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Missing Uniform Options



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If you sell someone a thing

    and you take their money

    and you don't give them the thing

    it is called stealing.

    Cryptic- I want my things.

    Simple, straightforward, and quoted for truth.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If you sell someone a thing

    and you take their money

    and you don't give them the thing

    it is called stealing.

    Cryptic- I want my things.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I can't choose commander rank to show on my costume, I can pick any of the other ranks but not commander.

    It's in the drop down but when I click it nothing changes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If you sell someone a thing

    and you take their money

    and you don't give them the thing

    it is called stealing.

    Cryptic- I want my things.

    It's not, actually. It's called fraud. Theft, or "stealing", is different.

    This is neither, though.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    tworow2 wrote: »
    It's not, actually. It's called fraud. Theft, or "stealing", is different.

    This is neither, though.

    so we have skirts? The item SPECIFICALLY mention in the ads?

    Oh wait no we don't...a Week later

    so just how is it not FRAUD
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nekollx wrote: »
    so we have skirts? The item SPECIFICALLY mention in the ads?

    Oh wait no we don't...a Week later

    so just how is it not FRAUD

    Intend, that is what is missing. I am as furstrated by this as the rest of you and sure am angry about it. Calling it theft or fraud though is a step too far in my eyes, at least at the time being. If they however decide not to give us our uniforms, which I doubt, then it is indeed fraud. Untill then it is just extremely bad service.

    Very bad service...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Grumbleton wrote:
    Intend, that is what is missing. I am as furstrated by this as the rest of you and sure am angry about it. Calling it theft or fraud though is a step too far in my eyes, at least at the time being. If they however decide not to give us our uniforms, which I doubt, then it is indeed fraud. Untill then it is just extremely bad service.

    Very bad service...

    money was taken.

    I received no product; I was offered no refund.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    At this point, when my free time is up, I have no intent of renewing my subscription and it is solely because of this uniform fiasco. I understand that perhaps they didn't mean this to happen, however they've made no effort to fix this situation, and they have no excuse.

    It could have been tested in Open Beta, but no they wanted us to have our retail keys. It could have been checked in Headstart, but no they decided that we would wait until launch, and at launch it didn't work. They had plenty of time to check these items to verify their functionality, they didn't.

    All this, I can forgive, but I have one serious issue that just irks me. When Headstart launched and the Liberated Bord didn't work Cryptic had them up and running in a few hours. They spammed across my screen in purple letters, while I played, that they were working on it. Then they spammed for at least an hour announcing they had fixed it. That was great I thought. It showed they cared, but then launch day came and my stuff was broken. No problem I thought, they're on it.

    I'm still waiting.

    So, the broken borg were fixed in less than a 4 hours, yet my uniforms? A week and still nothing. I would not be so utterly disgusted with Cryptic had I not seen them bust their collective asses to fix those Borg, then turn around and turn their contemptuous noses up at the rest of us. They have lost my confidence and I do not think they can get it back at this point.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    My bo's will refuse to wear the CE uniforms.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nekollx wrote: »
    so we have skirts? The item SPECIFICALLY mention in the ads?

    Oh wait no we don't...a Week later

    so just how is it not FRAUD

    You paid for a video game and got a video game. Temporarily (or hell, even permanently) missing advertised features is just commonplace. Also they made no promise that every bonus would be available at launch, so they're covered.

    Now I'm not saying you have no cause to be upset, you certainly do (Though most of you are overreacting.) I'm just saying that it's not fraud or theft, and the people whining for a refund have no ground.

    And the ones who are going to quit over it? Well that's just about the saddest thing I've ever heard.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    craig1701 wrote:
    At this point, when my free time is up, I have no intent of renewing my subscription and it is solely because of this uniform fiasco. I understand that perhaps they didn't mean this to happen, however they've made no effort to fix this situation, and they have no excuse.

    It could have been tested in Open Beta, but no they wanted us to have our retail keys. It could have been checked in Headstart, but no they decided that we would wait until launch, and at launch it didn't work. They had plenty of time to check these items to verify their functionality, they didn't.

    All this, I can forgive, but I have one serious issue that just irks me. When Headstart launched and the Liberated Bord didn't work Cryptic had them up and running in a few hours. They spammed across my screen in purple letters, while I played, that they were working on it. Then they spammed for at least an hour announcing they had fixed it. That was great I thought. It showed they cared, but then launch day came and my stuff was broken. No problem I thought, they're on it.

    I'm still waiting.

    So, the broken borg were fixed in less than a 4 hours, yet my uniforms? A week and still nothing. I would not be so utterly disgusted with Cryptic had I not seen them bust their collective asses to fix those Borg, then turn around and turn their contemptuous noses up at the rest of us. They have lost my confidence and I do not think they can get it back at this point.

    Very good points, I have not decided myself yet if I stay or take my leave after the 30 days. I do know that even though I said before that I had given up waiting and started playing, I just can't enjoy the game as much as I should. It keeps annoying me every time I do an away mission. If they haven't fixed it once those 30 days are over then it's a no brainer, I would uninstall the game. I would have lost all faith in Cryptic and would feel far too cheated to continue playing.

    So yet again I call out to Cryptic: please give our items a bigger priority, we chose to pay more for a reason and we want that reason delivered as promissed...with some form of compensation for the trouble.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    tworow2 wrote: »
    And the ones who are going to quit over it? Well that's just about the saddest thing I've ever heard.

    It's not the uniforms that might make me leave, it's the total loss of faith in Cryptic that would make me leave. You may find that sad, I find it sad that people accept this kind of conduct. It's not just the costumes, it's the way it is being handled. It doesn't show respect towards the customers and without mutual respect there is no ground for an ongoing contract.

    I still have some hope left for a good result, but the hope is starting to fade.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    tworow2 wrote: »
    You paid for a video game and got a video game. Temporarily (or hell, even permanently) missing advertised features is just commonplace. Also they made no promise that every bonus would be available at launch, so they're covered.

    Now I'm not saying you have no cause to be upset, you certainly do (Though most of you are overreacting.) I'm just saying that it's not fraud or theft, and the people whining for a refund have no ground.

    And the ones who are going to quit over it? Well that's just about the saddest thing I've ever heard.

    Actually, the promises were pretty clear, and very specific. I would PREFER to get what I paid for. If they cannot, or will not deliver, then they owe me money.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You all should be ashamed of yourself. You should be patient and wait.

    Look, I was just at the car dealership, you see. There was this new kind of car there. It looked really great. So I bought one. It was EXPENSIVE! Anyway, it was delivered to my home by a trailer. That was freaking awesome! So I went to show it to my friends. The thing wasn't working right. Would you believe the radio was missing?

    I paid extra for an all leather interior. Just the driver's side had full leather. The passenger side had leather but only on the back to the seat, not the part you actually sit on. Anyway, I asked the guy who sold it to me. He said the all leather interior isn't done yet. He said they were having some unspecified issues that they were getting worked out. But, they're trying to fix the some problems with the engine first. I'm not sure why the mechanics are needed to fix the seats, but that's what they say so it must be true. And they're going to let me know when I can bring the car in for replacement seats.

    Anyway, I see a bunch of other people on the car company's forums, they're all angry because they didn't get their all leather interiors either. Some of them are wondering why the stock vinyl isn't good enough and calling everyone TRIBBLE for paying extra for leather. Infact, they say "you paid for a car, you got a car. Enjoy it and stop whining."

    Anyway, yeah, the point is, you should just be patient. They'll get that all leather interior to you eventually. Some day.

    (this concludes today's sarcasm)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    tworow2 wrote: »
    You paid for a video game and got a video game. Temporarily (or hell, even permanently) missing advertised features is just commonplace. Also they made no promise that every bonus would be available at launch, so they're covered.

    Now I'm not saying you have no cause to be upset, you certainly do (Though most of you are overreacting.) I'm just saying that it's not fraud or theft, and the people whining for a refund have no ground.

    And the ones who are going to quit over it? Well that's just about the saddest thing I've ever heard.

    Sorry but you're completely wrong. I paid extra for a video game and did not get extras. We are not talking about pre-order freebies. We actually paid more money for the DDE edition and did not get the items we paid for.

    How is that not ground for fraud o wise one?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    personae wrote:
    Sorry but you're completely wrong. I paid extra for a video game and did not get extras. We are not talking about pre-order freebies. We actually paid more money for the DDE edition and did not get the items we paid for.

    How is that not ground for fraud o wise one?

    Cryptic can do no wrong, your money will go toward making them happy, does it even matter if you don't get the product they sold you?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    (this concludes today's sarcasm)

    Unfortunately, it seems there are many here who would support those assertions made seriously.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You all should be ashamed of yourself. You should be patient and wait.

    Look, I was just at the car dealership, you see. There was this new kind of car there. It looked really great. So I bought one. It was EXPENSIVE! Anyway, it was delivered to my home by a trailer. That was freaking awesome! So I went to show it to my friends. The thing wasn't working right. Would you believe the radio was missing?

    I paid extra for an all leather interior. Just the driver's side had full leather. The passenger side had leather but only on the back to the seat, not the part you actually sit on. Anyway, I asked the guy who sold it to me. He said the all leather interior isn't done yet. He said they were having some unspecified issues that they were getting worked out. But, they're trying to fix the some problems with the engine first. I'm not sure why the mechanics are needed to fix the seats, but that's what they say so it must be true. And they're going to let me know when I can bring the car in for replacement seats.

    Anyway, I see a bunch of other people on the car company's forums, they're all angry because they didn't get their all leather interiors either. Some of them are wondering why the stock vinyl isn't good enough and calling everyone TRIBBLE for paying extra for leather. Infact, they say "you paid for a car, you got a car. Enjoy it and stop whining."

    Anyway, yeah, the point is, you should just be patient. They'll get that all leather interior to you eventually. Some day.

    (this concludes today's sarcasm)

    Which car is it? LOL
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Marosona wrote: »
    Which car is it? LOL

    It runs on the secret evil plots of kitty cats everywhere. That and unicorn farts.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Unfortunately, it seems there are many here who would support those assertions made seriously.

    Unfortunately there are people who think that when you pay for something, you don't get it, and then you complain, that the complaining is a sign of an "entitlement issue". Sure, it's an entitlement issue. An issue where you purchased something and therefore are legally entitled to it. But noooooo.

    How did the Romans put it?

    "Caveat Emptor" I believe? Not sure if I even spelled that right. It means "Buyer Beware".

    Yeaaaaah... That's not how modern society rolls... If someone takes your money in exchange for something and does not give you that something, it's not the buyer's fault. FFS, what is this? A return to Feudal Europe?

    You know what I think it is? I think this is going on in their heads internally:
    Dammit! I hate these people who go around flaunting the money they have. They spend too much and then take every opportunity to rub everyone's noses in it. If it's not by wearing the uniform they paid extra for, it's by complaining that they can't wear the uniform they paid extra for. Freaking showboaters think that having money makes you special. Well it DOESN'T! Poor people are people too! *sniff*
    Dammit! I hate these people who go around flaunting the money they have. They spend too much and then take every opportunity to rub everyone's noses in it. If it's not by wearing the uniform they paid extra for, it's by complaining that they can't wear the uniform they paid extra for. Freaking showboaters think that having money makes you special. Well it DOESN'T! Poor people are people too! *sniff*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I doubt anyone is upset that you want the costumes to work. However, posting every few hours "Is it done yet?" "Is it done yet?" "Is it done yet?" "Rarg, I can't believe it isn't done yet!" isn't going to get your uniforms any faster. Neither will posting constant demands for updates. I don't know what the bug is, you don't know what it is either. And having Steve from the art team come in and post would be a complete waste of time. I somehow doubt that any of you would be satisfied with "We've got a bug. We're not sure why the skirts aren't working. We tried a few fixes, but they didn't fix it."

    It's fine that you want your uniforms. But calling this fraud and theft and gods know what else is just too much. It's a bug, MMOs have them. They're working on it. You're blowing it out of proportion.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    is it done yet ?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Actually, the promises were pretty clear, and very specific. I would PREFER to get what I paid for. If they cannot, or will not deliver, then they owe me money.


    I won't quit over something like this because I still very much enjoy the game. But the quoted post pretty much sums up the point. I paid extra for the DDE, SPECIFICALLY for the complete TOS uniforms, skirts and all, for my captain AND my BO's, was promised we'd have them on the 2nd when the game went live, were major selling points of that particular edition, and now a week later are still not fully in game.

    Compensation of some kind would be nice, even if they do "eventually" get them put in. Especially considering the /powerhue "bug" was fixed a couple days after the game went live, and those threads got far more response from Cryptic as to info/ETA.


    /rant off
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Aris wrote:
    I doubt anyone is upset that you want the costumes to work. However, posting every few hours "Is it done yet?" "Is it done yet?" "Is it done yet?" "Rarg, I can't believe it isn't done yet!" isn't going to get your uniforms any faster. Neither will posting constant demands for updates. I don't know what the bug is, you don't know what it is either. And having Steve from the art team come in and post would be a complete waste of time. I somehow doubt that any of you would be satisfied with "We've got a bug. We're not sure why the skirts aren't working. We tried a few fixes, but they didn't fix it."

    It's fine that you want your uniforms. But calling this fraud and theft and gods know what else is just too much. It's a bug, MMOs have them. They're working on it. You're blowing it out of proportion.

    I do not see asking an update after a week of silence being the least bit unreasonable. It's not like we're talking about a day or so.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Update: It still isn't working. You'll know when it is, because they'll patch it into the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Aris wrote:
    Update: It still isn't working. You'll know when it is, because they'll patch it into the game.

    We'd like to know why though. Is it a bug? Have they tried fixes that just aren't working? Are they completely redoing all the leg textures and that's why it's taking so long?

    Or is it just a low priority thing that was never added into the game that they aren't even actively working on yet.

    It's really the difference of expecting a fix in the next patch, 2 weeks from now, or in the next content update a month from now. We just want to know what the deal is, and I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a bit of transparency on the issue.

    What's in it for them to keep that info from us?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Aris wrote:
    I doubt anyone is upset that you want the costumes to work. .
    Oh I'm very upset.
    You see, as a customer, I expect to get what I payed extra for.
    If you are fine with being screwed over, fine that your thing and expect to be run over by other companies in the future with that attitude. If you don't get upset and threaten with action, they will just continue to do so.
    So we have every right to be upset and people should be upset.
    I somehow doubt that any of you would be satisfied with "We've got a bug. We're not sure why the skirts aren't working. We tried a few fixes, but they didn't fix it."
    It's fine that you want your uniforms. But calling this fraud and theft and gods know what else is just too much. It's a bug, MMOs have them. They're working on it. You're blowing it out of proportion
    Satisfied ? not really but it would be sure as hell be better then silence we are getting now.
    You see, keeping your customer up to date with current issues is a way to generate trust with your customers. The more you communicate, the more trust you develop and not only that, you ease people's worries.
    Silence creates distrust and makes customers upset especially when money is involved.
    So people saying that they feel cheated, conned, robbed over this is totally understandable since right now it very much feel like they took our money and ran off without giving us the items we payed for.
    Simply staying put and telling yourself that they will no doubt come back any time soon is a dangarous way of thinking.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Aris wrote:
    I doubt anyone is upset that you want the costumes to work. However, posting every few hours "Is it done yet?" "Is it done yet?" "Is it done yet?" "Rarg, I can't believe it isn't done yet!" isn't going to get your uniforms any faster.

    A hundred people saying something in one hour (I know it's a gross exageration, but it's a round number, Ilike round numbers)... A hundred people saying something in one hour is not the same as one person saying the same thing a hundred times in one hour.
    Aris wrote:
    I somehow doubt that any of you would be satisfied with "We've got a bug. We're not sure why the skirts aren't working. We tried a few fixes, but they didn't fix it."

    Except that's not what they said. They've said "We are aware of the issue. We will inform you when there is a fix." That's a lot different than "We tried a few fixes, but they didn't fix it." A lot different. The difference is between "It'll be fixed when it's fixed" and "We've already tried fixing it". Of course I would be even mroe upset if they'd tried to fix it already and it didn't fix... That... would be gross incompetence. I refuse to believe that Cryptic is incompetent. Bumbling sure, but not incompetent. Overworked? Definitely. But all the excuses in the world won't amount to much if we twiddle our thumbs. If there is not a constant voice in their ear, they might figure it's less important to us than it really is.

    People spent money on something. People did not get that something. Therefore, it must be complained about. If one does not complain about it, then in the event that it needs to go to trial (I really don't want it to, but this much is true)... IF it were go to go trial and the people trying to force Cryptic to reimburse them in a class action were to never have complained or voiced their complaint very vocally, it destroys their (our) credibility in the court.

    I'm not saying that because I want to go to court. I don't. I really really don't. I want to avoid that if at all possible. I will ask for a refund long before I even think about making the threat. But the point stands: if we do not complain, we lose credibility. Not just with a court that hasn't become involved yet, but with Cryptic as well.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I will endeavor not to spam this thread, but I would indeed like to be able to put my bridge crew in TOS uniforms - including miniskirts.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Aris wrote:
    Update: It still isn't working. You'll know when it is, because they'll patch it into the game.

    Don't be foolish. Of course we mean an actual ETA. We paid money for it. Not an unreasonable thing to expect.
This discussion has been closed.