Shonindayo - Lost City Arc User


  • I don't really like heiros in pvp, as it makes things a huge cash cow war. The cooldown makes things more balanced....but its annoying having to drop someone twice. Oh well, as long one employs strategy its not an issue aka saving your huge dmg spike for the cooldown. Regardless, heiros keep the game running. As players we…
  • At lvl 48, any items lost are pretty easy to replace. You move through gear so fast anyway that it doesn't even really matter. Its not like ur sitting on loads of +molds. If you have anything of extreme value that you will be using for a LONG time...get it bound. If its a weapon ur trashing in a few levels, or armor, who…
  • Lie??? Just by plain elementary school logic it is harder by default. HC= death only by mobs, players too if you desire it. Smaller PK community. LC= death by mobs AND players (post 30). Much larger pk community and existence of PK guilds (RQ). There aer more threats in LC than in HT, which makes it potentially harder to…
  • Lol CQ/BLT/RQ alts ftw. Are you guys really that worried about the dying conflict in the server? Its not really your JOB to keep things going. Im sure other guilds will pick up the slack :D
  • Ooo?? I'm a little low for mass pking, however I really want to get into it. I started an alt specifically designed to support my char should I lose all my gear. Anyways, PKing is just simply fun. Its a thrill, and allows you to fight something other than a mindless mob. Other than that, the only way you get noticed on…
  • Hey we're the same level, nice! The revenge aspect is my favorite part. I have a guildmate who actually runs around during wraith events cursing ppl. I know sometimes I spam AoE's that cause bleed just for fun during the events too. As for drops, its confirmed that you have a small chance to drop an item from your…
  • I fail to see how it is unfair according to my logic. My logic says that as long as you are lvling within lost city, anything goes. I don't care if you have high level buddies to make it easy, you still are running the risk that comes with the server. All your doing is lessening that risk by employing help. Thats how Lost…
  • It was always an option on this version. Ppl are just dense and decide that they're hardcore, but then when they get pked its a whinefest. Really it makes me laugh. EDIT: I dont know if you knew this OP, but ppl pk lowbies because of their QQ reactions. Maybe if you just asked RQ to let you pass, they'd do it? I've never…
  • Wow, its amazing the assumptions people make. You are apparently the one that needs help, but I'll indulge you. For your information, even though its none of your business, I am engaged and set to marry next year to an absolutely gorgeous and wonderful lady. I live a very successful and happy life outside of this game, and…
  • It depends. If your name is say, light pink...itll take a few minutes. By the time you've killed a few mobs and had some lulz it will be gone. Now if you are deep red, thats a different story. Itll take a good couple hours to wear down (I believe). I've never been deep red, so that estimation could be totally off. Light…
  • If we have to play semantics, fine. My point was it is still more difficult on Lost City. A PvE to PvP server transfer is just flat out unbalanced. Its practically circumventing the rules of a PvP server.
  • I really have to disagree with you about online character. Very few are exactly as they are online. I am the nicest person in the world, and most of the things I do or say online I would not say or do in real life. Being online gives you the capability of acting a certain persona without all the social consequences. Hence…
  • He speaks truth. Comparing MMORPG PvP to FPS PvP is ridiculous. That being said, this IS a pvp based game. PW-MY never even had PvE servers, and this is the only existing version with a PVE option. PW is and will remain a PVP based game. TW pretty much runs the show if you haven't noticed. No offense, but the PvE content…
  • Me 2, let's have pie together.
  • Who cares?? Seriously. I'll say this 1000 times, this is frickin game. If I want to play as an a-hole who doesnt give 2 craps, guess what, I will. It is supposed to be understood that anything that happens here is for he sake of gaming and roleplaying. PWI is not an extension of the real life OR the real world. We all make…
  • ^ This. You will never need mana, ever. Now as a BM, you will drain your mana like nothing else, but thats what mana pots are for. All stat points after minimum should go into VIT or DEX. Some say cap VIT after 40-50, but that is not the only way to do things. I would say always keep adding to VIT and DEX, but its…
  • It will come down to a matter of playstyle and preference. I'd say the Heaven/Hell baths are VERY well balanced in the BM tree. Another note about Hell, it seems to add more Crit% chance on some skills. Using the info above, you really just have to choose which bonuses you would rather have, and which best suits your build.
  • ^ This. I saw a poor girl get ran around by Warmachine because she pked his alt. Let's just say it wasn't pretty, WM has quite a temper hahaha
  • ^ That is really cool, I didn't even know that. PvE server transfers would be a really nice feature, as well as PvP ones once we get a new pvp server. It would definitely keep things fresh as far as TW goes. Could you imagine a guild owning both servers in TW? Impossible due to guild size limit, but that would be…
  • A sword melee should never kite...period...except to avoid something very very lethal. Oh and to keep fist out of melee range, but i dont know if the difference in range is enough to do it effectively. Any swords care to comment? If you have a long range weapon, your job is to keep opponents out their melee range. Spears…
  • Just because i am from Lost City doesn't mean im some sort of keyboard warrior. It seems you are the generalizing here. MY example does not include everyone from HT. Put the weapons down for crying out loud. I am specifically talking about someone, imaginary of course but could exist in RL, that would intentionally level…
  • Yeah but you see, its amazing what can happen when there's no one left to fight, and the guild is of epic size. I'm willing to be that not everyone is tight knit. I'll say it again, enjoy it while you can. Some regimes last years, weeks, depends. All I can say is, good luck. As far as the Warlord thing goes,…
  • It is possible to play too much, ppl forget that. Having face 2 face interactions and relationships is VERY important to growth, maturity, and development. This is because the interactions you have online aren't real. Ppl aren't really who they say they are, they dont act the same, look the same, say the same things, nor…
  • I read that sentence and about died b:laugh! I know what you meant, but it didn't flow very well. Marriage related skill+"Mount" = lulz. Nice. "Mount" should be available after embrace lvl 10.
  • A monster attack would be fun, but the lag fest would suck. Could you imagine an attack in arch? Yeah, and you thought the snowmen were bad. It would definitely be really fun though, like a boss the size of Clockworks from Flyff rampaging through arch. Flyff was a boring grindfest, but the size of the giant bosses was…
  • I swear he probably wet himself. Its not too terrible. Sure getting pked on a daily basis stinks, not to mention killed by stray AoEs, trapped inside a safe zone because hungry ppl are waiting to kill you, never being able to do fb 29 because of gankers, lack of safety anywhere outside of town, possibility of losing itmes…
  • Raven, to be honest, since english is neither your first or second language, you are probably the one needing vocabulary. Just pointing that out. And that sentence was very difficult to read. I applaud you for trying, but it was pretty hard to understand. Your english, overall, is very good though. How long have you been…
  • No offense, but if I have a weapon with greater reach, I will kite the **** out of you. Not to mention long range skills and AoE's, leaps, etc etc. No way am I going to fight in sword range with a spear. That's asking to die.
  • Actually, it does. I dont know if you noticed, but it can be severely difficult to level on Lost City sometimes. The idea that I would have to fight to get to 90, while some chump that took the easy road can just transfer over here, is downright disgusting. You have to fight to be a factor on Lost City. All of the top…
  • Rofl...that sarcasm was VERY VERY obvious, the Ps wasn't really needed.