Please rethink the next log-in event



  • Posts: 633 Arc User
    KiLiWiKiLi wrote: »
    I dont see whats wrong with giving 9mil to players that log in everydays! And its extremely hard for the lower lvl/new players to earn coins! Every quest give like 50k coins, thats nothing, they cant do anything with it!
    Do you think your miserable 9mil will be something after prices go high? As I said, you will learn skills, repair gear, but after you spend this money, you will face the consequences when you won't be able to afford anything, neither gear, nor gold.

    Whomever it benefits, it's not lower lvls, folk, just realise it. It benefits major alts owners first of all. If you are low lvl and need 9mil that badly, several days of JoJ on couple of accs will solve this.

  • Posts: 35 Arc User
    i did. playing for 7years nonstop. it will goes back to normal in a couple of months. could u be relax? sit and play the damn game. u knw there is alot things to do, than selling stuffdino1-3.gif all i can see here is, whining for not giving good for the others. 2, repeat the 1st one. and 3. rage quit if u dont like it... u can deal your idea in china, goodluck​​
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    cira1818 wrote: »
    I was actually happy seeing the coin in there sense im broke pretty much on all my toons *hides*
    i know hun but you still wont be able to afford anything because prices will go way up :confused:

    Post edited by eirghan on
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    You guys cant even comprehend. 100m is an understatement. Try half a bill to a bill. People are already levelling toons in droves.
    Post edited by eirghan on
  • Posts: 850 Arc User
    The people who think there's nothing wrong with this **** need to sit the **** down. If we don't say something about this now, they're just going to keep on doing it and ruining the economy more and we'll be right back at the place we were in when botting was in. No offense, but I enjoy having less than 4m gold prices again and I don't really want it to go away.​​
  • Posts: 633 Arc User
    doomerzz wrote: »
    i did. playing for 7years nonstop. it will goes back to normal in a couple of months. could u be relax?
    I've been playing for 6years+ too and experienced a lot, but when gold goes up, it hardly ever goes significantly down. It never returned to 1mil afer reaching 2 etc. Yes, it's not a tragedy, survivable, manageable, but we could live without it just fine. Economy wouldn't die of lack of coins xD Besides, anniversary is coming and you never know what else PWE thinks up to finish it off lol As for me, I'm kinda scared, they have started to give custom S cards. Only to the most outstanding csers so far, but who knows what future may bring pig-2.gif

  • Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    Last night on Archosaur server people were making jokes to rise prices of some items since ''everyone will be rich''.
    Yes it was just a joke but I am afraid it will turn into reality in 5 days.
    So all of you that say its no problem with given this money for free and it will help players lets see if you like it when:
    GST=30 mil
    ORB 5 star=50mil

  • Posts: 1 New User
    You guys are just cry babies. Those 9m coins on each character are nothing compared to the coins generated with packs or bounty hunter BeCause those arent one time events... every freaking day ppl do BH and get 2m/5m cards... back in the past we had DQ items generating **** lot of coins... every day ppl sell maaany Best Luck tokens.

    Its like always: ppl panic and qq because they have nothing better to do or have everything they need and dont want others to catch up. I agree that many rich ppl also have many accounts and they will maybe profit even more of this event BUT it also helps others to catch up and enjoy the game. maybe someone can finally buy gear to farm stuff.

    And for those ppl with many accounts well lets say someone gets 495m coins with it... well great u cannot even buy 2 JOSD with it. its hard enough to get coins ingame these days so i say "Thank You PWI \o/" for those events. its a payback for all the possible ways u took away from us to farm stuff in this game.
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    KiLiWiKiLi wrote: »
    I dont see whats wrong with giving 9mil to players that log in everydays! And its extremely hard for the lower lvl/new players to earn coins! Every quest give like 50k coins, thats nothing, they cant do anything with it!
    Those players asking for everything but coins are those rich freaking players that dont need coins... They are worried because they dont want any1 to have coins!

    If i nolifed half of year doing every day 4x cube for cogs+morai for free COF,4x FS,9x bh100,5 jolly for 61 lvl,5 jolly for 71 lvl and whenever was 2x spend 8h earning time in HH.Now count there more time cos you lose time when get rpked in primal/morai/cube and tell me how much hours I spent in game to get something that i want.For all that time I made 2 bilion coins,and now i it will be like i made 0.Do you think thats fair just cos low lvls need more coins?Everything you need in this game is farmed or bought from boutique,you dont buy allmost anything from NPC,so thay dont need more coins.

    What low lvl need?
    New players are allready in big advantage geting dc packs,all that reward on every 5 lvls.3.0 flyers from event boutique,charms,free exp,hypers...
    1)Thay can buy pots with are 30k for 50 pots and thay will need 1 day to spend those pots,is 30k alot to get?
    2)pet food,100 coins for pet foot is alot?
    3)buy 1 run QSD maze service witch cost 1 mil coins witch thay need to buy 3 times at lvl 55 75 85?is 1 mil hard to get when thay get 880k every day from joly in 10 mins?
    What new lvl 100 need so thay can have best no cash shop gear?
    1)hh 90/99 witch is now cheeper considering that you can buy illusion stone for 5 mil who cost 18 mil with chips at mysterious merchant npc
    2)uncany crystals 6k each or just go to nw
    3)2 mil coins fee for making nv3 gear
    5)20 mil coins for ws belt
    6)Cube neck wich is 80 mil coins or just go do cube 15 days
    And you get 1.5 mil every day from fs and if you lucky 2-5 mil from bh.Basicly in 1 month max,you will have full gear you need if you just do bh and fs eaven if you have no luck to get some expensive skill from AEU or FS and dont have low lvl alt for jolly.Is 1 month playing 1 hour per day too much for you to get no cs gear so you want to spoil all time for ppl who neeaded alot more to get that gear and then farmed for 5 more years to get something close to end game gear?

    Lets travel in time and go to future after log in event
    If you are new player and make 10x50 lvl chars to get 90 mil:
    1)hh 90 green mats will cost alot more.HH 99 gold mat (example ilusion stone is now 5 mil) will cost 18 mil at chip merchant,you allready then pay 26 mil more for just plate mats.Ghost lord protection (5 mil now) will cost 9 mil,allready cost 8 mil more for that mats.Giant beast footprint (7 mil now) will cost 11 mil,again you will pay 8 mil more,so you allready pay 42 more mils for gold mats.And then for green mats you will pay atleast 1 mil for mats that now cost 50-300k,so you will pay 10 more mils for that just for hh you will spend """""""50 more mills.
    2)uncany crystals will be atleast 100k,250 unc =25 mil instead of 2 mil coins,x6 parts,again you need to pay """"""""""""150 mil just for that.
    3)2 mil coins for making nv3,there you dont need to farm 15 mil(6x2 mil for armor and 5 mil for weap)
    4)6x eod18 mil,1 eoo 2 mil =20 mil for eod eoo now,after log in event it will be atleast double of that price so you pay ''''''''''''''20 more mils
    5)20 mil coins for ws belt
    6)cube neck 80 mil wich will be atleast double price 160 mil so you pay '''''''''''80 mil more

    When we calculate all that you will have have 20 mil to make ws belt and pay nv3 fee but you will pay 50 more mils for hh,150 mil for uncany,20 more mils for eod/eoo,and 80 more mills for cube neck,With all that you pay 300 mil more then now and you get just 90 mil for 10 chars.

    So if you are new player and wana get gear in 1 day you need to make 50 chars 50 lvl and do you think its fair for someone to get max non cs gear in 1 day and what will you do after you get that gear,go offline cos you dont have anything else to do in this game? try to pk some r9 ppl and fail and then rage cos there is no mroe gold on ah to buy gst and mog for yourself cos of this log in event?

    If thay do give 9 mil per character to everyone it will just be usles for everyone and more disapointing for ppl who farmed for all those years,low lvls will not have benefit from it.​​
    Post edited by sylenthunder on
  • Posts: 35 Arc User
    This reward is nothing to what has been going on over the years in PWI, the using of gold in the auction house has killed the economy, gold buyers/sellers should have been stopped years ago, all this has done is inflate gold prices.​​
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    Most QQers here - people who don't have huge amount of alts. More envy.
    About economy: It's not first time when it will happen. Economy stabilizes in a few months
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    shtalenkov wrote: »
    Most QQers here - people who don't have huge amount of alts. More envy.
    About economy: It's not first time when it will happen. Economy stabilizes in a few months

    I hope you are kidding. Son, I have more alts than you will ever know. I could be a billionaire, and yet I hope they dont let this go through. What good is a billion coin if what used to cost me 500m will now cost me 10b?

    Post edited by eirghan on
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    this will effect pwi rl income too.
    i know many ppl who charge gold every weekend in game just to buy there normal stuff like charm herb etc etc to sell those gold and if ppl already have coin by login 100 alt for 5 day wy would they even bother to load any real cash in game? think about that ;)
  • Posts: 633 Arc User
    opalhs wrote: »
    2)uncany crystals will be atleast 100k,250 unc =25 mil instead of 2 mil coins
    Why are you guys predicting such stuff? I'm sure it's not gonna be like that, else, it's just easier to farm nirvana again XD
    What it's gonna afeect first of all is gold price and probably pack items. Yeah, some price increasing may happen, but 100k for easy farmable unc crystals? Come on...

  • Posts: 108 Arc User
    eirghan wrote: »
    i know hun but you still wont be able to afford anything because prices will go way up :confused:

    cool got quoted again, yea i have an ungodly army of alts i play and honeslty been playing too long and always see people saying end of the world stuff or economy in this game, just keep on playing and most of the stuff listed is either already crazy prices or find a way to farm :)
    Like the Foxes? ake one here at the link, all credits to the maker of this fun game!
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    The sky is falling! The sky is falling! :: runs around in circles :: ahhhhh!
    103/103/102 demon cleric
    103/102/102 demon seeker
    100/100/100 demon veno

  • Posts: 228 Arc User
    19.07.2015 - the game PWI finally died :/

    no seriously, why are GMs avoiding this topic so hard?
  • Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    On Archosaur server gold is already 3.9 mil in AH with only 12 golds for sale.
    People are waiting 5 days to sell gold at 5 mil in world chat.
    Good Job PW in **** up economy that China saved when they nerfed dq items and stop the mass autocultivation.

  • Posts: 154 Arc User
    On Archosaur server gold is already 3.9 mil in AH with only 12 golds for sale.
    People are waiting 5 days to sell gold at 5 mil in world chat.
    Good Job PW in **** up economy that China saved when they nerfed dq items and stop the mass autocultivation.

    HT gold has been out of stock all day xD
    Kymsplat - Sin -

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  • Posts: 936 Arc User
    Lets say I have 100 lvl 50+ chars, what could I buy with 900 mil coin...nothing.
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    shade13 wrote: »
    Why are you guys predicting such stuff? I'm sure it's not gonna be like that, else, it's just easier to farm nirvana again XD
    What it's gonna afeect first of all is gold price and probably pack items. Yeah, some price increasing may happen, but 100k for easy farmable unc crystals? Come on...


    It will be 100k or more for sure.I dont know how to explain you :).If there is now 20000 unc on market on server and 100 ppl need full nv3 set(1500 unc per player) and 5 ppl need 9xsummerwind tokens(10800 unc per player),thats 247.200 uncany that server need.If 200 ppl go to nw,100 ppl will save thier tokens or make sows or nw buf or save them for thier nw gear or whaterver.and 100 ppl will make unacny to sell,and if everyone aproximatly make 150 nw tokens per nw thats 100x150x5=75000 unc.So if server need 250k unc and there is only 20k on market + 75k that ppl made from nw thay will need to wait 2-3 weeks,do you think thay will wait or thay will just buy them now because thay have 500 mil and thay want gear so why not pay unc 100k.And what about raps and sows?

    Its was same with gold and dod,more ppl need them it will cost more.When no one knew that dod is best,dod was 3 mil each,and when ppl realised thay are good, thay made higher price because thay have money to pay more then 3 mil.Same with gold,when it was hard to make 100 k,gold was 100k,now when ppl make more money its 3 mil,and now ppl will make eaven more money just from loging alts.

    About farming nirvana,why would you farm nirvana,if you solo,get 10 unc 1 rap,you sell them for 1 mil,what will you do with 1 mil when there are 500 ppl who didnt do anything exept loging 50 alts every day for 5 days,so you need to do 500 nirvana runs just to be on thier lvl,also there will be no gold on auction,only ppl who charge will exchange items from boutique for items thay need and thay kinda dont need anything exept for unc/raps/sows and fs coins because those are still only thing that you cant buy from boutique,well you can eaven get unc/raps from boutique if you get them from pacs in chests,so most important curency will probobly be sow.

    shade13 i know you allready have everything for end game gear exept cards and you will need alot of gold :),I am in allmost same situation i just need 9 x 12* orbs + cards for end game gear so i depend from gold too :).What can i exchange with them for 12* orb? at this rate its 9 smw+2750 fs coins,i cant farm all that in less then 1 year :),Eaven if exchange rate drops on like 9 smw per 12* thats 10800 unc and 2700 raps,still need to spam atlest 2k nirvana runs eaven if thats alot of time and dont eaven have so much nirvana keys :).Same with SOW,if now in this rate 200 sows are 1 12*,if i get like 4 sows per nw and do 2 nw per week,then i need 25 weeks to get 200 sows witch is half year,i will be full +12 in 4.5 years,thats in 2020 if thay dont put new items or gear that i also need to get.

    Or we can just stop playing for 1 year until everyone spend thier coins that thay got from log in event so we can play where we was.

  • Posts: 150 Arc User
    aphrodita wrote: »
    demainsfairy, go home. you act like those travelling couple packs were free and the gold wasnt bought with coins.

    also, you guys seem to underestimate the amount of chars that some of us have, we are talking about more than a hundred, or in some cases "hundreds".

    make it event gold please.

    You are ignorant. When one purchases gold with coin from the AH most of that coin is transferred to another player. It isn't coin sinked out of the game. And selling tokens to an NPC is generating coin into the game from the environment. Learn how it works before spouting off about it here.

    The real issue with coin is that there is no real coin sink for end game characters and that just happens to be where the overwhelming majority of coin in the game is being hoarded.

    I agree that the 9 mil big note is not a great idea at this time because there is no real coin sink in the game to remove all the excess coin from the game.

  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    shtalenkov wrote: »
    Most QQers here - people who don't have huge amount of alts. More envy.
    About economy: It's not first time when it will happen. Economy stabilizes in a few months

    im one of people with crazy amount of alts and im against this...because its took more then a year for gold in auction house to stabilize and now they ruining it again?

    and even back then i had 2-6b at times and it felt like 0 since there wasnt any gold in auction house

    I certainly dont want that to happen ever again while i play this game,not even for a single day
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    flooding the market with TRILLIONS of coins...
    i have one or two toons myself to 'benefit' from it.
    but this idea sets the already very, very low bar of 'intelligence' and 'competence' of pwi even lower.
    inb4 they remove the gold price limit.. to 'fix the economy' yet again.
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    Wow a lot of economist playing this game, may be PWI should hire u all as advisor
  • Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    eirghan wrote: »
    You guys cant even comprehend. 100m is an understatement. Try half a bill to a bill. People are already levelling toons in droves.
    eirghan wrote: »

    I hope you are kidding. Son, I have more alts than you will ever know. I could be a billionaire, and yet I hope they dont let this go through. What good is a billion coin if what used to cost me 500m will now cost me 10b?

    isnt that somewhat misleading making it seem u dont approve of it while u urself compete with others for the best botting spots, each of u guys dragging 9 alts behind? lol

    and no this is not meant as naming and shaming but as a serious question cos i dont see where this fits together when u say u could already be a billionaire and that ud hope it wouldnt go thru and yet ur lvling eveb more toons?
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    shashahah wrote: »

    isnt that somewhat misleading making it seem u dont approve of it while u urself compete with others for the best botting spots, each of u guys dragging 9 alts behind? lol

    and no this is not meant as naming and shaming but as a serious question cos i dont see where this fits together when u say u could already be a billionaire and that ud hope it wouldnt go thru and yet ur lvling eveb more toons?

    Everyone is - - even you, even everyone in your faction (yes i have friends there too and they are telling me members there are spending 10+ hrs a day levelling alts) did you miss that part of the discussion?

    I guess the difference is i have the wherewithal to recognize something can be done before its too late and encourage cms to do something rather than waste my time naming and shaming in the forums and qqing about people taking botting spots.
    mintsummer wrote: »
    Yes, it will be the same except we are considering Reward for Tier 2 as everyone proposed. There will be update soon.

    There you go!
    Post edited by eirghan on
  • Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    sgt0331 wrote: »
    Wow a lot of economist playing this game, may be PWI should hire u all as advisor
    sgt0331 wrote: »
    Wow a lot of economist playing this game, may be PWI should hire u all as advisor

    You dont have to be an high expert in economy to understand that given 9mil for each toon a player has will cause inflation in game.
    I wont mind PW given free money If I would be sure that this game is not full of greedy players that will double or triple the prices of items they sale. I am talking about MOG( which btw is on sale now in boutique) GST. EOO.EOD. TT mats and everything a players needs to make lvl100+ gear.
    So instead of needing 2-3 bilion coins for R9 you will need 7-8 bilions. And I am talking just about R9 not R9r2 or R9r3. And I didnt put the refines either or sharding. Add those 2 and lets see a F2P players in how he spends 50 bilion coins for full R9r3+12 and lets see in how many time he will gather those money.
    But I am glad they rethink to change the reward for Tier2.
    Gold event will be nice.

  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    >Economy starts to settle
    >Lets **** it up again.
    >PWE is as bad as the US
  • Posts: 158 Arc User
    >Economy starts to settle
    >Lets **** it up again.
    >PWE is as bad as the US

    And they are considering what others have requested regarding tier two, so, no, not as bad as Democrats

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    Vicious Marshal - Tideswell


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