Lets be honest the only class that really needs to be buffed/updated is archer. I'd accept the following; -Aim Low with no chi cost that paralyses -Blazing arrow that adds crit damage % -Self/group buff that gives 20% tidal & focused mind for 15mins -BoA that doesn't drop if target dies :)
That's pretty lame. As compensation I demand they bring back the Piercing Frost and Rosewood Longbow as I missed those. qq. Also if anyone is selling either in Tideswell contact me or let someone in Tempest know. :)
I agree with dblazen gtfo back your own server forums. Also will repeat what I have said before about this kind of nonsense from Joe; You can tell the size of a man by the size of the problems that bother him. You get triggered every time someone says the smallest negative thing about you, the reason is a psychological one…
This is why threads shouldn't be locked. :)
:| Bait fishing confirmed. :*
You can tell the size of a man by the size of things that bother him.
Saying 'some would say' is the cowards way of saying something without saying it yourself. It's pixels in a online MMO no one can hurt you grow a pair of balls and just say what you think man. Early on in the season we realised with the people we had showing to SvS at that time it wasn't much of a fight with the likes of…
Tempest #1 <3
Faith, genie skill. Most likely. Purify & immune to all status effects for 6 seconds including purge. I used to troll venos with it.
Stuff like this I see different to most. Ethics vs Law. Exploits that are possible in the game are the fault of the designers/developers. You shouldn't slap bans on players doing what the game allows them to do. The solution is to change the code so it cannot be done. It's like tax avoidance, if you don't like it, change…
Dpoo collecting all the Finnish players. There's like what 4 on our server. Unless the rest are hiding behind moose. Yes, the plural for moose is moose. :/
Since I quit and idk who plays anymore here is a list of some of my mates that still play. Which is basically what these threads ultimately end up as. :) Archer: __RYDIA__ (Radio) Icefirewolf (iceypoo) Vitanix (weetabix) Assassin: VanguardianX (Mayo), AlonaWorld (Alonab), Kemushi, ChayalBoded (chay) Barbarian: skaterdark…
Tempest #1 :)
In my experience representative democracies work the best, you have a big team of officers that are tied in to all the different cliques groups and lone wolfs that exist in every large faction that's been around more than a few years, and these officers can reach out to members and identify any issues that could arise from…
Please nerf. :s Awesome job and grats to all the fluffies :)
I have one set of fashion; cold comfort set in white, that is all a man needs. (plus a wedding hat)
Capitalism brah
Lel. 'r9r4' was way overpriced anyway, this is good let it be.
SBs complaining about lack of skills. Wtaf :|
All venos should be banned for being venos :)
I love Homesteads. :)
You can't get anything unless you get the ring first, and the belt is the best defensive piece of them all.
As there is no g17 armour on the horizon (minimum 1year+ if ever) I would say go for r9 ring, belt, armours in that order, then check forums check news ask questions see if it's still worth getting the weapon, as in a couple months from now there could be an update that makes G17 wep easier to get, or maybe even r9r5…
Double spark elimination from stealth if it doesn't die force stealth and try again. :)
Ikr I was really impressed by your BM's, and the Hoorah frontline in general, I spent half that xTW disarmed. Also that Wvyvelin veno is kos :s
Haha love the edits. I like my guitar xD Billy no mates. :#
Was a really fun tough fight, you guys way outgear what we can put in at that time, GF Hoorah and good luck on the xTW season.
Because assassins **** chi to be perma double sparked so do insane amounts of damage. Let's not talk about fair.