How to be a good Venomancer (In dungeons)



  • Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    5. Run. Being a veno dosen't make you invincible. If a mobs after you, your pet just died, dont be a dickbrain and stand there reviving it.

    Kinda sorta gotta add my own interjection to this. It's really a case of "Know Your Mob." For instance. Say it's a Melee mob after me. Being LA hybrid, and having a genie specifically for FBs, it's a simple matter for me to Switch to Fox, Use Blinding Sand on my Genie, and Befuddling Mist in Fox Form, which does, in fact, grant invincibility, as long as you keep it up. The mob will have 0 Accuracy, meaning everything is a miss. Now... Magic? To hell with that. I'm taking off the instant it looks at me.

    My FB Genie has such skills as Blinding Sand, for when a melee mob is after ANYONE, as in a recent 89 run, an arcane wizard gained aggro from my Herc, and started to run. I informed him to stand still, used my combo, and together, we destroyed the mob.

    It has Earthquake, for those times when mobs need to be knocked back, say an SA mob starts heading towards a cleric.

    It has Earth Strand, which I use all the time, especially for luring. Mob heading your way? No problem! This skill freezes the opponent in it's tracks for a couple seconds, giving you, or the party time to react.

    Its final skill is Dust Storm, and while not as useful on a single mob to stop as Earth Strand, is a nice AoE, for when things REALLY go wrong, and you've got a large group that needs to be slowed down.

    All of those skills make my job as a Veno so much easier in an FB, as I can protect everyone with minimal effort, and maximum results.
  • Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Boss situation: If the only tank (bm/barb) dies and you have only 1 cleric in your squad, unsummon your pet unless you can use it as a tank. You propably pull aggro with your pet > pet dies and you draw aggro> cleric start healing you > you die even when cleric heals you > cleric draws aggro > cleric dies = party wipe-Kitsuneh.
    Gotta disagree with this one. The cleric probably already has aggro from healing the tank. In every case I can think of where I've healed a pet and it died, I got aggro. So unsummoning it will just hasten your party's demise.

    As a veno you have a combination of advantages no other class has. You can run pretty fast without a genie skill, you can run away from an aggroed boss without taking any damage (your pet tanks it for you), and you can run away while keeping the boss stationary (leave your pet attacking or parked).

    If the tank dies and the only way to recover from the situation is for your cleric to res the tank, you want your pet to have aggro. You run away as far as you can, and before your pet gets killed, switch it to follow mode. It will start running, and the boss will start chasing. In most cases this means your pet stops taking damage entirely, or only takes one hit every few seconds. Between your fast running speed and Holy Path (if you have it on your genie), you can usually keep your pet healed while doing this, especially if it's a herc.

    A good trick is to switch the pet back to attack mode, hit Holy Path and run as far away as you can. Your pet will warp to you, set it back to follow mode if it tries to go back to the boss (it shouldn't, but if it does). While the boss now tries to close the distance with your pet, heal it up. Then take off running again until the boss catches up.

    Repeat this or the pet-attacks-while-you-run trick to buy more time. Usually you can give the cleric more than enough time to res and buff the tank. After which (assuming your tank is a barb) he can just use Roar to get the boss' aggro back. If nothing, keeping the pet around will let it occupy the boss for a few extra hits, giving your cleric a precious second or two to res the tank.
    I'd add carrying a couple of res scrolls around. If you die and the one cleric in the squad is furiously healing the tank/rest of squad, no one involved really wants the cleric to stop healing and res you.
    I carry a few around (they stack). If you're doing an instanced run and the cleric doesn't have one, give him/her one. If you wipe, you don't want to be wasting time waiting for the cleric to run back.
  • Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    so.. rei you want insight ??? ;)

    so IMHO

    Things that help you be a good veno in a party .

    Always have a suicidal pet for luring (one that runs fast or can take 1-2 shots before hitting the one you want)

    - Always Be carefull of the distances, and the moving targets. ie= you want to lure, your pet goes to the target, but the target has moved beyond the distance limit... and your pet is TP to you..and you get all the aggros at you (happens even at high level and after having done tons of luring)

    At high level take those skills =

    - Bramble hood, all venos should have it as soon as possible (even if you dont intend to solo FBs)

    At 79 the 3 skills have their utility
    - Feral concentration = makes you invincible for 10 seconds ( but you cant move nor cast- 3 sec cast) when luring some bosses for the barb.. you wont take a hit and the barb has enough time to take the aggro back

    - Myriad rainbow = cost lot of mana and chi, but will help you quicken the death of any boss (the rainbow is a random 0 to 4 curses = 4.5k bleed DOT, 4.5k poison DOT, 100 % break Phy armor, 100 % magic armor break last 9 sec)

    - myriad rainbow fox, is the same as above, but with a close range aoe effect, usefull if you want to be part of a zhen party and on some other rare occasions.

    If you can afford them ( by buying the apoc pages or farming them) go for the first 2.
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'll add a little to what Solandri said. If the barb is tanking, some Venos tend to turn off aggro skills to make it easier for the Barb to keep it, meaning all that damage you're unloading might pull aggro as well. Your pet might have aggro still, but either way, I find it rare for a cleric to have aggro when I'm unloading full force. I've actually lost count of the bosses I've dragged around while the party got back up on it's feet. My most memorable one would be the Wood Boss in FB59. I dragged that thing all around the wood section to give the party time to reset itself... Which is another thing. While there are certain bosses you can tank without a pet in FB's, DON'T. It's a lot more effort for a cleric to heal you, when they could be rezzing a barb that takes a lot less healing.

    Edit: Reivi. Is it true the rumors about Feral Concentration? Supposedly if you use an Anti-Stun Genie skill, and then use FC, you'll be invincible without the stun.
  • Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Edit: Reivi. Is it true the rumors about Feral Concentration? Supposedly if you use an Anti-Stun Genie skill, and then use FC, you'll be invincible without the stun.

    never tried it ;)

    only use feral for luring ;)

    but i can do tests ... and that would be another glitch to report ;)

    speaking of glitch ;)
    If your in a party with another veno

    (saw it in TT and some FB) when you only heal another venos pet, and yours is stowed away.. you arent considered in combat.. and then you refill your mana (depend of your mana regen stat, with a regen 4+ you wont loose mana)

    Thats a glitch.. but on some occasion ,ie: pet dead and the other veno needs help, you cant do otherwise
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    never tried it ;)

    only use feral for luring ;)

    but i can do tests ... and that would be another glitch to report ;)

    speaking of glitch ;)
    If your in a party with another veno

    (saw it in TT and some FB) when you only heal another venos pet, and yours is stowed away.. you arent considered in combat.. and then you refill your mana (depend of your mana regen stat, with a regen 4+ you wont loose mana)

    Thats a glitch.. but on some occasion ,ie: pet dead and the other veno needs help, you cant do otherwise

    I don't think either of those are glitches, per se. As it is simply overlapping an effect.

    Especially Heal Pet. Healing a random person doesn't put Clerics into attack mode either.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    thank you b:cute
  • Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'll add a little to what Solandri said. If the barb is tanking, some Venos tend to turn off aggro skills to make it easier for the Barb to keep it, meaning all that damage you're unloading might pull aggro as well. Your pet might have aggro still, but either way, I find it rare for a cleric to have aggro when I'm unloading full force.
    I think people are using different definitions of "having aggro." It sounds like you're using it to mean the boss is most interested in killing someone besides the cleric at the moment. I meant it as, is the cleric on the boss' to-kill list? That is, if the boss kills everyone except the cleric, it will go after the cleric next? I admit my definition is probably less-used; and thinking back on when I've used it most (in EQ) it was ambiguous and everyone just seemed to know from the context whether we were using your definition or my definition.

    If you expect the cleric to survive a party wipe, he cannot have aggro (my definition) or the boss will simply go kill him after the rest of the party dies. This means everyone else has to run around and survive long enough for the boss to forget about the cleric (about 5 minutes in my experience, though it seems to vary by boss). Or the cleric, since he's considered not in combat for healing, to logout in a safe spot. When he returns, invite him back into the group so he isn't kicked from the instance, and he can get started ressing.

    But like I said, the preferred solution would be for the veno to kite the boss while the cleric resses the tank.
    (saw it in TT and some FB) when you only heal another venos pet, and yours is stowed away.. you arent considered in combat.. and then you refill your mana (depend of your mana regen stat, with a regen 4+ you wont loose mana)

    Thats a glitch.. but on some occasion ,ie: pet dead and the other veno needs help, you cant do otherwise
    Shhhhh. Don't want this to get fixed. b:chuckle

    If you have two venos and the 1st veno's pet is tanking, IMHO it's better for the 2nd veno to heal the 1st veno's pet.

    1. The 1st veno's pet is probably tanking because that veno is higher level. So the 1st veno's spell damage is probably higher than the 2nd veno's.
    2. The 1st veno can always see her pet's hp status. If the 2nd veno needs help healing, the 1st veno can see it immediately and toss in a heal. There's no need for the veno to type "need help healing".
    3. If for whatever reason the 2nd veno decides not to use a pet, they get the advantage of the increased mana regen rate. I hate to admit it but I've done this on some boring boss fights. I forego my pet, heal the tanking pet with a paperweight on the heal key, then watch TV for 15 minutes, checking the screen now and then to make sure there are no problems.
  • Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I forego my pet, heal the tanking pet with a paperweight on the heal key, then watch TV for 15 minutes, checking the screen now and then to make sure there are no problems.


    arent you ashamed ????

    i use a paperclip between the touch of the keyboard ^^

    Much more classier :D

    (i have reported this "glitch" more than 6 mounths ago .. and never had a response... so ^^ does that mean it works has intended??)
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    arent you ashamed ????

    i use a paperclip between the touch of the keyboard ^^

    Much more classier :D

    (i have reported this "glitch" more than 6 mounths ago .. and never had a response... so ^^ does that mean it works has intended??)

    It does work. But sometimes it stops..dunno why..maybe something wrong with my keyboard or something... Just relaxing..watching your screen doing nothing, just sit back and relax!! Only do this with easy (low lvl) bosses though >.<
    With high lvl bosses im smashing my finger on my keyboard xD
  • Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I use the tip of a screwdriver, it's one of those screwdrivers made for glasses and such, with some removable bits. I set my heal key as f7, and slide the bit under the f6 or f8 keys. My keyboards keys are only 1/4 height so they don't need to press down very far at all, it works perfect. That's only if I have to do pure healing though. If I don't need that much healing power I've got a hotkey:
    Walk behind (loop)

    And I just let that go forever, occasionally looking back to take care of my mana bar.
  • Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I think people are using different definitions of "having aggro." It sounds like you're using it to mean the boss is most interested in killing someone besides the cleric at the moment. I meant it as, is the cleric on the boss' to-kill list? That is, if the boss kills everyone except the cleric, it will go after the cleric next? I admit my definition is probably less-used; and thinking back on when I've used it most (in EQ) it was ambiguous and everyone just seemed to know from the context whether we were using your definition or my definition.

    If you expect the cleric to survive a party wipe, he cannot have aggro (my definition) or the boss will simply go kill him after the rest of the party dies. This means everyone else has to run around and survive long enough for the boss to forget about the cleric (about 5 minutes in my experience, though it seems to vary by boss). Or the cleric, since he's considered not in combat for healing, to logout in a safe spot. When he returns, invite him back into the group so he isn't kicked from the instance, and he can get started ressing.

    I believe we're using it in the same term, just different wording. You mean something to the effect of "Barb dies, Cleric is boss's next target", correct? If so, that's what I'm also saying, however, I rarely see that happen if I'm blasting the boss as well. Because, while I may not be next on the list, since that usually goes to a BM, or Wizard, I'm always higher than the cleric. And once that boss gets to me, I'm hauling **** to get away and keep the party alive.
  • Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    This whole thread made me LOL. BTW, these rules don't apply to GOOD SKILLED Venos especially at higher levels. Cause I think I break every one of them other then the brambling one. >.>;;; But then again I can take a few boss hits in TT/FBs while getting my pet back out. I stand there like a nub bieng slammed to death, popping Event Foods.. haha. However, the running in circles tactic... I use that a lot too. Its sooo funny to see a big boss hauling **** after me while the cleric rezes the group. I pop fox form and run my **** off in a circle. "Hahah can't catch meeeee!"
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    EUGH As far as bosses with Positive buffs go, I've seen some HH90 bosses that get the "Attack Rate" and "Attack Power" buffs at the same time, which it goes to say must be absolutely purged ASAP. There is one, I believe that gets a Bramble guard (not sure what % reflect) which also must be purged immediately.
    I managed to hit level 104 on a X5 rates server!
    How you level 101's on X1 can stand it, I don't know b:shocked
    Woyaa|Level 104|Venomancer|Heaven|Heavy Fox
    SpringBud|Level 98|Wizard|Heaven|LA Mage <--Goes to DP
    Lowbie Alts:
    FrostSong|Level 90|Cleric|Heaven|Full Vit Cleric
    IcantPWN|Level 77|BladeMaster|Axe/Fists HA/LA
    X0neX|Level 89|Archer|Hell|Exotic EA (1 Mag each level)
    LaZy|Level 91|Cleric|Heaven|Full Int, retired
    T4nker|Level 8x|Barbarian|Full Con, playing on this one
  • Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I believe we're using it in the same term, just different wording. You mean something to the effect of "Barb dies, Cleric is boss's next target", correct? If so, that's what I'm also saying, however, I rarely see that happen if I'm blasting the boss as well.

    No, I'm saying if everyone in party except the cleric dies, the boss will attack the cleric. Unsummoning your pet just hastens that eventuality, so you want to keep it around to give the cleric as much time as possible to either res and heal the tank, or to logout so he can res everyone later. EQ's mob aggro list was gimped and limited to about 12 players, so it was pretty common to manipulate it to insure a cleric (and a monk) survived a raid wipe.
  • Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Mostly I blame the archers of a whole squad whipe out..not always..but mostly. Had an archer once doing crit after crit, with me tanking the boss (farren fb39). Well my pet could still hold agro after the first few crits but after that he agrod the archer. When tanking that boss ranged he goes crazy on aoe attacks. We had a cleric in the squad, with had meaning: died of aoe. So he couldnt heal the archer or the rest anymore. Then the rest of the squad died of aoe. I tried to get agro back on my pet..but the archer stoped his attacks after cleric and some others where already dead. My HP was already half down, charm couldnt take it I was dead too... Archer was running around like crazy (he was last one ironic <_<) and died too...

    Sooo....anyone knows what to do in this kind of situation??
    Cuz I think it would happen some more times having an archer in the squad when the pet tanks. And telling him be eazy with attacks wont help cuz some of them just wont listen... <_<
  • Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    This whole thread made me LOL. BTW, these rules don't apply to GOOD SKILLED Venos especially at higher levels.

    This was meant to lower lvl Venos like Reikara said.
    Unsummoning your pet just hastens that eventuality, so you want to keep it around to give the cleric as much time as possible to either res and heal the tank

    Like I said, do not unsummon your pet unless you can use it as a tank. I use my Tabby Plumdrop all the time. I know it cant tank but I still use it. The Wyvern in fb51 propably can 3-shot/hit my cat down. That wont give much time to cleric to revive and heal the tank.
  • Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Get a herc for reflect aggro. Herc aggro on normal stuff isn't that impressive compared to a magmite (I think a magmites is quite a bit better really) but unless the thing you're fighting is an archer its boss aggro is untouchable.

    As for the archer, that's simple. On AE fights like that where casters can be out of range, you put healers on one side, damage on the other side. That way if they pull aggro it doesn't hit you healing your pet or your cleric.
    Like I said, do not unsummon your pet unless you can use it as a tank. I use my Tabby Plumdrop all the time. I know it cant tank but I still use it. The Wyvern in fb51 propably can 3-shot/hit my cat down. That wont give much time to cleric to revive and heal the tank.

    At 67 it should be able to take a few hits, a 63 magmite shrugs off wyvern attacks until curse lands. Depending on how long that takes it, it can buy your squad anywhere from one to thirty seconds, even a tabby should be able to last until the curse.
  • Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    (i have reported this "glitch" more than 6 mounths ago .. and never had a response... so ^^ does that mean it works has intended??)

    what part is the "glitch"? the part where you maintain mana while spam healing another veno's pet since you are recovering it faster by not being in combat mode? or the part about holding down a key?

    either way.. I wouldnt call them "glitches" the first makes sense - and the second is because with the key being held down your computer is constantly being sent that signal (may be bad for some computers though - might only be able to take just so much of that).

    heck I've been tryin to find a way to use sticky keys on a single key only - the pet food.
    I'm a man
  • Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    The Wyvern in fb51 propably can 3-shot/hit my cat down. That wont give much time to cleric to revive and heal the tank.

    It even kills my kowlin in 2 hits...Never use a non tanking pet at a boss. But if your fast with unsummon and summon (channeling potion, think we should always bring one along) just give it a try...
  • Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    The part that's a glitch is that it circumvents the in combat setting allowing you to participate in a fight with zero risk should the tank die. It also gives you additional resources by avoiding the 1/4 regen on mana and heals.
  • Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    It even kills my kowlin in 2 hits...Never use a non tanking pet at a boss. But if your fast with unsummon and summon (channeling potion, think we should always bring one along) just give it a try...

    My magmite is lvl 45 so it can tank pretty badly as my cat. I really dont have interest to train it so I have to blame myself for using non tanking petb:surrender

    And usually we have 2 bm/barb or 1bm and 1 barb in squad and I trust that they do their job as a tank. Otherwise they failb:chuckle I know my limit and I know when i can tank a boss and when i cant. If the other squad start blaming for not tanking after a party wipe, I can ask why didnt they tanked it^^
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    While we're at it, has anyone here ever had their herc randomly run off, even though he has full loyalty. I mean, he'll run off and attack a mob, that's at a far enough distance to not even aggro you. It's happened quite a few times in dungeons and normal grinding, always ends up with a bad outcome.
  • Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    While we're at it, has anyone here ever had their herc randomly run off, even though he has full loyalty. I mean, he'll run off and attack a mob, that's at a far enough distance to not even aggro you. It's happened quite a few times in dungeons and normal grinding, always ends up with a bad outcome.

    A pet that runs away?!?!b:puzzled
    Was the pet on follow? Forgot do do my pet on follow one time and he was running around like crazy. Maybe the same thing happend to the herc, and when he has reflect on he starts attacking when he gets hit (by agro)
  • Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    A pet that runs away?!?!b:puzzled
    Was the pet on follow? Forgot do do my pet on follow one time and he was running around like crazy. Maybe the same thing happend to the herc, and when he has reflect on he starts attacking when he gets hit (by agro)

    If a mob casts a freeze, your pet will run off in a random direction until the effect wears off. The chickens in FB39 sometimes cast this. If they cast it on me, I'm frozen in place. If they cast it on my pet, it stops fighting and starts running (sometimes right into other unaggroed mobs). One of the mobs in FB59 or FB69 casts it as well, I don't recall exactly which at the moment.

    If you can confirm the behavior, I'd report it as a bug. Hopefully if enough of us report it it'll get fixed quicker.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    in dungeons try to stand at the right position,which is at the back of the party members,y?cos when some random mob aggro on the tank from a distance n the cleric is healing,the mob will come charging at the cleric n u can send yr pet in to save the cleric from dying which may even save the whole party from dying.

    n if some random mobs from behind that u guys missed killing aggro on u,pls do not panic,bramble hood yrself,press esc key,run a bit n u get the mob that's on u,then send in yr pet.

    my tot s r : veno is supposed to cover for the cleric,bramble the tank/melee classes,try to store for time when the tank is busy,just my 2 cents,hope it helps.
    I made the first <Blade of The Red Dust> in Sanctuary b:victory
  • Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    The part that's a glitch is that it circumvents the in combat setting allowing you to participate in a fight with zero risk should the tank die. It also gives you additional resources by avoiding the 1/4 regen on mana and heals.

    Honestly? I don't see how that's a glitch. You're not in battle. Like I said earlier, it's like a cleric flying overhead, and tossing a random heal at someone being attacked. They're not in battle either. No mob has attacked, or even looked at them, so the game doesn't count them as in battle. It's the same as if they buffed someone as well. Tossing a bramble guard at someone being attacked wouldn't put you into Attack Mode either.

    And, Solandri. I think I get it now. Sorry. It's been a long week... As you can tell from my sig.
  • Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Even if you are a arcane veno, there are other useful skills under the foxtree in addition to amp and purge. Learn them.

    Debuffing Mist - Reduces mobs accurary. If you combine this with Blinding Sand, the tank will not get hit for 8 seconds (melee hits)..... Less hits on tank, make for happier tanks and clerics.

    Fox Wallup - Reduces target's channeling speed. This means bosses take longer to cast the AOE, which means, easier to tank to disrupt the boss. This one is hard, but if you use it on the boss has he is about to cast, it will give the tank some extra time. It requires knowing when to use it (same as barbs using desruption skills), since it last a very short time...

    Soul Degeneration - Stops mob from naturaly regaining HP. As you wait on your amp cooldown, use this skill so the mob does not regain any HP. Be careful to only use this when amp runs out, since curses replace eachother, and amp would be replaced by this one.

    Leech - If you in fox form debuffing, and you cannot move outside AOE range anyway since you have to heal your pet, might as well use leech to regain your HP after aoes.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Debuffing Mist - Reduces mobs accurary. If you combine this with Blinding Sand, the tank will not get hit for 8 seconds (melee hits)..... Less hits on tank, make for happier tanks and clerics.

    I'm so glad this is getting spread around. I'm tired of parties going WTF when I tell them I can block all phys damage. Because that also includes Phys AoEs, Ice. And mine is now a 10 on, 3 off genie. 20 more points of mag. That's all I need for a perfect block on all phys damage ever. /drool Must... Do... Warsong...
  • Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Debuffing Mist - Reduces mobs accurary. If you combine this with Blinding Sand, the tank will not get hit for 8 seconds (melee hits)..... Less hits on tank, make for happier tanks and clerics.
    I don't think that's how it works. I just tested it on orchid petalli with level 8 befuddling mist (-60% accuracy) and level 10 blinding sand (-70% accuracy). My herc still got hit. Yes it was melee hits - they took reflect damage. I suspect the % reduction is multiplicative. That is, 60% reduction + 70% reduction doesn't give 130% reduction. It gives [1 - (1-0.6)*(1-0.7)] = 88% reduction. For most tanks (my herc has 971 evasion) this comes nowhere near eliminating every hit. I tried the combo in TT1-1 for a bit, and my herc was hit almost every time.

    It'll probably work with a LA veno, archer, or dex-based BM tanking. In fact, blinding sand costs 25 energy and lasts 10 sec w/ 40 dex, so you'd only need 2.5 energy/sec regen to maintain it throughout a fight. That should be attainable with a genie with 40 dex and 75 magic. It would cost a ton of stamina, but it sounds like it could be very viable for a solo archer or BM. Hmm... now I want to try it...
    Fox Wallup - Reduces target's channeling speed. This means bosses take longer to cast the AOE, which means, easier to tank to disrupt the boss. This one is hard, but if you use it on the boss has he is about to cast, it will give the tank some extra time. It requires knowing when to use it (same as barbs using desruption skills), since it last a very short time...
    Someone said it's bugged and doesn't work on bosses. Anyone know for sure? I haven't leveled this one up (my chi goes to the tank or to sparks), so it's difficult for me to test.
    Soul Degeneration - Stops mob from naturaly regaining HP. As you wait on your amp cooldown, use this skill so the mob does not regain any HP. Be careful to only use this when amp runs out, since curses replace eachother, and amp would be replaced by this one.
    The Sage version if you can get it reduces mob max hp by 20%. Use it at the start of the fight and you've instantly decreased the fight's duration by 1/5th. Anyone know if it stacks with the genie max hp debuff (10% max) and archer hp debuff (20% max)? Cutting boss fights in half in the first 5 seconds sounds awfully tempting.
    Leech - If you in fox form debuffing, and you cannot move outside AOE range anyway since you have to heal your pet, might as well use leech to regain your HP after aoes.
    Best fox skill IMHO. It's great for touching up on hp when you don't want to burn potions. e.g. Those annoying AOE mobs with a ton of hp in Cube of Fate.


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