thewordlesssignature Arc User


  • Um...anyone know if the PWI cards are out in Hawaii? >_>; I've checked some 7/11 stores and I couldn't find any. And erm...our only Target store just opened about 5 months ago and I doubt they have it >_<! Anyone else in Hawaii found any cards in 7/11?
  • I think this is getting out of hand. First off, this is still a forum and I think name calling of "****" and stuff doesn't need to be in this argument. Second, this isn't an argument of **** Marriage in the REAL world, but in PW. I have friends and relatives that are homosexual, but they play PW because its fun and is an…
  • I thought the event had some great points, and some areas that could be improved. I liked how the event sectioned off different parts of Arch for the different lvled mobs/players. The whole assault itself was a great idea and allowed players to interact and feel a greater unity while playing PW. The mobs that were there…
  • Like SATII said, while you have good intentions, some of the things listed are a bit inaccurate. (Not much, just little things). 1) FAC's can not have light armor because FAC's only put stats into magic and the minimum requirement in strength for their arcane robes. Also, FAC's will have insane mag points, so they actually…
  • True that it is the guide that most people follow, but not everyone does...eeeh, I'm prolly gonna give up on this whole thing XD jaa, sano
  • God, stop taking the name so freaken literally. The good FAC's will have a heal, and won't be stupid enough to let other people die if they are in a squad. People that can't play the game and claim that they are FAC's will be the ones that **** everyone over. You keep saying FAC's suck because of bad experiences with…
  • ...That's just an idiot. -_-; jaa, sano
  • So, basically Forp, you look at FAC's literally by their name: Full Attack Cleric, right? But if FAC's mean that you don't get a heal, then I doubt anyone here that is arguing against you actually has that build. Every cleric has a heal. If not, they would have played a Wizard. As I've said in another thread, the reason…
  • Forp, I'm just posting for clarification: you believe that Full Int Attack Clerics (who level their heals and buffs as well) are fine as long as they have max plume, cyclone and a heal, right? What you are against are clerics that put everything into mag, the minimum for str to get weapons and only max their plume, cyclone…
  • ...I didn't know that. O_O! Now that you've said it...why didn't I think of that?! >_< I'm definitely gonna try that and see how it will affect fb runs and such. =D Thanks for the info! jaa, sano
  • Forp, as a Full int attack cleric....I agree with you that full int attack clerics have a role that they play. Full int is a decent build, if played right. I am geared towards attack, but I always keep an eye on my other squad members to make sure that everyone keep their HP at least 75%. When it drops less then that, I…
  • While other races can heal themselves, Clerics have a strong heal that pretty much recovers all of their HP within a couple of seconds. Yes, the other races have pots and chaos powders and what not from the apothacary, but those items also have a cool down period. Any class is pretty good at soloing- all what matters is…
  • So what? Full int attack clerics like to hit high numbers, so they max their attacks. Guess what else most clerics want to do? be able to heal. So they usually max their Iron heart blessing/ or what ever heal they want. Clerics, no matter what level they are, will always need to max plume shot/cyclone and a heal, which,…
  • First off, Full Int Attack Clerics are not completely useless. Full Int Attack Clerics are actually a decent build in PVE, as long as your armor has +vit/+hp or +pdef. There are "Hell levels" for a Full Int Attack Cleric- mostly around lvl 15-20 ish and its because of your low HP. However, you can pass those levels without…
  • ...Maybe the name FAC should just be null because people seem to take it too literally. Like so many people have already stated, FAC just means a cleric that took attack as their priority. It doesn't mean that they don't use heals at all because that ruins the purpose of being a cleric, rather than choosing the wizard. To…
  • Thank you for all those who took the time to share their experiences and tips, especially Nayethe, who took the time to write about what a pure mag build cleric will do in a squad. I think it was also a good point to bring up that at times, FAC's will be asked to heal if there is no other cleric. Now, what is pretty cool…
  • Be prepared for people to not like you. Hmm, tips for making an FAC? simple. 9 mag 1 str every two levels. Your priority will be Plume Shot and Cyclone. Your only healing Spell will be Iron Heart. You will focus on Debuffs instead of the other heals, but you will need to level up Vanguard Blessing and Spirit's Gift, which…
  • Why couldn't I have found this sooner...? I'm glad that I found something like this- I'm new to online games (PWI being my first online game) and I'm very worried about getting people killed while doing FB's. I'm a full int cleric geared towards attack, so your bit about FAC's really helped me =D Even though this guide may…
  • coolies, thanks for the info =D jaa, sano
  • Glad to see people are getting some info from this thread. Just wanted to say that making Focus Powders really help when you find your self burning through your MP very quickly. Focus Powders give you 50 MP per second for 10 minutes, and is very useful when you don't have a safe place to sit and meditate. Jade Powders are…
  • On the bottom of your skill list there should be a space labeled custom, if my memory serves me right. Below that are buttons that say edit, delete and new. If you click new, you can create a custom skill, which is more of a short cut. For example, a cleric would create a custom skill that casts the spells for HP…
  • Everyone, thank you for your great comments. I especially want to thank VertasVis for his suggestion on dropping plume shell during attacks and instead use iron hearts- its a great way to save mana. Also, I thank Amiris and jemima for including their comments. Amiris made great points about my mistakes regarding how to…
  • How are her stats looking? Maybe she can afford to put more points into vit. Is she dying while she's soloing monsters? Does she know how to kite? Is she getting 'interrupted' a lot? How is her attack pattern? ex. cyclone/ plume shot/ cyclone? Actually, is her problem dying, or MP recovery? Is the problem just having no MP…
  • Yeah, I definitely had a hard time during that time as well. Some things I did: 1) Choose your battles carefully. XD No increased magic resistance, defense and especially life. For Sacrificial assault I cast an ironheart a bit before I start attacking. 2) I tried to kite things- It's kinda difficult to do if you aren't…
  • Hmm, how exactly is she using her MP? Is she dying in FBs or is she dying while grinding? How are her stats? Its also possible that she isn't timing things right- sometimes I find myself able to survive because I cast my ironheart blessing a little early to balance the damage I take... How about other items? Life powders…
  • Wow, that's awesome advice Deadbone! I've been wondering how to AoE with a cleric so this clears up a lot of questions. =D jaa, sano
  • Envy, being respectful doesn't make you less of a player or less of a leader for your guild. I understand that being involved in a guild that is built towards PVP requires a tough exterior and mental discipline. I mean, you more than likely deal with a lot of whining about how you PVP people and they don't like it, blah…
  • Hello everyone... I have already started a thread similar to this one. However, if anyone has any account of what they went though as a FAC, whether it is was a good experience or not, I would like you to post your account of being an FAC in a thread labeled, "For all those involved in the FAC vs FSC argument". You account…