Rei's kinda-ok guide for Heavy/Robe Fox.



  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'm about 98% sure that it does affect your pet heal lol. It should though, it sounds logical to me u.u
  • Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'm about 98% sure that it does affect your pet heal lol. It should though, it sounds logical to me u.u

    I can say for 100% certainty that it does affect pet heal. Since i heal about 40% of my Herc's HP in one heal with no spark. With spark i heal 100% each time i cast it.
  • Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I can say for 100% certainty that it does affect pet heal. Since i heal about 40% of my Herc's HP in one heal with no spark. With spark i heal 100% each time i cast it.

    Cool. Thanks. It may be very helpful if you cant keep your pet's hp up in long run.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    here are my stats at level 91. no buffs and in human form (so pk stats 90% of the time)

    if i had friends, i would have something like this

    i don't know if those are maxed buffs or not because they weren't my friends

    edit: hh90 gold helm, hh90 green chest/pants heavy, hh80 gold boots heavy, hh90 gold robe gloves, demon slaughter, swindler's, hh90 gold cape, 1soc requiem blade +4.

    all 3 socket except cape (4 sockets). all g7 hp shards. all +5. (except requiem... +4 and g6)

    In my opinion, the rings were by far the trickiest part of this build. I lucked out and got a ring from my old clan leader with the following stats: 3* ring of open sky (lvl 78) 5 magic, 4 dex, 4 dex. My other ring is a 5/3/4 demon panther. I'm hoping to be able to swap out the demon panther in the near future for hopefully a ring with: -6% channeling/hp/4-5 stat.

    I was slowly able to drop most of the pdef items in exchange for mdef items as wizards were by far the most devastating class to face. First to go was the mogwai belt for a demon slaughter. Then, I got rid of sky demon's pearl for swindler's. I'd say that my current mdef is pretty cozy and I don't have to really fear the undine 1 shot from random mages.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Sorry, the post is so huge and i still didin't read everything, but the guide is very good, grats ^^

    I'm a light fox, everything that i have i lack, defense, attack, magic def, magic attack... the light users are the true Hybrid (not 4Int/1Con), you survive but you don't kill. Like you and everyone told, i switch to human form a lot for cast spells, i belive that use human and fox skills is the true way for a Venomancer to play (and everyone praise my player skill, i can tank various boss if the healer is good).

    Buuuuuuuuuuuut my attack sucks U_U when i update it the monsters defenses raises, so it always stay low, i will switch for heavy build in the lv79 (i'm lv67 now) but i have few questions, a lot of people (and a healer friend of mine) say that they hit kill heavy armor users (specialy Foxes).

    a) since we use both Atk and Matk, will be a good idea use both attak and magic rings? I'm looking more for Mring cause of the refination bonus.
    b) like heavy armor user, you use Def acessories or Mdef acessories? Since your natural defense alread are stupid high.

    Only this for now, thanks =3
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    To be honest, with this kind of build it's "Beggars can't be choosers."
    All my ornaments are all +Pdef whilst my rings are magical, i'd preffer at least one physical or both since my Pattack could always use a boost.

    I'd preffer Mdef ornaments too since 19k physical defense is lunacy already. However since you're dependant on + mag, +str +dex sats bonuses from equipment and none, unless you use moulds drop with random bonuses you can't really pick and choose :)

    I'd suggest picking up whatever you can no matter if it's physical or magical, you need whatever you can get your hands on right now to wear your armour. You can switch to whatever you want later on when you can find them.

    And for those who laugh at heavy veno builds and claim that their build fails since they can one shot them with magic obviously dosen't know the first thing about heavy venomancers. I can wear robes and siwtch to them fast, plus i'd like to see them one shot 6KHP+ :/
    (Just for the record though, I managed to kill a level 96 full attack demon cleric in my heavy armour, he demon sparked too.)

    It's like walking up to a blademaster and laughing at him for failure because he dosen't wear arcane armour. Or laughing at a wizard because he can't wear heavy armour.
    Where do people learn such false rumours about heavy venos?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Venos are made for be Robe or Heavy, i found light build inefficient, because you can't kill with melee, it's very good for survivability, you spam magic and use Fox form for debuff only... it is my personal choose, i will like to kill in fox form too instead of only debuff, but i know that have people that don't mind. In lower levels you can kill easly robe users (not counting with bleed) because they still don't have their final gear and don't have good defenses, i know that latter a Mage will be hard like a rock!

    Like you spoke, heavy foxes have minimun Int for the weapon = same damage than light (since they use the remaining points for cover the Vit).

    Robe users aren't for beggars too, you need to have good refines and good stones, i think that you can acomplish first using heavy armor. The only problem that i see in robes is when you need to use magic in human form and have that crappy defense, aside of this the build is very ok ^^ but don't make my style.

    Thanks for the awnsers.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    The build I've used as Heavy was:
    5 Str/1 Dex/4 Int
    Gimps weapon for armor.
    I managed to hit level 104 on a X5 rates server!
    How you level 101's on X1 can stand it, I don't know b:shocked
    Woyaa|Level 104|Venomancer|Heaven|Heavy Fox
    SpringBud|Level 98|Wizard|Heaven|LA Mage <--Goes to DP
    Lowbie Alts:
    FrostSong|Level 90|Cleric|Heaven|Full Vit Cleric
    IcantPWN|Level 77|BladeMaster|Axe/Fists HA/LA
    X0neX|Level 89|Archer|Hell|Exotic EA (1 Mag each level)
    LaZy|Level 91|Cleric|Heaven|Full Int, retired
    T4nker|Level 8x|Barbarian|Full Con, playing on this one
  • Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    woyaa wrote: »
    The build I've used as Heavy was:
    5 Str/1 Dex/4 Int
    Gimps weapon for armor.

    *waves* woow so im not the only one using that build for a heavy!!!b:pleased
    My brain almost exploded when figuring out a build for my heavy alt b:shocked
  • Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Soo Excited about having 20k Phys Def.. I can taasssttteee it. LOL! It iwll help so much in TWs. b:chuckle

    Oh oh and I just picked up Sage Fox Form, and Sage Ironwood Scarab from FBs within the last week. 2 more levels to go until Sage.
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Note to self: Get better Arcane EQs with -%channeling for farming/bosses.
    I might get a 99 weapon with -% channel too >_>;

    Since my guild has a shortage on barbarians, it's likley I may be pulling a catapault in the next TW. I can't wait :D.
  • edited August 2009
    Dang I love this build. It really works a charm in TW when BMs/Barbs think you're a squishy :).

    This is my build at 80;

    Honestly I could benefit from some more magic attack (still equipping lvl 70 Sakyamuni's Light), but decided to leave it til late 80s for Requiem 8D. Just a question though, you mentioned something about a Mogwai belt giving good that a quest item? & is it difficult to obtain?
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Nah it's pretty easy, you have to do a few various things for it, like fighting some mini bosses but they're ok. I'm pretty sure you get the quest at level 87, starts from the Thousand streams elder. Adds +dex, +str and +magic.

    You choose it as a reward item but it kinda sucks because there's some good arcane leggings as a reward too .__.
  • Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I just got my Mogwai Belt. Max Stats ^_^! So that has really helped a bit.b:pleased
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
  • edited August 2009
    Nah it's pretty easy, you have to do a few various things for it, like fighting some mini bosses but they're ok. I'm pretty sure you get the quest at level 87, starts from the Thousand streams elder. Adds +dex, +str and +magic.

    You choose it as a reward item but it kinda sucks because there's some good arcane leggings as a reward too .__.

    Awesome. Then I won't bother upgrading my belt until then :D. How many stats does it add exactly though?

    P.S Grats Gwen :)
  • Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Awesome. Then I won't bother upgrading my belt until then :D. How many stats does it add exactly though?

    P.S Grats Gwen :)

    Protection Belt +228 Phys Res
    Mag +5-6
    Dex+ 5-6
    Str+ 5-6
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    if you say about that insane amount of defense,...
    i wonder, how much does a tiger get in endgame gear?

    (and is it possible/doable to go for all out dex-build?
    aiming for 12k evasion or so?)
  • Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Dang I love this build. It really works a charm in TW when BMs/Barbs think you're a squishy :).

    This is my build at 80;

    Honestly I could benefit from some more magic attack (still equipping lvl 70 Sakyamuni's Light), but decided to leave it til late 80s for Requiem 8D. Just a question though, you mentioned something about a Mogwai belt giving good that a quest item? & is it difficult to obtain?

    btw has anyone ever considered using wheel of life over requiem blade? wheel of life gives +2 more of dex and mag over requiem blade (though lacking in the vit department, but im not so worried over that). and i compared the mag atk of them both on the calculator and this is what i found:
    requiem blade equipped @ 267 mag: 3575 - 4195 mag atk
    wheel of life equipped @ 267 mag: 3320 - 4456 mag atk

    of course, refines may be higher for requiem, but i dun rly plan on refining my 8x-9x weap higher than +3 o_o.
  • Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    btw has anyone ever considered using wheel of life over requiem blade? wheel of life gives +2 more of dex and mag over requiem blade (though lacking in the vit department, but im not so worried over that). and i compared the mag atk of them both on the calculator and this is what i found:
    requiem blade equipped @ 267 mag: 3575 - 4195 mag atk
    wheel of life equipped @ 267 mag: 3320 - 4456 mag atk

    of course, refines may be higher for requiem, but i dun rly plan on refining my 8x-9x weap higher than +3 o_o.

    You also need to look at the cost..... Requiem, is sub 1mil, while Wheel is 4mil+ if you make it yourself by buying mats (the 8 drums kind of suck), or 7mil+ usualy in AH.

    Also look at the PAtck. Swords, in general have better patck values, and if you are a HA, you will be using fox alot...
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    ah okay, ty for the feedback ^^
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Hi, Whats a "Build".? I keep seeking that word but i dont know what it means. Can someone please explain.?
  • Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    a build is basically a way of putting stats on ur character, such as the full magic "build" for magic classes, which involves putting only in magic and the small amount of str needed to wear arcane armor. Any combination of stats is basically called a build, most names for builds are dictated by the armor you are wearing though, because most builds of the same armor will be very similar
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Just to reply to the question asked earlier,
    unless you went with a full fox-form only type build, going for full dex with this isn't possible. You need the mag/str with minimum dex required for armoured to make this work. It's hard as it is getting just enough magic or str so, no not possible.

    You can however get a full dex from a fox-fgorm only type build with heavy armour but i'd imagine your physical attack would be very weak indeed.

    Tigers, you mean barbarians? They get less physical defense than blademasters (who have def buffs) and heavy venos. The venomancer gain more than both by having the blademaster's party def buff and being on fox form (which adds a large amount of defense)

    And builds dictated for armour generally more or less applies to venomancers, unless another class went off the beaten track with something weird (and most of the time usless :/). Other classes tend to have their builds dictated by their skills ie;
    Battle cleric and support cleric.
    Their stat builds tend to be somewhat similar.
  • Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    ah kinda got side-tracked there, first was talking about mage-classes in general, then suddenly jumped to venos only =P
  • Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited August 2009

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  • Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited August 2009
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Wow, nice Obsessed. Grats :)

    Edit; refined all my gear to +5! I now have 5003 HP Unbuffed ^____^
  • Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    This will be me at around level 90. I am in the process of working on all of this gear. Its soo expensive. XD I been running about 2 3-1s a day and still havent' seen a Beast Shell drop. Currently I am selling all my Beast Armors to save the money I need. XD
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
  • Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Love those new tomes. +45str/mag/vitb:dirty


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