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Tour the Universe cooldown change -- 4 hour cooldown added *now in patch notes*



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    robrocks1robrocks1 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I must say Cryptic, your policy of not documenting "exploit" closures in your patch notes really screws you over.

    What is the point in not telling people they can't do something "exploitative" anymore?

    Does it salve your pride to pretend your messed up coding and poorly thought through implementation has gone away quietly?

    All that really happens is a 22 page thread on the forum decrying your stealth nerf.

    Some members of the community hate you, some members hate those members for hating you, all sparked because you want to hide your mistakes.

    Maybe in about 5 years the economy will be rebalanced with a lower ec input (assuming of course another farmable source isn't found) but in the mean time, those without have very little chance of becoming those with.

    I'm ashamed of you Cryptic.
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    thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    There needs to be an MMO Oversight Committee.

    To run an MMO in this country, it would have to be registered by this committee.

    Registration automatically uses the rights to the game as collateral for the licence.

    Fines are administered for unfriendly business practices such as this.

    When the MMO owning company defaults on a fine or accrues too many demerits, ownership goes to the MMO Oversight Committee, lock, stock and barrel.

    Best way to "fix" this genre of games.
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    voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    gstamo01 wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with a 4-hour cooldown IF the event is live 24/7. Meaning, take it off the event rotation.

    Perfect solution right here, or change the reward to 1.5 mil for 1 full run and have it where you can only do 1 full run during the hour the event is on.
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    jsck82jsck82 Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    There needs to be an MMO Oversight Committee.

    To run an MMO in this country, it would have to be registered by this committee.

    Registration automatically uses the rights to the game as collateral for the licence.

    Fines are administered for unfriendly business practices such as this.

    When the MMO owning company defaults on a fine or accrues too many demerits, ownership goes to the MMO Oversight Committee, lock, stock and barrel.

    Best way to "fix" this genre of games.

    That is the WORST idea I have heard in a long time. Hands down, bar none, you win that award. Along with one of, if the not, most ludicrous.
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    timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    While I am not sad to see this exploit closed, I think they need to change one more thing about the mission,

    The game really needs to generate less EC so stuff becomes affordable.

    The only reason to even need that much EC is to finance 27 reputations a day.
    And then I never got the need to strap yourself on the hamster wheel like that.
    If you are so determined to grind away like this and enjoy little Else in the game, why dob't you go out and earn money in the real world instead?

    That said, I wonder why a 4hour cooldown instead of one hour or 18 hours...

    Maybe they intend of making it available 4-8 times a day, so people get a Chance to Run it more often without getting up at 2in the morning just for that?
    If this is not planned, it should be.
    Then way more people would Run the Event and EC keeps getting generated but more spread out over the playerbase instead.
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    sneyepersneyeper Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    greucean wrote: »
    I'm actually surprised but happy for you. Do you also share the idea that it was an exploit and it was easy?


    Exploit? Let's see.

    Definite Exploit: Nukara tribble was recently released. Removed within hours and "fixed".
    Limited reward - No.
    Time-Gated - No.
    Required work - No.
    Working as intended - No (as I said, removed in hours and fixed).

    Not an Exploit: Tour - Been available and unchanged for at least 2 years. The issue the devs seem worried about required an extremely specific build (which costs Zen mind you), requires practice, requires a huge amount of work and effort, requires constant attention, can only be done for the hour event (which is different every day), and after all that in the absolute best case scenario improved rewards by less than 50% (with the same build over a standard run). Moreover, the devs have shown a consistent pattern of slowly increasing sector space speed through improved ships, equipment, and doffs.
    Limited reward - Yes.
    Time-Gated event - Yes.
    Required work - Yes.
    Working as intended - Yes. If not, then the devs just showed how incredibly incompetent they are and how badly the game needs a sweep of bug fixes by leaving it in game for YEARS.

    Easy - definitely not. If you want to laze around and take your time, then sure it is slow and easy. But constantly trying to beat personal records is fun and is very difficult.

    If it is actually an exploit, it provided a marginal reward improvement at best. Nuking the entire event to prevent something marginal? Poor form. Forgetting to mention it until after the fact? Hmm... I already used the word incompetent but nothing else seems to fit :(
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    bhthephoenixbhthephoenix Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The damage to the economy is already done, removing sources of EC now isn't going to make it better, it's going to make it a lot worse. Do you know anything about economics?

    You will easily bring prices down by removing money from the economy as 1) this is a game and 2) people want to sell their items not leave them in the exchange unbought (well normal people anyway) Hence if no one who desires an item can afford the rediculous price then the price will go down.

    This is a good thing. You should never be able to earn more from a mission by dropping it then you would have by playing to the end.
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    rtk142rtk142 Member Posts: 613 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm not going through all 22 pages of posts, so if this idea has been suggested already, then consider it another vote for the idea.

    How about, instead of a cool down, change the way the EC credits are awarded. Instead of awarding 50K per race's are of space, ONLY give 350,000 IF you hit EVERY sector of space like is intended. No cool down, and people can still do the legitimate four like they used to.
    Let us upgrade the Seleya Ceremonial Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade
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    elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    There needs to be an MMO Oversight Committee.

    To run an MMO in this country, it would have to be registered by this committee.

    Registration automatically uses the rights to the game as collateral for the licence.

    Fines are administered for unfriendly business practices such as this.

    When the MMO owning company defaults on a fine or accrues too many demerits, ownership goes to the MMO Oversight Committee, lock, stock and barrel.

    Best way to "fix" this genre of games.

    Pretty sure that was in the Charter of the United Federation of Planets.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
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    bughunter357bughunter357 Member Posts: 587 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    I would like to complain and possibly vent about the recent changes to the Tour the Universe event.

    My feelings about you taking away the ability to run it more than once when doing the four sector ec farming route can best be summed up by former news reporter Sue Simmons in the following clip. Please watch it! Especially if you are the f**k nut who decided upon this change.


    Also to this clip of Molly Shannen saying "You're horrible" from the movie Superstar will also let you know what I think of you.


    I am in a solo fleet, I used the ec's I earned from Tour the Universe to grow my starbase and all this other TRIBBLE you keep throwing at me to build it up so people might actually one day want to join it and holy TRIBBLE on a cracker I'm as mad as a wet wasp you people can go suck an egg!

    This is really making me not want to play your game anymore go jump out of an airlock Nellie Olsen!

    OMG the world will come to a end if you stop playing!

    really your pissed over a minor thing as this, all I gotta say is wow, there are better ways to get EC than tout of the universe, perhaps it is a good time for you to go find the thread that talks about it and start doing those things.
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    bughunter357bughunter357 Member Posts: 587 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    megamanx82 wrote: »
    Oh, someone S*** the bed with this patch, most of us relied on Tour to make a fair amount of EC in a timely fashion. I myself was making 3.2 mil EC/hr. You do realize that this will cause a recession in the games markets right? I'd honestly like to see an official statement from PWE. Justify this "Microsoft X-box One" TRIBBLE up please.

    hate to burst your bubble but PWE had nothing to do with this as they let cryptic do all the things in STO, I wish people would get that thru there thick skulls.
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    cyberdeath666cyberdeath666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    To be very honest it dose not matter who did it its the fact that they have and without even putting in it the patch notes I had a go at them on twitter before they added it.

    This is a massive blow to a lot of people in game that need the tour to help boost their EC and I think it need to be put back the way it's was.
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    freedumb4evafreedumb4eva Member Posts: 269
    edited July 2013
    To be very honest it dose not matter who did it its the fact that they have and without even putting in it the patch notes I had a go at them on twitter before they added it.

    This is a massive blow to a lot of people in game that need the tour to help boost their EC and I think it need to be put back the way it's was.

    No one needs the tour to boost their EC. I have been playing since release without running the tour once ever and I only play 1 toon.

    Please Cryptic, NO FREE EC FOR PLAYERS. It's bad for the economy.
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    ktetchktetch Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    kalex71 wrote: »
    Some of us were able to do the quest legitimately and still be able to do more than one round in an hour. So maybe you should change the cooldown timer to 15 minutes (I don't know of anyone able to do the full tour too much faster than that) and add a drop timer of 4 hours that only takes effect if you drop the mission before completion. This way you close the exploit without overly effecting those of us who were doing the quest the way it was intended.

    I am totally F2P. I run the Grel with borg XI engines and just a driver coil maxed out, no DOFF bonus. with DI and RP, I've managed 5 laps before now, but that was about a week before the Tau Dewa sectors appeared. That extra sector space slowed me down to about 13-14mins/lap.
    I'm not even on that fast a pc, just an old q6600. And yes, I ran the FULL course, just as the route on the wiki has in fact.
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    dongemaharudongemaharu Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    No one needs the tour to boost their EC. I have been playing since release without running the tour once ever and I only play 1 toon.

    Please Cryptic, NO FREE EC FOR PLAYERS. It's bad for the economy.
    How is this free EC? I'm grinding for it, i.e., earning it.

    I don't see how it's any different than, say, the multiphasic event. Those data samples aren't free. I'm running all over the place for an hour to collect them.
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    cyberdeath666cyberdeath666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    No one needs the tour to boost their EC. I have been playing since release without running the tour once ever and I only play 1 toon.

    Please Cryptic, NO FREE EC FOR PLAYERS. It's bad for the economy.

    You may not need it but a lot of f2p people do I'm a gold member and I buy zen and ships but I still run the tour it's a good way to get EC and it can be fun I alway find someone to race with so don't jump out your pram saying its not needed it is needed and its not bad for the economy.
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    timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    rtk142 wrote: »
    I'm not going through all 22 pages of posts, so if this idea has been suggested already, then consider it another vote for the idea.

    How about, instead of a cool down, change the way the EC credits are awarded. Instead of awarding 50K per race's are of space, ONLY give 350,000 IF you hit EVERY sector of space like is intended. No cool down, and people can still do the legitimate four like they used to.

    Because the event was not designed to reward only 100% performance. It was designed to reward you based on how many stages you complete.

    Dropping the mission and redoing the same sectors over and over because it takes less time than to fly to the next sector is not intended, hence it's an exploit.

    Does Cryptic has a bad track record with fixing exploits in a timely fashion? Yes.
    But be glad you could do it as long as you could.
    Would you be better off if they closed the loophole as soon as the first person did it?. Doubtful.

    Brandon, I think it woud be appreciated if players get some insight in how Cryptic determines something an exploit and why it takes so long sometimes.
    Maybe you could do one of those blogs about that.

    Edit: Also some thoughts on hoe I THINk the economy is balanced by Cryptic.

    The ideal EC economy would be one where after generating a game wide pool of x EC distributed between the players the pool stays always the same.
    Since we the can generate constantly new EC by drops and mission rewards from PvP, Tour the Universe, etc... we need sinks to take the EC out of the market again.
    I suspect Cryptic has an interest in keeping the balance slightly in favor of the sinks, so we have to keep playing to keep money in the system.
    It might actually be beneficial to keep an exploit like the Tour The Universe loophole thing in the game if the amount of money generated would be drained by the sinks too fast.
    As soon as the balance however tips over in favor of new EC entering the game and outweighing the sinks Cryptic has to introduce new sinks or close loopholes which were tolerated for the sake of the economy.
    Putting new sinks into the game is likely less easy and would ultimately mean that they will need to introduce even more sinks.
    It is better for us, if they just take out technically unintended EC sources.
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    meeheemeehee Member Posts: 85
    edited July 2013
    The only people this nerf is going to hurt is the people with one or two characters...

    Now people like myself with around 20 characters and an ample supply of borg and maco engines this nerf is nothing if i was so way inclined... but i barely bother with the tour as i find it rather boring.....

    Cryptic if you have any sense change the cooldown to 10 or 15 mins or set it so that the cooldown wont come into play if the entire tour is completed.
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    majinsyllusmajinsyllus Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well, I was saving EC for that beautiful Jem Hadar heavy escort carrier, guess I can say goodbye to it now :C
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    sortofsortof Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am glad they did this.
    Exploits will generate inflation. A dilithium rate of 111 is not normal, and it clearly shows that people have means of generating it in large quantities, in spite of the dilithium sinks provided by Cryptic. When I joinded the game the rate was 400-ish.

    Exploits make the normal gains obsolete, and soon the game turns from being a game into farmville.
    The bad thing is that the developer has to adjust to an inflated game economy, and in the long run, the non-exploiting, casual players have to suffer prices they can't afford.
    Whatever we deny or embrace, we belong togheter./ Pat Benatar
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    elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sortof wrote: »
    I am glad they did this.
    Exploits will generate inflation. A dilithium rate of 111 is not normal, and it clearly shows that people have means of generating it in large quantities, in spite of the dilithium sinks provided by Cryptic. When I joinded the game the rate was 400-ish.

    Exploits make the normal gains obsolete, and soon the game turns from being a game into farmville.
    The bad thing is that the developer has to adjust to an inflated game economy, and in the long run, the non-exploiting, casual players have to suffer prices they can't afford.

    Nope, you've got it exactly wrong. If there were ways of generating mass quantities of dilithium, the dilithium:zen exchange rate would be *higher*. Witness, for example, the brief spike in the exchange rate when the Foundry exploit was active.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
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    mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I was enjoying the tour so I am really sad about this nerf :(

    How about this for constructive feedback: so i dont get this Brandon, Cryptic wants us to spend time for our earnings, as it was stated with dilithium and other stuff like marks etc. Yet here it was done the opposite, hitting players that took their time to earn EC.
    That EC earned was players time, even with the "exploit", 3m isnt that much considering the reputation projects take millions of EC, wich especially for new players is hard to do.
    And on the same note, the exchange players / flipers seems are not to be bothered, making 3m or even more in like 10 mins. Never saw the slightlest intent to add a cooldown on reposting an item on exchange. So the ones that actually exploit the system, and exploit other players actually thru exchange are fine, yet the onest players who actually did SOMETHING to earn their EC get kicked really hard.
    Really good treatment on the onest players...
    And also as someone mentioned here, this will also hit the small fleets again, cuz some ppl were using the EC they were EARNING to build up their little starbases.

    If 3m was too much, a solution to fix the "exploit" was by giving the rewards only at the end of the mission, simple as that.
    I really hope the cooldown will be removed, but i doubt it :(
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    elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    timelord79 wrote: »
    Brandon, I think it woud be appreciated if players get some insight in how Cryptic determines something an exploit and why it takes so long sometimes.
    Maybe you could do one of those blogs about that.

    Not really necessary - it's become quite clear that Cryptic defines 'exploit' as 'something that rewards significantly more currency X per unit time than the number in the designer bible.'
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
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    smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It doesn't involve zen and lobi, so surely it must be an exploit right?
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    shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Never did the tour, myself (and am, nonetheless, not hurting for EC or decent gear)... I can understand why people are cross, though.

    Since maximising rewards on the tour took time, effort, skill and some specialist equipment, I'm inclined to see it as a more-or-less legitimate way to earn rewards. If it was anyone's main source of EC or main reason for playing the game, though... well, in that case, it might be an idea to broaden one's horizons!

    Of course, some players aren't allowed to broaden their horizons, on account of they are the hapless gold-farming drones previously alluded to. The tour had to be a mainstay for those obnoxious people who send us all spam about buying EC at reasonable prices, and I'm actually rather in favour of hitting them where it hurts. It's just a pity that isn't easy to do without hurting legitimate players too. (And, yes, this will be a blow to a number of them.)

    Oddly, I might be more inclined to try out the tour, now... since some of the pressure (to find the most efficient EC-maximising route) is off! And, well, there is still an incentive to get a fast ship in sector space - because it goes ZOOM and WHOOSH and is FUN. Really, the only reason I play the game is for fun.

    One thing I think we can all agree on, though - whatever the effects or the legitimacy of this change (and I fully expect those to be debated for another twenty pages at least), leaving it out of the patch notes was a bad mistake. Communication and transparency are important, and I hope that lesson's been learned by the Powers That Be around here.
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    majinsyllusmajinsyllus Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It doesn't involve zen and lobi, so surely it must be an exploit right?

    You forgot dilithium!
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    sortofsortof Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    elessym wrote: »
    Nope, you've got it exactly wrong. If there were ways of generating mass quantities of dilithium, the dilithium:zen exchange rate would be *higher*. Witness, for example, the brief spike in the exchange rate when the Foundry exploit was active.

    Guess you're right. It's not dilithium what;s cheap, but zen is cheap. Thanks for the correction.
    Whatever we deny or embrace, we belong togheter./ Pat Benatar
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    fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Come on...

    if you're being honest, this is a change that we all knew was going to happen sooner or later, after the changes that had been done to the other mechanics that had such insanely high rewards per time invested, like the doff-upgrinder, dilithium rewards for dismissing starbase doffs, unlimited battleship drops in the foundry or the one-click foundry wrapper mission.

    Just be happy with the money you were able to make while it was ok, that they let it run for such a long time and move on.

    All the complaining about something like this feels like the complaining done by people in my town, when they finally put poles at the entry of our local park to prevent people from shortcutting through it with their cars and trucks, which was prohibited but tolerated/not enforced for years.
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    cyberdeath666cyberdeath666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You know what if it's not broke don't fix it.

    And it was not broke so...

    put it back to how it was :rolleyes:
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    vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Come on...

    if you're being honest, this is a change that we all knew was going to happen sooner or later, after the changes that had been done to the other mechanics that had such insanely high rewards per time invested, like the doff-upgrinder, dilithium rewards for dismissing starbase doffs, unlimited battleship drops in the foundry or the one-click foundry wrapper mission.

    Just be happy with the money you were able to make while it was ok, that they let it run for such a long time and move on.

    All the complaining about something like this feels like the complaining done by people in my town, when they finally put poles at the entry of our local park to prevent people from shortcutting through it with their cars and trucks, which was prohibited but tolerated/not enforced for years.


    I clearly feel that this was not an exploit. Why that is has been mentioned a couple of times here. All this is, is Cryptic whining because some people don't play the exact way they would like them too. This is authoritarianism. Almost close to a dictatorship.
This discussion has been closed.