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Tour the Universe cooldown change -- 4 hour cooldown added *now in patch notes*



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    khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Tour the Galaxy: Some mission timers were set to start on completion of a mission rather on start, they are all set to start on completion of the mission.

    so dose this mean we can do a full hours tour or not as its not very clear :P

    The sentence doesn't make any grammatical sense and the Devs don't seem interested in clearing up the confusion, so for just now it means bugger all.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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    sneyepersneyeper Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It means that the 4 hour cooldown period now will start at the end of the mission, whereas currenty they start at the beginning of the mission, thus a 20 min race resulted in a 3 hr 40 minute cooldown remaining....now the 4 hour countdown begins at the end of the mission when you complete it....making it that much longer.

    Sounded like that, but I ran the event on Tribble and there was no change.
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    decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    its possible that could also have been something that they were trying fix as a well.

    Perhaps the intent was that it only be run once . Possible reasons for that would be

    1 it makes sense since they pay per sector .

    2 they may only want people to be able to make X EC total in that event .

    3 It also falls in line with other events take the mining event you can only do that once they may be trying to do the same thing with the t tour .

    If you're not going to run the tour simply because you cant exploit it and make an amount you feel is acceptable that's you choice

    You can't really compare it to the mining event as you can do the mining at other times too. It is a permanent feature. Tour the universe can only be done at the time the event is running. A bit like how the Defari invasion zone used to work.
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    crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    "Make players grind until their eyes bleed or make them pay through the urethra. We don't care how you milk them dry, just make sure that milking them dry until their nipples petrify and fall off is your only goal. Don't deviate from this goal unless you'd rather be on the bread line." - Prime Directive from PWE

    "Ohh my gosh its full of EXPLOITs...shut it down"

    Please pass along the feedback and thanks for making this game more unplayable:mad::mad::mad:

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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    decronia wrote: »
    I think that they did this to stop the "savers". These are people who pick up the event and wait until the next one after ths cooldown is out so that they can do it twice. You can do this with quite a few things, and make it so you only have to grind every couple of days allowing you to play on the in between times.

    Savers, how can you save the tour? You pick it up 4hr timer starts, event ends you lose the mission, next event comes around like 6-12hrs later you pic it up new 4hr timer starts an endless un-needed cycle.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    its possible that could also have been something that they were trying fix as a well.

    Perhaps the intent was that it only be run once . Possible reasons for that would be

    1 it makes sense since they pay per sector .

    2 they may only want people to be able to make X EC total in that event .

    3 It also falls in line with other events take the mining event you can only do that once they may be trying to do the same thing with the t tour .

    If you're not going to run the tour simply because you cant exploit it and make an amount you feel is acceptable that's you choice

    #2 is what is actually the reason, after all we can't have people making more EC's now can we? Dumb joke there.
    It's kinda like IMO playing monopoly or the game of life, where the game is to make as much play money as possible while having fun and a sense of accomplishment only for someone like (Cryptic) to come along and say "Sorry but you are having too much fun making that play money, we have to raid in on your parade and cut your earnings by 5-10X what you were making" now how much fun do you think the game will provide you? I think the most I have ever had at one time was 10million on this game even though I have the EC cap increase, and that 10million went towards my fleet and some gear from the exchange, so what if it cost me all 10million it's only monopoly money and it went to a good cause. If someone wants millions for some very rare item it's in their right to ask for it, as to if it sells well that is a different story, but like all MMO's the devs simply reign in on player's making that millions by killing ways to make it. They really accomplished one thing and one thing only, and that is pissing a lot of player's off from having fun making monopoly money is all!!!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    #2 is what is actually the reason, after all we can't have people making more EC's now can we? Dumb joke there.
    It's kinda like IMO playing monopoly or the game of life, where the game is to make as much play money as possible while having fun and a sense of accomplishment only for someone like (Cryptic) to come along and say "Sorry but you are having too much fun making that play money, we have to raid in on your parade and cut your earnings by 5-10X what you were making" now how much fun do you think the game will provide you? I think the most I have ever had at one time was 10million on this game even though I have the EC cap increase, and that 10million went towards my fleet and some gear from the exchange, so what if it cost me all 10million it's only monopoly money and it went to a good cause. If someone wants millions for some very rare item it's in their right to ask for it, as to if it sells well that is a different story, but like all MMO's the devs simply reign in on player's making that millions by killing ways to make it. They really accomplished one thing and one thing only, and that is pissing a lot of player's off from having fun making monopoly money is all!!!

    Bad analogies, incomprehension of basic economics and incoherent rambling all in one.

    *checks* Yep, I'm on the internet.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    elessym wrote: »
    Bad analogies, incomprehension of basic economics and incoherent rambling all in one.

    *checks* Yep, I'm on the internet.

    Jackass comment, no need for this post, completely a troll, needs to add something of value to forum.

    *checks* Yep, you are a poor member of society.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    latinumbarlatinumbar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Savers, how can you save the tour? You pick it up 4hr timer starts, event ends you lose the mission, next event comes around like 6-12hrs later you pic it up new 4hr timer starts an endless un-needed cycle.

    Most other 'daily' missions, you can 'save' it for later because the timer starts when you pick up the mission, not when you finish. For example, the Explore Strange New Worlds daily is like this. You can pick it today, and not run it until tomorrow. When you run it tomorrow, you can run it again immediately after you finish because the timer has already counted down (basically running it twice). But with the Tour, the countdown starts when you finish, so there is no 'saving'.
    #2 is what is actually the reason, after all we can't have people making more EC's now can we? Dumb joke there.
    It's kinda like IMO playing monopoly or the game of life, where the game is to make as much play money as possible while having fun and a sense of accomplishment only for someone like (Cryptic) to come along and say "Sorry but you are having too much fun making that play money, we have to raid in on your parade and cut your earnings by 5-10X what you were making" now how much fun do you think the game will provide you? I think the most I have ever had at one time was 10million on this game even though I have the EC cap increase, and that 10million went towards my fleet and some gear from the exchange, so what if it cost me all 10million it's only monopoly money and it went to a good cause. If someone wants millions for some very rare item it's in their right to ask for it, as to if it sells well that is a different story, but like all MMO's the devs simply reign in on player's making that millions by killing ways to make it. They really accomplished one thing and one thing only, and that is pissing a lot of player's off from having fun making monopoly money is all!!!

    The economics of Monopoly doesn't apply to the economics of STO. The differences between the 2 are just too great to address here. But why does everyone assume that the motive behind any changes made to STO is to reduce your 'fun'?? That just makes no sense. Purposefully changing something in a GAME, just to make it LESS FUN will only drive players away, and is bad for business. So no, sorry, I don't buy the "it was nerfed because it was too fun" argument. I think it would be fun to one-shot a borg tactical cube. Does that mean the devs hate me because they won't give me a weapon that does that? I think it would be fun to earn 10,000 dilithium in 5 minutes. Does it mean the devs hate me because they don't provide a way for me to do that?
    Come join the 44th Fleet.
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    saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,401 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    While they were nerfing it, they also forgot to fix the reward of your first full tour... once again.

    You know, the special trait you'll never know what it does (it reduces the transwarp countdown by I don't know how much) and the "Well Travelled" accolade you'll never see because they appear nowhere and because the accolade list is a real mess.

    And of course, they forgot/didn't care to adapt it by adding the blocks of the Tau Dewa Sector as completion requirements.
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    kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It's because they hate you
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    latinumbar wrote: »
    I think it would be fun to one-shot a borg tactical cube.
    "Fun" fact: that used to be possible. Back when Tric Mines had a 1M cd you could use dispersal pattern beta to dump 4 on top of a Cube, if it's facing shields were down when you did this sometimes it'd simply explode... :D

    I don't really need to tell you why it no longer does this....
    My character Tsin'xing
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    latinumbarlatinumbar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    "Fun" fact: that used to be possible. Back when Tric Mines had a 1M cd you could use dispersal pattern beta to dump 4 on top of a Cube, if it's facing shields were down when you did this sometimes it'd simply explode... :D

    I don't really need to tell you why it no longer does this....

    LOL. I had forgotten about that.
    Come join the 44th Fleet.
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    mntlrptrsmntlrptrs Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    If you're not going to run the tour simply because you cant exploit it and make an amount you feel is acceptable that's you choice

    Tell me, how's scraping a mere 1.5M being an exploit? I'm certainly not getting "rich" of it, which I tried to explain. Was my syntaxis that bad?

    I'm getting sick of this term being used as some lame excuse to sabotage things that seemed to work well with anyone, and apparently worked even better for a few others.

    What's next: prohibiting the use of tactical consoles altogether because some people are getting too much DPS out of it?

    The only circular issues here IMO are haphazard "fixes" which don't really serve a clear purpose but instead basically throw a big monkey wrench in the general gameplay as we all knew it.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    latinumbar wrote: »
    Most other 'daily' missions, you can 'save' it for later because the timer starts when you pick up the mission, not when you finish. For example, the Explore Strange New Worlds daily is like this. You can pick it today, and not run it until tomorrow. When you run it tomorrow, you can run it again immediately after you finish because the timer has already counted down (basically running it twice). But with the Tour, the countdown starts when you finish, so there is no 'saving'.

    The economics of Monopoly doesn't apply to the economics of STO. The differences between the 2 are just too great to address here. But why does everyone assume that the motive behind any changes made to STO is to reduce your 'fun'?? That just makes no sense. Purposefully changing something in a GAME, just to make it LESS FUN will only drive players away, and is bad for business. So no, sorry, I don't buy the "it was nerfed because it was too fun" argument. I think it would be fun to one-shot a borg tactical cube. Does that mean the devs hate me because they won't give me a weapon that does that? I think it would be fun to earn 10,000 dilithium in 5 minutes. Does it mean the devs hate me because they don't provide a way for me to do that?

    Is it so hard to believe that they can nerf people's fun on a game, it's a battle between how much they can get away with before obtaining a loss in income. People tend to be addicted to MMO's so game companies can get away with a lot of TRIBBLE if they so chose to, and you wouldn't be the wiser.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    maximgorkiymaximgorkiy Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Very well!!! For receiving the reward, we must komplete the tour in all sector-blocks....

    But the nonsensical 4-hour-cooldown is still there !!!!!!!!! what the f**k ?????

    i hate cryptic.... :(
    MB: MSI MPG X570 GP 2.0
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    aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Tour the Galaxy: Some mission timers were set to start on completion of a mission rather on start, they are all set to start on completion of the mission.

    so dose this mean we can do a full hours tour or not as its not very clear :P


    - Signed : The crew of the U.S.S. Atroxz
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    xblazex#7666 xblazex Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    mntlrptrs wrote: »
    Tell me, how's scraping a mere 1.5M being an exploit? I'm certainly not getting "rich" of it, which I tried to explain. Was my syntaxis that bad

    If you actually read my post have already explained that ......... :(

    if they only want to you to make x amount of ec during the tour and you find a way to make Y then that is an exploit.

    My comment pertained to those who don't think X is worth their time and are upset because cryptic closed the exploit door to making Y

    Its the same as people finding a way to do X amount of damage and Cryptic not wanting you to be able to do that so putting a cooldown so that it prevents you from doing x .

    Anything you "figure out" a way to do something they did not intend to be done and is stopped is not a "nerf" .

    Please don't reply with omg they should have tested it then or omg they let it go for so long . Time is irrelevant when fixing stuff it goes on their timeline not the fixes or timeline the players believe it should be
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    xblazex#7666 xblazex Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Our opinion on what is or isn't an "exploit" isn't relevant. Only the devs get to make that decision. And they are under no obligation to explain themselves or justify their decisions.

    Their game, their rules. If we don't like it we are free to leave

    totaly agree...and Wow the time it took me to figure out what to say you made a post thats is a much simpler and better explanation than mine lol
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    crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Our opinion on what is or isn't an "exploit" isn't relevant. Only the devs get to make that decision. And they are under no obligation to explain themselves or justify their decisions.

    Their game, their rules. If we don't like it we are free to leave.

    If you apply the same logic...the whole game is a darn EXPLOIT.

    We have the freedom to say what's in our minds respectfully and disagree until we go blue in the face if we want to. Condescending to others is not good mannerism.
    ..what is not "relevant" to you Sir might be relevant to others...just saying to each its own....if you want to take all the innuendo and garbage coming from the DEVs and even defend them so be it.
    As for others who have on this game since the start of Beta we just say that if it wasn't an exploit back then...now it is...where is the logic in that...give me a break. Not only is the nerfing that is an issue but how it was rolled out...in secrecy and away from the playerbase eyes....OOPS forgot to include it in patch notes....that in my book is unprofessional and unethical....yet to each its own :D

    "Make players grind until their eyes bleed or make them pay through the urethra. We don't care how you milk them dry, just make sure that milking them dry until their nipples petrify and fall off is your only goal. Don't deviate from this goal unless you'd rather be on the bread line." - Prime Directive from PWE

    "Ohh my gosh its full of EXPLOITs...shut it down"

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    topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This thread is stupidly long.

    Cryptic use the term "Exploit" far too liberally. This needed to be done, it didn't need to be branded an exploit.

    Come out, tell the truth. This was needed to try and curb EC inflation, and stop so much freshly generated EC entering the economy.

    Rejoice people, this is a good thing.

    Stage 1 complete. Stage 2: Introduce some new, better EC sinks.
    Kirk's Protege.
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    sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Tour the Galaxy: Some mission timers were set to start on completion of a mission rather on start, they are all set to start on completion of the mission.

    The sentence doesn't make any grammatical sense and the Devs don't seem interested in clearing up the confusion, so for just now it means bugger all.

    This means that there was a bug in the mechanic for starting the cooldown that was not working correctly. It would sometimes start the cooldown when the mission was completed instead of when it was started.

    If the bug was not starting the cooldown until completion, players could drop it and accept the mission again.
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
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    khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited August 2013
    sirokk wrote: »
    This means that there was a bug in the mechanic for starting the cooldown that was not working correctly. It would sometimes start the cooldown when the mission was completed instead of when it was started.

    If the bug was not starting the cooldown until completion, players could drop it and accept the mission again.

    But the sentence doesn't say that, it finishes by saying that all timers now start on completion... The sentence is grammatically incorrect, which is what I said.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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    sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    But the sentence doesn't say that, it finishes by saying that all timers now start on completion... The sentence is grammatically incorrect, which is what I said.

    Doh! My brain was still wrapped around the cooldown timer...

    Ok... Mission timer. The timer that says you have an hour to complete the Tour. Sometimes it would not start until completion of the mission.

    What are the consequences? Giving players another hour or not canceling itself until an hour after the Tour has already finished?

    EDIT: This still does not make sense. Ok... the Mission timer is supposed to start upon completion... I'm sorry, this still sounds like the cooldown timer.
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
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    khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited August 2013
    sirokk wrote: »
    Doh! My brain was still wrapped around the cooldown timer...

    Ok... Mission timer. The timer that says you have an hour to complete the Tour. Sometimes it would not start until completion of the mission.

    What are the consequences? Giving players another hour or not canceling itself until an hour after the Tour has already finished?

    EDIT: This still does not make sense. Ok... the Mission timer is supposed to start upon completion... I'm sorry, this still sounds like the cooldown timer.

    LMAO this is why I asked for Dev clarification because in game I notice no difference to the behaviour and the sentence is just confusing.
    Like "some foods were ice-cream rather than cake, now all foods are ice-cream"... Erm, huh?
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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    kblarghkblargh Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm starting to wonder what the last post in this thread will be like.
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    breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    blevok wrote: »
    so, in today's patch notes, there's this:

    "Tour the Galaxy: Some mission timers were set to start on completion of a mission rather on start, they are all set to start on completion of the mission."

    what does it mean? its confusing, but maybe thats the point. it seems that its being further modified, but maybe they still dont want us to know exactly how until we see it live... but this time it's not a stealth fix/nerf since there's "something" in the notes.
    ...Wait, if the timer starts on completion, and the "exploit" the timer was supposed to "fix" was short-Touring... doesn't this mean we are now being encouraged to drop the mission before completion? Or was that not the "exploit" being "fixed"?

    When I posted this in the patch notes, I managed the fancy quote box and everything... but anyway, has anyone tried dropping the mission prior to completion yet? The last Tour I saw up on the Event listing was during patch time, and I don't see one on the rotation yet, so we'll see if they seriously did that, lol :D
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
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    mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    topset wrote: »
    This thread is stupidly long.

    Cryptic use the term "Exploit" far too liberally. This needed to be done, it didn't need to be branded an exploit.

    Come out, tell the truth. This was needed to try and curb EC inflation, and stop so much freshly generated EC entering the economy.

    Rejoice people, this is a good thing.

    Stage 1 complete. Stage 2: Introduce some new, better EC sinks.

    Actually this thread is not long enuf.
    Wanna bet this wont stop any supposed EC inflation and wont cut the prices at all, even after many months? And actually i dont see much of an inflation, prices are the same as when the tour was introduced, in fact some are lower, i do remember some mk XII purple consoles been for around 50m and now are down to 20-30m. Lockbox ships were allways in 80-100m range and JHAS in 300-400m range since they were introduced, only getting lower on promotions. As i explained in another posts around the begining of this thread, any inflation in this game is created by players greed, at least on the good stuff, and no economic principle is applyed here.

    And how another dead content is a good thing? Dead as in not played/used anymore. Same thing happened with all the nerfs. When crafting got dil involved, ppl stop crafting. When the upgrinders at the academy started to cost huge amounts of dil ppl stop using them. When the dil was taken out from the STFs, again ppl actually stop doing them ( I remember STF channels been empty) and they started been played again once dil was reintroduced. This exactly will happen (has happened) with the tour and probablly with another nerfs wich will come for sure.

    Hmm, and I wonder how long till your beloved No Win Scenario will be nerfed aswell, and the strategy used will be called an exploit? Since i saw an increase in ppl beating it, so it must be an exploit:rolleyes:
    Also if YOU feel the need for an EC sink, that doesnt mean other players do too. I for once certainly dont, and preaty much the majority of players dont aswell.

    Actually is clear why this nerf was done, now with the launch of the Romulan Temporal Ships. Becouse players could, after doing the tour, to open 2 lockboxes (with the "exploit") or one box with the full tour route, if you look that a key is around 1.4m ECs on the exchange. But even this nerf wont make the Romulan Temporal Ships a success, since no romulan player will give up his cloak and sing core abilities.

    And some ppl state that is a bussiness, ok yes i know that, but this nerfs dont help at all but rather takes away from played content actually and start a dangerous loop. I think round 2 of dil "adjustments" will follow, right after the doff system nerf.

    And why not just look around at some other succesfull mmos and get ideas from there?
    It seems there isnt any problem to get inspiration for ships designs, and dont get my wrong, i loved to see ships insipred from other shows/games, like Andromeda (the Tal Shiar Adapted ships) or Star Craft (Bortasqu). If it ends up in something good why not?
    And to give just one example here, wich i saw in lots of other mmos. Some ppl, PVPers mostly, will be againts, but others will love it. How about some auto-pots in c-store, futurized in a nanite health monitor hypo or something. This will SELL, A LOT.
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    topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    mosul33 wrote: »
    Hmm, and I wonder how long till your beloved No Win Scenario will be nerfed aswell, and the strategy used will be called an exploit? Since i saw an increase in ppl beating it, so it must be an exploit:rolleyes:
    Also if YOU feel the need for an EC sink, that doesnt mean other players do too. I for once certainly dont, and preaty much the majority of players dont aswell.

    No Win Scenario is due some buffing, I completely agree. We've had so much power creep since it was introduced - I'd like to see them making it harder, as it is, it's starting to get the way of STFs. The day I can beat W10 every time, is the day I stop playing.

    That being said, I don't think it'll ever be puggable.
    mosul33 wrote: »
    Wanna bet this wont stop any supposed EC inflation and wont cut the prices at all, even after many months?

    It will if they also add some EC sinks soon. I've already written at-length about the EC generation in this game so I'm not going to repeat it all. It's about a million pages that way <<<<<<<<
    Kirk's Protege.
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    latinumbarlatinumbar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    mosul33 wrote: »
    As i explained in another posts around the begining of this thread, any inflation in this game is created by players greed, at least on the good stuff, and no economic principle is applyed here.
    LOL. Are you really saying that economic prinicples of supply and demand don't apply to STO? It's all just based on greed? ROLF. If what you assert is true, then why don't we just give all new characters a starting base EC of 1 million EC, awarded at level 2. According to you, there is no economic consequence of that since economic principles don't apply to STO. Everyone will have enough EC to buy whatever they want, and everyone will have fun. And if 1 mill isn't enough, just create new toons, transfer the EC, delete and repeat. Then everyone can buy whatever lockbox ship there is.

    LOL. Thanks for the laugh.
    Come join the 44th Fleet.
This discussion has been closed.