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Tour the Universe cooldown change -- 4 hour cooldown added *now in patch notes*



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    saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,401 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    cha0s1428 wrote: »
    Take the Mirror Incursion then. What kind of skill does that take? Q up, FAW/CSV everything inside of 5 minutes, warp out, repeat. Most people don't even stick around to finish it either. .
    Oh Q, the Mirror Incursion event...

    Zero countdown (hey, devs, it has zero countdown and people farm it to death, nerf it too, pretty, please!), zero strategy and as easy as violating the Prime Directive.
    Everytime, I'm the only idiot trying to do the optional objective that gives nothing, and now, I mostly do it to (try) to annoy others by having a compromised satellite drag a group away so they have to pursue them instead of letting them come to get destroyed, which nearly never happens due to Leeroy Jenkinism .
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    mindmagemindmage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    got that risan corvette yet?

    besides you weren't going to use it in the tour of the universe anyway...:P

    I got the Risian corvette on July 22nd. ran 'flying high' once a day for 25 days. I also only did it on one of my six toons.
    Playing since launch in 2010.
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    kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Oh Q, the Mirror Incursion event...

    Please don't give them any ideas
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    sneyepersneyeper Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    kblargh wrote: »
    Please don't give them any ideas

    Don't worry. If it took the devs 2 years to decide Tour was an exploit and simply add a timer to it, I can only imagine how many more years it will take to change any other daily.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    sneyeper wrote: »
    Don't worry. If it took the devs 2 years to decide Tour was an exploit and simply add a timer to it, I can only imagine how many more years it will take to change any other daily.

    Yeah no kidding, Cryptic: " Now players we can't have you all going around an making a few million EC's a day, so you can over exceed that 10million cap now can we? " Hmmm guess some of those keys, items and ships on the exchange are going to sit idle for awhile longer.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I just worry they might take that as a challenge. Or worse - constructive criticism.
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    el1mel1m Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yeah no kidding, Cryptic: " Now players we can't have you all going around an making a few million EC's a day, so you can over exceed that 10million cap now can we? " Hmmm guess some of those keys, items and ships on the exchange are going to sit idle for awhile longer.

    Exactly the market is going to stagnate now!
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    mashiaimashiai Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The only way to curb inflation, is to set a maximum amount you can sell items for based on it's actual value. As it stands right now with no limitations on pricing it simply boils down to the same old greed factor.
    That's not really true. If you're artificially injecting money into the economy you'll drive up the costs for goods. As people know that there's a surplus within the economy, there's no lack to ensure their goods sell in a timely fashion. Natural inflation is based on supply, demand, and the amount of currency that's earned/created from player to player. With the Tour, they were allowing currency to be injected by making it easy to gain large sums of EC.

    It's not much different than pumping currency into the market. "Plain old greed" is what drives the maximum price for an item, and in turn what the market can bare.
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    devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited August 2013
    mashiai wrote: »
    That's not really true. If you're artificially injecting money into the economy you'll drive up the costs for goods. As people know that there's a surplus within the economy, there's no lack to ensure their goods sell in a timely fashion. Natural inflation is based on supply, demand, and the amount of currency that's earned/created from player to player. With the Tour, they were allowing currency to be injected by making it easy to gain large sums of EC.

    It's not much different than pumping currency into the market. "Plain old greed" is what drives the maximum price for an item, and in turn what the market can bare.

    Quite correct. Something I've been looking for is the currency sinks in this game. There aren't really that many. There are commodities which do get used up via the rep system and consumables but those are rather minor expenses. There are plenty of space rich players which large volumes of currency or assets.

    Tour has been adding rather a lot of ec into the game and the earnings from it are disproportionate from other activities in the game. Cryptic do seem to have a consistent theme of earnings (of whatever currency) per average time spent on the activity. Tour was broken by that comparison.

    It will be nice to see prices settle down over time (except for on going market antics).
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    scififan78scififan78 Member Posts: 1,383 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It'd be nice if they just removed the event altogether and just make it a daily mission.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    devian666 wrote: »
    Quite correct. Something I've been looking for is the currency sinks in this game. There aren't really that many. There are commodities which do get used up via the rep system and consumables but those are rather minor expenses. There are plenty of space rich players which large volumes of currency or assets.

    Tour has been adding rather a lot of ec into the game and the earnings from it are disproportionate from other activities in the game. Cryptic do seem to have a consistent theme of earnings (of whatever currency) per average time spent on the activity. Tour was broken by that comparison.

    It will be nice to see prices settle down over time (except for on going market antics).

    What was so disproportionate about it? What you made a million or two in a hour? Only for it not to come around until if we were lucky another 4-16hrs!!! So based on that your maximum earnings would break down to at best just under 700k per hour. That's calculating 2million each hour of tour at a 4hr window for the next available, totaling 6hr total to achieve 4million ec's. Hell I myself made only 1.5-1.75million per hour making my total earnings given in the above example to be just under 600k per hour. If the tour takes even longer to come around than those numbers drop so badly that even foundry and sector patrols make them seem better payouts per hour.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    el1mel1m Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    What was so disproportionate about it? What you made a million or two in a hour? Only for it not to come around until if we were lucky another 4-16hrs!!! So based on that your maximum earnings would break down to at best just under 700k per hour. That's calculating 2million each hour of tour at a 4hr window for the next available, totaling 6hr total to achieve 4million ec's. Hell I myself made only 1.5-1.75million per hour making my total earnings given in the above example to be just under 600k per hour. If the tour takes even longer to come around than those numbers drop so badly that even foundry and sector patrols make them seem better payouts per hour.

    It was fine the way it was it did not need changing, the most you could make from it was 3.2 million a day and that is if you wanted to put a whole hour into it!
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    topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    el1m wrote: »
    It was fine the way it was it did not need changing, the most you could make from it was 3.2 million a day and that is if you wanted to put a whole hour into it!

    DAMN YOU! I thought this thread had finally died *sigh*

    It's going to be back on the front page again now, blerg.
    Kirk's Protege.
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    sneyepersneyeper Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    topset wrote: »
    DAMN YOU! I thought this thread had finally died *sigh*

    It's going to be back on the front page again now, blerg.

    It should be until something gets changed. A 4 hour cd for a 1 hour event is .... stupid.
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    blevokblevok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    indeed, this issue isn't going to go away until the cooldown is reduced or logically explained by a dev.
    Fleet: Stargate-Union
    Pizza: Pepperoni
    Kalek shel'tek!

    "Do not make me look foolish by allowing yourself to be murdered" -Lord Yu
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    kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Better be ready to keep it going for about a year or so, then, maybe.

    Also help if the thread could spit fire.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    kblargh wrote: »
    Better be ready to keep it going for about a year or so, then, maybe.

    Also help if the thread could spit fire.

    Yep their logic behind limiting an event which in terms doesn't really payout much in a 24hr span makes absolutely no sense.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Finally got forum access back after PWs CSR fixed their glitch with my ISP. :P

    Anyhow, I've been disappointed with Cryptic nerfing the Tour the Galaxy race like it did. Honestly, it perplexes me that they took this action now, when they been fine with it since F2P went live, over a year and a half ago. Especially in the first couple of months, when Tour the Galaxy was ran every 4 hours. So it's perplexing why they took action now.

    While most people ran the Tour the Galaxy race for the EC and unfortunately some individuals abused that, there are some people who ran it to earn Exploration and other hard-to-come DOFF experience. And ironically, Exploration is still the weakest of all STO's Commendations. So I think the Dev Team did another of their overnerfing or knee-jerk nerfing.

    Right now, there is no real purpose to do the event more than once now. And I can bet since they changed the race, participation has dropped significantly, maybe event to the point it's not worth having around anymore.

    So what they could've done instead? How about:

    1) A grand purse at the end, instead of cashing per sector block.
    2) No cash reward or reduced cash reward with the exploited sectors.

    And I'm sure there are many other ideas that would've been more fitting.

    But did this action stop the EC Farmers? No, because smart farmers have other characters at the ready and do more farming, until they exhausted their character roster, before the hour is up.

    Is this going to stop the STO EC inflation? No, because there is more EC sources that is just as good. Then there is the overflooded market on the Exchange. Because of ease of earning Very Rare Items, prices are so cheap you can fully equip a new admiral to end-game gear very inexpensively.

    So if this is Cryptic's idea to start balancing the economy, they are missing plenty of gaps. In the mean time they shot their feet in nerfing another event, to the point "why bother". So Devs, you need a new plan.
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    bradchristopher1bradchristopher1 Member Posts: 307
    edited August 2013
    sneyeper wrote: »
    It should be until something gets changed. A 4 hour cd for a 1 hour event is .... stupid.

    my thoughts exactly. No dev has yet stepped forward to anwser why a 1 hour tour run every 15 hours needs a 4 hour cooldown.:rolleyes:
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    tinnytimpstinnytimps Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Im just curious as to why the cooldown was added to the tour, please inform me below :)
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    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,426 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    my thoughts exactly. No dev has yet stepped forward to anwser why a 1 hour tour run every 15 hours needs a 4 hour cooldown.:rolleyes:

    Seems easy enough. They want people to run it only once during the event.

    It also levels the field between regular players and deep pocket players. With a Vesta you could run it 4x across the universe while with a borg/maco set you could run it only twice.

    In the end they want to curb the ever increasing inflation due to increased options to make EC. The 4-hour cooldown is no different than the limit on dropped items.

    Overall the tour is still a nice EC pot for levelling players. The real cash is in certain mission rewards and STF anyway.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    questerius wrote: »
    Seems easy enough. They want people to run it only once during the event.

    It also levels the field between regular players and deep pocket players. With a Vesta you could run it 4x across the universe while with a borg/maco set you could run it only twice.

    In the end they want to curb the ever increasing inflation due to increased options to make EC. The 4-hour cooldown is no different than the limit on dropped items.

    Overall the tour is still a nice EC pot for levelling players. The real cash is in certain mission rewards and STF anyway.

    A 4 hour cd is TRIBBLE, the best I have seen was 2 events within 4 hours of each other only for the next to come around in 18 hours. So let's break them down shall we?
    Let's say as an example someone could possibly make 3 million the old way in 1 hour!!!
    At that rate given the next event happens in 4 hours from the last, this example would have made 6 million in 6 hours. Now the next event is in 18 hours from the last making a total of 9 million in 25 hours (25 hours after 3rd tour is run).
    Now 9 million/25 hours=360k per hour!!!
    So where was this a problem? You make this same amount doing various other means in game, and they consider the tour to be overpaying!!!
    Seems to me it's more of a limitation to players by Cryptic, and not a fix like so many people believe. After all we can't have player's actually making enough EC's to surpass the 10 million cap they bought, or actually having fun by having a sense of accomplishment in earning play money. Oh no heaven forbid right? That you could earn play money and a lot of it, I mean it's not like they need limit you on how much dilithium you can earn right? Oh wait they did that once already, only to change it later!!!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    latinumbarlatinumbar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Seems to me it's more of a limitation to players by Cryptic, and not a fix like so many people believe. After all we can't have player's actually making enough EC's to surpass the 10 million cap they bought, or actually having fun by having a sense of accomplishment in earning play money. Oh no heaven forbid right? That you could earn play money and a lot of it, I mean it's not like they need limit you on how much dilithium you can earn right? Oh wait they did that once already, only to change it later!!!

    First of all, you cannot compare limiting EC to limiting dilithium. Two completely different things. Diltihium has a direct conversion into Zen via the exchange, and thus, a direct link to real money. EC has no direct conversion. Sure, you can buy contraband to convert to diltihium to convert to Zen, but that is cumbersome at best, and it only converts it to ore which is still subject to the refinement cap.

    Secondly, do you really believe there should be NO limit on earning EC whatsoever? Because, I think it would be really 'fun' to just get free EC without limit. Heck, we should get 10 million EC at each promotion. Why not? I think I earned it by leveling 10 levels. And then when inflation on the exchange goes sky high, they can up it to 50 million each promotion. That would be 'fun'.

    Seriously, though, they saw a need to curb inflation. This is how they are fixing it. If this isn't enough, you can expect more nerfs to come. That just the way MMO economies work.
    Come join the 44th Fleet.
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    bradchristopher1bradchristopher1 Member Posts: 307
    edited August 2013
    latinumbar wrote: »
    First of all, you cannot compare limiting EC to limiting dilithium. Two completely different things. Diltihium has a direct conversion into Zen via the exchange, and thus, a direct link to real money. EC has no direct conversion. Sure, you can buy contraband to convert to diltihium to convert to Zen, but that is cumbersome at best, and it only converts it to ore which is still subject to the refinement cap.

    Secondly, do you really believe there should be NO limit on earning EC whatsoever? Because, I think it would be really 'fun' to just get free EC without limit. Heck, we should get 10 million EC at each promotion. Why not? I think I earned it by leveling 10 levels. And then when inflation on the exchange goes sky high, they can up it to 50 million each promotion. That would be 'fun'.

    Seriously, though, they saw a need to curb inflation. This is how they are fixing it. If this isn't enough, you can expect more nerfs to come. That just the way MMO economies work.

    by your reasoning, excess ec is causing prices to rise, i beg to differ. the lack of ec is causing greedy sellers to hold out for higher prices. i have not seen prices falling. and we wont be buying zen at these prices either.:mad:
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    xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    by your reasoning, excess ec is causing prices to rise, i beg to differ. the lack of ec is causing greedy sellers to hold out for higher prices. i have not seen prices falling. and we wont be buying zen at these prices either.:mad:

    Market manipulators have repeatedly said they'd rather store their stuff than sell for less. Far as I've seen prices have risen not fallen since Tour nerf.
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    latinumbarlatinumbar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    by your reasoning, excess ec is causing prices to rise, i beg to differ. the lack of ec is causing greedy sellers to hold out for higher prices. i have not seen prices falling. and we wont be buying zen at these prices either.:mad:

    That's not how economies work, real or in an MMO. By definition, 'inflation' is the increase in supply of money (or in STO, energy credits). Look it up if you don't believe me. Sellers will ALWAYS sell to the highest price the market can bear. But those high prices are dependent on enough EC being available in the economy. Sellers cannot simply sell at what they 'want'. They may desperately WANT to sell something for 15 million, but that doesn't mean someone is willing to pay it, no matter how long they try and 'hold out' as you put it. If there is less EC in the overall economy, the high prices cannot continue to be supported.

    And the effect of this on the prices on the exchange will take months to manifest. I wouldn't expect to see prices falling yet. In fact, the magnitude of this change may only SLOW the INCREASE of prices on the exchange. If you really want to see decrease in prices, you would need to actually remove EC from the economy at a higher rate than the rate at which it's created. The only EC sinks in the game are starbase projects that require commodities. Unless more sinks are added, prices on the exchange will only rise less quickly.
    Come join the 44th Fleet.
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    macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited August 2013
    Bah ... there is still Ker'rat and Fed minefield. 4 pieces of purple if you are good with DPS on Klink side. If you land a disruptor induction coil ... that's 3-4 million ... as of a month ago. More than enough credits to feed your needs.

    Obviously you will need to run it a bunch of times ... but you get Dilithium ... and some of the other purples also fetch a decent price (like turrets).
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    latinumbar wrote: »
    That's not how economies work, real or in an MMO. By definition, 'inflation' is the increase in supply of money (or in STO, energy credits). Look it up if you don't believe me. Sellers will ALWAYS sell to the highest price the market can bear. But those high prices are dependent on enough EC being available in the economy. Sellers cannot simply sell at what they 'want'. They may desperately WANT to sell something for 15 million, but that doesn't mean someone is willing to pay it, no matter how long they try and 'hold out' as you put it. If there is less EC in the overall economy, the high prices cannot continue to be supported.

    And the effect of this on the prices on the exchange will take months to manifest. I wouldn't expect to see prices falling yet. In fact, the magnitude of this change may only SLOW the INCREASE of prices on the exchange. If you really want to see decrease in prices, you would need to actually remove EC from the economy at a higher rate than the rate at which it's created. The only EC sinks in the game are starbase projects that require commodities. Unless more sinks are added, prices on the exchange will only rise less quickly.

    So again where is the logic in nerfing PLAY money? If it doesn't impact the dilithium or zen economy like a prior statement, than what difference does it make to be able to earn a few million in a short amount of time, but in reality of a 24 hour span isn't really all that much!!! So what if an item costs 15 million, if you can make a decent amount of EC's in a given day with the help of the tour, than the prices are not to be worried about. You can only have so many EC's to the point they are pretty well useless, but now we got to have funny money income nerfs because heaven forbid something is expensive by some peoples measure, while to others it's affordable. Tell you what let's nerf income on EC's so bad that that mkxii VR item can sell for 100k on the exchange, but the kicker is you are limited to 10 EC's per hour how does that sound, or should we go back to 150 million, with the ability to make 350k per hour? Nerfing play money does nothing, because prices will simply change to meet the same differential between what you can make in an hour, and what someone thinks is profitable based on those figures. No matter how you try to control the game economy, it will simply change to fit the changes done by the dev's. Less money being made means slight decrease in prices on exchange, but not enough to think you are going to get that item any sooner now than you would before.

    Oh and if that's how you view inflation and how an economy works, just look at all the money there is available vs how much is taken and never put back into the economy by the rich!!! I mean take the big oil companies, heaven forbid their profits have to suffer by a small amount just to provide you with cheaper fuel right. I mean a company making let's say 4 billion in profits one year, can't get by on making 3-3.5 next year huh? Heaven forbid!!!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    latinumbarlatinumbar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So again where is the logic in nerfing PLAY money?
    Even with play money, there still needs to be a stable economy in order for everyone to have fun. Runaway inflation hurts everyone, and especially the new players.
    Oh and if that's how you view inflation and how an economy works, just look at all the money there is available vs how much is taken and never put back into the economy by the rich!!! I mean take the big oil companies, heaven forbid their profits have to suffer by a small amount just to provide you with cheaper fuel right. I mean a company making let's say 4 billion in profits one year, can't get by on making 3-3.5 next year huh? Heaven forbid!!!
    What does this have to do with STO? And what does a private business have to do with the economy? Oh wait, they employ people and give them jobs. :rolleyes: This is basically a political debate which has no place here on the forums.
    Come join the 44th Fleet.
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    thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Oh and if that's how you view inflation and how an economy works, just look at all the money there is available vs how much is taken and never put back into the economy by the rich!!! I mean take the big oil companies, heaven forbid their profits have to suffer by a small amount just to provide you with cheaper fuel right. I mean a company making let's say 4 billion in profits one year, can't get by on making 3-3.5 next year huh? Heaven forbid!!!
    Dude, stop blaming the world for your situation. You want to know why an oil company needs to make 4 billion over 3.5? Go look in the mirror.

    Corporations are beholden to their stockholders. If you have a 401k or investment portfolio you might own some oil company stock yourself and not even know it. When you invest in your retirement accounts you're expecting them to grow and make money for you over the coming years. That 3-15% yearly return doesn't get there by magic. It gets there because the companies you've invested in have made money - and generally the higher your return the more money they made.

    People invest to make the most money they can. A corporation understands that if it doesn't make them enough money those people will sell the stock and move on to something else that will. Investors have no inherent loyalty to a corporation. They're in it for the money too.

    So I'll say it again, if you're ticked-off by a corporation then go and look in the mirror. Go and look in your neighbors' faces. You're the ones driving that need for the corporation to make as much money as it can. It's not just some old guy puffing away on a cigar that wants more. We all do.

    And none of that has anything to do with inflation. Hoarding money doesn't cause inflation. It causes recession. :)
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
This discussion has been closed.