Matt: Bright, the Republic's already fighting these things at the border. We're holding them for now, but we can't spare any ships to help Starfleet.
We're launching every combat ship we have, grabbing any 4th year cadet or experienced NCO and reactivating as many former Officers as we can to try and put together a relief force for you and the C.I.S. Right now, it's not looking good. We're doing everything we can, but for now, you're on your own.
Right now, the Klingons may be all that stands between the Alpha and Beta Quadrants and these creatures.
By the way, Director Mason de-classified the Sovereign incident to all Republic Personnel as soon as this hit. We know exactly what we're up against, and I'm taking it to the Security Council in a few minutes.
Matt: And that is going to be harder than you think. Just making contact is going to be near-impossible. Getting them to actually help? I'd have an easier time teaching quantum physics to a Pakled!
Matt: And that is going to be harder than you think. Just making contact is going to be near-impossible. Getting them to actually help? I'd have an easier time teaching quantum physics to a Pakled!
Bright: Still means we should try.. Perhaps finding a cure for the disease affecting both Romulans and Klingons.
Cooper beams down to the presidential building. Flanked by two heavenly armed odst looking troops. He walk in to find the president hasn't arrived yet. He sits in the chair and turns facing the window.
The president walks in as his guards are killed right away and the doors sealed.
Jehriom: who are you what do you want.
Cooper turns around.
Cooper: let me make this simple. Hand over all unsc forces to me and my people. Or we kill you and take it by force.
Jehriom: why should I hand it over to you. I would never give the inssurection control.
Cooper pulls out his pistol
Cooper: well I tried to be nice.
Before he can fire the president is beamed out.
Secret location
Fury: looks like we locked on just in time.
Jehriom : who what's going on.
Unsc reporter:after an attack on the presidential building president jehriom has been moved away as unsc forces move in to engage the rebels. This coming at a time the milky way is is in its own turmoil.
" Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
Bright: Still means we should try.. Perhaps finding a cure for the disease affecting both Romulans and Klingons.
*Dani nods to him, walking over to the computer desk and turning on the comm system.*
Dani: Citadel.
*On the Citadel.*
Matt: Admiral, if we did give them a cure for the plague, assuming we can even make one, it would only make them angrier at our two governments because they'd assume we gave it to the Vulcans first.
Or did you forget that the Vulcans have been hit by a similar virus recently?
Comm: Sir, we're getting a transmission from the U.S.S. Possibility.
Matt: Captain Reynolds?
Comm: No sir. It's...
It's your daughter.
*Matt looks at him, quickly moving towards that screen.*
I'll patch it over to station 4.
Matt: Thanks.
*Matt walks over to that station as Dani appears on the screen.*
Dani: Dad.
Matt: Thank god, you're alive! I thought we'd lost you!
Dani: So did I... for a minute...
Matt: Where are you?!
Dani: I'm on the Possibility. I'm okay. Shaken a little...
*Dani nods to him, walking over to the computer desk and turning on the comm system.*
Dani: Citadel.
*On the Citadel.*
Matt: Admiral, if we did give them a cure for the plague, assuming we can even make one, it would only make them angrier at our two governments because they'd assume we gave it to the Vulcans first.
Or did you forget that the Vulcans have been hit by a similar virus recently?
Comm: Sir, we're getting a transmission from the U.S.S. Possibility.
Matt: Captain Reynolds?
Comm: No sir. It's...
It's your daughter.
*Matt looks at him, quickly moving towards that screen.*
I'll patch it over to station 4.
Matt: Thanks.
*Matt walks over to that station as Dani appears on the screen.*
Dani: Dad.
Matt: Thank god, you're alive! I thought we'd lost you!
Dani: So did I... for a minute...
Matt: Where are you?!
Dani: I'm on the Possibility. I'm okay. Shaken a little...
Matt: I'd appreciate it if you could make sure Dani makes it back to Khitomer safely. She's not even out of the academy yet. She's not ready for any of this.
Matt: I'd appreciate it if you could make sure Dani makes it back to Khitomer safely. She's not even out of the academy yet. She's not ready for any of this.
Terry: Sir no one was. It is a bit late to think that. After what she saw on the Republic.
*S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Tara is roaming the ship when she hears something coming from a set of open quarters.*
Voice *frustrated*: Cor'san 'i' cha'!
*Tara looks into the quarters to see an Iconian raging at a scanner with a strange silver device underneath it.*
Iconian *frustrated*: S'ka'ta! Stupid ki'at'an!
Tara: Hello?
*The Iconian turns to her.*
Iconian *frustrated*: Can I help you?!
Tara: No, it's just that they can hear you in Gamma Draconis right now.
*The Iconian smiles, taking a breath.*
Iconian *calm*: My apologies. This... equipment is being... difficult.
You must be our newest passenger.
Tara: Tara Forrester.
Iconian: Ah, of course. Human custom.
I am Studier Mortana.
Tara: Studier?
Mortana: An Iconian title. A Studier is an individual who dedicates his work to the advancement of our historical knowledge. My full title is 'Studier Reclaimer', for I dedicate my work to reclaiming the knowledge lost of our ancestors.
Tara: An archaeologist?
Mortana: Yes, that's a close approximation.
Tara: Why would you be needed on a transport ship?
Mortana: I'm not. Technically, I'm just like you; a passenger.
Tara: What are you doing in the Pegasus Galaxy?
Mortana: Chasing an ancient legend.
*Mortana leads her over to his desk, littered with Iconian padds, before activating a hologram of an ancient colossal Iconian Vessel which makes even their present Motherships look small in comparison. The ship is primarily cylindrical with a diameter of 251km and over 1000km long.*
Tara: What is it?
Mortana: The Bi'fros'ta.
Many of our people believe that when the Shedai and the subject races drove us from our world we were already expanding beyond our own Galaxy. Ships like this were sent out into other galaxies to build Space Gate networks for when the colony ships arrived. But, when our gateways were deactivated during the exodus, they were stranded.
Or... so the legends tell us.
Some believe that the Pegasus portal is the remnants from an ancient space gate, destroyed millennia ago. If they're right, I'll find the Bi'fros'ta here.
Tara: Why is this so important?
Mortana: Important?
Important hardly does it justice! After the exodus, most of the ancestral knowledge was lost! That is why reclaiming Iconia has been so important to our people; we need to know what things were like when the exodus occurred!
Take for example the fall of Rome in your history. All their knowledge, all their architectural advancements, military tactics, all of it was lost! As a result, it took centuries for your people to begin using sewers or aqueducts again!
The same thing happened to us. For us, just finding a piece of technology from before the exodus can cause a technological renaissance!
If I can find the Bi'fros'ta, I'd find our ancient space gates, shipboard gateways millennia more advanced than the gateways we use today, computer technology that makes AIs look like - what's the right analogy? - like 'pocket calculators'!
This could mean everything for my people!
Tara: Do you know where it is?
Mortana *sarcasm*: Yes, Tara Forrester, I know where a space craft that's been lost for 500,000 years in a barely explored galaxy is! I just thought I wouldn't bother going there and actually study it!
Tara: You don't have to be sarcastic.
Mortana: An Iconian starship of that era could travel to the other side of this galaxy in a single jump without any detailed navigational data. Take into account that we don't actually know where she emerged from her initial jump, though presumably at Pegasus Prime...
*He brings up a star chart of Pegasus.*
Plus 500 millennia of stellar drift and evolution...
*The chart updates, getting marginally smaller and stars vanishing from the map or stellar remnants and black holes reverting into stars based on their current age compared to 500,000 years ago.*
And this is how big an area with have to search.
*The entire Galaxy is highlighted as it returns to its present state.*
Tara: *Whistles*
Mortana: You see the problem.
*OOC: I'm putting in a little SG:A McKay with Mortana, as you may have noticed. :P*
*As the comm ends.. Bright is patient and waiting...*
Bright: I understand your situation right now Vice Admiral. My family is here except my son is on Earth..
As for the Vulcan's no I did not forget it.. We need to stop fighting each other or they will win and nothing will be left.
Matt: Don't tell me. Tell the Romulans.
Comm: Sir, the Council's waiting for you.
Matt: Thank you, lieutenant.
I'll be back shortly, Admirals.
*He walks out.
Within minutes, he's addressing the U.G.C. Security Council, with the Republic Ambassador (Ambassador R'iak, a Dalosian) next to him. Notably, as the Turanian Alliance are now members of the Republic, there is no Turanian representative on the Council, though Odo is still there representing the Dominion.*
R'iak: Ambassadors, this is Vice Admiral Matthew Forrester. He's the one who requested this meeting.
*The USS Possibility arrives at the Citadel which is bustling with activity as refugee ships are flooding the area. Even long decommissioned Federation vessels are docking with the Citadel. An entire area of the docks is devoted to the refugees...*
Phillips: Citadel Control this is the USS Possibility we request docking berth and we need medical personnel several medical emergencies.. We also have survivors of the USS Republic.
Operator: We read you USS Possibility we are giving you berth at Docking bay E34..
Phillips: Thank you Mam
Operator: Welcome back Possibility.
*As the ship docks the refugees are sent to the numerous Refugees are sent to adjecent camps and Medical teams are beaming them to hospitals.. Reynolds especially is being moved carefully. Republic Cadets are sent back to the Republic except for Dani.. The Possibility itself is being repaired as quickly as Possible. *
Phillips: Will the Captain survive?
Doctor: We just need to move him quickly and suppress the swelling and repair the arteries..
Terry: *Dani Right beside him * Alright I need to get to the Security Council meeting, what are you going to do Dani?
Within minutes, he's addressing the U.G.C. Security Council, with the Republic Ambassador (Ambassador R'iak, a Dalosian) next to him. Notably, as the Turanian Alliance are now members of the Republic, there is no Turanian representative on the Council, though Odo is still there representing the Dominion.*
R'iak: Ambassadors, this is Vice Admiral Matthew Forrester. He's the one who requested this meeting.
*Wax is present through the QEC disheveled but intense.*
*Wax is present through the QEC disheveled but intense.*
Matt: Because of this Council's irresponsible decision to suppress and deny the Sovereign Incident, the Alpha and Beta Quadrants are in a state of total war! Before I continue, I want the Council to justify its decision to not only suppress knowledge of but downright ignore the threat that Sovereign posed!
*OOC: Remember, Matt wasn't actually involved in the battle with Sovereign, so he barely knew anything before O.S.S. decided to ignore the Council and declassify the information.*
*The USS Possibility arrives at the Citadel which is bustling with activity as refugee ships are flooding the area. Even long decommissioned Federation vessels are docking with the Citadel. An entire area of the docks is devoted to the refugees...*
Phillips: Citadel Control this is the USS Possibility we request docking berth and we need medical personnel several medical emergencies.. We also have survivors of the USS Republic.
Operator: We read you USS Possibility we are giving you berth at Docking bay E34..
Phillips: Thank you Mam
Operator: Welcome back Possibility.
*As the ship docks the refugees are sent to the numerous Refugees are sent to adjecent camps and Medical teams are beaming them to hospitals.. Reynolds especially is being moved carefully. Republic Cadets are sent back to the Republic except for Dani.. The Possibility itself is being repaired as quickly as Possible. *
Phillips: Will the Captain survive?
Doctor: We just need to move him quickly and suppress the swelling and repair the arteries..
Terry: *Dani Right beside him * Alright I need to get to the Security Council meeting, what are you going to do Dani?
Dani: I think I'm going to head planetside and visit my mom.
Matt: Because of this Council's irresponsible decision to suppress and deny the Sovereign Incident, the Alpha and Beta Quadrants are in a state of total war! Before I continue, I want the Council to justify its decision to not only suppress knowledge of but downright ignore the threat that Sovereign posed!
*OOC: Remember, Matt wasn't actually involved in the battle with Sovereign, so he barely knew anything before O.S.S. decided to ignore the Council and declassify the information.*
Wax: That is something I wish to know as well because this not only caused the death of billions.
I was not part of that Council that Justified that choice.
Wielder: We will admit that there was no substantive proof that Sovereign was anything but a Shadow vessel. That was from examining the evidence from its remains.
Drexler: What the search for Stane that OSS called off?
Then the supernova incident that pressed the Council here not just for reparations but squeezed them into making a choice that brings us here.
*OOC: By the way what about the idea I had with Northman being under cover politically? Think its the one way we can press this one further. *
Dani: Terry, it's Khitomer! What could possibly happen to me down there?!
*She smiles at him.*
By the way... thanks... for before. You didn't have to...
*She kisses him.*
When I get back, we've got a lot to discuss. But before I go, how the hell is it a 23 year-old has the rank of Captain?! You should have only left the academy a couple of years ago!
*Dani smiles at him.*
Dani: Do you think we're going to make it?
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Bright: I am saying that we need the Romulans.
Terry: I don't know... From what I have seen we need unification.
Also.. You should give your father a call... He is probably worried as hell.
Matt: And that is going to be harder than you think. Just making contact is going to be near-impossible. Getting them to actually help? I'd have an easier time teaching quantum physics to a Pakled!
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Dani: I thought Comms were down?
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Terry: We are on the Safe Zone for now.. Plus we are about an hour away from the Citadel.
Comms to Federation Space are down.. But the QEC network is a bit bigger than some might think. Thank Holtz for that.
Bright: Still means we should try.. Perhaps finding a cure for the disease affecting both Romulans and Klingons.
Terry is on his way back.
Cooper beams down to the presidential building. Flanked by two heavenly armed odst looking troops. He walk in to find the president hasn't arrived yet. He sits in the chair and turns facing the window.
The president walks in as his guards are killed right away and the doors sealed.
Jehriom: who are you what do you want.
Cooper turns around.
Cooper: let me make this simple. Hand over all unsc forces to me and my people. Or we kill you and take it by force.
Jehriom: why should I hand it over to you. I would never give the inssurection control.
Cooper pulls out his pistol
Cooper: well I tried to be nice.
Before he can fire the president is beamed out.
Secret location
Fury: looks like we locked on just in time.
Jehriom : who what's going on.
Unsc reporter:after an attack on the presidential building president jehriom has been moved away as unsc forces move in to engage the rebels. This coming at a time the milky way is is in its own turmoil.
*Dani nods to him, walking over to the computer desk and turning on the comm system.*
Dani: Citadel.
*On the Citadel.*
Matt: Admiral, if we did give them a cure for the plague, assuming we can even make one, it would only make them angrier at our two governments because they'd assume we gave it to the Vulcans first.
Or did you forget that the Vulcans have been hit by a similar virus recently?
Comm: Sir, we're getting a transmission from the U.S.S. Possibility.
Matt: Captain Reynolds?
Comm: No sir. It's...
It's your daughter.
*Matt looks at him, quickly moving towards that screen.*
I'll patch it over to station 4.
Matt: Thanks.
*Matt walks over to that station as Dani appears on the screen.*
Dani: Dad.
Matt: Thank god, you're alive! I thought we'd lost you!
Dani: So did I... for a minute...
Matt: Where are you?!
Dani: I'm on the Possibility. I'm okay. Shaken a little...
Terry's with me.
Matt: Is he there now?
Dani: Yeah.
Matt: Put him on.
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Terry: Sir.
Matt: I'd appreciate it if you could make sure Dani makes it back to Khitomer safely. She's not even out of the academy yet. She's not ready for any of this.
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Terrace: all ships formation alpha nine. Keep them bottled and closes in. They don't have the weapons we have.
Terry: Sir no one was. It is a bit late to think that. After what she saw on the Republic.
Matt: I know, but she's just a kid. She shouldn't have to take any more risks like that.
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Terry: You know even Khitomer may soon be under fire sir. There really is going to be anywhere safe soon.
Matt: Yes... there is.
Dani: Dad, no!
Matt: You'll be safe in Pegasus.
Dani: What happens if you have to close the gate?!
Matt: Then we'll close it... and you'll be safe.
Dani: I won't leave you!
Matt: This isn't a discussion!
Dani: You're damn right, it isn't a discussion! I'm not going!
Matt: If we're gonna argue over this, we won't do it over comms. I'll see you when you get here.
Terry, keep her safe for me.
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Terry: I will sir.
*As the comm ends.. Bright is patient and waiting...*
Bright: I understand your situation right now Vice Admiral. My family is here except my son is on Earth..
As for the Vulcan's no I did not forget it.. We need to stop fighting each other or they will win and nothing will be left.
Jacob: how much more.
Voice *frustrated*: Cor'san 'i' cha'!
*Tara looks into the quarters to see an Iconian raging at a scanner with a strange silver device underneath it.*
Iconian *frustrated*: S'ka'ta! Stupid ki'at'an!
Tara: Hello?
*The Iconian turns to her.*
Iconian *frustrated*: Can I help you?!
Tara: No, it's just that they can hear you in Gamma Draconis right now.
*The Iconian smiles, taking a breath.*
Iconian *calm*: My apologies. This... equipment is being... difficult.
You must be our newest passenger.
Tara: Tara Forrester.
Iconian: Ah, of course. Human custom.
I am Studier Mortana.
Tara: Studier?
Mortana: An Iconian title. A Studier is an individual who dedicates his work to the advancement of our historical knowledge. My full title is 'Studier Reclaimer', for I dedicate my work to reclaiming the knowledge lost of our ancestors.
Tara: An archaeologist?
Mortana: Yes, that's a close approximation.
Tara: Why would you be needed on a transport ship?
Mortana: I'm not. Technically, I'm just like you; a passenger.
Tara: What are you doing in the Pegasus Galaxy?
Mortana: Chasing an ancient legend.
*Mortana leads her over to his desk, littered with Iconian padds, before activating a hologram of an ancient colossal Iconian Vessel which makes even their present Motherships look small in comparison. The ship is primarily cylindrical with a diameter of 251km and over 1000km long.*
Tara: What is it?
Mortana: The Bi'fros'ta.
Many of our people believe that when the Shedai and the subject races drove us from our world we were already expanding beyond our own Galaxy. Ships like this were sent out into other galaxies to build Space Gate networks for when the colony ships arrived. But, when our gateways were deactivated during the exodus, they were stranded.
Or... so the legends tell us.
Some believe that the Pegasus portal is the remnants from an ancient space gate, destroyed millennia ago. If they're right, I'll find the Bi'fros'ta here.
Tara: Why is this so important?
Mortana: Important?
Important hardly does it justice! After the exodus, most of the ancestral knowledge was lost! That is why reclaiming Iconia has been so important to our people; we need to know what things were like when the exodus occurred!
Take for example the fall of Rome in your history. All their knowledge, all their architectural advancements, military tactics, all of it was lost! As a result, it took centuries for your people to begin using sewers or aqueducts again!
The same thing happened to us. For us, just finding a piece of technology from before the exodus can cause a technological renaissance!
If I can find the Bi'fros'ta, I'd find our ancient space gates, shipboard gateways millennia more advanced than the gateways we use today, computer technology that makes AIs look like - what's the right analogy? - like 'pocket calculators'!
This could mean everything for my people!
Tara: Do you know where it is?
Mortana *sarcasm*: Yes, Tara Forrester, I know where a space craft that's been lost for 500,000 years in a barely explored galaxy is! I just thought I wouldn't bother going there and actually study it!
Tara: You don't have to be sarcastic.
Mortana: An Iconian starship of that era could travel to the other side of this galaxy in a single jump without any detailed navigational data. Take into account that we don't actually know where she emerged from her initial jump, though presumably at Pegasus Prime...
*He brings up a star chart of Pegasus.*
Plus 500 millennia of stellar drift and evolution...
*The chart updates, getting marginally smaller and stars vanishing from the map or stellar remnants and black holes reverting into stars based on their current age compared to 500,000 years ago.*
And this is how big an area with have to search.
*The entire Galaxy is highlighted as it returns to its present state.*
Tara: *Whistles*
Mortana: You see the problem.
*OOC: I'm putting in a little SG:A McKay with Mortana, as you may have noticed. :P*
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Terrace watch's as the enemy ships jump.
Officer: sir they fled.
Terrace: so I see commander.
Matt: Don't tell me. Tell the Romulans.
Comm: Sir, the Council's waiting for you.
Matt: Thank you, lieutenant.
I'll be back shortly, Admirals.
*He walks out.
Within minutes, he's addressing the U.G.C. Security Council, with the Republic Ambassador (Ambassador R'iak, a Dalosian) next to him. Notably, as the Turanian Alliance are now members of the Republic, there is no Turanian representative on the Council, though Odo is still there representing the Dominion.*
R'iak: Ambassadors, this is Vice Admiral Matthew Forrester. He's the one who requested this meeting.
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Jacob: alright pull up a feed for it. Let's see what they have to say.
Phillips: Citadel Control this is the USS Possibility we request docking berth and we need medical personnel several medical emergencies.. We also have survivors of the USS Republic.
Operator: We read you USS Possibility we are giving you berth at Docking bay E34..
Phillips: Thank you Mam
Operator: Welcome back Possibility.
*As the ship docks the refugees are sent to the numerous Refugees are sent to adjecent camps and Medical teams are beaming them to hospitals.. Reynolds especially is being moved carefully. Republic Cadets are sent back to the Republic except for Dani.. The Possibility itself is being repaired as quickly as Possible. *
Phillips: Will the Captain survive?
Doctor: We just need to move him quickly and suppress the swelling and repair the arteries..
Terry: *Dani Right beside him * Alright I need to get to the Security Council meeting, what are you going to do Dani?
*Wax is present through the QEC disheveled but intense.*
Matt: Because of this Council's irresponsible decision to suppress and deny the Sovereign Incident, the Alpha and Beta Quadrants are in a state of total war! Before I continue, I want the Council to justify its decision to not only suppress knowledge of but downright ignore the threat that Sovereign posed!
*OOC: Remember, Matt wasn't actually involved in the battle with Sovereign, so he barely knew anything before O.S.S. decided to ignore the Council and declassify the information.*
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Dani: I think I'm going to head planetside and visit my mom.
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Terry: A wise idea but be careful alright.
Wax: That is something I wish to know as well because this not only caused the death of billions.
I was not part of that Council that Justified that choice.
Wielder: We will admit that there was no substantive proof that Sovereign was anything but a Shadow vessel. That was from examining the evidence from its remains.
Drexler: What the search for Stane that OSS called off?
Then the supernova incident that pressed the Council here not just for reparations but squeezed them into making a choice that brings us here.
*OOC: By the way what about the idea I had with Northman being under cover politically? Think its the one way we can press this one further. *
Dani: Terry, it's Khitomer! What could possibly happen to me down there?!
*She smiles at him.*
By the way... thanks... for before. You didn't have to...
*She kisses him.*
When I get back, we've got a lot to discuss. But before I go, how the hell is it a 23 year-old has the rank of Captain?! You should have only left the academy a couple of years ago!
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood