XEPICxBISHx - Lost City Arc User


  • That sounds more like something people should feel is a moral obligation than a rule. It is also something the developers would have to spend a lot more time changing if they were to actually change anything. If they were to actually plan to do anything, my idea from a development side sounds most logical because its…
  • Xko got one shotted today, just thought I'd let you know, it was hilarious. b:pleased
  • WOWWWWWWW! Way to bring a 8-9 month old post back up to the top.... noooobbbbssssssss
  • Honestly, I think you should go white named at Lv50. Seeing that D-bags like Titus are 8x camping a Lv30 area shows that people are so untalented at this game that they need to pk 3x just to get red hours. If you're 8x, go to swamp and stop trying to look strong with a red name if you just got it from pking 3x..
  • Titus, if you're Lv81 and pking in secret passage, go delete your ID. Anyway, I personally think that should be a safe zone - and Titus, I imagine the reason you weren't banned and they were is someone probably complained the the GM about it. Honestly, I could easily see someone telling the GM that they're going to go play…
  • How in the world is that relevant at all? Purge isn't a skill you can compare to any other skill.. The only other things that debuff are CV bow, HH99 debuff xbow and HH99 Debuff spear - so the least level anyone can debuff besides a veno is Lv95. Its a special skill that we get - idk why everyoen complains so much about…
  • Apparently your fly mount is considered "inventory" and not equipped. My friend got pkd from behind and dropped his fly mount while white named, he was realllly upset because it wasn't a cheap one.. I do suggest if you have a nice flymount to carry dolls..
  • if you hit CTRL and clicked the skill - that cancels any pk settings you might have.
  • This is by far the stupidest thing I have ever heard. First of all, veno get 2 heals, one that is a full MP/HP switch and one that gives a % of HP back with like a 5 minute cooldown.. The switch takes 1 spark also.. Second, you apparently need to learn how to play your class. You complain that they have bramble? Go kill…
  • Ban for that is stupid, however hilarious.. Only a few things to say about that - sucks to be you, hope you learned a lesson and people really shouldn't camp heros tomb. A lot of people would probably get really discouraged at Lv30 doing Lv30 quests in there and cant even move out of a safe zone without getting killed,…
  • You're right, I never was able to use genie skills on delphi server because Genies simply done exist there. I am basing all of what I said on not using Genies. You could add plenty of genie skills like extreme poison in to help you in killing the veno faster.
  • Look, you choose to join a PVP server - get used to PVP.. If you don't like it, you're still low enough level to decide to switch to a PVE server, if this being RPK'd bothers you so much to way to pay ppl to pk them, you should delete your character and start a new one on a PVP server and stay blue named forever.
  • Lv95 BM on Delphi with GX +5 Critical Rate: 22% Zerk more than I crit, probably 25%+ of the time. 1 out of every 4 hits is typically a zerk. According to what I have been told by several people who have been playing PW since the beta of the Chinese version, it is supposedly crit +3%.
  • Show me where any GM said that its a bug, because it wasn't a bug in the CN server, it wasn't a bug in the MY server but its a bug in the INT server? Everyone still complains that its bugged in those servers because they cry almost as much as people here do, but the GM's and PW Beijing (Central PW) have said it was made…
  • How is that a revenge story? You random pkd, she tried to get you back and died again - thats not revenge...
  • yea its way huge
  • Yet another noob crying that bleed is a bug when its just another strong skill.
  • Honestly, making the cooldown any longer would make the ape boss in HH2-2/2-3 a LOT harder on the tank. Usually when I went on Delphi to do that boss, we brought two venos to take turns debuffing so the tank wouldn't get their charm **** and so the boss would die faster. Besides that, whats next? Lets hope this guy doesn't…
  • I have an awesome one that just happened today. This guy, I think his name is "oneshotu" from SG1OWNS random pkd me when I was low 3x in heavens tears turning in a quest, well I am 52 now and was doing a quest at Arrowhead Manor today and I just happened to see him doing a quest there. It was possibly the best thing ever,…
  • I'm not rich nor do I plan on spending $200 on the game to get my phoenix, I am spending $100 tops for my phoenix, the rest will all be gold I've farmed since I started playing. Once I spend the gold I have on feathers, I'll start spending money on getting my phoenix when I hit 60. Basically, anything I don't have by 60 -…
  • No, and it has a much longer cool down depending on what level the skill is. Mine is only Lv2 because I have better things to level, its cooldown is 110 seconds. If the person pays the skill points and the gold to level it, I think they deserve for it to have a shorter cooldown.
  • Its not based on the crit you get from skills, its on your crit based on EQ/Agi. I just logged in delphi just to ask that and thats what I was told.
  • Archer with 17% crit is like Lv80.. My 87 archer had 23% crit, got chain crits alll the time.. On my 95BM with 22% crit I also had chain crits and chain zerks all the time.
  • All that means is the people who are pking you fail in a bad bad way.
  • It is crit +3% from what I've been told by MANY people that have played this game even since chinese server was in beta. And yes - wrong thread much? lol
  • rofl, my first thought was "half assed" when you said HA. Then I thought heavy armor after a short giggle, same difference b:chuckle
  • False rumor, I zerk more than my friend with +12 GX with my +5 GX, he's con built and has low crit, I am agi build and have high crit. I zerk WAYYYYYY more than he does.
  • ROFLMAO!!!! +1! ORRR, Stun, instant cast pot, town portal LOL.
  • lol I gotta admit its hilarious being 3x and it taking someone more than one hit to kill you that is significantly higher level. That right there is a good excuse to delete ID and quit game and /wrists.
  • I guess its not being fully literal, may not necessarily be one shot, but you're the easiest class to kill by any other class. All robe classes have a hay day with mages because they dont have any physical skills - only their fire aoe has physical addon, you cant spam that on an cleric while they're plume shotting you to…