Think of the repercussions, **** Marriage = no

Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
I think it's a problem with the parents. Since this game is like 13 and over, parents who see their kids playing the game will ask questions. "Hey, why are those two people so intimate with each other?" "They're married mommy!!" "...They're the same sex..." So it's most likely not a problem with the player, but the parents of the kids. If the game was 18+, it would be easier to implement same sex marriage.

You cant put something morally objectionable in a childrens game or it can lead to lawsuits >.>.

If a man wants to love on another man, fine by me, but in a traditional sense where the ritual of marriage is based off religious ideals, I think its a topic that should be left alone and not touched.

initiative DENIED.

btw youll never win against the guys in china lol.

I address you who wish that this be implemented

Taken from the recent "petition for same sex marriage" thread. I would wonder, do some of you h0mosexual people ever tend to think of the controversy you would make by bringing your lifestyle into a game for children? There are some people at a stage in their life where they are still asking questions, and trying to figure things out. Not everyone here is a mature adult, thus you have to think... would a game giving that right to people in a game where sponge like children could be present is a bright idea?

No, it is not. yes, you have every right in the world to be in love with who you want to love, but it isnt right to give these children the idea that is the way things are supposed to be. They should have a right to choose!

Imagine the heated debates on these forums, the complaints from parents, lawsuits from religious zealots, maybe even a mass exodus of players due to the fact so many people frown upon your lifestyle. Its for the benefit of the game, not to push you all aside in a minority and say NO!

Think of the well being of everyone, and the minds of those still making their choice on whether to accept homosexuality as right or wrong. Its utterly selfish to demand such a drastic change, and taboo topics such as this should remain in the outside world where they belong, not in a game. Thank you :P.
Post edited by Tearvalerin - Sanctuary on


  • Daerys - Sanctuary
    Daerys - Sanctuary Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    In before the immature flaming, pun intended.
  • Methos - Dreamweaver
    Methos - Dreamweaver Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Under 18 persons can't get married at all in most of the western countries so if I follow you they should remove the marriage since the game is 13+.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    But also in western countries, if a child under 13 has the permission of a legal guardian, they can agree to the TOS and play. Its also legal in some states for those who are 16 to get married in the US with one of two options:

    A. Signed consent from legal guardian or parent.
    B. 16 and pregnant with child.

    Your argument doesnt refute anything here, its way too taboo to bring into a game.
  • Methos - Dreamweaver
    Methos - Dreamweaver Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Just saying that if they find it outrageous it isn't for the age of the kidz playing the game but for they're own prejudices(spell lol).
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Same sex marriage is screwed up to begin with. People have this mentality of "I think therefore I am" and thats the whole reason we have these **** mofos running around. Little billy has some **** thoughts at age 14 and by 25 he's a flaming queen.

    That wierd **** doesn't need to be in a video game. I'd quit. ;o
  • Methos - Dreamweaver
    Methos - Dreamweaver Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    No one wants you to agree it,but should they play the game?What if a **** comunity makes an awesome game but only allows **** marriages,you'd find it fair?
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    NO to all this perverted,twisted,abnormal,sacreligious,blasphemous,pagan, **** nonsense.

    Keep it at home in ya room or some dark corner where you can't disgust normal people.
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary
    _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    FYI most of the players in this game are over 18

    BTW i dont have an opinion
  • Zhoelle - Sanctuary
    Zhoelle - Sanctuary Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Earth to're not going to "turn" **** because you messed around in an animated game. Really, who cares? How does it affect you? I can understand that PWI won't introduce this because of controversy, traditional beliefs etc, but the flaming is completely ignorant and unnecessary.
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Arguing over having same sex marriage in game ftl.

    It already happens all the time, just get a different gender character and stop making a big fuss about something that won't happen. It's pretty easy to tell someone's gender in game, does it really matter if your character avatars are the same gender? It's a game. Marriage is optional.
  • Daerys - Sanctuary
    Daerys - Sanctuary Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    It's a game. Marriage is pointless.

    Fixed that for you. b:chuckle
  • Kealani - Heavens Tear
    Kealani - Heavens Tear Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    In this game female characters can run around with abnormal busts and **** looking outfits.............yeah,no offense but the "think of the children arguement" doesn't really fly. Let's not mention the occasional world chat drama.

    Oh and also,marriage has changed through out human history. It's NOT a set in stone thing, and never will be.
  • Eizoryu - Dreamweaver
    Eizoryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    But also in western countries, if a child under 13 has the permission of a legal guardian, they can agree to the TOS and play. Its also legal in some states for those who are 16 to get married in the US with one of two options:

    A. Signed consent from legal guardian or parent.
    B. 16 and pregnant with child.

    Your argument doesnt refute anything here, its way too taboo to bring into a game.

    (im sorry, but) so, a woman has to be 16 and pregnant with a child? can a woman be pregnant with anything else? b:questionb:laugh
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    women walk around, and dress like that at a young age anyways, that doesnt F up their ideas and morals in their heads though >_>. **** marriage does :)
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    (im sorry, but) so, a woman has to be 16 and pregnant with a child? can a woman be pregnant with anything else? b:questionb:laugh
    When its sill an embryo its not considered living yet, when its eligible for post partum abortion (which doctors who do this should goto hell) its considered a child in legal sense
  • Kealani - Heavens Tear
    Kealani - Heavens Tear Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    women walk around, and dress like that at a young age anyways, that doesnt F up their ideas and morals in their heads though >_>. **** marriage does :)

    Actually Tearvalerin,it can quite easily. The human idea of a sense of "moral" and "beleifs" are ALL influenced by events around them. War,famine,hatred,everything.

    Edit: Oh and also just ahead of time,if anyone brings up the Bible as a arguement.....guess what,it was once taught to support the idea of anti-blacks. Also,it's a ever changing document as well. It's had books taken out,re-added and even to some extent rewritten countless times.
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Fixed that for you. b:chuckle

    At least it provides entertainment.
  • Daerys - Sanctuary
    Daerys - Sanctuary Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    At least it provides entertainment.

    Let the popcorn flow freely b:victory
  • dieseasily
    dieseasily Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Same sex marriage is going to happen. Its up to the Devs as to whether or not it will happen in this game or not. Every arguement that is used to prevent it has already been proven to fail. If you do not believe me then look back through history and tell me why I cannot own slaves. Or why women have the right to vote. Or why the United States even exists.

    If you accept Women and Blacks as equals then you also have to accept Homosexuals as equals as well. The plain and simple truth is they are human, just like you. They are just as smart or stupid as you. The only differance is that they have different likes and dislikes then you do, and whats really scarry is they also have the same likes and dislikes as you.

    But if you really want to use the religious arguement for why there can be no **** marriages, then lets apply that arguement the way the bible intended. Marriage was intended so that a man and a woman could conceve a child. Since we cannot conceve children in this game we should ban all marriages. And lets take that a step further and ban all Real Life marriages where the couple either have no intention of having children or are unable to have children. If that sounds stupid to you then you have no right to use religion as a reason to prevent same sex marriage.

    As for our children, it should fall to a the individual parents to determine how to educate their kids on sensative matters. If you are not active in your childs life enough to know what they doing on-line, or at school, or while they are playing with their friends then its your own fault for not paying attention to them. Don't ask the rest of the world to do it for you.

    Enough of this stupid topic. Get back to playing the game.
    Dumb people are blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are. - Patrick Starfish
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Don't get too ahead of yourselves f@gs.

    Slayer and a few others are the only ones bothering to voice out how outlandish this is.

    But trust me, it will never get implemented. If it does, the backlash from the people who have read and just silently laughed to themselves, plus the ppl who didn't even want to come into the thread after reading the title; will be catastrophic.

    How many more failed threads/attempts will it take before u all fade into oblivion......where u belong.
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    If you accept Women and Blacks as equals then you also have to accept Homosexuals as equals as well.
    ^ thats just the thing, theyre already treated perfectly normal, and generally accepted by culture in mainstream society.
    Same sex marriage is going to happen.

    In the United States **** and lesbians can legally marry in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont (beginning September 1, 2009) and Maine (beginning mid-September 2009). New Hampshire Governor John Lynch has said he will sign legislation to legalize same-sex marriage there, as long as steps are taken to protect religious institutions.
    New York recognizes marriages by same-sex couples legally performed elsewhere.

    its illegal everywhere else in the US.
  • Methos - Dreamweaver
    Methos - Dreamweaver Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    All European countries not only have the legalized marriage but all the rights i have as a married man.Countries that's a big no:Italy(i'm from there so i kinda do this in IRL),greece,poland,portugal.
  • _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary
    _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    When its sill an embryo its not considered living yet, when its eligible for post partum abortion (which doctors who do this should goto hell) its considered a child in legal sense

    I know someone who Supports the idea of post partum abortion..
    *Cough* Saitada *Cough* xD
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I know someone who Supports the idea of post partum abortion..
    *Cough* Saitada *Cough* xD

    I miss Saitada, where has he been? b:sad
  • dieseasily
    dieseasily Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ^ thats just the thing, theyre already treated perfectly normal, and generally accepted by culture in mainstream society.

    Yeah their are treated perfectly normal, which is why they have such an easy life. Its not like they can't get married or anything... They just have to be willing to fly around the country to do it. Oh yeah and let not forget our Don't ask Don't tell policies in the armed forces. If it slips that you are **** while serving our country you get booted from the military. 'Poor Johnny over there got shot 3 times while fighting for our country. He was about to receive the purple heart when it was found out that he is ****. Now he has been dishonorably discharged.' Seems perfectly normal to me though. And thank god they don't have to come to games like this and have try to petition to get equal recognition.

    Your arguement fails. If you truely believe what you said then you would not have even started this thread. Either that or you are not part of "mainstream society" and therefore you opinion doesn't count.
    In the United States **** and lesbians can legally marry in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont (beginning September 1, 2009) and Maine (beginning mid-September 2009). New Hampshire Governor John Lynch has said he will sign legislation to legalize same-sex marriage there, as long as steps are taken to protect religious institutions.
    New York recognizes marriages by same-sex couples legally performed elsewhere.

    its illegal everywhere else in the US.

    So are you agreeing with me? This proves my point that it is going to happen. Why stop it in this game? And BTW Govenor Patterson in NY has stated that he will sign into law legislation for **** marriage, as has The Govenator in California.
    Dumb people are blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are. - Patrick Starfish
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    dieseasily wrote: »
    If you accept Women and Blacks as equals then you also have to accept Homosexuals as equals as well. The plain and simple truth is they are human, just like you. They are just as smart or stupid as you. The only differance is that they have different likes and dislikes then you do, and whats really scarry is they also have the same likes and dislikes as you.

    Not even comparable. Women and blacks were justified in their quest to be equal. The **** people are making a choice. I can't give any real reasons why it's wrong except that it's not natural. And I think most people feel like me...they feel deep inside themselves that two dudes/women hookin up is wrong. Were not just animals that can't control ourselves. How about the pedophiles who say they are only attracted to children. If a 12 year old consents to a 30 year old dude doing something, why should it be illegal? See my point? b:shocked

    Back to the game. ;o
  • Genuine - Sanctuary
    Genuine - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I think this is being over-thought.

    If you support in-game same-sex marriage, petition.

    If you don't support it, petition.

    If same-sex marriages aren't ratified, rinse and repeat.

    If they are and you're offended or worried on behalf of the kids, tell them that the things they see, do, and see other people do on the internet aren't necessarily good/right/healthy in real life - a general rule of thumb for all information and impressions gleaned from the 'net.

    Personally, I submit that there is damage to neither people nor property if in-game same-sex marriage is permitted. It represents no factual commitment, no potential offspring, and no more propensity for public licentiousness than the bust-sizing tool in the character creator or the option to play in one's skivvies already does. If the objection is purely ideological: I'm sorry, but the internet is a -very- big place, the lure and value of which exists primarily in the possibility of airing one's opinions and proclivities without fear of actual persecution. Random strangers will still offend people by offering them rides/embraces, and world chat will still be rife with innuendo and arguement, but PW will still be -just- a good, free game.
  • Methos - Dreamweaver
    Methos - Dreamweaver Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Believe read news papers with woman interviewed about woman rights,you'll hear alot saying that they are weaker blah,blah blah.Same thing about black ppl...many people were saying:"it's really a thing that has to be done NOW can't wait till everyone agrees about it?".My opinion is that you too or someone like you one another subject will say in 50 years that the **** battle for rights was right as the one fought by womans and black ppl but the one that it's talking now(insert social problem we'll have in 50 years)doesn't seem a thing of same proportion.
  • thewordlesssignature
    thewordlesssignature Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I think this is getting out of hand. First off, this is still a forum and I think name calling of "****" and stuff doesn't need to be in this argument. Second, this isn't an argument of **** Marriage in the REAL world, but in PW.

    I have friends and relatives that are homosexual, but they play PW because its fun and is an escape for reality. They don't want to be reminded of the stigma that they are enduring outside of the game-so why bring it inside the game?

    Besides, what does the "marriage" thing even do in PW? From what I've heard, you don't get any benefits other than a big sign over your head saying who you are married to, and a title of Husband or Wife. Why can't people make another toon (which ever gender applies) to marry the other? However, if you are irked because it says Husband or Wife when you are the opposite gender, I must ask: is it really that big of a deal?

    Most people don't mind other people's sexuality. We aren't trying to repress homosexuality in you if that is how you swing. But seeing how this is a game, the topic isn't really relevant here. PW will go through a lot of trouble with parents, higher ups and such about this topic, and it will get blown out of the water because people will link it to the political events that are happening, and PW will just be caught in a shlt storm. And if PW is caught in the fire, it will affect the other players as well.

    Bottom line is this: this is ultimately still a game. Real life issues shouldn't be affecting our characters.

    (Well if you spilled your soda all over the keyboard and you can't move your character as they're being killed by Qingzi, then you could say that is a real life thing that is affecting your character >_>)
  • Methos - Dreamweaver
    Methos - Dreamweaver Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Not even comparable. Women and blacks were justified in their quest to be equal. The **** people are making a choice. I can't give any real reasons why it's wrong except that it's not natural. And I think most people feel like me...they feel deep inside themselves that two dudes/women hookin up is wrong. Were not just animals that can't control ourselves. How about the pedophiles who say they are only attracted to children. If a 12 year old consents to a 30 year old dude doing something, why should it be illegal? See my point? b:shocked

    Back to the game. ;o
    Pedophiles aren't homosexuals...most are...uhmm not gonna open the argument about the "defenders of faith" in all america.
This discussion has been closed.