Pandora's PVP Wizard Guide
zzz because you're not comparing anything realistic. Congrats, you wasted a lot more on gear. Ofcourse your stats are going to be higher.
Now look at that. Lv80 wizards, comparable gear, except that I gave the arcane one HH80 gold with g6 shards, the LA has nothing but molds with average shards. Same weapon, similar ornaments, etc. Rings are clean, could be anything depending on preference. Self buffed numbers?
HP: 3034
Def: 3046
MDef: 5773
Crit: 3%
Matk: 4484-5710
Light Armor:
HP: 3375
Def: 4535
MDef: 3637
Crit: 7%
Matk: 3429-4367
Ofcourse the arcane build can change depending on whether you add vit or change shards, though adding vit would lower your magic range, which isn't as big as you made it out to be;
Which, in pvp terms, would be
For less HP, less crit, less pdef. Oh, and you're paying a lot more money for that arcane gear. With that money the LA user could get a better weapon. Meaning with the same amount of money, a Light Armor user will have more potential @ 8x. If you can come up with a lv80 arcane wizard which doesn't waste a LOT more money to get comparable results, do show.Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.0 -
what part of "Robe more expensive than LA" was not clear?
and yeah, u did some builds there, I put some real numbers. From "this is how it could be" to " this is how it is" there's a long way.
And money invested in gear are not a waste. When I will outlvl I will sell it for good cash, cash that will be invested in refining the next gear set, and so on.
I'm not happy having 50mil in bank, I'm happy having a great gear and 5 mil in the bank.____________
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
Ursa - Dreamweaver wrote: »what part of "Robe more expensive than LA" was not clear?
and yeah, u did some builds there, I put some real numbers. From "this is how it could be" to " this is how it is" there's a long way.
And money invested in gear are not a waste. When I will outlvl I will sell it for good cash, cash that will be invested in refining the next gear set, and so on.
I'm not happy having 50mil in bank, I'm happy having a great gear and 5 mil in the bank.Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.0 -
do you need the exact amount of cash i spent? will that make u feel good?
that was a random number, I didn't thought I need to make it clear it's not the real amount.
Geez, relax.
LA has more potential for what? doing less dmg and tanking 1 more hit? The only advantages I see on a LA vs Robe is a little more HP and a higher crit rate. Mdef is about half and pdef is withing 5-6% reduction.
Very very interesting how tons of LA wizzies are restating to robe at 90. Probably because it's soo much potential hidden in that LA, they got sick of it.
LA is a build where u have a better RoI ( need a spell? Return of Investment) because of molds being soo cheap. Robe is quite expensive, so either u have your way around to produce coins and finance the refines/sharding or u basically suck until u hit 90.____________
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
They restat because most people don't +4 their 7x gear.0
true, cause most ppl don't go in 2 , 3 or 4 TW/week-end at that lvl.____________
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
Ursa - Dreamweaver wrote: »dude, i have to lol at your build for TW. self buffed full buffed.
that was at lvl 78. Since then I added more than 1k pdef and about 250 more HP
Now, if u look closely at those builds, u unbuffed vs me unbuffed:
Magic Atk. 3181-3225 vs Magic Atk. 5077-5138
Full buffed
Magic Atk. 3840-3893 vs Magic Atk. 5827-5897
If I still know how do to math, that's a 2k diff in magic dmg no matter how u put it, and that 2k in PvE comes up to 500 in PVP. Not even near the 100-200 u LA guys are throwing around as being the difference. And even in PvE, when each of my shots have 2k more dmg than yours, those crits u have from time to time won't compensate to be in par as DD. Ever. With the TT80 wpn and some 82 ornaments full buffed dmg is somewhere between 56xx - 63xx unbuffed and 64xx-72xx with cleric buff. I really want to see a LA wizz at 82 come in a 1k dmg interval to have that "irrelevant" 250/dmg diff in PvP.
And that HP as LA...rofl. True, you're not refine and gear is so-so. But u don't do dmg and u don't have HP/mdef. U have some pdef, true...but...that's all u have. And that Mdef u have is just a **** fest for Clerics/Venos/Wizards
True, I am refined/sharded, I have expensive equipment, but I never said ( and no guide has ever said) that being a robe wizz is cheap.
When I've said the other day that LA is the cozy way to play a wizz some ppl didn't agree. Now, I think these 2 builds compared can say the whole story.
lol I was like O_O how'd he/she do that!?!? ...then I figured out how to add buffs & stuff.
Okay so for spending as much as you did (idk how much, just assuming it was a lot based on HT prices for your gear +refining stuff), you have this at level 78:
versus me (and again... idk why I compare you to me, but I like that I spent less than 2mil so far on my gears):
where the m.attack difference is still 1.1k in favor of the pure mage (like I mentioned before), and the defense difference is almost 2k in favor of the LA mage. ( I also have this belt & im debating which one to sell... here I have 7.3k def fully buffed).
Nice gear you have though, if I had that kind of assets or time I'd probably go that route too. But why not spend that coinage on charms & just zhen/rebirth as LA until 90? Essentially when it comes down to it, if played smart a mage leveling is basically tied to how much money we have. With each of the stones in your cheesy lv. 77 top, you could have done 1 possibly 2 rebirths... now take that and multiply by all the other excessive stuff you have (nice, but excessive imho).
But think about it Ursa, is it practical to use your very nice gear as the apotheosis of a pure build? I don't think so; what your character calculator says to me is that playing a pure mage is the epitome of expensive, both in game and in real life. It's largely impractical just based on the costs when you could level so much faster & "cozily" whilst saving up for more important (imho) gear (HH90+). I'll repeat myself here though; to say one build is better than the other will earn you a :facepalm:'s just not true. Both are great imho, one deals about 1k less damage in PvE (200-300 less in PvP) but gains a great deal of survivability (necessary for super fast, non-grinding leveling), while the other over time amasses m.attack = damage, and (imho what is most important about pure mages) m.def = massive PvE survivability against magic damage dealing mobs.
It's totally up to personal preference Ursa; you can stop saying you're better than everyone else now, you can stop getting defensive when people point out that you spent (what is to us) a fortune (large or small to you idk) on your gear.
One last thought about the "cozy" build (Light Armor):
1.) I play about 14 hours per week and I took all of May off to work on finals projects, so I've gone 75 levels in 4 months (march, april, june, and july) or in approx. 224 hours of online time. Not sure how this lines up with anybody else's playing habbits, but I'm content with where I'm at & look forward to playing this throughout the rest of my college career (provided I don't get anybody pregnant b:shocked), and I seriously doubt I'll have any trouble getting to "end-game" (my standard for end-game just got bumped up to lv. 101 b:victory due to information on delta rebirth from Red Robin).
Now I get to go to work b:thanks
b:bye0 -
well, yeah, if u can live in RB/Zhen, LA will help u making your life easier.
But except the 2 weeks of vacation I had recently, I'm not able to be ingame for long enough (3h ) to complete a RB or 1-2h for zhen sessions.
So I try to make the most of my char for the type of server I'm on: PvE.
Most of the wizards that are 7x now will be hitting 9x before I do, just bc of my limited time in-game.
And yeah, I was one of the fortunate ones that got a shytload of cash from jolly event and speculated events after, buying cheap and selling expensive. There was a time when I was selling high mats at 4k+/pc .Having my gear at my lvl wan't hard at all. A little grind here and there, farming mats and herbs for cash, stuff like that.
I'm not saying I'm better then anyone else, dunno honestly where did u got that idea. I was just saying a well built Robe is the way to go on a PvE server. For some that's pretty hard to chew it seems.
And BTW, u made a mistake with buffs: the elf blue buff is actually the RB- Red Bubble. That thing increases attk rate and dmg bonus from wpn by 100%. The 2k magic dmg is still there if u take that out.____________
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
Kannone - Heavens Tear wrote: »
versus me (and again... idk why I compare you to me, but I like that I spent less than 2mil so far on my gears):
^ there ya go, gave kannon the same wand as ursa... some more numbers just to confuzzle things:
damage difference: exactly 1000 in favor of a pure build -> 4842LA vs. 5827Pure (but w/ a 3 level difference, at lv. 78 that difference is only 800 -> 5088LA vs. 5827Pure... link below)
elemental resist. difference (hover mouse over one of the elements): 14% difference (ouch for LA) -> 71%Pure vs. kannon's lame 57% lol
deffense reduction % (hover mouse over "phys. defense"): 7% difference -> 69%LA vs. 62%Pure. Then if we hypothesize that (LOL) kannon stops being a cheapskate with his gear, at level 78 he could look something like this:
where the defense difference climbs to 9%, possibly 10% if he finds a better belt).
Wizzie forum is so much more interesting than the Barb forum lol.0 -
XSmokey - Heavens Tear wrote: »
^ there ya go, gave kannon the same wand as ursa... some more numbers just to confuzzle things:
damage difference: exactly 1000 in favor of a pure build -> 4842LA vs. 5827Pure (but w/ a 3 level difference, at lv. 78 that difference is only 800 -> 5088LA vs. 5827Pure... link below)
elemental resist. difference (hover mouse over one of the elements): 14% difference (ouch for LA) -> 71%Pure vs. kannon's lame 57% lol
deffense reduction % (hover mouse over "phys. defense"): 7% difference -> 69%LA vs. 62%Pure. Then if we hypothesize that (LOL) kannon stops being a cheapskate with his gear, at level 78 he could look something like this:
where the defense difference climbs to 9%, possibly 10% if he finds a better belt).
Wizzie forum is so much more interesting than the Barb forum lol.
Please take down all the cleric buffs and u will clearly see 2k dmg difference even with Ursa's wand in Kannone ... Persistence is futile.0 -
Yeah what the guy above said, except not the cleric buffs remove the red ball buff and you see the 2k magic attack difference.
With fairly the same gears in terms of shards and refining a LA will have 6~10% more pdef reduction than a pure, and a pure will have about 8-13% more mdef reduction. You trade one thing for another. Same goes with as a LA you will have slightly higher HP, but in return you also lose a lot of magic attack.
Though the pdef/mdef gap never increases or really decreases as you level, and neither does the HP gap for that matter. The reason why people restat at 90+ is because the only gap that gets bigger as you level is the magic attack gap.0 -
Is Pandora even still activeb:shocked?I managed to hit level 104 on a X5 rates server!
How you level 101's on X1 can stand it, I don't know b:shocked
Woyaa|Level 104|Venomancer|Heaven|Heavy Fox
SpringBud|Level 98|Wizard|Heaven|LA Mage <--Goes to DP
Lowbie Alts:
FrostSong|Level 90|Cleric|Heaven|Full Vit Cleric
IcantPWN|Level 77|BladeMaster|Axe/Fists HA/LA
X0neX|Level 89|Archer|Hell|Exotic EA (1 Mag each level)
LaZy|Level 91|Cleric|Heaven|Full Int, retired
T4nker|Level 8x|Barbarian|Full Con, playing on this one0 -
o.0 why?
Sorry for off-topic :PI managed to hit level 104 on a X5 rates server!
How you level 101's on X1 can stand it, I don't know b:shocked
Woyaa|Level 104|Venomancer|Heaven|Heavy Fox
SpringBud|Level 98|Wizard|Heaven|LA Mage <--Goes to DP
Lowbie Alts:
FrostSong|Level 90|Cleric|Heaven|Full Vit Cleric
IcantPWN|Level 77|BladeMaster|Axe/Fists HA/LA
X0neX|Level 89|Archer|Hell|Exotic EA (1 Mag each level)
LaZy|Level 91|Cleric|Heaven|Full Int, retired
T4nker|Level 8x|Barbarian|Full Con, playing on this one0 -
o.0 why?
Sorry for off-topic :PQuit.0 -
That really sucks b:sad
I wanted to join RQ in hopes he'd come back, cuz lets face it, what better idol does an LA wiz have than the one who wrote the guide..
Wow that's sad, I idolize someone on a game..0 -
Hemoglobin - Lost City wrote: »That really sucks b:sad
I wanted to join RQ in hopes he'd come back, cuz lets face it, what better idol does an LA wiz have than the one who wrote the guide..
Wow that's sad, I idolize someone on a game..
Pandora is idolizable material IMO.
He's going to a diff game, idolize him there b:cute"Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
I decided to restat my 96 Wiz to LA after reading this, my damage has taken a dip but its actually not that bad. I have alot more HP now and I critical fairly often too.I managed to hit level 104 on a X5 rates server!
How you level 101's on X1 can stand it, I don't know b:shocked
Woyaa|Level 104|Venomancer|Heaven|Heavy Fox
SpringBud|Level 98|Wizard|Heaven|LA Mage <--Goes to DP
Lowbie Alts:
FrostSong|Level 90|Cleric|Heaven|Full Vit Cleric
IcantPWN|Level 77|BladeMaster|Axe/Fists HA/LA
X0neX|Level 89|Archer|Hell|Exotic EA (1 Mag each level)
LaZy|Level 91|Cleric|Heaven|Full Int, retired
T4nker|Level 8x|Barbarian|Full Con, playing on this one0 -
give more details about this.
what were the stats before, what are your stats now, what did u lost, what did u gain?
I assume u had a pretty good reason to restat at 96.____________
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
ok i have a lvl 19 pure int and a lvl 29 LA... should i stick with my LA or get my pure int to lvl 60 and restat?0
Ursa - Dreamweaver wrote: »give more details about this.
what were the stats before, what are your stats now, what did u lost, what did u gain?
I assume u had a pretty good reason to restat at 96.
Stats before:
Vit: 3
Int: 435 (Moar Powa!)
Str: 54 (ready for the level 99 Gold set, lofty exceed)
Dex: 3
Stats After:
Vit: 3
Int: 286 (less powa...)
Str: 103 (for the similar level 99 Gold set light armor, asura)
Dex: 103 (Ditto)
NOTE: This is with no stat bonuses on my equipments, as I prefer to not rely on them incase I drop it from a PK (assuming I run out of Angels)
I lost a fair bit of damage, as pure int I hit about 8~10k and as LA I hit about 6.5~7k. I gained ALOT more P.Def and Hp (I can afford +6-8 refines on all my armor ^_~) and 5% more critical (not including armour Dex bonuses). My main reason was, by level 96 I am cba to grind, and that leaves PvP as most of my time b:sin
In PvP before, most of the time I was 1~4 shotted, but could generally kill people in about 2 hits. I envyed watching archers kill people in the same number of hits as me, but not drop like me all the time. So I decided to steal their armor set for myself and see what it was like. Now I generally kill people in 1~4 shots, easily 1~2 with a crit in there and can still take a couple of hits. b:victory The only downside is really PvE, where i will normally take a hit Once or twice (whereas before I could kill mobs without them reaching me). These hits, however are generally reduced greatly against my Robes b:laugh
So, theres my reason. I don't play on my MG much more, as I'm busy leveling my Barb. I occasionally join a DP party on it, and I do my Daily/WQ/RB/BeeHive. I'm sure I will get round one day to getting it to 99 ^_~.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: I have alot more spare money on a X5 server, so I'm not sure if it will play out the same on X1 (I doubt it). Thus it may not be too wise for you to restat without seeing/hearing advice from an LA on this server.I managed to hit level 104 on a X5 rates server!
How you level 101's on X1 can stand it, I don't know b:shocked
Woyaa|Level 104|Venomancer|Heaven|Heavy Fox
SpringBud|Level 98|Wizard|Heaven|LA Mage <--Goes to DP
Lowbie Alts:
FrostSong|Level 90|Cleric|Heaven|Full Vit Cleric
IcantPWN|Level 77|BladeMaster|Axe/Fists HA/LA
X0neX|Level 89|Archer|Hell|Exotic EA (1 Mag each level)
LaZy|Level 91|Cleric|Heaven|Full Int, retired
T4nker|Level 8x|Barbarian|Full Con, playing on this one0 -
Gar.. Private noob,
96 has two of the best Legendary items for Robies, Underworld slayer robe(Might have got that wrong) and Cape of elite leather.Currently flying internet spaceships around dodixie, moving to amarr soon.
Send me a mail if you wanna ask/request anything
Sanctuary's retired king of wizards alongside queen Saintblu.0 -
More details:
Stats before:
Vit: 3
Int: 435 (Moar Powa!)
Str: 54 (ready for the level 99 Gold set, lofty exceed)
Dex: 3
Stats After:
Vit: 3
Int: 286 (less powa...)
Str: 103 (for the similar level 99 Gold set light armor, asura)
Dex: 103 (Ditto)
NOTE: This is with no stat bonuses on my equipments, as I prefer to not rely on them incase I drop it from a PK (assuming I run out of Angels)
I lost a fair bit of damage, as pure int I hit about 8~10k and as LA I hit about 6.5~7k. I gained ALOT more P.Def and Hp (I can afford +6-8 refines on all my armor ^_~) and 5% more critical (not including armour Dex bonuses). My main reason was, by level 96 I am cba to grind, and that leaves PvP as most of my time b:sin
In PvP before, most of the time I was 1~4 shotted, but could generally kill people in about 2 hits. I envyed watching archers kill people in the same number of hits as me, but not drop like me all the time. So I decided to steal their armor set for myself and see what it was like. Now I generally kill people in 1~4 shots, easily 1~2 with a crit in there and can still take a couple of hits. b:victory The only downside is really PvE, where i will normally take a hit Once or twice (whereas before I could kill mobs without them reaching me). These hits, however are generally reduced greatly against my Robes b:laugh
So, theres my reason. I don't play on my MG much more, as I'm busy leveling my Barb. I occasionally join a DP party on it, and I do my Daily/WQ/RB/BeeHive. I'm sure I will get round one day to getting it to 99 ^_~.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: I have alot more spare money on a X5 server, so I'm not sure if it will play out the same on X1 (I doubt it). Thus it may not be too wise for you to restat without seeing/hearing advice from an LA on this server.
aw, private server...b:shocked
and u restat at 96? .... why not go 99 and see what then...
anyway, worth a try. I prefer being able to drop ppl faster than they can drop me.____________
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
Currently flying internet spaceships around dodixie, moving to amarr soon.
Send me a mail if you wanna ask/request anything
Sanctuary's retired king of wizards alongside queen Saintblu.0 -
Witchburner - Sanctuary wrote: »
lol yeah i think its funny how that bm seems to never use any other skills then roar of pride.0 -
No-one on my server is anywhere near that level - we have 4 109's, a handful of 108's, and a fair amount of 107's. 106 is the common level, like level 99's here. I myself just hit 104 on my Veno after a very succesful Dragon Palace run.
The server being X5 doesnt mean anythimg other than more xp/coin. We dont get free Zen/cultivation or anything like that. In essence, it just an official server with X5 rates. Im pretty sure it would have been better to restat at 99, after my second Heaven culti.I managed to hit level 104 on a X5 rates server!
How you level 101's on X1 can stand it, I don't know b:shocked
Woyaa|Level 104|Venomancer|Heaven|Heavy Fox
SpringBud|Level 98|Wizard|Heaven|LA Mage <--Goes to DP
Lowbie Alts:
FrostSong|Level 90|Cleric|Heaven|Full Vit Cleric
IcantPWN|Level 77|BladeMaster|Axe/Fists HA/LA
X0neX|Level 89|Archer|Hell|Exotic EA (1 Mag each level)
LaZy|Level 91|Cleric|Heaven|Full Int, retired
T4nker|Level 8x|Barbarian|Full Con, playing on this one0 -
Witchburner - Sanctuary wrote: »
Seen people on PVE server PVP much better, guess its time to stop insulting carebears.0 -
Seen people on PVE server PVP much better, guess its time to stop insulting carebears.
PVP server is a fail when u see lv8x pking on lv3x or 4x at a good spot of grinding
PVE server can protect the weakers and let the hight guys put the shield off when they want to[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Out of Interest, which 92 Heaven skills would be fairly useful for me to invest in onece I hit 99 and get my second Heaven culti? (I have plenty of 92 books to trade :P)
So far my priority list is:
Masteries (I have all 3 books stored in the bank already)
Will of the Phoenix
Distance Shrink
Dragons Breath
Wellspring Quaff - With the bugged Nirvana Urns, this is ultimately my alternative to Manifest Virtue
Anything I'm doing wrong? Sorry for slightly off topic, but it seems all the good Wizards post here.I managed to hit level 104 on a X5 rates server!
How you level 101's on X1 can stand it, I don't know b:shocked
Woyaa|Level 104|Venomancer|Heaven|Heavy Fox
SpringBud|Level 98|Wizard|Heaven|LA Mage <--Goes to DP
Lowbie Alts:
FrostSong|Level 90|Cleric|Heaven|Full Vit Cleric
IcantPWN|Level 77|BladeMaster|Axe/Fists HA/LA
X0neX|Level 89|Archer|Hell|Exotic EA (1 Mag each level)
LaZy|Level 91|Cleric|Heaven|Full Int, retired
T4nker|Level 8x|Barbarian|Full Con, playing on this one0 -
Pandora thank you for your guide. I wish i had read it sooner. Your knowledge or the wizard class is excellent all around for PvP and Pve. I am now approaching the point where i am to make the decision between Sage and Demon and have a couple questions for you and any others with useful input. Like you, one of my biggest questions is, "what is the real description of Sage wellspring quaff"? In my opinion this skill can make Sage/Demon a no-brainer of a decision. Told 2 different speculations about the skil. Some say that the decription on ecatomb has a typo and that its the mana that is increased by 100%. Some say that the damage increase is correct but there is a 15sec time limit. do u know of any who have this skill yet? either way everyone says the ecatomb description is incorrect b:cry
It is important i think to know about this before making the sage/demon choice because as a damage dealer 100% extra damage it just a stupid no-brainer for me. With genie amps and undine stike and sparks, it would be a never ending streak of amplification. This can be dangerous but extremely usefull with the proper pacing. Especially on HH and World class bosses. Are there any Heros out there that have aquired this? If so, is it stackable with sparks, undine strike, and other amps? Or is it just an amazing mana booster?0
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