acolyte Arc User


  • Try look at
  • omg b:laugh Now that is funny
  • yes it's only for the white wings you get at birth ;) Now if the eagle wings only had higher max like 600/600, many more would use them.. but they got 300/300 b:sad then we wouldnt buy boutique wings...
  • rofl... that made me laugh so hard. If you think that, then go play one b:laugh
  • you can always farm Hay and sell it :) you can also craft new low items and decomp them and sell the stones to players :) or you can ask mom and dad for zen gold and sell items from boutique... like other kids do here. (note only if your a kid tho... cause adult's knows the value of a $ and wouldnt sell those boutique…
  • Btw, can there be made a Faction with Chinese letter's? If so, could someone share how to make one? :p
  • The % of getting a 3* with sockets are ...... If i were OP, i be doing a new character instead lol It wont take you that long to build another lvl 20. and the bright side would be that all the stuff you have on old character.... you can just sell and have that much more gold on new one :p i just checked it wasnt my weapon…
  • I know why im not lol it looks less serious .... kinda silly in my eyes b:laugh But thats just my opinion ;)
  • I can tell you this much, some say males alrdy looks g ayish lol and with those wings on to ...b:laugh omg cant stop b:laugh Stick to the "bat" wings loool
  • I would say drop him, the archer you made drop that to. Make a new and Do Not tell him or his friends who your new character is ;) Now play and enjoy both game and the archer cause they are so much Fun b:victory Good luck.
  • b:victory i did a bit of testing and if i removed all others and only had sharpen on :O it worked and im back to normal view... Thanks anyway b:pleased and sry for the mad smiley before but i was frustrated :)
  • Funny you say that, cause i remember when at lvl 19 i couldnt get any more skills untill after it was done. And since then i didnt look before after i done them. And no it wasnt because i didnt have spirit enough or gold enough lol
  • That Tailor's can craft Clothes that match zen shop items b:victory or house? but wait lol what update???? No wait!!! plz dont add houses cause then i have to deactivate my other games again and return to this full time. b:cry
  • Btw, how come we dont get any reply's from you guy's(admin's / mods on forum) b:shocked when we pm you? (I had to ask here, cause i didnt wanna make a new thread about that lol)
  • only 1k? lately i been getting 27xx crits lol but yea like he said :p Archers hit Hard and gets the "job" done quicker.. b:victory
  • That quest in Arch cost money to do, and i think it was after lvl 40 the cash it cost is about 7k or more to do. I think it starts out to cost 2 to 3k to do. (im pretty sure if i load one of my chars and take it, it will cost around 7 to 8k to do.) Those quest i dont see as the best kind of quest lol Since you dont get any…
  • Yes its free to play, but as many others said b:shocked if you dont use or buy cash shop items.. people wont invite you to groups ect.. I think im down to my last gold by now, and i wont be buying any rest of this year lol This game cost more than a normal pay to play game, if you count on the endless use of charms and inv…
    in F2p? Comment by acolyte October 2008
  • :) I remember Archlord... and this isnt hmm any better b:shocked ... DQ = Dragon Quest, you get it late 3x's. FB19 and like so many other post about the FB quest.. it start at lvl 19 and goes on every x9 like : 29 39 49 ect.. Its a quest you have to do if you wanna get your "new" skills above that lvl. Good luck with this…
  • oh your so funny in all your reply's! Sure shows that your not one of those we can call "a mature player"! Cant wait to see you whine about something. b:pleased
  • Then go make a barb, and then "suck" it up like you say b:laugh You shall soon learn that it will take you much much longer to gain level than if you have been a caster! Good luck, im done talking about this for now lol since im a caster/range class ;) b:victory
  • I think its because black goes better with other colors and "glimmer / glow" ... like the glow we get from mounts ect... jebbediah, i can understand that your frustrated by this, and your not the only one out there. one time i got black on first try, and another time it took 15 times to get it lol I think they should at…
  • Dont you mean "how do i gain CHI"??? If so, go out and fight ;) the more you fight the more yellow the chi bar gets! b:victory
  • Before you complain about the mount, i would suggest that you find out how mounts works in this game. Mounts gain "xp" while you use them, so the more you are on mount :O the more and quicker lvl it gains. That means, you dont need to fight to gain XP for your mount. b:pleased
  • ?? You thought it could attack players ? or thought it could go underground ? Im not sure what you thought it could do.... b:puzzled Its a mount, and it gains lvls when you feed it. So when its lvl 11 :O it will have max speed.
  • I and many others can't do this, says our blacklist is full. So any other idea on this?
  • Ignore them, most of the "flame" replys here are from the people that sells items at high price. ;)
  • Thats what i had hoped for last time there was a thread about this, but they didnt change anything and thats why i thought **** melee and joined the range class! Just quit your melee class like i did and go range :) And to all the unmature lil kids from Lost **** server, people will just ignore all your lil comment's in…
  • I saw that yesterday when none replyed :O so i took a lil trip to that city where we use that forge. Maybe one day when we all have quit they make it lol Anyway, thanks for the reply tho.
  • Do you mean a Faction called "Coalition of Reduced Item Prices" ? I cant wait to shop in your shops now :p I just hope that people knows where they are or who to look for. Thanks for this. b:pleased
  • This thread has 0 to do with other versions of PW, its the Real life crisis im talking about!!! So keep the rest out of this thread! Thanks!