Leaving game for a bit and observations of guilds

Jagermeister - Lost City
Jagermeister - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Twilight Temple (West)
Well unfortuantely I am going to have to leave PW for a bit and wanted to say goodbye to some friends but in addition I wanted to leave with some observations and recommendations of things I have noticed in game with regards to the current guilds. If you care read if not then dont...though I would recommend those interested in running guilds to read since my recommendations are based on much experience organizing guilds.

To qualify myself I am one of the leaders of Primal Instinct Gaming Services Network where we are currently ranked as number 1 guild in 7 different MMORPGs to the degree that our sub-guild in some games is ranked number 2. I have been asked to assist them again in forming a guild in a game coming out called Runes of Magic.

Some observations to current guild leaders from someone who has been running guilds for the last 10 years in MMORPGs an MUDs.


I think you guys had the greatest missed opportunity yet to dominate the server. With the death of Ascension you were left as the strongest guild in the game and the only possible rival at the time was Conquerer. It was in your best interest at that time to take out CQ but you failed to attempt. What I would have done was ally with Unlimited against CQ when CQ was taking out UL lands around but before vengeance died. It was at this time you could have began taking out CQ lands and UL could have taken out Vengences lands. You would have controlled the strongest alliance in game. After CQ lost a few lands due to the fickle nature of members in this game to disband their guilds or leave at the earliest sign of trouble (guild unity is always weak early in a server release) CQ would have lost guild morale and some of its members. Especially at this point CQ hadn't been weeded out by a KOS or guild dilemma at that time. (most strong guilds early on are filled with grinders who's focus isn't to pk yet but to get levels and xp in peace, by having a KOS experience early these people flea the guild at the slightest err, as happened with Unlimited, Holyhell and Ascension and many other guilds without a core of 30-40 members to the guild it will implode on such a migration and hence one of the problems of early game zergs which are commonplace at the beginning of servers).

By not attacking CQ at this vital time (perhaps because you saw what happened when CQ attacked you, but this was before you got Ascension and by these means you should have known you could defeat CQ) and taking the path of least resistance on the world map (territories which you would have anyways since no other guild could stand up to you except for CQ) you allowed CQ unity to grow and for them to assimilate Veng. In addition you lost the opportunity to ally Unlimited a guild you could have broke the alliance with and crushed once CQ was out of the picture.

If CQ maintained itself after your attack they would have relocated to RQ territory most likely and wipe RQ off the map allowing for you to control the entire SW of the map and you would also then have a weakened CQ isolated to the NE of the map.

Now you are in a situation with GZ and CQ pseudo allied against you and yourself with a weakened truce with RQ (a guild which has no unity of the server on its side and thus a weakened recruitment base to grow). The recent loss of XP spots will surely weaken your future activities. It is probably in your best interest to take out Guardianz to the northeast now that you can touch their territory and then move against CQ and pick up alliances with the smaller guilds (which you could break later as needed or merge into yourself which usually is the case when a big guild allies smaller ones, after a while their higher level members develop friendships with your higher level members through sharing ventrilo and they leave their smaller guild for you) against GZ and CQ. The only problem is that even if you take out GZ's land the unity in the guild will not allow you to break them and they will remain a constant threat and possibly eventually align with CQ against you leading to your ultimate defeat if planned appropriately.


You did exactly as Synergy did in 2moons to ally 3-4 weakened guilds into 1 strong super guild and already the guild unity has been sparked through bloodlusts agressive policy towards you with its 2 KOS's (since Grim recognized GZ as a threat as he should have). This only ended by strengthening your position and momentum within the guild most likely now to Grim's dismay.. At this moment your best policy in my opinion would be to finish off RQ territory and then move to align yourself with CQ against Bloodlust. During this time it would be in your best interest to cancel any KOS and focus on a guild wise level binge and organize guild wise HH assistance for weapons. You can expect many people will be asking to join in the future. Do not recruit based on level but on attitude for soon everyone will be lvl 90-95 when the level grind stops (or slows down enough to say it stopped) and all that will matter is not ones level but their experience with PVP and their helpfulness to the guild and its members.

After RQ is finished from the map (unless BLT preemptively attacks you) with constant BLT KOS which it has been shown BLT cannot defend against, you will be able to prevent the further leveling of their already de-moralized guild and through a joint attack you from the NE and CQ from the SW you should be able to steadily win 1-2 territories a week from BLT. In addition this will probably lead to members leaving BLT when they see even more loses since a good deal of members are only still there for salary (especially its 90+ members as shown by the lack of 90+ support to guildies when they need help with events as I have been told by old Ascension freinds still in BLT).

Once BLT is finished the only guild around (assuming the remaining BLT and RQ and other smaller guilds don't re-merge to form a new power) to disband is CQ. In that situtaion I would find the next strongest guild in game to ally with against CQ and break your alliance with CQ. Put them on KOS and focus ur attack on their level 80s since at that time that will be the heart of a guild. And begin to wage war against their lands in TW. After CQ is gone ally with the next strongest and repeat against your prior enemy until you are sufficently strong that no guild can touch you.


At your current juncture you are boxed in against a TW-stronger Bloodlust. Your best plan of action is to focus on in guild organization and massive guild leveling. The best chance you have of defeating BLT in TW is actually to defeat BLT during non-TW times. You should have your guild when not xping to wage an all out all high level attended war on BLT Xp-spots and mid levels (the 70s) for right now they are the heart of a guild. You need to pk them so badly that they cannot even leave town.

If BLT tries to send Pk forces to meet you and do guild vs guild pvp in World Chat it is in your best interest to ignore this and continue to search for BLT Xp teams or solo xpers and kill them and camp them at the spawn cities. Engaging BLT forces in guild on guild pvp during normal weekdays will not gain anything for you in causing their members to leave guild due to KOS frustration. The most likely people to jump ship are their level 70s and 80s since they are focusing on getting to 90 and their frustration with being crashed will cause them to leave even if temp to level.

Make sure your PK squads not only attack main xp areas but check in the outskirts too for the intuitive player that will not grind in a main spot. I was able to grind fine during BLT KOS by xping a little bit off the common grounds where people rarely pass... Find these people! Your PK forces should be your higher members. Your level 60s and 70s and lower 80s should be focusing on grinding while u reak havoc on BLT members. In addition your level 70 and 80's gridning and defense of xp spots will push lower BLT members out of these spots and your PK squads should assist them as needed.

Also teach ur members that slower xp rate in a "hidden" off the wagon area but without the risk of as much PK is drastically faster xp then being in a main area where u will get crashed multiple times.

Lower level guilds in game:

It is in your best interest to conduct a merger of similar guilds so that you may have a chance to compete on the grand scale of the game. This may be against some of your politics but it is in your best interest as a guild especially since the land salary is quite high. Your focus and appeal to recruitment should be on guild unity and hardcore grinding within guild. PK will only slow your leveling down. You also should develop a strong sense of guild unity and leaders and higher levels should ask 3-5 times a day in guild chat if anyone needs help with anything and set up a team to assist. If every guild leader and higher level does that periodically throughout the day between an XP scroll it will only make your guild grow drastically stronger, quicker and your sense of loyalty will be better then ever. Of the smaller guilds I have met I think Sharrigan's guild is the most organized and helpful and will do very well in the future.

Anyways bye to all the friends I have made in Ascension and GuardianZ. Sure when and if I come back the map will be quite different then it is now. Wouldn't be suprised if none of the current guilds are even around in 5-6 months hence is the way these games work at release constant merger and remerger and disbanding.

Off to run Primal Instinct in yet another game...


Sub-Guild Leader of Primal Instinct Runes of Magic
Cleric - Member of Unlimited [Lost City]

Invincible 220/24 Keeper - SC Ring of Destruction (Anarchy Online)
Invincible 63 Warrior - Genocide (Knight Online)
Invincible 120 Priest - Leader Primal (Corum Online)
Invincible1 109 Segnale - Leader Primal Instinct (2moons)
Jagermeister 80 Priest of Mitra - Primal Instinct (Age of Conan)

Sub-Leader Primal Instinct Gaming Services Network
"PKing since Pong"
www pigsnet.com
Post edited by Jagermeister - Lost City on


  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This observation would be generally accurate a few weeks back but at this very moment, I am afraid the tide has turned.

    BL - Like Jagermeister said, you missed your chances. GriminflameZ really played it too safe by not assisting Unlimited in their bid for Conqueror. I can assure you, even with Vengeance in the guild, BL + Asc was simply too strong at that time for Conqueror. You guys have the WB and DDs while our MG superiority were far less useful at that particular time.

    If you look at the ranking now, Conqueror has basically eliminated the level gap between themselves and BL+Asc. The KOS on Guardianz is a major blunder on BL's part. The ranking list will look much different for both GZ and Conq if BL were not forced out of their leveling spots during exp week.

    Right now with Grim away on duty and warmachine going through an 'emo' phase, BL has no leadership whatsoever. Many high levels have already left the guild and I will not bet against that more will leave in the coming weeks. Furthermore, Conqueror manifested their obvious MG/DD advantage during last week's TW and unless BL can come up with a solution, I am rather confident Conqueror holds most of the keys in TW now.

    However the difference between Conqueror and Bloodlust is very small at the moment and the one thing that can push one side over the other is Guardianz.
    Will Guardianz aid Conqueror who have assisted them during their KOS or will they assist BL, a guild who have KOSed them for weeks? Or will they stay neutral and expand? All I can say is that the upcoming few weeks will be very interesting.....
  • Jagermeister - Lost City
    Jagermeister - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yeah my post is a lil outdated bc haven't been online in a week bc had work trip to Charleston, SC.

    Anyways guess more changed then I thought it would...

    My vote for GZ would be to stay neutral and expand, win over the community's favor since this is one of the most important determining factors in your future success (for example look at how RQ did the complete opposite of that) and recruitment capabilities.

    However, Machavelli said in war from his experiences its always the worst option to stay neutral... always pick a side
    Cleric - Member of Unlimited [Lost City]

    Invincible 220/24 Keeper - SC Ring of Destruction (Anarchy Online)
    Invincible 63 Warrior - Genocide (Knight Online)
    Invincible 120 Priest - Leader Primal (Corum Online)
    Invincible1 109 Segnale - Leader Primal Instinct (2moons)
    Jagermeister 80 Priest of Mitra - Primal Instinct (Age of Conan)

    Sub-Leader Primal Instinct Gaming Services Network
    "PKing since Pong"
    www pigsnet.com
  • GriminflameZ - Lost City
    GriminflameZ - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    things have changed... hell will break loose shortly, ive been out to sea for a long time now, simple as that... soon fun, I dont want server domination, I'm happy with the success of bloodlust a guild i formed on the spot... big suprise for u guys in the following weeks, keep ur eyes open. its time to show lost city what a true pvper is <3
  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I have waited for you for a month now since I hit 89. During the time you were away, here are some things that occurred:

    1. Conqueror **** faces in their first level two land conquest. Yes, faster than BloodLust, thank you very much. I loved the WC by BloodLust when they were about to take level two land only to realize Conqueror **** them despite starting TW 5 minutes earlier than Conq.

    2. At least 4-5 80+ left BloodLust during the timeframe. Thats not to mention the 7x.

    3. warmachine went emo after pking without a doll and lost just about everything on him. Haven't played for 4 days and counting.....

    4. If you can't beat me for the past month, here is something new. I now have GX, Behemoth Ring, Humbug as well as HH90 Set. Heard you got a pay raise. Going to spend some dough to + your gear? I will be waiting. Just don't leave me hanging for too long as the rest of your guild can barely put up a challenge even when 2on1 or 3on1. They do have some successes though when 5on1 b:victory
  • frostbringer
    frostbringer Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    No! BLT could never have beaten us in a attack TW! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! b:angry

    But well, yes, BLT were the strongest guild for the last months, while we had some problems with kos, leaving and emo members etc. But well we got through that, and in the end we got stronger again. This is also quite normal imho, when you play a online game for so long with so many different people(characters). There will be always phases like that in every guild.
    Atm BLT seems to have such a phase. But when their leaders get their act together again, they will get through that too.

    I also believe Grim really did not want server domination a la Warlord, since he did not like that about Warlord in PW-MY before.

    Ideally I hope that in the future we will have at least 3 strong guilds on the map, who will constantly fight for the top position. CQ, BLT and GZ could be the ones - not RQ anymore after they bowed down to BLT so shamelessly. As Grim said he lets RQ have the top part of the map and goes for CQ only, he started the current development with GZ. So RQ b:bye)
    Btw the two weaker main guilds should always ally against the stronger one later then, even if that means an alliances against us(CQ). b:sad
  • frostbringer
    frostbringer Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Jaegermeister: Nice post. You should stay here, way more interesting with all the the kos, online junkies, emos, drama queens, flaming and so on in this server!^^ My main reason to stay and play here, since the actual gameplay gets always boring after some month in every mmorpg. b:tired
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    3. warmachine went emo after pking without a doll and lost just about everything on him. Haven't played for 4 days and counting.....

    lol It's funny how you keep assuming stuff, you weren't there nor do you know anything about me. First of all I wasn't pvping without dolls, I ran out of dolls -different thing-, I lost 2 "things" clearly that's everything. Two, I'm not sure if your brain has stopped working ever since you stopped attending school but you should know that at this time of the year people have something called "finals" which are far more important than a video game. I'll be back shortly, tho, no worries.. I'll mostly be doing dailies/TW and some pvp tho as I'm not grinding to level 100 no point as I'm moving to another game as soon as it comes out (DarkFall).
  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    dekciw wrote: »
    lol It's funny how you keep assuming stuff, you weren't there nor do you know anything about me. First of all I wasn't pvping without dolls, I ran out of dolls -different thing-, I lost 2 "things" clearly that's everything. Two, I'm not sure if your brain has stopped working ever since you stopped attending school but you should know that at this time of the year people have something called "finals" which are far more important than a video game. I'll be back shortly, tho, no worries.. I'll mostly be doing dailies/TW and some pvp tho as I'm not grinding to level 100 no point as I'm moving to another game as soon as it comes out (DarkFall).

    If you ran out of dolls, that means you are pvping without a doll. Whats so hard to get? You went to pvp, correct? You don't have a doll? Check. So obviously you were PVPING with NO DOLL.

    And yes you lost 2 things, your +5 hh90 legs with g7 stones as well as your upgraded flying mount. Why do I say everything? Well, maybe because you don't have much of value and I am sure those things are a huge chunk of your assets, am I wrong?

    And oh yes, finals. How convenient. Right after losing your items, you decided not to show up. Maybe if you studied for your finals instead of pking, you wouldn't have popped like a pinata.
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    And oh yes, finals. How convenient. Right after losing your items, you decided not to show up. Maybe if you studied for your finals instead of pking, you wouldn't have popped like a pinata.

    the flying sword wasn't mine, it was calender's/shizo. I continued playing after, not to mention I actually have my leggings back and I did log to do my dailies, I'm just not playing because I don't have the time at the moment. Believe it or not, I don't really care.. trust me it won't stop me from sleeping tonight. Glad to hear that you're missing me tho, <3 the attention.
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    things have changed... hell will break loose shortly, ive been out to sea for a long time now, simple as that... soon fun, I dont want server domination, I'm happy with the success of bloodlust a guild i formed on the spot... big suprise for u guys in the following weeks, keep ur eyes open. its time to show lost city what a true pvper is <3

    Booo, we wanted Immolation Camp. :P

    Nah, doesn't really matter to us, lol. Planning on taking 1000 Streams soon?
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    . Planning on taking 1000 Streams soon?

    I don't think it's even implemented, anyway you need like a bunch of 9x and 100x which we won't have till a while and I seriously doubt most of us will still be around by then.
  • complexx
    complexx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Find it funny how RQ is hated on every where.

    Why no mention of RQ? We do have just as many lands as everyone else?

    We didn't own GZ?

    Guess we're a non factor guild.

    Sinnerz Lost City PvP.
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Thread made by a nonfactor with no clue about anything zzzz.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Melodia - Lost City
    Melodia - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    complexx wrote: »
    Find it funny how RQ is hated on every where.

    Why no mention of RQ? We do have just as many lands as everyone else?

    We didn't own GZ?

    Guess we're a non factor guild.

    Well I think you will have a typical rivalry with GZ and your future is unpredictable TW-wise. They have the levels and you guys have the tactics and a cool-headed leader (I assume). There's really not much to say I think.

    In my opinion..RQ mostly just had easy wins until recently and those 2 loses were because your members never had really good to equal competition with anyone in TW and your victory on Friday shows you can adjust. I hope to see more win and losses because it seems you guys are a bit equal in a fun way but no clue how it is in PK.

    I don't agree with the recruitment part with RQ too in the topic, with the PK anyone rule, doesn't that mean you guys get more sincere members? Like you guys get members who are really interested in what you guys are about and the guild must be easier to control with your rules and strategies on organization. For other guilds, ppl just join based on salary (I'm sure you guys get those too), Giant guild (protection from pk), and basically just looking for hand outs.

    I hope RQ vs GZ lasts awhile cause TW is so boring atm until CQ and BL atks eachother.b:victory
    Originally Posted by Pandora - Lost City:
    Please understand that as full int, all an archer has to do is target you and roll his face on the keyboard and you are dead.

    Words of Wisdom.
  • frostbringer
    frostbringer Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Bloodlust is too scared to attack us...but no worry we will attack them Melodia!^^

    Btw congrats to RQ for winning their TW this WE. It is good to see that a guild does not disband and strikes back after losing TWs. (Even though it is RQ....b:spit)

    Oh Pandora! Try to recruit some high level BLT member before they leave the game or join us! You will need them when we (Conqueror) come after you! b:victory
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Oh Pandora! Try to recruit some high level BLT member before they leave the game or join us! You will need them when we (Conqueror) come after you! b:victory
    Tough luck, I hear Aion will be delayed by a month due to some adjustments in characters skills and such.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    n0ob wrote: »
    Tough luck, I hear Aion will be delayed by a month due to some adjustments in characters skills and such.

    Eitherway, doesn't excuse the fact that BL is in a sh1thole atm....
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Eitherway, doesn't excuse the fact that BL is in a sh1thole atm....
    I've never seen a sh1thole before. RQ and CQ must have seen it a lot. I'll take it as an yes for CQ since you seem to know what it is.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    n0ob wrote: »
    I've never seen a sh1thole before. RQ and CQ must have seen it a lot. I'll take it as an yes for CQ since you seem to know what it is.

    Taking down a level 2 land in record time is the definition of a sh1thole it seems. Guess I misused the word all this time then...
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Taking down a level 2 land in record time is the definition of a sh1thole it seems. Guess I misused the word all this time then...
    Its the effect off all those GiangHo hanging around you guys.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    n0ob wrote: »
    Its the effect off all those GiangHo hanging around you guys.

    maybe its the effect of your nooblet gear that makes you so much of a 1 shot.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    maybe its the effect of your nooblet gear that makes you so much of a 1 shot.
    Spell out my IGN. I don't use dolls for a reason.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    n0ob wrote: »
    Spell out my IGN. I don't use dolls for a reason.

    you said you are an ea, and you are not shinzoko so obviously you are a nooblet i have 1 shot before.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    you said you are an ea, and you are not shinzoko so obviously you are a nooblet i have 1 shot before.
    Nope, killing you with a critical while you chase after your 1 shot targets has always been my thing. You've killed me twice because I didn't know how to kite. Not more than that. I've killed you every time I've seen you in a group fight.
    Hmmm here's a blast, I was around that area when Pandora 1 shot you. I flew away when I saw you drop, I was not in the mood to get pk'ed by RQ + BLT there.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    n0ob wrote: »
    Nope, killing you with a critical while you chase after your 1 shot targets has always been my thing. You've killed me twice because I didn't know how to kite. Not more than that. I've killed you every time I've seen you in a group fight.
    Hmmm here's a blast, I was around that area when Pandora 1 shot you. I flew away when I saw you drop, I was not in the mood to get pk'ed by RQ + BLT there.

    Funny how you can't edit an extra green dot into that SS. Lie more pl0x

    And oh, you can kill me 6on1? Sorry, only when I am in a good mood do i fight 6on1. Most of the time, I am too busy 1 shotting nooblets like you who flee whenever they are not with their buddies
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Funny how you can't edit an extra green dot into that SS. Lie more pl0x

    And oh, you can kill me 6on1? Sorry, only when I am in a good mood do i fight 6on1. Most of the time, I am too busy 1 shotting nooblets like you who flee whenever they are not with their buddies
    READ: I was around that area when Pandora 1 shot you.
    Editing SS is your thing b:pleased
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    n0ob wrote: »
    READ: I was around that area when Pandora 1 shot you.
    Editing SS is your thing b:pleased

    And you knew Pandora can only do 6k dmg with blessing because? How can you know when it happened when you are not even there? Fail m0rz
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    And you knew Pandora can only do 6k dmg with blessing because? How can you know when it happened when you are not even there? Fail m0rz
    Dude, LEARN TO READ geez...

    Hmmm here's a blast, I was around that area when Pandora 1 shot you. I flew away when I saw you drop, I was not in the mood to get pk'ed by RQ + BLT there.

    I saw pandora cast just 1 spell and you dropped, Pandora was the only mage standing still (since a veno can't 1 shot Blademaster), Ordain was flying in, so I figured you got 1 shotted. 5 minutes later I saw the post "So yeah"

    What's your next failed QQ baby 10 year old question?
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Taking down a level 2 land in record time is the definition of a sh1thole it seems. Guess I misused the word all this time then...

    Grats on breaking a PVE "record" wanna have a roleplay night to celebrate?
  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    dekciw wrote: »
    I saw pandora cast just 1 spell and you dropped, Pandora was the only mage standing still (since a veno can't 1 shot Blademaster), Ordain was flying in, so I figured you got 1 shotted. 5 minutes later I saw the post "So yeah"

    LMAO, that screenshot was taken right when I died. If you were there, you'd have showed up as a green dot. Troll more pl0x
    Grats on breaking a PVE "record" wanna have a roleplay night to celebrate?

    October: Oh **** we will invade Conq when we have our hh80.
    November: Oh **** I like to qq because I can't invade Conq without blessing
    December: Oh **** blessing is gone but I am still doing **** to invade conq despite talking abou invasion for the past 2 months.

    Carebear more. Maybe Sanc will be a good server for you to RP at.
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