Different Types of Players

Posts: 1,912 Arc User
There are a few types of players:
1. The Quester:
Casual to medium activity player. Quiet, plays for the visuals and questing story line. Enjoys the game with minimum cost. Has no problem grinding mobs or selling to cat shops small drops. Most often a free to play player, but sometimes purchases things like fashion or small nick nacks from cash shop. Generally does not profit unless they get a taste for more complexity from the game.
2. The Farmer:
Covers all ranges of activity and can be something as simple as grinding herbs, or as complex as soloing instances for drops or materials to create items. Supplies player base with items that are not obtainable (or not effectively priced) through the cash shop or difficult/time consuming to get through free or solo playing. Profits off of the game environment.
3. The Merchant:
Covers all ranges of activity, though most often this is a “100% of the time” kind of player. They will watch world chat for deals, keep an eye on prices of items and gold, watch the cash shop for promos and buy and sell to make a profit. Some merchant’s will deal exclusively through wedge shops, helping to set the buy/sell price of items and making profit off the difference. Others will simply watch world chat or world chat to advertise their wares. Profits off of farmers, free to play players, cash shoppers, and the environment.
4. The Market Player:
Watches the auction house Gold Market and buys and sells. Most start out with a small profit and slowly grow their market share over time by selling and buying at the right times. Profits off of both free to play players and cash shoppers specifically in the transition of coin to gold and vice versa.
5. The Scammer:
Joins squads like warsong, FSP, or lunar and takes advantage of the unaware. Will pick drops and “disconnect” from the game, capitalize on miscommunications, and generally perform shady behavior in order to get ahead. Some will go so far as sending key-loggers to known players or attempt to hax accounts. Some will merchant wares while boosting prices with fake bids in world chat auctions, or advertise false prices or items both in cat shops and through trades. Profits through predatorial behavior.
6. The Cash Shopper:
Purchases zen in the cash shop to exchange for goods directly from the shop, or for in-game coin by selling gold through the Auction house. Profits off of real life endeavors to support their game play. Supports free to play players and the game by providing real life profit to the PWE.
I made this thread because I saw a lot of players blaming several different types of players for problems with the event rewards. I think it’s interesting how different views of different types of players evolve, how the negative connotations are evolved or used, and why… When really we are all just “different types of players” who enjoy different things in the game.
We all QQ sometimes over certain people or things, but I don’t really see one or the other overall as bad. All players are shades of grey of the different "types" in my experience so no one person can really ever be seen as purely bad or good.
But there are also others. What is your opinion? Are there more types of players I didn’t list? Discuss!
1. The Quester:
Casual to medium activity player. Quiet, plays for the visuals and questing story line. Enjoys the game with minimum cost. Has no problem grinding mobs or selling to cat shops small drops. Most often a free to play player, but sometimes purchases things like fashion or small nick nacks from cash shop. Generally does not profit unless they get a taste for more complexity from the game.
2. The Farmer:
Covers all ranges of activity and can be something as simple as grinding herbs, or as complex as soloing instances for drops or materials to create items. Supplies player base with items that are not obtainable (or not effectively priced) through the cash shop or difficult/time consuming to get through free or solo playing. Profits off of the game environment.
3. The Merchant:
Covers all ranges of activity, though most often this is a “100% of the time” kind of player. They will watch world chat for deals, keep an eye on prices of items and gold, watch the cash shop for promos and buy and sell to make a profit. Some merchant’s will deal exclusively through wedge shops, helping to set the buy/sell price of items and making profit off the difference. Others will simply watch world chat or world chat to advertise their wares. Profits off of farmers, free to play players, cash shoppers, and the environment.
4. The Market Player:
Watches the auction house Gold Market and buys and sells. Most start out with a small profit and slowly grow their market share over time by selling and buying at the right times. Profits off of both free to play players and cash shoppers specifically in the transition of coin to gold and vice versa.
5. The Scammer:
Joins squads like warsong, FSP, or lunar and takes advantage of the unaware. Will pick drops and “disconnect” from the game, capitalize on miscommunications, and generally perform shady behavior in order to get ahead. Some will go so far as sending key-loggers to known players or attempt to hax accounts. Some will merchant wares while boosting prices with fake bids in world chat auctions, or advertise false prices or items both in cat shops and through trades. Profits through predatorial behavior.
6. The Cash Shopper:
Purchases zen in the cash shop to exchange for goods directly from the shop, or for in-game coin by selling gold through the Auction house. Profits off of real life endeavors to support their game play. Supports free to play players and the game by providing real life profit to the PWE.
I made this thread because I saw a lot of players blaming several different types of players for problems with the event rewards. I think it’s interesting how different views of different types of players evolve, how the negative connotations are evolved or used, and why… When really we are all just “different types of players” who enjoy different things in the game.
We all QQ sometimes over certain people or things, but I don’t really see one or the other overall as bad. All players are shades of grey of the different "types" in my experience so no one person can really ever be seen as purely bad or good.
But there are also others. What is your opinion? Are there more types of players I didn’t list? Discuss!
laynagiulia wrote: »And all those people complaining are only thinking about their MERCHANT. They're only thinking about buy/sell power. Cuz they don't play PWI anymore, they play Monopoly…. it would still help new people catch up A BIT with the old players/cashers and make this game fun to play again.
cottoncandy69 wrote: »the only economics i see is ppl with end game gear claiming they will "have to" raise prices u dont "have to" do **** u "choose to" be an overcharging bas+ard so dont blame economics cuz your greedy asses think u should be entitled to rob ppl because the money is out there so "u have to" thats horse **** ijs
i can bet evry person who QQed about the 9m are actualy CSers or ppl who was lazy to lvl chars.. And at end of the day Cser say wonder why server is so dead..ofc is dead when ppl who used cash QQed to Gm for cards and shiets but when regular ppl have a chance to get some money Cser QQ to Gm to stop that:))))))))..
I so **** agree...what about us regular ppl that just play an don't have the money or credit card...what the hell..what u GMs don't care about us thats **** up..9m would of helped a lot of us ppl playing an now u took it away...I GMs need to think about everybody an not just the credit card ppl an when I say I going to do something so it an not let them influence I...cus as of this moment that's all I see is the credit card players telling u how to run it game...

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I fall under #6. I am the hated cancer >: D
Nobody loves me qq0 -
You kinda mentioned it at the end of your post, but I would consider something like "the hybrid" - someone who enjoys the questing but also maximizes any combination of farming/merchanting/market playing/cash shopping - to be a distinct player type.
I'll politely disagree that "scammer" can be a positive influence in the game.
That said, you typed players mostly by money-making preferences. Personally I think it makes more sense to classify them along the spectrum of casual to elitist - casuals essentially being there to enjoy the game and elitists essentially being there to boost their egos.102/101/102 cleric0 -
"If you must put me in a box, make sure it's a big box - with lots of windows and a door to walk through and a nice high chimney - so we can burn burn burn everything that we don't like and watch the ashes fly up to heaven.. maybe all the way to India..
I'd like that."
~Dan Bern/Jerusalem
103/103/102 demon cleric
103/102/102 demon seeker
100/100/100 demon veno0 -
cynderangel wrote: »I'll politely disagree that "scammer" can be a positive influence in the game.
Saying that implies that I said scammers were a positive influence. If you read my post again you will find I did not mention that at all.
cynderangel wrote: »That said, you typed players mostly by money-making preferences. Personally I think it makes more sense to classify them along the spectrum of casual to elitist - casuals essentially being there to enjoy the game and elitists essentially being there to boost their egos.
I think your idea is interesting.
This idea was borne from the idea of rewards and the effect of the 9m tier two log in reward, so yes, it is mostly to do with money-making preferences.
If we were to clasify people by their preference to play casually or be elitists playing to boost their ego we would be suggesting that anyone who played the game more than a specific number of hours was there to boost their ego. From that angle it seems that it is not to do with money making preferences that make groups of people unsavory to the general game playing population, but the amount of hours they invest... Which in turn would suggest that the people at the BOTTOM of the food chain (questers, farmers and merchants) would be the people who are ill thought of in game, and not the dirty cashers, since it takes much, much longer to farm gear than it does to use a credit card to buy it.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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Saying that implies that I said scammers were a positive influence. If you read my post again you will find I did not mention that at all.
I said that based off of scammers being listed as a player type and your closing paragraphs stating that no one style is truly bad, but I suppose that you're right in the sense that (I hope) no one can play this game as a full time scammer. Surely they must partake in activities that are good for the community some time, although it's possible their bad influences will outweigh the good.
I think your idea is interesting.
This idea was borne from the idea of rewards and the effect of the 9m tier two log in reward, so yes, it is mostly to do with money-making preferences.
If we were to clasify people by their preference to play casually or be elitists playing to boost their ego we would be suggesting that anyone who played the game more than a specific number of hours was there to boost their ego. From that angle it seems that it is not to do with money making preferences that make groups of people unsavory to the general game playing population, but the amount of hours they invest... Which in turn would suggest that the people at the BOTTOM of the food chain (questers, farmers and merchants) would be the people who are ill thought of in game, and not the dirty cashers, since it takes much, much longer to farm gear than it does to use a credit card to buy it.
I wasn't thinking of elitist and casual in terms of time played, but rather attitude about the time spent. Do you spend all of your time farming/spend half your paycheck/artificially raise item and gold prices so you can have bigger and better gear with no regard for other players? Do your dungeon runs have to go perfect or you rage and consider it a fail squad? Do you ignore every noobie who requests advice and help? I would call that attitude purely elitist. They feed their egos by thinking themselves above others, and they forget to have fun. Obviously no one would fit that exact extreme description. A casual player (in my extremely subjective terms) would be more about enjoying the actual gameplay, exploring, maybe making friends. They don't mind the "fail" squads because it's fun and a challenge. Of course they work to improve their gear (that's the point of the game after all), but it's more about the quality of the journey than the destination. With this - I don't really want to call it a definition, but close enough - it is very possible for an RRR9 + 12 player to fit my idea of casual.
Between those descriptions, I see a wide spectrum. I see a lot of new players getting discouraged by elitist attitudes, and, in part, that's why I've cut back on playing, not so much that I'm even on the receiving end of it.
I know it's not a perfect theory, but it's just a thought.102/101/102 cleric0 -
might think about your definition of elitist again. IMHO <--- being elitist has in no way have to be connected to *looking down on noobs*
just as an example take astarelle ... guys a walking encyclopedia of pwi - but instead of bashing ppl for their lack of knowledge.. guy keeps posting guides and useful things...
and thats just one example...
imho .. elitism is what gets a game moving. ppl exploring the edges ..
on a sidenote: im missing another kind of player in ur post : the community guy .. as i feel alot of ppl in pwi could be put into that category ( prime example - ppl playing since ages, but not for the game, but for the ppl they met througout the years)
just my 2 cents of thought0 -
Think I fall under the 1 and 2, maybe with a bit of merchanting from time to time. Pretty much a great summary, Eirghan!
Truth be told I find it very easy to get by in this game and have lots of fun as a player who is not looking to be top-tier, PvP competitive and all that. Compared to other MMO's out there I tried...
The 9mil note fiasco just seemed asinine to me all along. I'm among those opposing and supporting those who oppose it, wouldn't think to blame one type of player for anything.
Got nothing against CSers, nothing against r999s, I have friends who are and have those things and they are very decent people I enjoy the company of. Doesn't make me think any less of them because "OMG RICH OP".
(´ω`) ( °ω° )
Woollen Fox • Ylvanie • Twilight Temple0 -
might think about your definition of elitist again. IMHO <--- being elitist has in no way have to be connected to *looking down on noobs*
just as an example take astarelle ... guys a walking encyclopedia of pwi - but instead of bashing ppl for their lack of knowledge.. guy keeps posting guides and useful things...
and thats just one example...
imho .. elitism is what gets a game moving. ppl exploring the edges ..
But the guides and helpfulness would not be part of the elitist side of someone's personality. Everyone will have a mix of both. Someone could give helpful advice to noobies while at the same time artificially inflating item prices, thereby hurting the community as a whole for their own greed. They would fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. And in the way I described casual vs. elitist, a casual player could also explore the edges of the game. They just wouldn't be a jerk about it.102/101/102 cleric0 -
I love cash shoppers, if it is not for them, we would not be able to play this wonderful and flawed game that we love called pwi. Be thankful to the cash shoppers, they support the prices in game and give the money to pwi to keep them interested in running this game.
Nirvana - most scammers around, they seem to have reduced in numbers since, but so have the active number of players, so not sure if there are fewer scammers now.0 -
There are a few types of players:
1. The Quester:
Casual to medium activity player. Quiet, plays for the visuals and questing story line. Enjoys the game with minimum cost. Has no problem grinding mobs or selling to cat shops small drops. Most often a free to play player, but sometimes purchases things like fashion or small nick nacks from cash shop. Generally does not profit unless they get a taste for more complexity from the game.
Seems like I belong to the first type since I've done almost all quests- even the boring ones- just to read stories like 'Report to Fang' or 'Cait of Wisdom'. The only thing I should change is the text "unless they get a taste for more complexity from the game" since only 2 complex things is squads and activity.
The complex thing about squads I've seen so far is helping in which none of the squadmembers actually do things and even set themself on auto-follow. Fun when AoE happens! Sure, most of the time there isn't any profit for me but only for a random NPC: the famous repaircosts always kicks in. The activity is bad, very bad, but not for me: helped a lot of people who are a member of an "active" faction. Now tell me: how can factions be active and not helping their own members? Too complex for me lol but those people keep me busy for many hours a day
Also in my case Quiet only means I don't use teleacoustics to chat about things because I get bored or to speak to one person only. Most of the time I see people using a 'tele' just to ask for PK at West on a PvE server- don't need it since I can play on PvP server- or just talk nonsense. Don't want to be a part of this genre. For communication I personally use factionchat, squadchat or just whisper to someone. Ofcourse there's software like RaidCall, TeamSpeak etc. available.
So for me type 1 'The Quester' it is.
0 -
Ur list is clearly incomplete, allow me to help finish it
7. The Complainer
This player doesnt actually put in any effort or work into the game, instead they will choose to complain whenever something is implemented in the game, anything really. They are unhappy about their situation in the game and take it out on everyone by complaining about it.
8. The Semi-retired
Although this player no longer plays the game, so their opinion doesnt matter whatshowever, they still return to the forums every day to remind everyone why they dont play anymore. They generally go out with a bang, right before going into semi-retirement
Also to a previous poster, I dont think u realise what exactly an elitist is. It would be someone that considers themselves to be better than most, part of the elite so to speak, and with that looks down on people that dont meet the requirements that he personally set to aquire this status. It is in no way related to status that someone else gives to you, its merely what u call urself. Back in the nirvana days the server was filled with elitists, making 5aps squads only, if u were 4aps u were trash, and therefor not allowed to join. Occasionally there's people that will only invite r999 to FSP, which is equally laughable. Do note that sometimes there are certain gear requirements to be met, for Nirvana and FSP this is ofcourse not the case. Its simply something noobs have made up for themselves to feel better about their ingame performance, and is very similar to overcompensation0 -
Ur list is clearly incomplete, allow me to help finish it
7. The Complainer
This player doesnt actually put in any effort or work into the game, instead they will choose to complain whenever something is implemented in the game, anything really. They are unhappy about their situation in the game and take it out on everyone by complaining about it.
8. The Semi-retired
Although this player no longer plays the game, so their opinion doesnt matter whatshowever, they still return to the forums every day to remind everyone why they dont play anymore. They generally go out with a bang, right before going into semi-retirement
oh these are good. I forgot one more:
9. The Troll
Takes nothing seriously and uses as many memes as possible when posting in forums. Enjoys the game more than anyone else. Also enjoys sharing pictures of fat men mowing lawns.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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Fkn Chris, I feel u, he needs to be banned0
I've seen a new one crop up:
The Plzpuppy (beggar):
Shouts on the worldchannel for people to send him/her money and/or items, for various reasons. Is often the target of much ridicule afterwards, and tends to try and play the victim to prey on people's sympathies. In most cases, unsuccessfully. Tends to spend more on teleacoustics then they get in coin.... forget your fears. And want no more...
Dawnglory player:
Ulsyr - Khelvan - Evryn - Gromth
And StoneSnake - CatSnakeshop for everyone's Common Stones and more!0 -
So let me get this straight this thread is a judgemental breakdown of how ppl classify their peers............dudes its not anyones business to judge lolz let alone make a thread judging........shameful
all this for a big note hahaha smh forum apocalypse0 -
#0: The Madara: (there's somewhat of a spoiler among the ****, so open on your own risk for spoilers)SpoilerThis person is without a single doubt the single most important person in the universe, therefor the question is:
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu. I’m definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after Alucard, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu and having eaten Popeye’s spinach. I’m talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye’s spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken.The only fitting image for this forum.0 -
But there are also others. What is your opinion? Are there more types of players I didn’t list? Discuss!
yep theres more...YOUR type for example:
the CSer who upon charging r999 thinks he's infallible and claiming to have farmed everything and constantly seeking attention on forums, putting himself into a good light saying this n that is bad even tho he's the first one to hardcore abuse everything (bragging about it ofc every once in a while w/o thinking about what he's actually saying and most likely denying it upon being asked)
anyway, in general i dont think u can say theres strictly this or that type cos most ppl r a mixture of everything
e.g. theres csers who also farm, hardcore farmers who also quest, merchants with hundreds of shops who also farm, etc etc
just another attention seeking thread imo.
u should rather post something useful so gms would know that theres issues with arc forums
(and before u start QQing bout that too, for the reasons mentioned above gms seem to think ur accepted by the "broad community" (which consists maybe of a few ppl on forums who can actually post) and actually read ur posts)
0 -
#0: The Madara: (there's somewhat of a spoiler among the ****, so open on your own risk for spoilers)SpoilerThis person is without a single doubt the single most important person in the universe, therefor the question is:
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu. I’m definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after Alucard, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu and having eaten Popeye’s spinach. I’m talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye’s spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken.
lmao they are so op they are number 0? Who would win him or chuck Norris?
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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Seems like I belong to the first type since I've done almost all quests- even the boring ones- just to read stories like 'Report to Fang' or 'Cait of Wisdom'. The only thing I should change is the text "unless they get a taste for more complexity from the game" since only 2 complex things is squads and activity.
The complex thing about squads I've seen so far is helping in which none of the squadmembers actually do things and even set themself on auto-follow. Fun when AoE happens! Sure, most of the time there isn't any profit for me but only for a random NPC: the famous repaircosts always kicks in. The activity is bad, very bad, but not for me: helped a lot of people who are a member of an "active" faction. Now tell me: how can factions be active and not helping their own members? Too complex for me lol but those people keep me busy for many hours a day
Also in my case Quiet only means I don't use teleacoustics to chat about things because I get bored or to speak to one person only. Most of the time I see people using a 'tele' just to ask for PK at West on a PvE server- don't need it since I can play on PvP server- or just talk nonsense. Don't want to be a part of this genre. For communication I personally use factionchat, squadchat or just whisper to someone. Ofcourse there's software like RaidCall, TeamSpeak etc. available.
So for me type 1 'The Quester' it is.
I started as quester and i liked that time in pwi very much. Was very peaceful for me c: maybe one day i will make an alt and visit all my old quest givers and enjoy. Squads can be hectic!
yep theres more...YOUR type for example:
the CSer who upon charging r999 thinks he's infallible and claiming to have farmed everything and constantly seeking attention on forums, putting himself into a good light saying this n that is bad even tho he's the first one to hardcore abuse everything (bragging about it ofc every once in a while w/o thinking about what he's actually saying and most likely denying it upon being asked)
anyway, in general i dont think u can say theres strictly this or that type cos most ppl r a mixture of everything
e.g. theres csers who also farm, hardcore farmers who also quest, merchants with hundreds of shops who also farm, etc etc
just another attention seeking thread imo.
u should rather post something useful so gms would know that theres issues with arc forums
(and before u start QQing bout that too, for the reasons mentioned above gms seem to think ur accepted by the "broad community" (which consists maybe of a few ppl on forums who can actually post) and actually read ur posts)Post edited by eirghan on
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What I love about this whole debate is that people are criticizing greed in a capitilistic market. This game's player-based economy is capitilistic, which means that prices will be driven by the laws of supply and demand. If something was truly overpriced, it wouldn't sell. It takes both supply and demand to determine price.My mains:
TorquoiseBlu 103 | 103 | 103 Twilight Sky VIII psychic
MidnighteBlu 103 | 103 | 103 Twilight Sky VIII duskblade0 -
torquoisegamer wrote: »What I love about this whole debate is that people are criticizing greed in a capitilistic market. This game's player-based economy is capitilistic, which means that prices will be driven by the laws of supply and demand. If something was truly overpriced, it wouldn't sell. It takes both supply and demand to determine price.
That's true, but for some it feels more like spending your day's wages on a loaf of bread than a steak. Some people figure it out and are rolling in bread AND buying the steak. Some get too bored figuring out how to buy bread and either take crumbs (and maybe complain about it) or just die (quit).
Also, buying bread isn't fun.102/101/102 cleric0 -
Anyways, for those of you who are having trouble making coin in the game, here's the biggest source of game-generated coin.
Jolly Old Jones
A level 71-80 character can make a little less than a million coin a day from it.
Nation Wars is also a source of game-generated coin, as supply tokens will sell for 10,000 coin each.
Level 100+ Bounty Hunter Reward can sell for coin.
And for the next 6 (or 7 depending on your count) days, Smoke Over Archosaur is a great source of coin if you're level 80 or higher.
There's also another event which I won't reveal because I'd rather not have everyone crowd into it.My mains:
TorquoiseBlu 103 | 103 | 103 Twilight Sky VIII psychic
MidnighteBlu 103 | 103 | 103 Twilight Sky VIII duskblade0 -
cynderangel wrote: »
That's true, but for some it feels more like spending your day's wages on a loaf of bread than a steak. Some people figure it out and are rolling in bread AND buying the steak. Some get too bored figuring out how to buy bread and either take crumbs (and maybe complain about it) or just die (quit).
Also, buying bread isn't fun.
I like buying bread. And making it. There are all different kinds. Whole grain, rye, seeded, plain white, sourdough. Speak for yourself!
wingdeath6 wrote: »So let me get this straight this thread is a judgemental breakdown of how ppl classify their peers............dudes its not anyones business to judge lolz let alone make a thread judging........shameful
all this for a big note hahaha smh forum apocalypse
Sometimes I think people need help reading. I'll point out my part of the post again for you and you can re-read it and try to figure it out.
I think it’s interesting how different views of different types of players evolve, how the negative connotations are evolved or used, and why… When really we are all just “different types of players” who enjoy different things in the game.
Oh man the judgement is super real.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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I like buying bread. And making it. There are all different kinds. Whole grain, rye, seeded, plain white, sourdough. Speak for yourself!
It's an analogy hun. It's not real bread.102/101/102 cleric0 -
0 -
ovenusarmanio wrote: »I WANT REAL BREAD NOW!
I will go buy some for you. Do you want Multigrain, rye, sourdough....
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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You forgot the last type of player wich i used to be, before i quit a year ago.
a pvper
I was a merchant yeah but on the side of that i would pvp as much as i could.
i'd love to play pwi sometime again but im on a mac now and pwi cant be played on a apple computer wich is a shame.
greetings, the old headslicerr ( arch server ) yeah a pve server fk i didnt know the difference when i made my account)
Also fun to see Defiance is still topping that TW0 -
headslicerrrrr wrote: »You forgot the last type of player wich i used to be, before i quit a year ago.
a pvper
I was a merchant yeah but on the side of that i would pvp as much as i could.
i'd love to play pwi sometime again but im on a mac now and pwi cant be played on a apple computer wich is a shame.
greetings, the old headslicerr ( arch server ) yeah a pve server fk i didnt know the difference when i made my account)
Also fun to see Defiance is still topping that TW
Install windows through the built in feature called bootcamp. You require a windows DVD in order to proceed. But you should be able to play PWI just fine on a mac once windows is installed:
Assassin - SyntherosX - 105, 105, 105 Calc : https://mypers.pw/13/#654396
Loyal Perfect World Player 9 Year Vet.
Youtube&LiveStream @ OROCx24
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Old Money.0 -
Old Money.
Why did you post from an alt account desdi...
At least if people insist on posting from unnamed alt accounts to hide their mains they should do it well.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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