I think what the people who are saying that purify proc isn't good is that if you are poorly geared (not+10 and can survive for longer than 2 hits) then the purify proc isn't going to be much use as your gunna hit the floor before it can be of much use. Purify proc as a caster if you are reasonably tanky will save you more…
Oh Yeah i can understand that completely, very rarely is there a whole NW where people don't spend atleast 10 mins baselocked xD Yes i think when the new map arrives the battles will be more like the ones shown in the video as there will be a less likely chance of being in base for too long. That's why i mentioned in my…
What is with you forum people instantly jumping to "QQ" "Trash". Ffs actually read my post wont you. Yes he is very well geared atm and in 2 hours of Nw he comes across 1 battle where he matches people in gear quality and coordination. This is what im pointing at, if you watched the whole video he was just butt ****…
Not to put TheDan down for the video or anything but atm he has such a advantage with the gear he has over everybody else during Nw so you can't really comment much on his skills during the video to much as it's just 1-2 shot dead. In my opinion i prefered the vids when you were equally geared with others as it shows how…
I love how you assume i cash shop LOL! Haven't cash shopped ever in this game and never will do, my seeker is in TT90 with 7.3khp. If you have less hp than what the cleric will do then you should literally give up playing a seeker, period. Oh and errm he has enough money to afford the warsoul wep but not enough to reach…
4khp seeker at 94? You can have a r999 equivalent weapon, youd hit the ground faster than a cleric with 6khp at lvl 90.... ijs
Im pretty much agreeing with Skai here.... Reflect would literally absolutely kill off the sin population for good, reflect not only hurts an APS sin but it hurts DPH sins too(only good sins are DPH). Tbh, if your having trouble with herpaderp sins in pk then upgrade your gear so your not so easily killed... Herpaderpa…
So you think that you should have your issues sorted before everyone elses? I repeat my statement. Your a bloody idiot. Wait your turn for gods sake. Just because you have never cash shopped doesn't mean you are going to be ignored b:angry Be patient.
New Map coming with more territories around the base. Be Patient.
Anybody can get to 102 nowadays and the difference between 102 and 105 is barely anything noticable so no, levels does not make a significant difference at all. But once again it's a matter of lazyness, go level to 102 and you will do more and receive less damage. Oh yeah and levels are not a matter of money so is…
Every single one of you who feel that you should be able to beat people that have better gear than you are complete morons. If you can not beat people 1v1 then gank them, if that doesn't work then there is a simple Leave Battlefield function that works perfectly. I'm starting to get fed up of all you TT99 people or close…
Your a god damn idiot. That is all. Give them a bloody chance and wait your turn.
First of All obviously a Seeker.. they would just spin and spin and cut em into pieces while everyone stands behind them xD And also i wonder if Gm's are looking into why a lot of people including myself haven't recieved the heroic chests from the promotion with chip packs... Hopefully will get an answer here please…
I'm a little confused actually about what everyone is actually moaning about here... Spawnkilling or R9's being up there own as**s? I will put it to you as simple as this, Spawnkilling is not an issue until you come across r9+12 people... Other than that you should be able to atleast tank enough damage to get away once the…
I have a funny feeling that class has something to do with distribution of tokens. A seeker in our squad who is level96 will get similar amounts of tokens(i'm a wiz) to myself even with the same nation but lower contribution. Seekers aren't as common as wizards/archers/psys/barbs so i feel this might make a difference to…
Just a heads up... Snowmen was implemented on all servers not just the East Coast and there is nothing wrong with West Coast Servers. So it's clearly only an East Coast Issue so don't blame the snowmen. b:chuckle
I'm gunna be Bumping this Thread Mainly Because there are so so many people who haven't been mentioned just because they don't PK and QQ constantly so here it goes. #1 Player Over All : Kyougu 'Dont know many other players that are as hard to take down and know their class aswell as them. Wizard: #1 Wizard: blacknizmos…
Me 100? \o/
Snowmen are on the Eu servers btw b:victory
Oh noes Noa has found my identity...grow up dude, I use this one cos the avatar is cooler. Honestly if you believe you are the best mystic on server you are ridiculously diluded. Learn to use more than three skills then come back and talk.
My mistake.... I forgot how hard it is to triple spark.. fortify and IG then smash your face against the keyboard.. My bad b:surrender That obviously makes you the best *sarcasm*
Noa come back and start talking when your endless IG and Triple Spark ends.... Such a pro Pker when instadeath once IG is finished b:victory Oh and Please Please Please give me atleast 3 reasons why you are the best Mystic on server? Because i can't think of one :S
Why are people complaining over something so silly? It's the same for everyone so suck it up and just do it yourself? Don't want an OP person returning the flag then stop them picking it up in the first place xD