Please rethink the next log-in event
The majority of you who complained about the second teir reward, give yourself a pat on the back. The amount of people of spoke on the forums about wanting it to be changed, DOES NOT SHOW EVERYONE ELSE'S OPINION THAT PLAYS THIS GAMES OPINION OR SIDE. There are so many other issues and broken promises made by the game in the past that continue there way in the present time of this game. How about you make loads of forum post about the DQ promise? 9 mil coins wasn't going to ever hurt or break the game. The game would still be live, things would go back to normal. Gms or whoever that are making these decisions based off 20 people who wrote on the forums to change in their favor is ridiculous. Not all 20 or 30 people speak for everyone! I've had it with this **** game. And the **** community. Pat yourselfs on the back and **** and smile at pissing off the other people because you thought it was gonna destroy the game. As if coins would, coins are virtual it would disappear. Its not a STD or some ****. Jesus Christ. And lol to the new reward, B cards? Like other previously said how about event gold since you wont allow us any coins as a reward. No one **** wants B cards. With so many people pumping money into the game, clearly no one sets out for a damn B card. This game and community is extremely idiotic. Nice work. I wont miss this **** hole at all. How about the people who made this “change possible” work on other problems to solve. Like taking away jones/Omally blessing. Those are certainly evil at work there. You all act like you accomplished something that would benefit everyone. No, it only benefited the people who want no one else to have a lot of coin. You all act so high and mighty, you all are **** heads for complaining on extra income for other people who wanted/needed it. Jack asses!0
Same here will be happy with coin as it will help me cus I am not a credit card player an can't aford it...9m a room will help out a lot of players...PWI needs to think about all there players an not just the credit card players...they have other ppl playing then credit card players an that's all there listening to!!0
bloodedone87 wrote: »
R9 is a pipe dream for you maybe.
by my plans if everything goes well in 6monts- 1 year i should have R9 on my SB which will be my first R9 toon.
Anyway not earlier than 2016 since its last time they sell MOG in boutique this year and right now I dont have money to buy it.
let me explain a thing to you.
When PW anounced they will give 9milions for free for Tier 2 reward on Archosaur server a player was asking other to not sell gold in AH anymore with 3 milions. He said it would be batter for them to wait 5 days and sell it with 5 milions in wc.
MOG is on sale now with 12,5 gold each but lets say 12 gold to be a round price.
So would you like to pay 36milions per MOG with gold at 3 milions or 60mil per MOG at 5 milion coins?
hi's me used my WC in your post.....0 -
hahahahaha i cant believe this!!! 20+ people won the arguement about the 9m reward(login event) sht really??? u idiots need to understand, 1 pwi need us(cashers) 2, we(cashers) need the fckung f2p players or the game will be a damn ghost town again! the **** this admin was thinking about? seriously? theres no 20 people against the reward and they already change the reward? really? sorry for all f2p. rip
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Yeah, you're really doing a lot for the f2p people when gold goes to 4m+.0
yetweallfalldown wrote: »Hi folks,
Quick update regarding the rewards for the login event. We have changed the tier 2 prize to three War Avatar Chest: B. This change has been done based on community feedback for the rewards. We appreciate the continued feedback!
thanks! and trust me, you saved your support team a lot of trouble too0 -
The problem of this reward wasn't, that average casuals get 9m per character on their account (they might even not have a single account with 8 50+ characters. The problems were people like me. I would get 360m coins. Sure, if I would just lvl up all skills on those toons to level 10, I would need even more than 360m coins. But idc about the alts of my rl wife, I focus only on 3 characters (mainly on 1), the others are just for the look (fashion, customization, BH alts).
And there are people out there which have MANY accounts (either bots or accounts of retired people (core people of long-lasting factions get many accounts as a "gift for the faction" of people which have/want to quit. At the end those accounts "belong" to the person which has access to those).
As a result some people would get many hundreds of millions or even billions of coins. That would have been a bit unfair. Gold price alrady increased about 10-20%.0 -
dont worry, dont be sad, dont cry, everythings gona be alright. just chill enjoy the game
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yetweallfalldown wrote: »Hi folks,
Quick update regarding the rewards for the login event. We have changed the tier 2 prize to three War Avatar Chest: B. This change has been done based on community feedback for the rewards. We appreciate the continued feedback!
Thank you so much!
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yetweallfalldown wrote: »Hi folks,
Quick update regarding the rewards for the login event. We have changed the tier 2 prize to three War Avatar Chest: B. This change has been done based on community feedback for the rewards. We appreciate the continued feedback!
So, which one of you suggested B chests then? Cause that's really so useful
Also, on that note;
Why don't we change the BH rewards all together, because all these people with high level alts due to abuse of the XP crystal insta 95 giveaway (which you could get twice which was instant 100) can do BH all they want. Causing a gigantic coin increase as well.
I say we remove 2m/5m rewards from BH altogether to fight this.
Let's also remove JoJ quests, because that gives out coins to many many alts as well, causing a huge increase of coins.The only fitting image for this forum.0 -
I can see why people were/are a bit freaked out about the coin reward. However, as a player returning after a 3 year absence, I was counting on it to get me back in the game so-to-speak. Mats and prices for everything in general are unbelievable; I have no idea how or where to begin. Last I played I relied on coin from dq to pay my repair bills - now I am unsure what to do until I find my feet again. I can see why people were alarmed at the thought of so much coin entering the game....just kinda sucks in my situation for them to pull it. I don't have 100 alts. I have one account of 3 100+ toons - some still in their TT gear, and a few others that are still more or less babies. It would have given me a chance to get my bearings and begin to find my way again in the game. Just some buffer time to figure out how people are making money, and what would work for me and the classes I actively play.0
Money talks I guess, those who have it will always get more, and the rest are just screwed harder.0
So, which one of you suggested B chests then? Cause that's really so useful
Also, on that note;
Why don't we change the BH rewards all together, because all these people with high level alts due to abuse of the XP crystal insta 95 giveaway (which you could get twice which was instant 100) can do BH all they want. Causing a gigantic coin increase as well.
I say we remove 2m/5m rewards from BH altogether to fight this.
Let's also remove JoJ quests, because that gives out coins to many many alts as well, causing a huge increase of coins.
This this this!!!!omg yes! Let's remove 2m/5m reward from bh I totally agree! Joj as well great idea! Also all warsong molds and basic badges should npc for one coin, mirages should also npc for 1 coin. We need to fight this awful inflation! Also we can't forget about perfect tokens of best luck, those gotta go too, that's ten mil for every two that enter the economy. Hell, everything in the game needs to be set to 1 coin for npc price. This should end that horrible inflation we suffer. Let's start a thread on this, we need to bring it to the attention of pwe!
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Someone make a poll about login rewards! Let's make them change it back to 9 million coins!0
they changed the log in reward, for me it just became useless. thanks every complainer0
Others stop complaining for not geting 9 mil.You would not be able to buy anything for those 9 mil,or maybe you allready know that but you hate some players and want thier coins to become usles if thay give us 9 mil per chars or you hate the game and wana **** it.As i allready told,go play 1 hour per day for 1 month and you will have g16 gear...or you are too lazy eaven for that?This wasnt just 20 ppl decision,if this was poll probobly 95% would be against 9 mil.
And gms allready told all log in rewards will be bound but 9 mil coins isnt bound so eaven if we didnt complain it should be removed,imagine not bound B-S packs,1 B-S pack is around 14 mil,if we got 3 per char yesterday thats 45 mil per char,on 50 chars that 150 B-S packs,then no one ever would do fs or buy war avatar treasure boxes or catalysts from boutique.
Ppl dont complain about B Chests,eaven if thay gave nothing instead 9 mil would be good,its important that thay removed 9 mil.0 -
I'm surprised by the lack of foresight in the last few posts. Lets say we got the 9m per character. Who do you think would benefit more? The new player with 2 or 3 toons or the people who have end game toons who have 20+ levelled characters?
Each "end game rich cash shopping piece of **** player" would have at least .5b-2b or more coin from their alts. Each newer player would have 9m-54m coin. Newer players would be able to afford a few forge fees, maybe some arrows, and pots. While the inflation would cause anything else not weighed down by NPC prices to skyrocket. In the end new players would have a pittance. Much better for younger players to learn to farm what there is available at current market prices. Try JOJ, it's a good start if you are having trouble affording pots and arrows, and if you save up will help you get a few pieces of extra gear that might not be given through rewards now. There is even a mount on day 14, you could start up an herb farming business. At least this way your g16, if that's what you choose, will cost 60m instead of 600m. 9 days in joj will get you close to 9m so it seems like a lot compared to 5days logging in, but the things you want to buy will still be somewhat affordable compared to what it would be if the game was flooded with trillions of coins in a few days. If you're a new player and can't find one of the posts on how to earn money in game at lower levels in the forums, PM me on forums and ill be glad to walk you through a few ways to get money for your day to day costs.
Blame it on cash shoppers all you want. They support the game you're playing, and they are speaking out and trying to ensure that the things you will want to buy in the future remains somewhat affordable for all despite the fact that they would benefit MORE from the promo than the newer player...
Think a bit harder before you blame stupid end game r9s for their selfish decisions.
was laughing so hard about that
as much as ur right in some points, as clueless u r in others
the majority of ppl got at least 10-20 lv50+ chars, so yes, even lowbies wouldve profited at least a bit from it
and its still funny how u want to put urself into the good spotlight and pretend being worried about it when ur one of the first ppl out there lvling even more alts because the "more alts than you will ever know" aint enough already LOL
ofc ppl blame mostly csers for it...they r the ones controlling the market and keeping prices high, so OF COURSE they r worried that all of a sudden others would be able to afford stuff too
and this big inflation everyone seems to qq about
its nothing different than if every player spent lets say 100bucks on the game and bought packs or whatever ingame
noone is crying about that either
and to the other person whose post i cant find
yes a poll wouldve been nice
but yet again half of the ppl cant log in to forums at all or cant post because there seem to be issues with internet browsers...0 -
Well, you guys name easy money right? But there is who take 1 month to get 20m. You guys fcked it up, gl getting **** reward. This wouldn't break a **** of economy, because most ppl have only like 3 chars lvl 50+, i have 4 and need g16 for one still so don't give me ****. At least give 9m per acc, for fcks sake, you pwi suck, say something, ppl wait for it, you give us ****, try tasting your own ****.0
1+ thing, don't forget reading again about what you did on last login reward, read the complainments, promise something, give something else, i say i give you gold and **** for you. Fack you, liars.0
naruto1174 wrote: »Well, you guys name easy money right? But there is who take 1 month to get 20m.
You should get way more if you do just BH on them (if 1 still needs g16, I assume other 3 already have and they are 100+). If you run fs on all of them, it's about 7mil per day from selling C packs or fs coins. Who is to blame if you do literally nothing to farm a bit, but rage on forum for not receiving money which you can get in a day?
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naruto1174 wrote: »Well, you guys name easy money right? But there is who take 1 month to get 20m. You guys fcked it up, gl getting **** reward. This wouldn't break a **** of economy, because most ppl have only like 3 chars lvl 50+, i have 4 and need g16 for one still so don't give me ****. At least give 9m per acc, for fcks sake, you pwi suck, say something, ppl wait for it, you give us ****, try tasting your own ****.
Wrong. Most people have 4-5 acounts minimum filled up with toons over lvl50 and those who didnt had it they were lvling them in this period. In 1 day you can lvl up 5-6 toons to lvl 50.0 -
patrickhuong wrote: »
hi's me used my WC in your post.....
Hi tera... i mentioned your name in WC too last night...
I am sorry but this time you lost and you cannot sell gold for 5 milions in wc
better luck next time... if there is going to be a next time...0 -
So, which one of you suggested B chests then? Cause that's really so useful
Also, on that note;
Why don't we change the BH rewards all together, because all these people with high level alts due to abuse of the XP crystal insta 95 giveaway (which you could get twice which was instant 100) can do BH all they want. Causing a gigantic coin increase as well.
I say we remove 2m/5m rewards from BH altogether to fight this.
Let's also remove JoJ quests, because that gives out coins to many many alts as well, causing a huge increase of coins.
This idea that player that are doing bh100 with many alts is getting 2mil or 5 mil coins every day from every alt is so stupid.
Do you even know how bh 100 reward distribution works? Do you know its random and people can get chips and sockets too?0 -
bloodedone87 wrote: »
This idea that player that are doing bh100 with many alts is getting 2mil or 5 mil coins every day from every alt is so stupid.
Do you even know how bh 100 reward distribution works? Do you know its random and people can get chips and sockets too?
It's not stupid, it's a fact and reality, I never claimed EVERY alt gets 2 or 5 mil.
God this community is beyond saving sometimes, you always need to twist and turn words to make it seem like someone wrote something they actually didn't.
The only fitting image for this forum.0 -
dblazen1, point is you have to do something to get this BH money, to make some efforts, to spend time and get fair reward, not billions. While with this log in event a lot of ppl would generate billions instantly out of nothing.
There was no gold in AH yesterday on my server even before ppl got the money lol Imagine what would be after that.
To those who complain that nv3 is expensive and they can't afford: all you need to afford is 2 gold mats per piece, several days of JoJ farming with nongeared alts. And that's almost all your spendings, rest is negligible. Few years ago we bought nv crystals 300k per uncanny and 1400-1500 per rapture. In comparison to this, nv is free now.
I seriously don't see how 30-50mil will save you if you claim you have only few chars. You play this game for months and years, do few extra weeks to quest farm decent pve gear matter that much?
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for one side, flooding the game with even more coins (bh, smoke, jolly, and others) brings an inflation with severe impacts on the economy. that side gives reasonable cold arguments - and i am pretty sure most of those opposing the 9m freebe are amongs those with enough toons to make it count. so they passed on a huge personal monetary increse in favor of a more stable economy for everyone.
for the other side, flodding the game with coin is free monies. free monies GIBE MONIES KEKEKE. which is their only emotional argument.
you would have gained 9m, but your coins would lose purchasing power significatly. you would lose!0 -
sindarella wrote: »interesting.
for one side, flooding the game with even more coins (bh, smoke, jolly, and others) brings an inflation with severe impacts on the economy. that side gives reasonable cold arguments - and i am pretty sure most of those opposing the 9m freebe are amongs those with enough toons to make it count. so they passed on a huge personal monetary increse in favor of a more stable economy for everyone.
for the other side, flodding the game with coin is free monies. free monies GIBE MONIES KEKEKE. which is their only emotional argument.
you would have gained 9m, but your coins would lose purchasing power significatly. you would lose!
but but they took away botting already, i need coins! who cares if the things i need to be somewhat non useless (shards, pack items etc) dropped to 1/3 of the price they were before-and things i can actually farm (fsp, tt, lunar, etc. still have a significant value), and gold dropped nearly half, i want free coin!
its not like high end people that would get hundreds of millions/into the billions would possible buy up things in the market for fun/alts leaving my 9 million worthless..ill be able to repair my 3* gear!
./sarcasm0 -
Thanks GM for useless Tier2 now. It wasn't smart decision! *facepalm*0
If you think i post thoughts on a forum to look good you haven't been reading the masses of peoples posts who are pissed off about the change, including yourself.
This is my last reply. Thanks for taking your time responding to the posts i make. Im honored that i have managed to earn ny own little stalker. Its like being a celebrity. It's kinda cute.Post edited by eirghan on
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
I love how all of this ''we want 9mil back'' people acuse us of being cry babies but they give no solid argument why the 9 milion reward should be back.
And no, ''I cannot farm enough money'' is not an argument.
You are the cry babies here since you cry about they dont give you free money anymore.
The rest of us have worked hard to get what we got now.
I worked for my SB G16: NW, JOJ and FWS.
But people like you dont want to work. You just want free money.
Im sorry but this is how MMORPG works. It requires either alot of real money or alot of time to farm in game coins.
If you cant do one or other dont expect to get far in the world of MMORPG.
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