truthhurtsouch Arc User


  • Archer- LOVELYESY / Jhonyfork Assassin- Crygol / Kyougu Barbarian- Roar_King / Suchafreak Blademaster- TheDan / Tenjio Cleric- Feighlara / Mendolin Duskblade- Blackteria / LastMeridian Mystic- MysticBoob / Cyrusdesu Psychic- MizChinaDoll / JyTheMerman Seeker- ShadowsEdge / AKSnail Stormbringer- Avunaye / Bananonymus…
  • This is by far the most entertaining thread Harshlands have had in months. b:dirty
  • Lol so much garbage. Not even remotely close to being good and even less "pro". None of ya'll have correct skill cycling, ability to read your opponents, awareness of your surroundings or good timing. If you wanna see a "pro" sin with all the above qualities here you go PWI is a…
  • Everybody knows that gear hasn't always been the biggest gap between QQme and Vicious. Derp.
  • This archer is not only very well geared, he also got some skill to compliment his "OPness". Not to mention a coordinated squad with a good cleric. TBH I think only a handful of players in the other factions are up to his gear heights or at least close to it and they are not getting 1 shot, not even close if buffed. It's…
  • No offense to Yamahabanche guy but that was pretty bad gameplay. He has terrible use of genie and apoth, can't stun lock without occult ice (and even with it), his self buffs awareness is way too slow or none at all, chi management is awful and all his kills are random hits. He's got a long way to go to truly master BM…
  • Yet again you completely deviate from the point because you lack the necessary intelligence to keep up with an argument related to the very topic you yourself started. I'm no teacher but you reflect to have the rationality of a 12 year old boy, now, you are either of that age and I'm losing my time or you are simply…
  • Derailing from the point much Zerokiro? I merely pointed out the stupidity of GoddesNoa reply to U_Sasuke because it was straight forward hilarious but if you must know my main is not even from this server. Better think twice before coming up with nonsense and not wanting to get trolled about it, lmfao.
  • You just took the time for him and your plan is to try turn that on him? You are officially ****. Where is the proof of you killing any of them?
  • ^ This. Though, Purple_Eyes doesn't have a full recast set (missing weapon?) and not all of the armor pieces are +12 and its not 3rd cast is 2nd cast. Have to also consider the advantage sage sin have over demon, I'd say it would be an interesting fight to see 2 players with "nearly even" odds of winning that are known to…
  • The fact that this thread is still going just proves how incredibly bored and frustrated the server is with itself. b:bye
  • When I saw that no one was going for clerics, bm auto attacking with r9 axes, 4+ ppl chasing a sin being spam healed and purified all within 2 minutes of video, I closed it. This is a prime example on how NOT to pvp. I'm an unbiased opinion just being plain honest, both sides sucked. P.S Eoria was the only one playing…
  • My favorite part is when I see ppl like Chrissss get trolled mad. b:laughb:laugh
  • Looks like Kat is an even better spy than xcablex. Should've atleast block the online/offline FL notice though, cuz now everyone is gonna suspect of any tubbies friends of AbyMoon. b:chuckle
  • Is 3 pieces of gear +12 not all of them, cube necklace is +3, only 22.4k hp in human and not even charmed barb... Imagine your chances against FkinMaltaMan with 38k hp and a charm? You simple got outplayed by RoidAbuse in your every moves, he's not a scrub barb like the ones on your private server video, also looked like…
  • First of all, why are you calling FkinMaltaMan a fail barb? He is much better than those shown on your own video. Second, fighting a nearly 40k hp demon barb as a squishy wizard in the official version requires more skill than playing on a full +12/josd pj in a private server who doesn't get 1 shot by any zerk crit skill…
  • After watching both videos and taking into consideration gear, time being a demon wiz, opponent and the fact that is not a private server where you have top notch everything... I think U_Sasuke is by far one of the best wizards I've ever seen. Like Ruvil said Elijah looks pretty decent wizard but we would never be able to…
  • Rofl kitting to wellspring village like a baus! Two-faced much anyone? I remember mav sucking up to Luci in pk now he calls him weak hahaha.
  • That video is not as good as
  • That video is not as good as
  • I wouldn't be surprised if you actually believe you lose exp in pk mode. b:chuckle
  • You must be like the only person that loses exp in pk mode.
  • You mean you have recorded those fights but you edit them out? it's ok to lose the real fights don't be ashamed. That's a normal reaction.
    in PK? Comment by truthhurtsouch March 2012
  • I hope in your next video we can see you fighting people like: a) DeathDoor b) Drigan c) boogiepanda d) Kali e) TeddyBear f) Dylena g) RyougiShiki and I'm sure there are quite a few other skilled players at your gear level.
    in PK? Comment by truthhurtsouch March 2012
  • All of those sins were facerolling except for DeadlyDante, his dagger don't put out enough damage versus your +12 phys def ornaments and JOSD. The story would've been different if he had Ulq's gear. Anyways decent cleric gameplay, just under geared/skilled opponents.
    in PK? Comment by truthhurtsouch March 2012
  • Stop making fools out of yourselves seriously I feel like I gotta tell you cuz it seems like you don't realize it. You think you are trolling when you are in fact getting massively trolled at. All who have seen these videos or seen you pking draws the same conclusion, nuff said. Take a moment and think how many of your…
  • I'm aware of the consequences and that is precisely why I think my idea should be consider. Until anyone can give me a valid reason why unequipping charms is such a bad idea (other that u equip at your own risk) I don't see why keeping it the way it is is the right thing to do? O.o
  • As far as I am concerned the charm system was created over 3 years ago when the game first started, back then you didn't need a charm to run most instances or the PWI community was too young and didn't had preferences with charmed players. My point is the game have undoubtedly changed alot, maybe its time to updated some…