The Khitomer Accords are OVER they were the ONLY reason FEDs did not have cloak, with no romulan primary faction left and a full on WAR with klinks the FEDs (did in all good things) would develop "starship stealth" per the timeline we play in. Kranky klinks can STFU get over it you are using MANY weapons illegal under the accords.. Give up ALL of your subspace weapons, rifts etc. you bioneural torpedoes and any varient on radiogenic weapons also Romulans need to give up Thaleron tech. Or Feds get stealth PERIOD.
The couple of Federation ships that have cloaking devices, should have them built in. No other Fed ships should have them. It is against Starfleet's and the Federations whole philosophy to use them except in very limited circumstances.
The only reason the Defiant has one at all, was for recon and use in the Gamma quadrant. In fact, it was mentioned that it was specifically prohibited from being used in the Alpha quadrant. I know they ignored that "rule" a couple of times, but the fact of the statement remains.
Klingons and Romulans had cloaking devices on their ships, all of them, by cannon and design, so they have them and should have them as is.
As for cloak vs battle cloak vs enhanced battle cloak. The only cloaking devices should be battle cloaks. Only one ship EVER in the history of Trek fired while cloaked, and it, ONLY torpedos.
I fly a Defiant because I like the ship, not because it has a cloak. I only wish it's cloak was built in. I rarely use the cloak on any of my ships, Fed, Kling or Romulan,... just wish it didn't use up a console slot.
"Go play with your DPS in the corner, I don't care how big it is." ~ Me "There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
No, you're not one of those whining Fed player who wants a battle cloak.. you're worse because now you want cloak for all other Fed ships... Goodness me..
The cloaking discussion has now risen a few levels.. *takes popcorn*
You don't think most of section 31's ships have cloak ??
So, the KDF and Roms have inbuilt cloaking devices rather than consoles is due to them being built around the cloaking device?
I assume it's because Cryptic feels it is innate to the species. The Roms and KDF have both had cloaks for a century or more by this timeline.
The Federation had a jury-rigged Rom cloak on the Defiant - and it wasn't perfect as Jem'hadar ships could still detect the Defiant due to the ship's power usage.
So that leaves the phased cloak, which Picard informed the Romulan Empire about and development was ceased - which is good considering the first one prone to failure.
So, in general, the Federation doesn't have that much experience with cloaking ships.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
as a fed, i dont think we should ever have a proper battle cloak.
however, i do think that either the regular cloak should be integrated into the ships that have it, OR the cloak console should be usable on any ship.
and i think we could let the klinks decide which one of those it is, because maybe it will make them QQ less. (really guys, its getting annoying)
also, i think that Klingon gameplay/population would be improved if every Klingon Cstore ship lvl 30 and below was made free for the klingon side only, but im getting off topic.
You still have not addressed the issue the ship should not have been for sale with a cloak if it didn't come with it. Your announcement that it was a mistake was in the forums after it was for sale and not an in game msg to notify the players of this mistake. I bought the ship because it had a cloak I had no way of knowing that it was not suppose to be there. It should not have been put on sale or taken off sale as soon as the mistake was found so that this did not happen or at least an in game repeating msg so people knew of this issue . You did none of this because to do so would have hurt your sales. Because of the handling of this I feel I have been cheated by the game. I have been playing this game since it came out I have a life time subscription i have always been a loyal player. I have never felt unfairly treated by this game till now, something need to be done to fix this it would be a shame to loose a player's like me but i can't play a game I feel that treats me unfairly. I know others that I talked to that feel the same way about this issue.
You still have not addressed the issue the ship should not have been for sale with a cloak if it didn't come with it. Your announcement that it was a mistake was in the forums after it was for sale and not an in game msg to notify the players of this mistake. I bought the ship because it had a cloak I had no way of knowing that it was not suppose to be there. It should not have been put on sale or taken off sale as soon as the mistake was found so that this did not happen or at least an in game repeating msg so people knew of this issue . You did none of this because to do so would have hurt your sales. Because of the handling of this I feel I have been cheated by the game. I have been playing this game since it came out I have a life time subscription i have always been a loyal player. I have never felt unfairly treated by this game till now, something need to be done to fix this it would be a shame to loose a player's like me but i can't play a game I feel that treats me unfairly. I know others that I talked to that feel the same way about this issue.
As has been pointed out multiple times now, the ship was never advertised with a cloak. It's description in the C-Store and on the website never listed a cloak. When it was posted to the forum by fans that the ship accidentally had a cloak BranFlakes immediately responded that it was an error that would be corrected. You can see those posts HERE and HERE.
You were not cheated. It was an error you were not supposed to get, and thus not entitled to. They posted about the error on the forum and if you bought it because some stranger in the game told you to then you only cheated yourself.
And finally, none of that has anything to do with the thread you posted it in. And spamming it into multiple thread is against forum rules and will only get you banned.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
No, no, no and no, you stop right there!
The federation should not have cloack, not because it would make them overpowered, but because in the serie, the federation don't use cloack.
The only exeption is the defiant ( cloack that is given by romulan ) and the galaxy dread from the alternate timeline.
I don't like to said this usualy but here, if you really want a cloak that bad, go to klingons side, or find a ship where you can optimize mask energy signature3, at more than 4km it is exactly like a cloack.
cbs will never allow this anyway, so stop waisting your time.
The Federation doesn't use cloaks? Only the Defiant has used one? Might want to double check that...
A Conspiracy of Star Fleet Officers developed (albeit illegally) the most sophisticated cloak of them all... the Prototype Phase-shifting Cloaking Device (see ST:TNG Ep. "The Pegasus") which not only cloaked the ship, but also allowed it to pass straight through any solid object. This Cloaking Device would obviously be absurd to have in STO, but luckily that's not what I'm arguing here...
What I'm pointing out is that Cloaking technology could potentially be used on any Federation ship...
My actual argument is this... One could argue that the Galaxy Class ships, known in STO as "Exploration Cruisers", should be able to be equipped with the Federation Cloaking Device you receive from the Defiant Class ship, known in STO as the "Tactical Escort Retrofit" which costs 2,000 Zen, as it's already been established in the canon that the Galaxy Class can use one.
And being that in order to get the Tactical Escort Retrofit, you must have already reached Vice Admiral (50), I think it shouldn't be limited to only the advanced versions of the Galaxy Class... although that is a concession I'd be willing to make.
My suggested list of Cloakable Federation ships is this:
Defiant Class Ships:
Tactical Escort
Tactical Escort Refit
Tactical Escort Retrofit (obviously, lol)
Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit
Galaxy Class Ships:
Exploration Cruiser
Exploration Cruiser Refit
Exploration Cruiser Retrofit
Fleet Exploration Cruiser Retrofit
Dreadnought Cruiser (Also comes with Cloak, but should still be on this list)
Fleet Dreadnought Cruiser (which appears not to be cloak capable)
Sure, that'd be 10 cloak capable ships, but remember, you'd already have to be a Vice Admiral anyways, AND have bought the Tactical Escort Retrofit or the Dreadnought Cruiser. Also, a majority of Federation ships would still not be cloak capable.
I could understand arguing against it being available to all federation ships, but as per the TV shows, both the Galaxy Class ships and the Defiant Class ships are capable of being equipped with Cloaks... The shows never said anything about the Avenger Battle Cruiser, and the Fleet Avenger Battle Cruiser being capable of being cloaked... So in a way, my suggestion isn't so ridiculous...
I'm not expecting my suggestion to be taken, but I still feel compelled to make the argument, as it's sound based on Star Trek Canon. It actually makes more sense than the Federation Ships that can use a Cloaking Device currently, when you really think about it.
and none of that really matters because this topic was more than 30 days old before you posted in it...such topics are not supposed to be posted in, as it's against forum rules - which i'm technically breaking, too, but it had to be pointed out
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
and none of that really matters because this topic was more than 30 days old before you posted in it...such topics are not supposed to be posted in, as it's against forum rules - which i'm technically breaking, too, but it had to be pointed out
Well, I'm Sorry...
I didn't know that rule
I found this via Google Search
I didn't notice how old the thread was when I posted that.
My bad, but I still think my points are valid... I guess from now on I'll either find a recent thread, or start my own (although starting cloak discussion threads seems to be met with hostility, judging by some of the threads I've read...
Considering that the Feds already have cloak, and have for quite some time, I don't see why so many people are opposed to making it battle cloak. I've stated numerous times that ALL cloak should be battle cloak, as that is how it works in canon. If anything, I feel that they should make all cloaks work like that, but then they could do better advanced cloaks for each faction based on what we've seen in the shows and movies. It seems a bit ridiculous though, that this takes place so long after Nemesis, yet we don't even have cloaking devices that are up to par with those on enterprise or Tos.
Maybe they could add more modifiers to stealth points, that would cut the cooldown, as well as grant faster threat drop? I dunno. there are a lot of ways that they both could, and should improve cloaking devices, but i still feel that they should all have the battle cloak function of allowing you to cloak when you want, regardless of combat status.
Considering that the Feds already have cloak, and have for quite some time, I don't see why so many people are opposed to making it battle cloak. I've stated numerous times that ALL cloak should be battle cloak, as that is how it works in canon. If anything, I feel that they should make all cloaks work like that, but then they could do better advanced cloaks for each faction based on what we've seen in the shows and movies. It seems a bit ridiculous though, that this takes place so long after Nemesis, yet we don't even have cloaking devices that are up to par with those on enterprise or Tos.
Maybe they could add more modifiers to stealth points, that would cut the cooldown, as well as grant faster threat drop? I dunno. there are a lot of ways that they both could, and should improve cloaking devices, but i still feel that they should all have the battle cloak function of allowing you to cloak when you want, regardless of combat status.
1. This thread is a zombie that needs to be put to sleep asap before it raises more undead friends.
2. The reason there can't be cloaks like in TOS or any other show is game mechanics. The same reason why there can't be 14 phaser arrays on my Galaxy Class.
Because an ensign bumped it up; don't worry, he'll be cleaning Mirror Universe blood off my hull for the next few days, plenty of time to think about why it's foolish to mess with the dark arts of necromancy.
Let's let the thread die in peace, fellows.
Sardak (Science Officer): Captain of a 23k DPS R'Mor Temporal Science Vessel, R.R.W. Vathos Odan Brota (Science Officer): Captain of a 28k DPS Scryer Intel Science Vessel, U.S.S. Kepler Patiently waiting for a Romulan Science Vessel
The reason there can't be cloaks like in TOS or any other show is game mechanics. The same reason why there can't be 14 phaser arrays on my Galaxy Class.
That doesn't make sense though. I can understand that they didn't want the larger ships to be op compared to the smaller ships, but the cloak thing is already in the game. it's battle cloak. When you push the button, you go invisible but at your own risk. I just think that since that is how it works in canon, the red alert limitation that most cloaks have, are a bit ridiculous and unnecessary. It would also make sense though to give the KDF and romulans better buffs for cloaking than the feds get, for balance reasons.
As for the thread, I say we take off, and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
The interphasic cloaking device that federation was working at in "The Pegasus" episode of star trek TNG was a success but ended dramaticly after mutiny.
Enterprise D was send to check the last know possition of uss pegasus and then the interphasic cloaking device was recovered and integrated with enterprise D systems allowing the ship to fly throu solid matter and being perfectly camuflaged.
At the end interphasic cloaking device was confiscated by federation.
So there is a pure federation cloaking device but federation cant use it for political reasons.
I don't know why so many people get aggravated at the thought that feds might self-nerf themselves by slotting a cloak console...
I'm for the idea. And give the rest of the KDF ships cloak. Feds get self-nerf cloaking, KDF gets yawnworthy free cloak and battle cloak on its raiders, Roms get their nasty cloaks.
The reasons Feds don't cloak have always been flimsy, and now they are downright laughable.
All of those reasons are drowned out by the sounds of a fleet full of Avengers decloaking...
The treacherous Romulan Republic is too busy trying to claim our Dyson sphere to be trying to enforce ancient treaties we held with an entirely different political organization, they are in no position to be enforcing anything.
Edit: I would extend the change to any ship that was factional, including temporal ships. Other lockbox/lobi ships would be exempt from the change. They would need their own cloak, or lack thereof.
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
Hey I just met you! and this is crazy! but heres a dead thread! so lock it maybe!
(But all kidding aside lock the thread please.)
Hey hey now!
Seriously folks, if a thread hasn't been responded to in 30 days please don't bring it back up If you feel you need to continue the thread by all means make a new one!
PS - If someone replies to a thread that's necro'd, don't just post in it saying "Hey lock it" PM a moderator.
The only reason the Defiant has one at all, was for recon and use in the Gamma quadrant. In fact, it was mentioned that it was specifically prohibited from being used in the Alpha quadrant. I know they ignored that "rule" a couple of times, but the fact of the statement remains.
Klingons and Romulans had cloaking devices on their ships, all of them, by cannon and design, so they have them and should have them as is.
As for cloak vs battle cloak vs enhanced battle cloak. The only cloaking devices should be battle cloaks. Only one ship EVER in the history of Trek fired while cloaked, and it, ONLY torpedos.
I fly a Defiant because I like the ship, not because it has a cloak. I only wish it's cloak was built in. I rarely use the cloak on any of my ships, Fed, Kling or Romulan,... just wish it didn't use up a console slot.
"There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
You don't think most of section 31's ships have cloak ??
The Federation had a jury-rigged Rom cloak on the Defiant - and it wasn't perfect as Jem'hadar ships could still detect the Defiant due to the ship's power usage.
So that leaves the phased cloak, which Picard informed the Romulan Empire about and development was ceased - which is good considering the first one prone to failure.
So, in general, the Federation doesn't have that much experience with cloaking ships.
No they never need that they are not a combat force they are cover ops ..... fed dont need a cloack and i play feds and dont want a cloack
Want play fed misions wiht cloaks? made a rom/fed character
however, i do think that either the regular cloak should be integrated into the ships that have it, OR the cloak console should be usable on any ship.
and i think we could let the klinks decide which one of those it is, because maybe it will make them QQ less. (really guys, its getting annoying)
also, i think that Klingon gameplay/population would be improved if every Klingon Cstore ship lvl 30 and below was made free for the klingon side only, but im getting off topic.
You were not cheated. It was an error you were not supposed to get, and thus not entitled to. They posted about the error on the forum and if you bought it because some stranger in the game told you to then you only cheated yourself.
And finally, none of that has anything to do with the thread you posted it in. And spamming it into multiple thread is against forum rules and will only get you banned.
The Federation doesn't use cloaks? Only the Defiant has used one? Might want to double check that...
A Conspiracy of Star Fleet Officers developed (albeit illegally) the most sophisticated cloak of them all... the Prototype Phase-shifting Cloaking Device (see ST:TNG Ep. "The Pegasus") which not only cloaked the ship, but also allowed it to pass straight through any solid object. This Cloaking Device would obviously be absurd to have in STO, but luckily that's not what I'm arguing here...
What I'm pointing out is that Cloaking technology could potentially be used on any Federation ship...
My actual argument is this... One could argue that the Galaxy Class ships, known in STO as "Exploration Cruisers", should be able to be equipped with the Federation Cloaking Device you receive from the Defiant Class ship, known in STO as the "Tactical Escort Retrofit" which costs 2,000 Zen, as it's already been established in the canon that the Galaxy Class can use one.
And being that in order to get the Tactical Escort Retrofit, you must have already reached Vice Admiral (50), I think it shouldn't be limited to only the advanced versions of the Galaxy Class... although that is a concession I'd be willing to make.
My suggested list of Cloakable Federation ships is this:
Defiant Class Ships:
Galaxy Class Ships:
Sure, that'd be 10 cloak capable ships, but remember, you'd already have to be a Vice Admiral anyways, AND have bought the Tactical Escort Retrofit or the Dreadnought Cruiser. Also, a majority of Federation ships would still not be cloak capable.
I could understand arguing against it being available to all federation ships, but as per the TV shows, both the Galaxy Class ships and the Defiant Class ships are capable of being equipped with Cloaks... The shows never said anything about the Avenger Battle Cruiser, and the Fleet Avenger Battle Cruiser being capable of being cloaked... So in a way, my suggestion isn't so ridiculous...
I'm not expecting my suggestion to be taken, but I still feel compelled to make the argument, as it's sound based on Star Trek Canon. It actually makes more sense than the Federation Ships that can use a Cloaking Device currently, when you really think about it.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Well, I'm Sorry...
My bad, but I still think my points are valid... I guess from now on I'll either find a recent thread, or start my own (although starting cloak discussion threads seems to be met with hostility, judging by some of the threads I've read...
Maybe they could add more modifiers to stealth points, that would cut the cooldown, as well as grant faster threat drop? I dunno. there are a lot of ways that they both could, and should improve cloaking devices, but i still feel that they should all have the battle cloak function of allowing you to cloak when you want, regardless of combat status.
1. This thread is a zombie that needs to be put to sleep asap before it raises more undead friends.
2. The reason there can't be cloaks like in TOS or any other show is game mechanics. The same reason why there can't be 14 phaser arrays on my Galaxy Class.
Member since early 2011
Because an ensign bumped it up; don't worry, he'll be cleaning Mirror Universe blood off my hull for the next few days, plenty of time to think about why it's foolish to mess with the dark arts of necromancy.
Let's let the thread die in peace, fellows.
Odan Brota (Science Officer): Captain of a 28k DPS Scryer Intel Science Vessel, U.S.S. Kepler
Patiently waiting for a Romulan Science Vessel
That doesn't make sense though. I can understand that they didn't want the larger ships to be op compared to the smaller ships, but the cloak thing is already in the game. it's battle cloak. When you push the button, you go invisible but at your own risk. I just think that since that is how it works in canon, the red alert limitation that most cloaks have, are a bit ridiculous and unnecessary. It would also make sense though to give the KDF and romulans better buffs for cloaking than the feds get, for balance reasons.
As for the thread, I say we take off, and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Enterprise D was send to check the last know possition of uss pegasus and then the interphasic cloaking device was recovered and integrated with enterprise D systems allowing the ship to fly throu solid matter and being perfectly camuflaged.
At the end interphasic cloaking device was confiscated by federation.
So there is a pure federation cloaking device but federation cant use it for political reasons.
I'm for the idea. And give the rest of the KDF ships cloak. Feds get self-nerf cloaking, KDF gets yawnworthy free cloak and battle cloak on its raiders, Roms get their nasty cloaks.
The reasons Feds don't cloak have always been flimsy, and now they are downright laughable.
All of those reasons are drowned out by the sounds of a fleet full of Avengers decloaking...
The treacherous Romulan Republic is too busy trying to claim our Dyson sphere to be trying to enforce ancient treaties we held with an entirely different political organization, they are in no position to be enforcing anything.
Edit: I would extend the change to any ship that was factional, including temporal ships. Other lockbox/lobi ships would be exempt from the change. They would need their own cloak, or lack thereof.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
MOOOODS!!! Necro thread here, please do your thing and put this poor TRIBBLE out of it's misery.
(But all kidding aside lock the thread please.)
Hey hey now!
Seriously folks, if a thread hasn't been responded to in 30 days please don't bring it back up
PS - If someone replies to a thread that's necro'd, don't just post in it saying "Hey lock it" PM a moderator.
/Closed ~Askray