shashahah Arc User



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  • ---------------------------- if u stopped reading everything half-assed ud know ur response doesnt answer OP's question in the least
  • well given everyone abuses buff farming now and this "competition" is pretty unfair imo anyway given the fact that even w/o buffs only high-end chars would be able to do great times and most of them got ascension wings already ill be so trying this out on my veno if its a design flaw its just the same as buff farming - a…
  • i dont agree with their idea of "solution" either but in the end its always the non-CSers and low lv chars who suffer, nothing to be done about it imo they either cant implement the solutions they wish (given CN would have to alter the stuff in the first place) or they dont know any better but hey, it could be worse (dont…
  • ok let me try explain it so even YOU understand hmm... players abusing stuff -> players getting "free" coins they didnt pay for and spend less Money / players gaining unfair advantages over others -> PWE taking measures to stop them from exploiting best examples: - free 9m taken out after ppl cried that a selected few…
  • the PLAYERS were responsible for coins being removed in most of the cases u mentioned they implemented botting for w/e reason (makes lvling/grinding easier after all if u dont have the time to sit at the PC for hours) - ppl abused it (for those who dont know: theres been a lot of ppl who had more than 8 r999 toons botting…
  • so much about that^^ anyways, if u could read, the thread never implied they were actually off their normal price again, if u could read, its just stated that mog/chips will leave the boutique at said date why do u think u can demand an off-sale anyways? sure, especially chips havent been on "sale" for ages, and removing…
  • before you guys go on QQing, i've submitted a ticket in reference to their thread and the response i got was that THEY WILL BE BACK at a later time, but they cant give specifics about when that would be (= chips/mogs will NOT be removed permanently) have a nice day n stuff :) edit ps. can quote the exact response i got,…
  • yep theres more...YOUR type for example: the CSer who upon charging r999 thinks he's infallible and claiming to have farmed everything and constantly seeking attention on forums, putting himself into a good light saying this n that is bad even tho he's the first one to hardcore abuse everything (bragging about it ofc every…
  • was laughing so hard about that as much as ur right in some points, as clueless u r in others the majority of ppl got at least 10-20 lv50+ chars, so yes, even lowbies wouldve profited at least a bit from it and its still funny how u want to put urself into the good spotlight and pretend being worried about it when ur one…
  • isnt that somewhat misleading making it seem u dont approve of it while u urself compete with others for the best botting spots, each of u guys dragging 9 alts behind? lol and no this is not meant as naming and shaming but as a serious question cos i dont see where this fits together when u say u could already be a…
  • that's what im saying, i've seen what these ppl can do lol but anyway i dont think that's somehow topic related
  • you can, indeed 1x 105 is actually "not that much" in a hardcore cser's eyes just wait for a charge promo and redeem the exp scrolls theres ppl on sanc who've spent over 100k $, so do u really think if 1x 105 with scrolls costs ~10k that it's so unlikely? i mean, how else would u explain this person whose chars haven't…
  • if you're referring to a certain person who charged his r9 army to 105x3 that doesn't really count imo and gz to thread opener b:pleased
  • randomly browsing forums out of boredom and i came to read this and was rofling for a while: tbh i wouldnt rly give too much on your opinion given all ppl ever see you doing is trashtalking in tw and still getting ur face oneshot by those ppl who are apparently "not as good" as for mystics, boob using scripts (i dont think…
  • u talking about the r9rr weapon molds? who got them yet? cos id like to see em with my own eyes me and friends have been spamming WS, and ive talked to several other ppl who do and they all said theyve seen neither G16 scythe/saber nor r999 weapon molds and seriously, with encyclopedia showing what it shows and so many ppl…
  • i guess the molds dont drop yet for real just checked ingame-encyclopedia (encyclopedia -> items -> moonbr (type the last one into the search field)) there ull see all SB molds, gearmolds saying "dropped by", weapon mold being greyed out which, after 20+ runs and a few hundred other ppl running fws each day, lets me assume…
  • guess description is wrong random db/sb book x6 = 100% the 6skills u can get from them
  • id like to know that too its nice to know that we might finally get skills but w/o gear thats well...still nice but doesnt rly help tw/nw wise...
  • the code stuff and all was nice on your end but in the end you should know its NOTHING to compensate for the lacking skills/gears for nightshades i was quite eager to play after the latest update but that excitement was dimmed down hard after realising theres naught of the endgame stuff (like tw/nw) one can actually do AND…
  • ik that after wondering several times of casting why i didnt get any heal, but its kind of misleading given the clone's 4th skill "lunar benediction" reads "heals you by 60% of your health" also, sometimes my clone seems to disappear early too occult ice effect barely ever triggers and most annoying imo is the bugged…
  • 99.9999% free to play here i csed 25 bucks once back in 2009 when i was totally new to the game and MMO scene and a fellow guild member talked me into it cos the "new flyer was sooo cool" found ppl who showed me how to merch/farm afterwards so cash-free ever since and proud of it and ye there seems to be kind of a "stigma"…
  • ye and what do u think europeans say bout getting up at 4am to gather up for 8pm (westcoast) tw (which is around 4-5am european time depending on where u live)? leave tw times the way they are, this way everyone can play at ok times and not in the middle of the night p.s. im ignoring the "go play on EU server" bullcrap.…
  • +1 been lv100 for weeks now, just sux to do tw/nw with just average gear and lv10 skills
  • i had issues refining as well, when b4 the update i could at least get to +5 quite ok but now i cant get to +3 w/o tienkang and at least 200 mirages what i also noticed it that this not also applies for refining but also for dying fashion (ye ik ik QQ more about something useless, but just to have it mentioned ffs) usually…
  • when will new classes get their r999/ sage/demon/primal skills? from what ive seen on my server theres already a rb2 stormbringer and at least one or two others rb1 (not sure bout dusk, u dont see them often..) imo kinda sux they have to wait for their skills and gear esp when it comes down to tw/nw they r at a huge…
  • could we get an update as to why this is taking so long?
  • thx for the notice but ik that im just asking cos its not normal for the client to show servers r up (it shows my ping to those servers) AND to tell me client version is low while maint is still going on, cos usually it just tries to log and then says "disconnected from the server"
  • r the servers up already? for me client launcher says "update complete", however when i start one and try to log in it keeps telling me "client version low, plz exit and update" any1 else got the same issue? oh and it also shows me servers r up, so...
  • addition: the 4th skill of ur clone (79 skill, forgive me for not remembering neither that one's nor the skills' name) reads "heals you for 60% of your health" but actually heals your clone
  • i want to report some other issues... ive been botting with my new toon (stormbringer) so i didnt really do any quests from lv 20+ on today ive checked my questlog (available quests) and everything seemed fine however, after i dced while doing culti all the quests were gone, with just a few exceptions (maybe 5-6quests…


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