frostbringer Arc User


  • To Noob: Hmm, let me guess your in game name is Shizo? Richtig? Sorry for blowing your cover!^^b:kiss
  • Bloodlust is too scared to attack us...but no worry we will attack them Melodia!^^ Btw congrats to RQ for winning their TW this WE. It is good to see that a guild does not disband and strikes back after losing TWs. (Even though it is RQ....b:spit) Oh Pandora! Try to recruit some high level BLT member before they leave the…
  • Jaegermeister: Nice post. You should stay here, way more interesting with all the the kos, online junkies, emos, drama queens, flaming and so on in this server!^^ My main reason to stay and play here, since the actual gameplay gets always boring after some month in every mmorpg. b:tired
  • No! BLT could never have beaten us in a attack TW! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! b:angry But well, yes, BLT were the strongest guild for the last months, while we had some problems with kos, leaving and emo members etc. But well we got through that, and in the end we got stronger again. This is also quite normal imho, when you play a…
  • I am sure GZ will not fail as long Rq is on the map. After that it will be interesting to see what their next plans will be. As a side note. Smaller guilds should look for merges to have a chance in TW...
  • LOL! You are such a liar! You should say not anymore, then it would be partially true perhaps.
  • The higher the prices the better. I am serious, since this way we will hopefully not see too much of this f***ing uber pets. b:angry
  • Lost City = Most emos, hardcore players also called no lives, bishes, as*h*les etc. But also most helpful, mature and funny people here imho. b:cute So to say it short if you want entertainment join LC, if not join PvE. b:bye
  • Always funny how warmachine points out that Cq members are biased towards Cq, while he pretends to be unbiased and only speaks the truth! b:chuckle To the topic. Tw wise Rq next to fail. Although they will be able to defend against smaller guilds, but GZ will roll over them the next weeks. Still Rq members have the most…
  • Mine would be , Baldurs Gate 1-2, Fallout 1 -2, Daggerfall in that order. @Maiya: Legend of Legaia! Seriously? b:surprised Final-fantasy 7 is so much better. My personal favourite on The Ps-1 was Star Ocean 2 though.
  • Well BLT has way more real gaming freaks(also known as "no lives", which I do not mean negative!^^) than we(Cq) do. Of course we also have a big amount of nearly 24-7 player though, compared to the rest of the server at least, but compared to BLT I have to admit we are lagging behind there. Still I hope we can hold of BLT…
  • Hmm bosses must be nerfed... b:surprised Well still congrats. I feared you would do it, but had thought that it would be quite close.
  • Damn Jones blessing! b:angry b:mischievous
  • sigh! b:sad I guess i did not pray enough. Well grats to BLT for taking first lvl2 territory. I suppose you will not complain about Jones blessing anymore.... You are still evil b******, f*****, a******* though. b:angry
  • I am praying , that Jones blessing will not be enough for BLT to get lvl2 territory this weekend! b:worried
  • Back to topic!^^ If GuardianZ fail against RQ this weekend, it could be already over with them, before they really started. If they win Rq could be on a losing run for the next weeks, since this TW, because of Jones blessing, they have the best (only) chance to beat them.
  • @warmachine: What are you talking about? I advice you read again what I wrote! Perhaps you are able to give an answer which would actually has some sense then. b:chuckle A tip though. I was talking about RQ getting attacked by a new guild and perhaps later even attacked by you, after you fail against Conqueror. @Isowen:…
  • Just a reminder. This thread is about the guild who will fail next. Not about poor little innocent warmachine b:sad and sinful rich big Deity b:sin. Make your own personal thread for your vendetta! b:bye Back to topic. So 3 major guilds left to fail. Next guild to fail imho will be RQ, since they will get attacked by some…
  • We still have the blessing for this week Deity!^^ The quest to get it is removed, so we can not get a new one next week.
  • Got 2 so far in around 200+ attempts. So yeah its quite unlikely!^^ Same in other servers I played. So its quite normal not to get 3*stars, Dont worry about that.
  • Nah this blessing will not be a cash shop item. It would be a reason for many to quit and I do not believe that they will be so stupid. b:lipcurl And to the topic. I agree that Jones blessing needs to be taken out. It unbalances the classes too much in PvP, Or even better you change the blessing, so that it gives the same…
  • Thats a funny thread!^^ Well level wise BLT and CQ are the strongest. RQ lives from failing guilds around them and that BLT is not taking them seriously yet. They got as many territories as the big two, because of that. Although they are level wise clearly behind. The main battle to be the superior guild in Lost-city is…
  • LOL Devoted! Somehow it sounds like you had to say that to yourself too!^^ Oh and Starang. Pandora does not need to spend much real money on the game, because he has his own guild to exploit! b:quiet
  • @devoted: LOL! Yeah of course we achieved so much less than RQ or BLT on this server! And I am soooooooo serious about this statement! Not TW, territory, member, level or money wise though; but well in WC we do not have such big mouths as them and talk less s**t than them, so we must be so much worse than them! b:shy This…
  • Funny that in the beginning 95% of the people here said they go PvP-server. But then the PvE server got full way faster. Probably the 2nd PvE server gets full before Lost-City too... b:chuckle Btw thanks to every player who stays at PvP. Friends and foes alike! b:kiss
  • We did not lose ! b:angry We just did not win, which is imho "only" technically a loss in attacking TW. b:cry And correct Unlimited was the only way to go. It was nothing personnel and the only reasonable thing to do at this point.
  • @Fierydevil: Always have to laugh about people, whose ego is so big , that they believe they represent the whole server! b:thanks Btw ever asked Grim how much money he spends on PWI? And I know even RQ people who spend 200$+ a month for this Game and they are far from Deity strength. And personally I am grateful that some…
  • @Devoted : of course it did not join BLT . It is just Griminflamez little pet, sweetie, b***h, or however you want to call it. But well off topic! b:shutup @warmachine: You are right. Missed that. So 6 against 2. Shame to Deity that he could not beat them with so much support! b:angry
  • Well you were 6 on one. He was not buffed etc. . So I fail to see how you can brag about it!?b:chuckle But well, what to expect from a BLT b***h! b:kiss
  • Too funny!b:chuckle Just listen to Zoe and you will be fine! lol