lilyuffie Arc User


  • 1) Yeah, you'll be able to use axe/hammers, according to what you've written down as your desired build : 2) ^. 3) Yes, it's okay to level all your skills to level 1 just to see them in action. The skills listed in your desired skill level are relatively good. Although, considering you want to become a 'pure tiger barb',…
  • 200m? Lol. I've seen them go for 100m. Good luck. b:bye
  • Still looking to buy it.
  • In the beginning, he's wielding Ashura's Purgatory. During the AoE Grinding session, he's using TT90Gold. Right? o_o
  • Hackzors. o_o I'd buy it, buy I'm not on Dreamweaver. b:cry It's be funny if the next 50 levels, the Genie only gained 5 Lucky Points in total. Growth has to stop somewhere.
  • Demon sunder gives 100% ( I believe ) for the next 6 seconds. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Demon Sunder works amazingly well for every build.
  • Merchant is the only way I earn money. o_o Grinding is hardly worth it, aside from the XP/Spirit. I'm not going to tell you what to merchant, as that's a secret. But Lloyd is right, it's immensely easy to earn millions, just takes a ton of time. It can get frustrating at times to sell your merchandise, but it'd definitely…
  • Bump. Sorry if it's a bit early to bump. Dropped the price down to 16m. Edit: Sold.
  • I saw a person selling their bulbfish for 19m a couple of hours ago. It's probably sold by now. Aside from that, I'd think it'd be priced around 25m. Don't take my word for it though.
  • I can read. I've stated what you've advised differently from what the other person had mentioned. That's why I said 'can you read?' because you've improvised his build, which led me to the conclusion that you couldn't follow details. Don't ever say I can't read, because obviously I can. I don't even see the point of adding…
  • That's what he said, aside from your tactic of 3/0/2 later on. Learn to read. Ffs. Have you even ever tried pumping str/dex in the beginning? I doubt it. How do you not understand that the early str/dex build will help you level quicker? It's a simple explanation. Even with a 'small dps increase', you'll still be killing…
  • I love it when people read one thing, and think it applies throughout the whole entire game. Let's say you're level 90 and your end game weapon is TT90 Gold, do you keep pumping str./dex. even though you have the set requirement? No, unless you plan on upping your DPS/Accuracy, but that's what refines/apoth powders,…
  • +1 Exactly what he said. There's no need to put in more strength than necessary. Also, 500k should be sufficient, as long as you don't fall into the temptation of buying expensive 3*/legendary armor/weapons.
  • I think someone already resolved a question like this. They've already provided us a customization for our toons. Adding the addition of wearing helmets would cover the customized face, therefore, making everybody look the same. The capes though, I think it'd be nice to have. But I don't care either way if they implement…
  • Looks too much like the hellfire drake. I wouldn't want it; it'll probably look like it's a ride for midgets only like the drake. No offense to midgets.
  • Do your dailies; Crazy Stones, FQ, etc. They give a ton of exp at your level. Scan through the One Man Army quests and look at what mobs you've encountered before and which ones you like grinding on. You already have Calamity Axes? :S Cripes b:shocked
  • I don't tank anything either. b:surrender
  • Extra physical defense is good, but try to look for some HP bonuses/vit. bonuses along with these. Extra elemental defense is decent, but like I said, we're mainly looking for the HP bonuses. The reduction of physical damage taken isn't too good, I would imagine. I've never considered once about getting an evasion bonus.…
  • I don't think that the video card is the problem though; I still crash even when the starting client is opening and heading towards the log in screen. Thanks for the help anyways though. :S
  • Model:Compaq Presario S6300NX My manufacturer is Compaq.
  • Waddup Elite, still in ReNeWaL? Anyways, grind on the melee mobs, they're the easiest thing you can grind on. Just select, press F1 ( if that's your auto-attack button ) and let your toon **** away at it. For magic mobs, I grind in tiger form. I always have alacrity ready. (Set it on a hotkey that is convenient for you.) I…
  • You're probably fighting those mean wolves that cast that regeneration skill they have. You know, the ones next to the barn-type thing. I had problems with those too. You're better off getting a Wizard/Archer to help you. I did that and I flew past my 2x really quick. If you're taking on them one-on-one, try using Alacrity…
  • I've drawn up 2 conclusions: He doesn't have maxed out Tiger Form. or He has a different build than a tanker build.
  • Tigers = More damage less accuracy & evasion; strong jaws and paws but ginormous Lion = More damage less accuracy & evasion; strong jaws and paws large mane, could obscure vision. Wolf = More m/s, acc, & evasion less damage; I'd like to think that they're stealthier, but less vicious compared to the others. Panda = More…
  • Hope this helps. Also, keep in mind that my post has nothing to do with Sage or Demon. Explaining things in-depth would take too long. If anyone finds any flaws in my writing, or my opinions, you're much obliged to correct me.
  • Armageddon's damage value relies on the amount of HP/MP you sacrifice. The more Vitality = The more same Armageddon can do. The more base HP you have, the more HP bonus Beast King's Inspiration as well as ToP provides you; so it's vital that you have a lot of Vitality or HP Bonuses from equipment. That explain things,…
  • Congratulations Megumisa. b:cry
  • It's called experimenting; he has the money to do it. He's not much of an idiot, he DOES know how to play his class, how else would he be in the PK ranking system in Sanc.? Shooting arrows at random targets without any strategies? Eh hem, I think not. Anyways, as I recall, I remember seeing LG archers wielding axes; are…
  • Nah, you're not lucky. I'm 7x too, with 8.5m, 10 flawless citrines, 5 immac citrines, and had a couple of gold HP charms. I didn't use the anniversary packs, alts to supply my main, nor did I use the CS to obtain any of that ****. Maybe you didn't maximize your skills, and that's why you're left with a ton of money. I know…
  • He had 29.5k last time I heard him announce his HP, lol.
    in HP Comment by lilyuffie October 2009