Woohoo bleed is removed! Doesn't matter, i'd still win. Instead of killing you in a second, i'd kill you in 2 seconds.
Learn to interpret better. =(
Teenage american is a race? who knew... (If you were unsure of what to use, the word "prejudice" covers a lot.) Anyways... vio... 紫羅蘭, 我愛你. 你是一個好可愛的女孩子. 我好掛慮你...想見你一面...想同你喺埋一齊.
<3 violet :D
lol you have some serious problems man. Take it easy, just a game. Hopefully you'll realize how **** you sound when you grow up. Er...IF you grow up that is. (ignore this spam) *poke* *pinch* *kiss* vio's cheeks. RL>PW
you level that slow?
This has got to be the worst argument I've ever read. You've missed my point completely. But then again, this is probably the best argument someone like you can ever make.
This just proves how correct I was. Can you not find other means for PMing? Okay, I don't want to strain your brain so i'll just tell you. Perhaps you can try PMing in forums.
What did you expect? They're from LC. Obviously their IQ, academic skills, and social skills are inferior to us. I'll have to admit, they're superior in game but failure in life.
Erm, a word of advice: there are some things in life that you shouldn't brag about.
Well naturally you have to be in RoC to get kicked out of RoC. Please provide a screenshot of your proof. :) I also felt an urge to comment on your english, but I won't. Err nvm. In a sense, I already did.
ummmm.. your point? did your friend get stabbed by the axe or did he eat it?
Basing your judgement on RoC from one guild member is a bit far fetched don't you think?
First of all, it was a question. Secondly, it's pretty much implied. Dumbass. Sounds like you don't even know what a troll is. Do you have some sort of psychological laughing disorder? Even if I put myself in your situation, I couldn't find anything from this thread that was actually worth laughing at.
Are you saying you play the game just to grind and brag about the server you play in? Wow, I wish I viewed things as simple as you. It must make you feel pro to be playing in Lost City. Maybe I should make a lvl 1 character in Lost City just to have bragging rights, but sadly it doesn't work the same way for me. Well,…
Yes, assuming that Evo doesn't cheat the system by putting fake bids up.
Venos with herc is probably the most wanted. Herc can probably tank most of everything with minimal charm cost and no repair bills.
Speak for yourself. Your english isn't any better. "By the way, fix your signature for God sakes, your lack of proper english is driving me nuts."
well, I don't blame you guys. I honestly would hate RoC too if I weren't in the guild. No offense Hong! hahah =)