FAC, complete nonsense build?



  • Keyne - Heavens Tear
    Keyne - Heavens Tear Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The problem with that is no one can tell what buffs you have when you get invited to a party. All they see is, "Look there's a cleric. Lets invite him/her!" If you get invited to a party, and your a FAC, TELL THE GROUP! There is nothing worse than when your expected to perform a role and cant do it. More likely than not, the group will drop you for a FSC. But at least you didnt let the group down.
  • saphos10
    saphos10 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    (Post removed by Author)
  • Sapheon - Heavens Tear
    Sapheon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I started playing PWI for a week. But I have been playing MMO for about 12 years now.

    The common views I read on this post are...

    What good is FAC when they have weak healing...
    What good is FAC when I can heal so much more with support...
    They will not have enough Spirit if they want to get heal spell (the guide stated clearly only to get enough healing to heal yourself / serve as backup, let the other cleric heal the squad. Do yourself a favor, read the entrie guide before critising)

    I guess you simply do not understand 2 things:

    1. FAC means attacking, they are not there to support the group. Enough said.
    2. You can heal better than a FAC has no corelation to you being more useful to the group than the FAC. In you opinion, you must be the most useful person in the group, since the Warrior. Tanker, Mage and whoever else you have, none of them can heal well, so they are all useless.

    The ironic to this is, the same people who sees the glory in having a mage in the party, will refuse to see the role of a FAC in a party. What's the difference? The FAC in other words, is just a mage who uses different elemental than Fire/Water/Earth... the FAC can be viewed as a mage who uses Metal elemental, and have better healing ability than a mage. So... put simply, a mage with different elemental who can ALSO act as a secondary healer.


    In some games the healer could turn out the be the best attacker due to the debuffs that they have. And this is exactly the theory behind this FAC where they debuff and attack, so the attack will turn out stronger than a mage's.

    It's 'YOU' who expected the cleric to heal. The Cleric has no obligation to meet your expectation. You voluntarily assumed that the Cleric is there to heal you. I agree where if they are not there to support, they need to let the party know up front. And the guide said that also.

    It doesn't mean that they don't use heals at all because that ruins the purpose of being a cleric, rather than choosing the wizard

    Ruins the purpose of being a Cleric? Or ruins your expectation from Clerics?
  • Isaphet - Heavens Tear
    Isaphet - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The problem lies not in someone describing themselves as an fac or an fsc, because if people are serious about it, both "builds" suck ****. I recently did an fb39 with a level 7x cleric who kept running away from mobs when she pulled aggro and did nothing but heal all dungeon. When questioned over why she wasn't attacking she responded "I'm a full support cleric"... in fb39 for crying out loud. Thats just as useless as a cleric continuing to attack a boss while the tank is dying and claiming "but I'm a full attack cleric".

    Both attitudes are ridiculous. Sure you can play your cleric slightly differently and there are different ways that work out (if someone is about to die you may choose to steal aggro, or heal, both should be used in the right situations), but these titles of FAC and FSC just encourage terrible gameplay from various clerics who think they are "being unique" or "sticking to the build". No this isn't just for low level players, plenty of clerics upwards of level 70 still play horribly while using these titles as their exscuse.
  • bobbeh
    bobbeh Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The problem lies not in someone describing themselves as an fac or an fsc, because if people are serious about it, both "builds" suck ****. I recently did an fb39 with a level 7x cleric who kept running away from mobs when she pulled aggro and did nothing but heal all dungeon. When questioned over why she wasn't attacking she responded "I'm a full support cleric"... in fb39 for crying out loud. Thats just as useless as a cleric continuing to attack a boss while the tank is dying and claiming "but I'm a full attack cleric".

    Both attitudes are ridiculous. Sure you can play your cleric slightly differently and there are different ways that work out (if someone is about to die you may choose to steal aggro, or heal, both should be used in the right situations), but these titles of FAC and FSC just encourage terrible gameplay from various clerics who think they are "being unique" or "sticking to the build". No this isn't just for low level players, plenty of clerics upwards of level 70 still play horribly while using these titles as their exscuse.

    Then what will your definition of a GOOD cleric be? HEAL and ATTACK simultaneously?
  • Rillien - Heavens Tear
    Rillien - Heavens Tear Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ^^No, the point of that post was that a lvl 70+ cleric should not be running away from fb39 mobs if he/she draws aggro, for the sake of being a FSC. Just like if you are a FAC in a party with another cleric, and the healing cleric dies, it would probably be smart to start using some of your heals so the entire party doesn't wipe.

    Clerics were created to be extremely versatile. Sure, you can have a preference over whether you want to attack or heal, but a good player will gauge the situation and use their talents where they are needed.
  • Isaphet - Heavens Tear
    Isaphet - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    bobbeh wrote: »
    Then what will your definition of a GOOD cleric be? HEAL and ATTACK simultaneously?

    Yes, I think the best clerics will do that, the best of any class will always use all their spells as and when the situation requires it. Thats not my point though, not everyone can be one of the best. What I'm talking about are those who become horrible horrible clerics in the name of fitting the FAC or FSC title. Seriously, a level 7x running away from mobs in an fb39 because she is an FSC? Another watching the party get wiped because he decided to continue attacking while the tank bit the dust because he is an FAC?

    If someone wants to be more attack or support minded, thats fine, but you cant neglect your responsibilities (which exist because of the spells available to you, not because of what you say you want to be) in the name of sticking to your "build".

    Edit: Basically... What Rillian said!
  • Kikuzakura - Sanctuary
    Kikuzakura - Sanctuary Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I think people have been struggling with a concept which I have not seen anyone express yet, to my satisfaction:

    A "full support" cleric's squad, will typically out-damage a "full attack" cleric's squad. This will be because other squad members will need to tone down their offense to stay alive (or, often enough, will spend some of their time not attacking because they died). One exception, of course, will be a full support cleric's squad which includes a full attack cleric damage dealer.

    Of course, solo play works differently. But a full support cleric's squad will also out-damage a full attack cleric playing solo.

    Full attack clerics can be useful, in a secondary capacity. However, parties can only have six people and sometimes we need people capable of filling other secondary roles.
  • Isaphet - Heavens Tear
    Isaphet - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I started playing PWI for a week. But I have been playing MMO for about 12 years now.

    The common views I read on this post are...

    What good is FAC when they have weak healing...
    What good is FAC when I can heal so much more with support...
    They will not have enough Spirit if they want to get heal spell (the guide stated clearly only to get enough healing to heal yourself / serve as backup, let the other cleric heal the squad. Do yourself a favor, read the entrie guide before critising)

    Could you do yourself a favour and read the initial post? Look at the spirit requirements, point settled.

    Possibly the most uniformed (and ironically sure of itself) post I've read in recent times.
  • Mr_Grip - Heavens Tear
    Mr_Grip - Heavens Tear Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I guess I'll throw my two coins in.

    I want to take the time to give a little insight into how I'm building my cleric. I keep my heals up to date, I maxed Plume and Cyclone. I have two of my aoe buffs and the third is coming in two levels. I'm not touching my regen buff really, it's at 4 now and wont move again to after level 60. Every socket I have is filled with defensive shards. I'm running while buffed with 4972 magic defense (all elements) and 1400 physical defense. I'm a healer when need be and can deal damage when need be. I'm neither support or full attack. I'm what I would call a combat cleric, the healer that doesn't run. The nuker that will handle aggro. I have my purify and res at respectable levels.

    Now my opinion...

    I respect and encourage individual thinking and creative tinkering when it comes to building characters in RPG's. However I really see no point in a cleric trying to fill the role of a DD when wizards do the job much better. Clerics has two damage types they can use, that's not much considering that veno's and wizards have much more. I do see them being a force in a pvp setting or in a solo manner, but in a party they seem foolish. If ever one happens to be partied with me I might get to see them in action, so I can't say I dislike them from experience. But on paper they seem to me a waste of time.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    As I'm sure you know, Forp, Attack Cleric is a mindset, not a build. This is because you will get enough SP to max all of your skills eventually. But many new players are inexperienced, and do not know this yet!

    All they see is that, in the lowish levels, that they don't have the SP to keep all of their skills leveled. Therefore, like any reasonable person, they choose the ones they use most often, and level those! For people playing FACs, those skills are debuffs and attack spells. Since they don't have the SP to level other skills yet, FAC really looks like a build to them.

    This, I feel, is the basis for their argument. And, from their perspective in the lowish levels, it certainly makes sense.

    i have no problem with people who choose to have attacks as a priority, as long as they know their purpose. if they have the skills they need to be useful, then so be it, make attacks a priority. people who ignore their true role(like the writer of the guide in this section), are completely worthless to everybody around them. he has no purpose, he's a waste of space.

    people believe, with his guide, they will become higher hitters than wizards. guess what? wizards dominate 3 elements, clerics have 1. unless you only fight wood mobs forever, we're not very good dds.
  • thewordlesssignature
    thewordlesssignature Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Forp, as a Full int attack cleric....I agree with you that full int attack clerics have a role that they play. Full int is a decent build, if played right. I am geared towards attack, but I always keep an eye on my other squad members to make sure that everyone keep their HP at least 75%. When it drops less then that, I drop what I'm attacking (since I know the other DD's will pick up the slack) and I heal that person, especially if that person is the tank.

    Just because we are geared to attack, it doesn't mean that is all we SHOULD do. That is one fault I see with the guide, or at least, one thing that I, personally do not follow. I prefer to deal good damage, but be able to support my squad with heals and the few buffs that I do have. Yes, I can also help the squad by killing the mobs, but there are always other DD's that can pick up the slack if a person needs to be healed. I like being able to be versatile. I guess being able to throw in heals is a trade off for those other 2 element masteries that wizards have over us.

    Forp, I TOTALLY get what you are saying. I also get what Isaphet is saying as well. I'd feel very insecure if I was in that squad with a lvl 7x cleric running around the fb39 saying 'get it off me! get it off me!' as the mob chased them. That cleric was kinda weird though...I'm only a lvl 45 full int attack cleric but I can handle an fb39 mob. It would take me some pots and heals, but I could survive. And even if she is a Full Support Cleric, she should've at least maxed her plume shot/cyclone. If she didn't and she's lvl 70, then I have no idea how she survived. O_o;

    I guess that brings the point back to what Forp was saying: full int attack clerics need to know how to play well and know what their role is in a squad- deal damage, but not at the expense of the party.

    To be honest, I think people are following that guide too literally. And other's do not read it well enough. Any player who is playing full int attack clerics should be aware that being called an FAC doesn't exempt you from helping the squad, and the world isn't going to end if you have to throw a heal or two.

  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    why do you keep saying full int? the stat point distribution doesn't bother me as long as you don't go light armor. utterly useless to a cleric. vit builds are ok.
  • Mr_Grip - Heavens Tear
    Mr_Grip - Heavens Tear Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    why do you keep saying full int? the stat point distribution doesn't bother me as long as you don't go light armor. utterly useless to a cleric. vit builds are ok.

    Yeah light armor is pointless and my 13 base vit agrees with you as well.
  • Shano - Lost City
    Shano - Lost City Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i don't get why FAC suck at healing.. they are pure int which have lots of base magic than normal which will give better healing -.-
    but doesn't change the fact they're one shot
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    1st Cleric heals. Is that all he should do? No! If situation lets you, youll be doing a party a greater good DD/debuffing then healing just to be doing something.

    2nd your Cleric you build choice. But as a Cleric IH and purify are well things you
    need to fill your role. No matter what crazy build you are doing.

    3rd fac's arnt useless, they are same as FSC's who also just spam IH (i rarely see them use other healing spells, and i am not counting BB).

    So whats the difference?
    As stated, only what skills you will lv up first and what you like to do.
    But note, as a Cleric you will never avoid healing cause if you want to avoid it then as some one said "roll a mage".
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    1st Cleric heals. Is that all he should do? No! If situation lets you, youll be doing a party a greater good DD/debuffing then healing just to be doing something.

    2nd your Cleric you build choice. But as a Cleric IH and purify are well things you
    need to fill your role. No matter what crazy build you are doing.

    3rd fac's arnt useless, they are same as FSC's who also just spam IH (i rarely see them use other healing spells, and i am not counting BB).

    So whats the difference?
    As stated, only what skills you will lv up first and what you like to do.
    But note, as a Cleric you will never avoid healing cause if you want to avoid it then as some one said "roll a mage".

    if you avoid healing, you'll be useless to those around you. you don't hit higher than a wiz, you have less elements, so less ability, and you're still squishy as hell. make yourself useful, heal. and, iron heart isn't the only heal used. wellspring surge is right up there with it. iron heart wont save a life, wellspring will.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    if you avoid healing, you'll be useless to those around you. you don't hit higher than a wiz, you have less elements, so less ability, and you're still squishy as hell. make yourself useful, heal. and, iron heart isn't the only heal used. wellspring surge is right up there with it. iron heart wont save a life, wellspring will.

    True, but as i said, rarely seen.
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Get this through your thick skulls, assorted morons...

    FACs do not heal. FACs do not res. FACs do not buff anyone other than themselves. This is indisputable. Anyone who disputes it has not read the original FAC guide, and is an idiot.

    If you heal, res or buff anyone other than yourself, you are not an FAC. You are a normal cleric.

    FACs are worthless. There is no reason whatsoever to make one. If you make one, you are an idiot.

    Anyone who plays an FAC is an idiot. Anyone who supports FACs is an idiot.

    In fact, if you have anything whatsoever to do with FACs, you will need to work awfully hard to avoid being an idiot.

    End of story. Simple as that.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    fuzzles wrote: »
    Get this through your thick skulls, assorted morons...

    FACs do not heal. FACs do not res. FACs do not buff anyone other than themselves. This is indisputable. Anyone who disputes it has not read the original FAC guide, and is an idiot.

    If you heal, res or buff anyone other than yourself, you are not an FAC. You are a normal cleric.

    FACs are worthless. There is no reason whatsoever to make one. If you make one, you are an idiot.

    Anyone who plays an FAC is an idiot. Anyone who supports FACs is an idiot.

    In fact, if you have anything whatsoever to do with FACs, you will need to work awfully hard to avoid being an idiot.

    End of story. Simple as that.
    Kiddo get some IQ in your head then talk.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    he's right. "full attack clerics" are useless. an attack cleric? that's more reasonable. at leas then you help your squad. "full attack" is useless to everyone around them. they wont be accepted in squads. the writers of the original guides lied when they said people took them over wizards. the only time they would take a "full attack cleric" over a wizard is when the level difference is so dramatic that the cleric wins in attack power.
  • Isaphet - Heavens Tear
    Isaphet - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Or if the wizard just said in squad chat "you're mums all smell of pickled gherkins, and your girlfriend looks like a camel b:angry" and meant it!

    Other than that, like I said before, if anyone describes themselves as an FAC, I generally just read it as "I'm a bit of a waste of space". You know what though, I read someone saying they are an FSC the same way.
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Kiddo get some IQ in your head then talk.

    I love your carefully worded rebuttal and the facts you used to support your argument.

    If you have nothing to say, **** off. I've given reasons, facts, supporting arguments and coherence. All you've done is verbally rung my door-bell and run off.

    Get a decent argument, or go away...

    In this instance though, saying that will inevitably lead to you going away. (Which is quite alright by most people here, I'm sure). There are no decent arguments in support of FACs.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You were warned on the very first page.
This discussion has been closed.