Oh Crimson...



  • Viktorian - Archosaur
    Viktorian - Archosaur Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    instead of oh crimson this thread should be titled oh harshlands
    Servers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
    Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    instead of oh crimson this thread should be titled oh harshlands

    Don't be hatin'. Yesterday I realized Harshlands single-handedly taught me a valuable life lesson, one that more than pays for all the time I invested in this game. It taught me that one of the worst things you could possibly do to yourself is be delusional and lie to yourself, constantly feeding yourself excuses or blatant lies as to why you are the good guy, why you're superior, why you're not a hypocrite, why you're not a liar or a platorea of other conflicts I've seen on Harshlands over the years. Such lies to yourself only hinder you, make you incapable of improving yourself or moving forward in your life (financially, socially, in terms of happiness or otherwise) and incapable of adapting, and they also serve as excuses that allow you to act like an *** while being in full denial that you are one. Make no mistake, if all the people on Harshlands met in real life at a convention or something, very very VERY few would have legitimate reasons to dislike one another (faction grudges would by no means be a legitimate reason) and yet I guarentee you none of these people would make an effort in such a situation to socialize with people opposing their faction, having convinced themselves those people are losers CAUSE ONLY LOSERS WOULD OPPOSE ME IN A VIDEO GAME! Then you've got a room full of people acting like petty children, and they're none the wiser to how stupid they look because they're all feeding themselves lies and excuses as to why the behavior is acceptable.

    Sure, Harshlands taught me that accidently by being a prime example of what happens when you lie to yourself...I've met pathological liars (at least three) who are in full denial about what their lives are like, people who realize they're addicted to such games and it's killing the quality of their life out of game and yet they STILL can't manage to pull away and do something about it (and still can't to this day), people who need this server as an ego stroke and opportunity to compare themselves to others and name themselves superior (even now in this state of the game when a card set means no one even has a REALISTIC opportunity to compete with you anyways) and constantly run around accusing others of arrogance (and this same group has a terrible habit of not knowing what they want, seeking instant gratification, ultimately resulting in a lot of money being tossed at the screen), and several more who just act petty and childish just cause they've convinced themselves opponent #47 is a terrible person. And make no mistake, I'm not targeting any one faction, these problems exist amongst them all.
    Still, it's a valuable life lesson that makes me thankful for having been here. C:

    Let's just hope others catch the **** on....
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Viktorian - Archosaur
    Viktorian - Archosaur Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    so to recap
    Eoria starts flamebait/troll thread
    i respond with troll response
    akira cant take a joke
    and somehow this gets 7 pages of "*** crimson, no *** infa" banter
    Servers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
    Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    PWI was kind of fun last christmas when Dark had some great back-and-forths between Infa, but yeah that didn't really last long.

    And I swear, Infa was trying their best during that time to suck all the fun out of pvp. It definitely worked, and most people just said "*** it" and stopped playing rather than having to try to work so hard at "having fun" in a game.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited August 2014
    so to recap
    Eoria starts flamebait/troll thread
    i respond with troll response
    akira cant take a joke
    and somehow this gets 7 pages of "*** crimson, no *** infa" banter

    Harshlands 2014. b:chuckle
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • BloodyXmoon - Harshlands
    BloodyXmoon - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2014
  • truthhurtsouch
    truthhurtsouch Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This is by far the most entertaining thread Harshlands have had in months. b:dirty
  • Born_Free - Lost City
    Born_Free - Lost City Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    Why? I kinda love see Eoria complain they don't have fun TW while they are actually the cause of their boring TW. They are too powerful to get any challenge, the only real option would be to split Infa in 2 guilds, but Infa are too scare of losing their in game power to take a risk to get some fun TW.

    It's not just Infamous's fault. The lower-classed guilds (which is literally everybody else) either need to ban the hell up, or learn to freaking play. Even some of the higher-geared player suck *** when it comes to PvP.

    People refuse to hanker down and admit that they suck at their class. What's more, they don't even bother learning other people's classes, so that they're prepared for surprises. They won't ask for advice or help because they think because they're X level with X gear, they're already on top. People have waaaaaaaaaay more confidence in their ability....than they actually have ability.
    ...Which is complete bullsh*t.

    Like, I know I'm severely out of practice and severely undergeared, and my PvP skills? I haven't had equal-gear PvP since I was about level 90...not RB'd. And by observing other Psychics, I've already learned some sh*t. I'm not really afraid to admit I'm not the best Psychic on this server.

    Other people need to realize that they shouldn't be resenting people who are "better" than they are, but instead learn from them. It's how you improve and defeat your opponents. Even a R9rr can mess up to a point where someone can take advantage of it. Who cares if that person is an a$s-hat? You don't have to pick curtains with them, just watch what they do in certain scenarios you might be having trouble with. If they're talented at what they do, learn something from it.

    Fighting in a TW is not just a one person thing. You can't have a Rank/G16 guild and only half of them know how to really play, and expect for yourselves to have a majority of wins. People need to own the hell up and admit that they don't know everything; learn from their mistakes and the mistakes of other people. If you notice someone needs improvement, don't just tell them about it, go out there and practice with them in a way that doesn't make them feel like a loser.

    Because for the most part, it's not even that most of the guilds are out-geared: It's that they're OUT-CLASSED. The bulk of Infamous already knows how to play their class (and others) and they play them WELL. (Don't even deny it either.)
    And by watching them in PvP situations, you can learn what patterns they use in combat so that if you face them yourselves, you'll know what to expect and therefore be prepared for what they might throw at you. Themoreyouknow.gif

    Hell, you don't even have to look at Infamous or other guilds to learn either--go to Lost City, watch them.

    There are other options to this TW issue. Could Infamous disband into smaller guilds? Sure, but do you really think they have the balls for that? No. Do I personally feel like we should have to get up to their standards? Not really.
    But when have we ever really gone up to those standards?

    ....Because even Zulu was defeated by Zulu, not Crimson.

    So really, there's never been a victory against these guys that wasn't instrumented by themselves. The rest of us SHOULD be able to ban together into a major guild and just beat the **** out of them, but we don't, for reasons previously stated.

    And Longknife is correct--there really isn't a real reason we should hate one another. I thought I hated Dark and Infamous before I started talking to them. Even when I was in Mayhem (most) of them didn't really treat me any worse than when I'd joined their ranks. Hell, some of them even taught me how to improve myself in PvP just by tweaking some things.

    So....I don't really get all the guild grudges. Seems weird to me, since according to stereotypes we are all fat nerds living in our basements feeding off Mt. Dew and still at home with our parents. Let's all be overweight and lonely together!

    Bottom line though, that's just the ultimatum--we either Miracle Grow some gonads, or Infamous disbands.
    PWI: Constantly **** you in the **** so much you can't sit to play anymore. No wonder people are so butthurt.
  • trollerest
    trollerest Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It's not just Infamous's fault. The lower-classed guilds (which is literally everybody else) either need to ban the hell up, or learn to freaking play. Even some of the higher-geared player suck *** when it comes to PvP.

    People refuse to hanker down and admit that they suck at their class. What's more, they don't even bother learning other people's classes, so that they're prepared for surprises. They won't ask for advice or help because they think because they're X level with X gear, they're already on top. People have waaaaaaaaaay more confidence in their ability....than they actually have ability.
    ...Which is complete bullsh*t.

    Like, I know I'm severely out of practice and severely undergeared, and my PvP skills? I haven't had equal-gear PvP since I was about level 90...not RB'd. And by observing other Psychics, I've already learned some sh*t. I'm not really afraid to admit I'm not the best Psychic on this server.

    Other people need to realize that they shouldn't be resenting people who are "better" than they are, but instead learn from them. It's how you improve and defeat your opponents. Even a R9rr can mess up to a point where someone can take advantage of it. Who cares if that person is an a$s-hat? You don't have to pick curtains with them, just watch what they do in certain scenarios you might be having trouble with. If they're talented at what they do, learn something from it.

    Fighting in a TW is not just a one person thing. You can't have a Rank/G16 guild and only half of them know how to really play, and expect for yourselves to have a majority of wins. People need to own the hell up and admit that they don't know everything; learn from their mistakes and the mistakes of other people. If you notice someone needs improvement, don't just tell them about it, go out there and practice with them in a way that doesn't make them feel like a loser.

    Because for the most part, it's not even that most of the guilds are out-geared: It's that they're OUT-CLASSED. The bulk of Infamous already knows how to play their class (and others) and they play them WELL. (Don't even deny it either.)
    And by watching them in PvP situations, you can learn what patterns they use in combat so that if you face them yourselves, you'll know what to expect and therefore be prepared for what they might throw at you. Themoreyouknow.gif

    Hell, you don't even have to look at Infamous or other guilds to learn either--go to Lost City, watch them.

    There are other options to this TW issue. Could Infamous disband into smaller guilds? Sure, but do you really think they have the balls for that? No. Do I personally feel like we should have to get up to their standards? Not really.
    But when have we ever really gone up to those standards?

    ....Because even Zulu was defeated by Zulu, not Crimson.

    So really, there's never been a victory against these guys that wasn't instrumented by themselves. The rest of us SHOULD be able to ban together into a major guild and just beat the **** out of them, but we don't, for reasons previously stated.

    And Longknife is correct--there really isn't a real reason we should hate one another. I thought I hated Dark and Infamous before I started talking to them. Even when I was in Mayhem (most) of them didn't really treat me any worse than when I'd joined their ranks. Hell, some of them even taught me how to improve myself in PvP just by tweaking some things.

    So....I don't really get all the guild grudges. Seems weird to me, since according to stereotypes we are all fat nerds living in our basements feeding off Mt. Dew and still at home with our parents. Let's all be overweight and lonely together!

    Bottom line though, that's just the ultimatum--we either Miracle Grow some gonads, or Infamous disbands.

    Or all the people who dont like the way the server is can quit harshlands and join another one. Will be better and more productive then responses on the forums the size of novels. People have been blaming the infamous (cata, zulu etc..) crew for the past 5 years. Nothing has changed. Same crying and complaining every 6 months or so.

    1. Quit.
    2. Change servers.
    3. Live with it.

    These are the only things anyone can really do. No one is gonna nut up and get a super faction together to beat infamous.
  • Akira_Green - Harshlands
    Akira_Green - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    People do know that the majority of Infamous is made up of those who have never been in catalyst/zulu right? Only like 10 or so are still in Infamous and were from those guilds. Also Crimson has some old catalyst/zulu members of its own...should really refer to us as Infamous only not previous guilds xD.
  • JustAllEvil - Harshlands
    JustAllEvil - Harshlands Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This is the faction that takes running to safe zone as a victory, how is it surprising they no show TW, no sz.
    Sometimes snarky, but will always bake you cupcakes.
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    trollerest wrote: »
    Or all the people who dont like the way the server is can quit harshlands and join another one. Will be better and more productive then responses on the forums the size of novels. People have been blaming the infamous (cata, zulu etc..) crew for the past 5 years. Nothing has changed. Same crying and complaining every 6 months or so.

    1. Quit.
    2. Change servers.
    3. Live with it.

    These are the only things anyone can really do. No one is gonna nut up and get a super faction together to beat infamous.

    IMO people don't band together because it's simply not fun to dismantle a faction you've been in for the past few years just to beat Infa. Infa core have played this game pretty much everyday for several hours a day for the past several years, and other people simply don't have that kind of ability/time/resources to dedicate to a game.

    Why do that when you can just fight vs other factions, have more fun, and get to stay with your faction, as well as not having to deal with the stupid politics involved when trying to fight Infa?

    It's not like infa even pvp's, the vast majority of pvp I had when I played was vs Bankaigod/mayhem/Crimson. Infa's only real significance is TW, and not enough people care about that anymore.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • ChevaIier - Harshlands
    ChevaIier - Harshlands Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This is by far the most entertaining thread Harshlands have had in months. b:dirty

    Correction: This is the ONLY thread Mods didn't ninja close it under the Harshland subforum. Otherwise, we would always be having entertaining posts :P
  • Viktorian - Archosaur
    Viktorian - Archosaur Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    im still kinda surprised this hasnt gotten closed.
    Servers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
    Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Zzzz... I have been too lazy to post.
    Pointless in pursusing this further. I posted stats for a reason and asked a question.

    You're basically insinuating that she has a portal set if her damage is as high as chaos's. She doesn't. WizSoul's damage will be higher regardless just because she's a mage. Seriously, mages have been hitting people in excess of 100k in pvp for like over two years now. A 48k on you is nowhere out of the realm of possibility given the gear difference and her class.

    @Born_Free - Stop. Just stop. You've been out of the game too long and have literally zero idea of what's going on. Of course, it's not like you ever did in the first place.

    If we didn't want a challenge, we would not have continuously bid and defended Dark last season over just defending Crim+Mayhem. If we didn't want a challenge, we would not have straight gunned for Crimson after taking 1k and then bid them even after we lost two weeks in a row. What else do you want?

    Also this? "when you consider that Crimson isn't too much further ahead than its competing guilds" No, honey. Crimson still pretty solidly out-gears Mayhem overall though Mayhem has been gearing up quite a bit over the past few months and then Crimson also straight out-gears Bankai, Kylin, Watchers, Champs, and Dominio. This leaves Troll, which probably only gets like 30 people in a TW at most I'd assume, and Infamous, who they are about on equal gear with outside of the cardsets in which Crim outgears us in that department now.

    Crimson is by no means a mid-tier guild. If you're seriously thinking that, you're delusional.

    @Longknife - If chaos had not done what he did, then we would probably not be seeing this on our server and other servers currently. Point blank. Why the hell you want to blame this all on WizSoul is beyond me. Frankly, it reeks of the same sort of blinding hatred you guys hold for Curses. But anyway, it will be up to the GMs to do something because you and I both know damn well that neither side is just going to go destroy those cards. It's not gonna happen. That is when you need a GM to step in and actually revoke everyone's cards. That is what they should be there for.

    As for the rest of you, I am tired of this, tbh. Crimson has been our opposition for a very long time. They should not be getting a pass every time they decide they want to turn tail and hide behind someone else because they're losing. And please don't make any mistake. That is exactly what they're doing yet again, just hiding it behind the pretense of "omg cardsets!" because they have no one willing to play meatshield for them anymore nor is the opposing guild just going to back off. As for "oh you guys should break up the guild", why don't you go ask Crimson to break up their guild as well? I am sure the results from both guilds dissolving would be satisfactory as, you know, we could maybe all finally move on from the Zulu/Crimson dichotomy. If only we do it, it would not solve the problem this server has as a whole. If only we disband, then you're going to be left with a guild sitting at #1 that is truly only going to be winning due to numbers and gear and isn't that essentially what you all are raging about now (even though on paper, Crimson should probably be winning over Infa and I'm also pretty sure Infa hasn't outnumbered Crim at all in the current string of tws)?

    It's okay. I understand. It's only fun for Crimson if they're the ones dominating and if they aren't, they just go crawl in a hole for a bit and hope we're dead when they come back out. ):

    P.S. Someone sell Yuyi that Spider Silk fash. b:avoid

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    As for "oh you guys should break up the guild", why don't you go ask Crimson to break up their guild as well?

    Cause it's not Crimson that keep complaining about the lack of fun TW.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • tinocomi
    tinocomi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Those who spar with words against Crimson are homossexuals human beings...

    Good night...
    Notice: Any game is better than PWI atm, so give PWI a break and go try other MMOs! Do it...
    PM me if you want more information about the best MMOs (Warning: biased opinion upon trial)
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    @Longknife - If chaos had not done what he did

    Would you ****ing listen to yourself for one ****ing second of your sorry *** life Eoria? Harshlands knows damned well I'll speak my mind if I get pushed to, and you better think REEEEAAAAAL long and hard if you really want a piece of my mind girl, cause damn it sounds like you need a wake up call.

    I have no idea where you even pull Curses into this or where you think this is about WizSoul more than Jekel. INFACT it'd be the other way around IMO. Curses has jack all to do with this and I DO NOT EVEN PLAY. Last convo I had with Curses? You can ask him yourself. I'd heard through the grapevine he and Jekel fought or something and wasn't sure if that were true or if it were wishful thinking from some other guild (like Crimson). Either way, I wanted to check in because - ask again - I blatantly warned Curses about what killed Dark and what he could expect from the members you guys took in. When I heard that grapevine rumor I'd checked in out of fear Jekel maybe listened to WizSoul a little more than he would be wise to and that caused some fight. NONE of you deserve to be playthings for a pathological liar; I checked in to help. I checked in because - big ****ing surprise - there's not a soul within this game I hold a personal grudge against. Despite how much the guy seems to insist I hate him, he's waaaaaay off. Curses plays to win and he's selfish IMO. At least within the context of this game. He also seems to have this need to constantly re-assure himself that he's amazing, which often leads to disrespecting people within his own team. That he and I were in opposing guilds isn't a matter of personal hate or something, but a matter of disagreeing with some of the things he did via his leadership. No, I'm sorry, I cannot give rigamortiz or dust great the middle finger and treat them like subhuman scum upon Zulu disbanding; whether I have criticisms of them or not, they still helped and were on the same team as me, so treating them like that solely because I think they're subpar players? Doesn't feel right.
    In a nutshell, I opposed infamous because infamous/catalyst/Zulu ensured the same group kept getting all the coin, resulting in the imbalance we have now (well, some of it was obviously achieved other ways). I wanted coin spread more evenly. Not because I'm a goodie two-shoes carebear, but because even wealth distribution equals better competition equals a healthier server. Had catalyst or infamous been toppled and disbanded and, for example, curses found himself in an underdog group trying to fight ANOTHER group hogging coin, I'd probably have gone back to fight alongside him. None of it personal animosity, merely an understanding that the server will be better off if coin isn't sucked up by an elite few.

    And WizSoul? Not someone to hate, someone to pity. Countless psychological studies have shown pathological liars to have a different brain chemistry and more white matter, and it's often debated if it should be diagnosed as a mental illness. There's no getting through to or changing such a persons so I wouldn't even bother trying to expect better from her.

    My focus? My speeches? It's to people like Jekel. And to people like you who so adamantly and biasly state that your side is doing nothing wrong.

    Think back real hard. When chaos was the lone criminal? He was your scapegoat. He was the one everyone and their mother in infamous got on world chat about and claimed he was the reason that Dark won PK or events or TW or whatever. Listen, I know it may be hard to believe now, but I'm sorry we had him. I was kept in the dark (lol pun) about the exact way he got that and was fed a slightly different story, but no I never liked the concept. If I were leader? We might a dropped him, might not've. You wanna know why?

    Because everyone's a hypocrite. You mean to tell me infamous wouldn't have recruited him had we done that....?

    And that's exactly why you and much of infa (though it seems many are kept in the dark) are, IMO, so pathetic. Because the reality, as we see, is that these weren't complaints because what chaos did was unfair, these were complaints because what he did was unfair and he did it while being in a guild that wasn't infamous. THAT'S my issue, THAT'S my rant. Because you wanna sit there and claim your **** don't stink, when in reality it's the exact same odor as everyone else.
    And really, the current events weren't neccesary to prove the hypocrisy. I mean really, is it any secret on this forum that WizSoul screenshots EVERYTHING like some desperate little sorority girl seeking baby's first spotlight? Jekel would have to be highly naive to think no one knew he was asking how to get a Crown of Madness or Nuema set. Yes Jekel, this is what happens when you befriend someone solely on the grounds you share a common enemy; sometimes you should probably hear your enemy out cause it might hold merit. Fun fact: Gyrovague tipped me off eons ago that WizSoul has issues with lying before the "BUT UR SO ARROGANT I BET U GOT IT ALL FIGURED OUT AND WONT LISTEN TO ME" line, and that exact tip-off actually helped me figure out who was telling the truth when WizSoul and Manii pointed fingers at each other.

    But here you are, and what's your attitude? What's the attitude of infamous? Point the finger. "PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY? ARE YOU MAD? THIS IS THE GM'S FAULT FOR NOT BABYSITTING US ENOUGH AND CHAOS FAULT FOR SETTING A BAD EXAMPLE." Oh, excuse me for expecting you to have the maturity of an adult. My mistake.

    Mind you, you're correct that crimson has done this too. And they should also refrain from it. However, I happen to know they DID actually do it in response to Jekel and wizsoul. Your side didn't do it because of chaos, your side did it because they're so fixated on winning AT ALL COSTS that they sit there and try to think tank all these little tricks up round the clock. This is by no means the first time infamous has been involved with exploiting the hell out of a promotion or hole in the game. Mind you I'm not excusing crimson, but I AM saying you'd do well to focus on yourselves for once, because if you constantly point the finger, you'll never get around to it.

    That's what this is about. And while at the end of the day this is all a game and who cares? I fear that a lot of you sadly act exactly the same offline....or you never DO go offline.

    And yet here you are, throwing up excuses like it's your job, all in a pathetic attempt to avoid personal responsibility, excuse the (equally as despicable) actions of your team or claim a moral high ground. FFS you would even rather eat up some ****ty excuse that "that Longknife guy who doesn't play the game anymore spends every night planning to kill Curses" rare than go back and read that post he made for you and realize, plain as day, that that post is by no means focused on you. You'd rather sit there eating those bull**** excuses with a **** eating grin saying "nomnomnom please shove more fecal matter in my mouth" than face reality, BECUZ REALITY IS RLY SCURRY. You'd rather blissfully believe that any rumors that infa has referred to you as a "lost dog who we can't get rid of" when you're not in vent channel (and don't worry, by no means are you the only one that gets trashed when the door is closed) are all lies and slander concocted by a bunch of people who are PURE EVIL rather than pulling an Occam's razor to that **** and thinking "o hey maybe my friends are kinda dicks and our friendship isn't that meaningful."

    FFS in some ways I wish I'd held onto a screenshot WizSoul sent me of Jekel saying "WELL THEN WE CANT BE FRENS ANYMORE!!!" when Dark first bid infamous just so I could show you all how stupid and pathetic you all look, but then I know that I've spent years trying to make people be more self-aware of their personal faults and it's rarely ever worked, so it probably wouldn't here.

    Stop living in denial.
    Stop making excuses.
    Stop avoiding personal responsibility. (That goes for owning up to the tactics of your team, too)
    Get a ****ing life. Playing and loving this game is fine; letting this game turn you into a petty child is not.

    Have fun everyone.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Born_Free - Lost City
    Born_Free - Lost City Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    -snip snappity snap-

    Also this? "when you consider that Crimson isn't too much further ahead than its competing guilds" No, honey. Crimson still pretty solidly out-gears Mayhem overall though Mayhem has been gearing up quite a bit over the past few months and then Crimson also straight out-gears Bankai, Kylin, Watchers, Champs, and Dominio. This leaves Troll, which probably only gets like 30 people in a TW at most I'd assume, and Infamous, who they are about on equal gear with outside of the cardsets in which Crim outgears us in that department now.

    I am not as out of the loop as you think, Eoria. I only act like an idiot, promise. I do appreciate you being polite about it however.

    The interesting part of it is, is that not a whole lot has actually changed in the year and a half I was absent. It's still the same people defending the same points, and putting up the same arguments. The gear has changed. The issue has not.

    Troll's basically an alt guild. Their gear standard's still G16+, but they have more RB's than most recruiting at that rate...meaning they're not as big a threat as they could be. Given some more time, I think they could have the potential to give larger guilds a run for their money, but as with most alt guilds, they're going to suffer from a lack of TW attendance.

    It's not about Crimson's gear, Eoria, it's the mentality I was directly talking about, and it's the level of skill their players have. I'm AWARE they're on par with gear levels as Infamous, even surpassing them in some areas (mostly because I stalk almost everybody's gear/stats when I have the chance, give me your wings btw, how dare they be more purple than mine?!)

    Nobody is hitting Infamous because people consider it a waste of time and effort. The same is said with Crimson. That mentality is what is causing this...enormous power vaccum on the server. It's been going on since the RT expansion--people at least fought Kingdom, even if they lost, because the difference in power was not all that great.
    R9 and Cards have managed to fuq that up, but they are not the only blame for the shift in tone TW's taken over the years.

    People have convinced themselves that Infamous is impossible to beat, because Zulu was impossible to beat, and by the bulk of the server's view, you're the same guild with a different paintjob. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with that statement, but that's never been healthy for the server. Nothing like that is ever going to help things.
    Crimson's "victory" over Zulu was the most explosive and server-jolting thing I've seen since I got here. I haven't felt that much energy in WC since. I miss it.

    THAT is the sort of thing that the server needs to become interesting again--legitimate, nail-biting, gut-wrenching TW's with teams that are on equal footing, fighting for hours. To be fair, almost all of the servers are suffering through the same thing...

    But we are so much cooler than they are, amirite? b:pleased

    Making the server interesting it OUR COLLECTIVE (meaning everybody's) responsibility to uphold.
    Longknife is right: we DO need to take responsibility for our actions. EVERYBODY has fuq'd up. It's time to stop pointing fingers and work out a solution to it. It is possible to find a middle ground, but that means people are going to lose sh*t.
    And of course, nobody wants to do that, which is why we're still stuck in the same loop after five years.

    We all know gear can only carry people so far. In terms of ability and teamwork, we both are more than aware of how well Crimson functions in comparison to Infamous's many, many years of mopping up the map with the same collection of people--the proof is ON the map.

    And to be honest, some of the blame falls on Crimson. How in the flying fuq do you TW this whole time against the same people over and over and NOT learn how to fight back? Even the primitive Native Americans figured out how to fight back against dudes with guns after a while--you would think Crimson would have got the memo by now.
    They don't IMPROVE. Sure they'll upgrade gear, but as far as strategy and skill, they are SEVERELY lacking.

    That goes the same for their competition. NONE of them show any growth in terms of understanding and adjusting themselves in terms of combat. They still do the same sh*t, over and over. We were even joking about in the wee hours of the evening last night about how Sint STILL hasn't learned not to attack from the air.

    People are so convinced that they're right, that they will continue to repeat the same stupid **** over and over instead of learning from their mistakes, or learning from others, and that IS A SERIOUS ISSUE. They don't take advice, they don't listen to others--they're 105 with R9rr so what could anybody else know better?
    And unfortunately, that's the mindset of most people on this server.

    As an example? Infamous isn't all that far from what Zulu was, so I do see where people make a comparison. Different name, different people in variation, but still the same mentality, still the same groupies, and still the same mightier-than-thou attitude.
    Crimson hasn't changed from the day they started recruiting 70+ I sh*t you not. Looking at their more recent videos, they still use the same TW tactics, the same formations, and the same excuses. Instead of looking introspectively at what is going wrong with THEM, they point the finger at Infamous, in the same way they've pointed fingers at pretty much every other incarnation of them.

    And to be honest? You BOTH need to disband. You're BOTH bad for the health of this server. NEITHER of you have changed. NEITHER of you want to look at your flaws and correct them. You BOTH blame the other person...y'all even squabble amongst yourselves.

    Are all of the issues we have our fault? Not really, the game and the company's so fuq'd up this franchise that it's a wonder it's still running smoothly. People are d*ckheads, and you're going to come across them no matter where you go.

    But WE have the control over TW, not the company, not the GM's. That's OUR choice. It's one of the few things we as players can collectively affect with the decisions we make, and we have seriously dropped the ball. The blame goes on everybody. People abused the system. It doesn't matter who at this point. This problem has transcended "my side your side". Seriously, **** the sides. It's an issue for every person playing this server.
    PWI: Constantly **** you in the **** so much you can't sit to play anymore. No wonder people are so butthurt.
  • trollerest
    trollerest Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You guys ever stop to think that your massive posts (which reflects how you are in the actual game), is why harshlands is the way it is?

    Oh no, someone said something I dont like. b:cry

    This just in from CNN

    IT'S A ****ING GAME

    Tune in tonight at 7 for more.

    Sweet baby jesus. You people care so much about what someone else says. Are your lives that uneventful? Are they that null and void of any human contact? Grow the **** up.

    I honestly will feel sorry for you people when real life problems pop up for you. You all gonna drop to the ground and throw a ****** temper tantrum like a kid. Just make sure you have some telecustics in your pocket so that people can hear you.
  • JustAllEvil - Harshlands
    JustAllEvil - Harshlands Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    Dark was falling apart in January. It's gone. No need to get into personal attacks over a faction that was doomed more than half a year ago.

    Some of you are forgetting there are real people behind pixels here, and people you've been "friends" with at various points.

    Asking either or both of them to disband is unrealistic and pandering to people unwilling to do anything on their own. Don't like Infamous or Crimson? Join a different faction and help them grow stronger, or start your own. It's not their obligation to appease you.

    There's way too much bs over pixels...
    Sometimes snarky, but will always bake you cupcakes.
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Chaos gave dark a fighting chance, tbh. Did he ruin PvP? Sure he did. I couldn't help but feel disappointed whenever Chaos joined and made a pvp fight lopsided, but the truth is that Infa had more than enough geared, skilled, and active players to easily counter him.

    The real problem is that the server needed a player like chaos to make the balance between factions even half-way decent.

    Why does 1 faction have pretty much a monopoly on the server's endgame-cata-capable barbs?

    In an ideal world, players would sort themselves out to balance TW, but the majority of HL's endgame population simply aren't interested in healthy competition, and would rather just sit on their mountains of coin and farm dailies instead.

    PWI is a pvp-oriented game. That's where the game shines. PVE in this game is an absolute joke, but people play this game for pve and "progress" simply because they are ignorant of what's possible nowadays in gaming in regards to relevant and interesting content. (it's also the fault of PWI as well, because of how much gear gap and barriers to entry to be competitive they introduced).

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It is a game, but sadly you'd either be wildly naive or kidding yourself if you wanna deny that a lot of the people that play this game have serious issues - mental, psychological, social or otherwise. Sad but true. :/

    Exactly why I don't play anymore. Don't mind me if I sound like a broken record. Lord knows I've been here before trying to tell people to look in a mirror and realize who they are. I'm just stubborn and or a ****ing idiot. No worries, I'm sure I'll stop visiting entirely with due time. ;P Honestly the only reason I thought to stop by is cause Bethesda slapped me with a two week ban for telling someone to "get out and go die in a fire" in response to them saying the next Fallout game should be more like Skyrim. :c
    I <3 AGOREY
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited September 2014
    Bans are not to be discussed on the forums.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Bans are not to be discussed on the forums.

    ......you talking to me with my ban on the Bethesda Softworks forums?

    Here, have a BUMPIN' Christian techno beat to make amends. I go fist pumpin' to this jam every Friday down at the club with Big C: http://youtu.be/Wdo4Eyw4DqM
    I <3 AGOREY
  • OFate - Heavens Tear
    OFate - Heavens Tear Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Why you no-show TW? ):

    *Shooting rubberbands at Eoria*

    Very nice to still see you playing dear... and I see LongKnife is still playing also. (*tossing a waterballoon at LongKnife*).
    Ying - 101 Sage Venomancer RB2 // No Alts // Perfect World Player Since: May 2008
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    *Shooting rubberbands at Eoria*

    Very nice to still see you playing dear... and I see LongKnife is still playing also. (*tossing a waterballoon at LongKnife*).

    Posting on a forum doesn't mean people still play. =3

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • OFate - Heavens Tear
    OFate - Heavens Tear Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Posting on a forum doesn't mean people still play. =3

    Very true... b:laugh
    Ying - 101 Sage Venomancer RB2 // No Alts // Perfect World Player Since: May 2008
  • Kywe - Harshlands
    Kywe - Harshlands Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Posting on a forum doesn't mean people still play. =3

    +1 b:laugh
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    +1 b:laugh

    HI KIWI. b:cute

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute