. Also note: The TOS costumes do include mini-skirts!

This discussion has been closed.