goat111 Arc User


  • no trolling here just raging because of this BS
  • tyvm ray but i caught the lil cutie yesterday froma spawn point when people werent camping and was wondering if i should keep it or sell but ty =D
  • my current build is pure mag got the zeal genie if anybody can help =D
  • i does but meh copy n pasty button broken D=
  • And Bumped
  • bumped =D
  • well well the biggest a$$holes are back for another tag team match again? :O
  • i know a guy level 95 with 163 vit without gear and has 7K hp and 13K mp on LostCity adn he is a PVP BEAST! i suggest vit at 100 or higher but thats just me i lovvvveeeeee the extra HP but thats just me as for your stats there just find :D
  • /10char :D!!!!!!
    in LA Venos Comment by goat111 July 2010
  • May May!thanks for the info hun nice to hear from ya again <3b:kiss
  • just hit level 50 and happy about it did 1 oracles when im at 95% to level cuz im usually out of quests by then xD so wheres a good place to AOEwith my glacial i think i know how to kinda do it =S thanks for the info guys!b:cute
  • agrees with kana /10char\
  • my current amount of money per hour from quests/DQ drops and random gear is 50to 100K sometimes more but with a 1hour safety lock and 149 hours red on LC its hard to stay alive so i dont get a lote of drops because im randomly PKLed some people have said kill higher level mobs to make hours go by faster is it true im…
  • So ill hit level 50 in a week or less almost getting 10levels a week on 5-8 hours daily ^^ sow hen i hit level 50 wheres the best place for DQ drops? i can kill up to level 65 being level 42 :o
  • well i moved on to aboride weezeblooms there DQ drop rate IS AMAZING and what level with a glacial walker do you think i can sili qingzi? was just wondering because he usually drops molds for me xD thans for the fast reply Desdi :Db:kiss
  • yeah peanut oil is 50 loyalty=S but people keep your pets loyalty above 500=D to many veno's go AFK with there pets out likea herc in room 4 of the cube it kinda funny cuz u gotta bring all that loyalty back up =D
  • the Glacial Walker is almost a herc without the reflect skill it has great defence great hp and it hits hard i have mine and im level 42 and loveing ym glacial i can AOE grind on 3-4 mobs currently with its tough skills b:bye
    in Magmites? Comment by goat111 July 2010
  • well im sorry i was just trolling xD i didnt mean to use derogatives DXb:cry
  • well excuse me queens of language i call it freedom of speech if you dont like what i say then dont read my post kthxbaib:bye
  • another term for that is lick/humping the cash shop and LOOK OUT IMA NECRO J00 ALL >:D
  • my system is a windows vista home premium when i start the game the screen goes black like its starting up but then i have to alt+f4 out of it and it says it not responding im not a computer person and im thinking mabye the patch might be messed up?? the game has worked fine up untill this patch and my computer hasnt been…
  • actually i do aoe grind on poision mobs a lot by myself on my cleric but it gets lonely and she wants a cleric also ^^ so im still wondering builds/genies and stuff thanks tho for the fast reply ^^
    in duo clerics Comment by goat111 June 2010
  • ive used the search button but no results /fail Q_Q
  • if u want a herc to solo TTs on lost city server be prepared to spend 90mill or drop 300$irl imho ive done the math the nix feathers and SoF are 9keach some sell for 15Keach so its outrageous and TT's for me bring in a hefty 10mill after like 2 runs xD if the drops are good and im on 2 runs a night no charms and im useing…
  • id also like to say im thinking of haveing a red name when i hit lvl 30 xD! so was wondering about another pet for pvp :) am lvl 1 atm i have 2mill to spend from my other character am on LC server and nix and SoF are at 9Keach :*(
    in Best Pet? Comment by goat111 May 2010
  • i also have acleric friend and a few cleric slave >:3 would just like to add that ty :D
  • ty all for your replies how would i build a pve genie and then at 90+build a TW/PvP genie and what genie shoul i be getting? ty and whats teh build for me to solo aoe?b:pleasedb:dirtyb:kissb:victory
    in aoe wizzy Comment by goat111 May 2010