Divine Pyrogram>Sandstorm>Divine Pyrogram>Glacial Snare (1 Second>1.5 Seconds>1 Second>1.8 Seconds) Max damage in my opinion.
Wait, you don't have undine? I'm about to hit 79 on this server and was relying on you to buy me the pages b:sad
Crit Wizard: LA DPS Wizard: Pure Int
I always thought the "Sacred Dancer" Build took the crown of specialist cleric builds, entirely focused on movement speed, evasion and kiting. The idea is you move too fast to be targeted and have high evasion to dodge melee. They seem to forget you can replace the entire build with a genie movement skill or a speed pot.
Someone needs to be uncharacteristically malevolent to him b:chuckle Makes me wanna roll a level 30 Mage and one-shot him with level 1 Hailstorm.
Quiet, fool! My 98 Wizzie is easily more powerful than my 104 Veno, because of the way their skills flow together. Stop ****** QQing, if you don't like your class the way it is, play another class or move MMO, just don't go round telling the rest of us it's ****. Now GTFO, noob.
5 /thread
Blood Imbue for Blessing of the Pack. Nuff said. P.S Blood Imbue -
Biggest in PvP. 53k, almost. Dragoned Blade Tempest Critical. The "Dual Ogre" is a mob.
An especially good picture: Found it whilst I was digging.
The fact you say "I think" disproves it. A model face is known instantaneously!
No, defo only on the connecting stun. Not all pet skills are max level 5. Most Rare Pet skills have 2~3 levels, actually. The pet self-heal Embrave? (sorry, Im not familiar with PW-INT pet skill names, 'cept Flesh Ream ofc) is a common skill that only has 3 levels.
EUGH As far as bosses with Positive buffs go, I've seen some HH90 bosses that get the "Attack Rate" and "Attack Power" buffs at the same time, which it goes to say must be absolutely purged ASAP. There is one, I believe that gets a Bramble guard (not sure what % reflect) which also must be purged immediately.
<--Male Everyone thinks I'm Female because of my Female characters though b:surrender
Keep hoping. And LOL @ Dueling
I'm sorry, I've only just started considering this server but surely this guide really shouldn't be sticky'ed? I was under the impression that official servers had non-noob members on the forums, but if THIS can get stickyed...
The build I've used as Heavy was: 5 Str/1 Dex/4 Int Gimps weapon for armor.
Fix the photos of the growth charts! Nix's growth chart makes me lol
Out of Interest, which 92 Heaven skills would be fairly useful for me to invest in onece I hit 99 and get my second Heaven culti? (I have plenty of 92 books to trade :P) So far my priority list is: Masteries (I have all 3 books stored in the bank already) Sandstorm Will of the Phoenix Distance Shrink Dragons Breath…
Well, lets face it. No-one is gonna get 200k rep and no-one is gonna be able to farm a WarSoul, making the level 1 wooden wand better. b:chuckle
Nature Talker is not lol. WarSoul is easily the best weapon available to a Mage, and and you can actually get that one!
That was such a good PvP event. Back in the 8x Pure Int days. Not sure what my weapon was, but all my weapon get up to at least +8 if not +10 (still yet to afford +11) It was kind of cheating though, BM ran in, stunned, dragoned and I cast Blade tempest.
No-one on my server is anywhere near that level - we have 4 109's, a handful of 108's, and a fair amount of 107's. 106 is the common level, like level 99's here. I myself just hit 104 on my Veno after a very succesful Dragon Palace run. The server being X5 doesnt mean anythimg other than more xp/coin. We dont get free…
More details: Stats before: Vit: 3 Int: 435 (Moar Powa!) Str: 54 (ready for the level 99 Gold set, lofty exceed) Dex: 3 Stats After: Vit: 3 Int: 286 (less powa...) Str: 103 (for the similar level 99 Gold set light armor, asura) Dex: 103 (Ditto) NOTE: This is with no stat bonuses on my equipments, as I prefer to not rely on…
Demon Purify = PvP ownage. Same channel, same cast, same cooldown. Purifys you + Purges target + No Chi Cost = Win Oh and Dark Plume Quill has 1.2 Channel, 1.0 Cast and 1.2 Cooldown. Also, VS/MS buffs have 25% chance to give 25 Chi to self, and 25% chance to give 25 Chi to target. So you can build up Chi quicker than a…
I rushed maxed Stream Of Rejuvination, and left Wellspring at level 6 (maxed it at the 80's though). I rarely use IHB, just Stream. I see no point, in my party(s) by the time the tanks just about to tick, Stream hits him and keeps him alive easily long enough to cast another one. That said, X5 means you have a growing…
Wizard on X5 is fun b:laugh Level 20 in an hour, level 60 in a week, level 90 in a month. Level 97 several months later >.>
Roll A Mage
My server has Inactive Nirvana Urns. We have no 79 or 100 skills T.T
A good HA wears Magic Boots and Magic Wrists. I have a full set of magic armor in case I wanna 1v1 PvP. WE ARE OP. WE CAN BEAT ALL CLASSES. WE NEVER DIE. Now will you please stop making these stupid threads?