I have a better Idea: Why don't we incorperate the Pet and the Veno into one? Oh no wait, we already got fox form for that.
BT>BIDS all situations for me BT = Base Magic (my big 7k-ish stat) Fire and Base magic Physical (so like 14k already) + 200% Weapon (my 1.5k~ish stat) Fire and 200% Physical (Another 6k) = 10k Physical + 10k Fire BIDS = Base Magic Water (7k-ish) + 500% Weapon (7.5k-ish) = 14.5k-ish Water only damage. Go figure.
Don't dis the Heavy Nix Veno. They will wear robes and pummel your face in with physical attacks AND a Nix.
Archers Light Armor Wizard Other Heavy Armor Nix Veno Cleric Other LA/Arcane Nix Veno Barabrian Arcane Wizard Other Heavy Armor Non-Nix Veno Other LA/Arcane Non-Nix Veno BladeMaster* *Fists/Axes Polearm Fists Axes Sword
Full Magic Barb Archer Heavy Nix Veno LA/Arcane Nix Veno Cleric Heavy Non-Nix Veno Other Light Armor Wizard Other Arcane Wizard Barbarian LA/Arcane Non-Nix Veno BladeMaster* *Axes/Fists Polearm Axes Fists Sword
1) 12 Hp per Vit point? Not OP, but it would be kinda harsh to Veno's having the same Hp as a Cleric 2) Immunity to stuns for 10 seconds? A better idea is just to realise that it isnt one of those "Max me skills". Like a Wizards FrostBlade or a Veno's Consume Spirit. You have plenty of other Heals that are more effective,…
My order: Heavy Veno with Nix LA/Arcane Veno with Nix 90+ Mage Archer Heavy Veno without Nix Other Cleric Veno without Nix BladeMaster* Barbarian (LOL) *Mixed Fists/Axes Fists Polearm Axes Sword
I decided to restat my 96 Wiz to LA after reading this, my damage has taken a dip but its actually not that bad. I have alot more HP now and I critical fairly often too.
As far as I'm concerned, by about level 80 the role of Healer and Attacker have blended together too much to be a separate build.
Thanks for the response :) My friend was using a Quiot which explains it. I told him that, but he was adamant, so I thought I would post here :) Someday I will get round to leveling my Cleric past 89
Yes they do Have AoE's Will of the Phoenix, And your 3 Ulties :) <3 Thread Necro
+1 Chi Skill: Heaven! Fury Burst Skill: Hell (Heaven still ROCKS!) Pyrogram: Hell Gush: Heaven Stone Rain: Heaven Barriers: All Hell Ults: All Heaven GS: Hell FoW: Hell Thats why I chose Heaven, as I judged it only on the Bold skills (and these are the only ones I have got hold of to this date)
It resets regen to 0 when it activates for the duration. If they use a pot, it will work as normal. If they use a pot and you cast this, it will be negated. If someone uses a HP/MP regeneration skill (BM sutra heal for example) use this and it wont be negated. Works the same with Whiskt (it doesn't negate) If the get hit…
b:pleased b:shocked N00b days :P
No, the buffs are on a Chain like any othre skill tree, just not shown. Vanguard Spirit --> Magic Shell --> Celestial Guards Seal --> Spirits Gift
Tweakz GTFO of the Veno forums. Magmites are great, the best comparable tank pet vs. a Herc. Of course they are good. Stop picking at bits of posts that can be used against the typer and start looking at the whole picture >.< kthxbai
Give it up Tweaks. You are now "informed" of the bug in Flesh Ream. If you ever use it again I will report you for deliberatly using a bug to your advantage.
Primary: Venomous: Hell Ironwood: Heaven Fox Form: Heaven (Hell is still god for escape) Bramble Guard: Hell (MUST) Secondary: Purge: Heaven, but Hell can still be great Amplify Damage: Heaven, but Hell can still be great These are the 89 Skils you will need/use.
o.0 why? Sorry for off-topic :P
Is Pandora even still activeb:shocked?
<3 Thread necro b:laugh
Hmmm I would say Water/Earth is your best bet. Water: Control Fire: Versatility Earth: Debuff/Damage Water comes with slows and heals. Fire comes with damage but able to be channeled in all ways (DoT, Raw, Long cast opener, AoE, Zhen, Knockback) Earth comes with powerful damage with great status effect add ons (Freeze,…
b:chuckle (BID-->SS-->FoW-->GS-->SS-->Phoenix Firewings) I Hit 12k Gush, 17k SS, 18~20k GS 12~13k Pyro, 14k SR, 30k Tempest, 40k BID. Tempest normally does 5~8k in PvP, 11k on a critical b:victory I one-shot mobs my level with a critical SS or GS. My weapon: Its not that good, but I like it. I'm LA, and I love it.
Sage Sandstorm is the same -50% accuracy loss but for 15 seconds (instead of 10)
Lots more: His view on Wizard damage dealing potential:
1* Eye of the Forest off a white name :) (not on this servr ofc)
Max it :) Save money on pots and is very useful in grinding :) Great for saving the cleric/aggro puller too :) And looks flashy: